fee schedule

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fee sched·ule

(fē skedjūl)
A listing of the fees normally charged by a given health care provider for specific therapies and procedures provided.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

fee sched·ule

(fē skedjūl)
A listing of the fees normally charged by a given health care provider for specific therapies and procedures.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
The platform considers charging sellers an affine fee schedule, T ([p.sub.c]) = [t.sub.0] + [t.sub.1][p.sub.c], subject to the constraint [t.sub.0] [greater than or equal to] 0.
"For example, the hours assumed in the fee schedule were 24% higher than actual hours worked for family medicine, but 64% higher in cardiology and 92% higher in orthopedics."
"We are proposing these changes based on stakeholder feedback and to better align with the MIPS [Merit-Based Incentive Payment System track of the QPP] data submission requirements for the quality performance category," according to a CMS fact sheet on the proposed fee schedule.
Premiums should continue to drop in the future as medical costs decrease under the new fee schedule. But the impact may take several years to fully develop, according to Denali Alaskan Insurance President Mike Gordon.
The proposed fee schedule also addresses telemedicine services.
While some of these issues were touched on in the House debate, the issue of fee schedules was front and center.
The fee schedule proposal reiterates that physicians will face a 20.9% across-the-board fee cut next year if Congress does not repeal or postpone the SGR.
* Case B--Standard fee schedule: $10,200 filing fee and a $4,000 final fee; plus filing fee for the $200,000 counterclaim of $2,800, and final fee of $1,250.
Medicare's revision to the physician fee schedule for the procedure helps to ensure that surgeons will be fairly compensated for performing the service, concluded Reali.
Nordin proposed a number of fee schedules to the board, based on 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 percent fee hikes.
Given that the SCH is currently preparing ground for the National Health Insurance Scheme, a fee schedule for healthcare services is being developed as part of the next phase of its implementation.