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fee, in property law: see property; tenure.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.


Remuneration for professional work.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. Property law
a. an interest in land capable of being inherited
b. the land held in fee
2. (in feudal Europe) the land granted by a lord to his vassal
3. in fee
a. Law (of land) in absolute ownership
b. Archaic in complete subjection
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
The researchers found that the committee and fee schedule overestimated the operating time of original hip and original knee replacements by 18 and 23 percent, respectively; revision hip and knee replacements were overestimated by 61 and 48 percent, respectively.
"The Commission shall contract with an external consultant with knowledge of workers' compensation fee schedules to review regional and nationwide comparisons of Oklahoma's Fee Schedule rates and date and market for medical services.
'Once the inspection team is satisfied of the required facilities of a school then it makes a recommendation for the fee structure, and once the regulator approves the fee structure then it becomes a fee schedule,' Salman Talibuddin said.
This means that hospital labs with outreach programs that use the Form 1450 14X bill type must now report volume and pricing data to CMS for use in computing the next round of Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) adjustments under PAMA.
Given the model setup, we are interested in the following question: If the platform can choose among a per-transaction fee, a proportional fee, or a mix of both fees, what type of fee schedule would the platform prefer?
It is true that the Medicaid DME fee schedule, which listed certain codes for DMEs, some of which had a MRA and some of which did not, established that for those that did not have a MRA, the monthly rate of l/6th of the equipment provider's acquisition cost would apply.
Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Sajjad Ahmed Khan said that in the light of the complaints of the businessmen, he was informed by the sub-registrar office that sale deed fee schedule increase file was with the district collector for approval.
"The fee schedule underprices ambulatory E&M [evaluation and management] services relative to other services," MedPAC staff member Ariel Winter said during a Jan.
MedPAC looked at the fee schedule time estimates across four specialties (cardiology, family medicine, orthopedics, and urology) and found that across the board the fee schedule assumed it took the specialist more time than what was actually needed.
In fact, many individuals and organizations have spoken out against the new fee schedule. The formal comment period to CMS on the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule ended October 23.
Officials at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services were not able to find adequate funding in so-called misvalued codes to support the larger increase, as required by law, according to the proposed Medicare physician fee schedule for 2018.