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A fixed amount or a percentage of an underwriting or principal paid to the underwriter for its services. Also, the charge a mutual fund holder pays for expenses incurred in management and administration of the fund. Also, the rate an account holder pays to a portfolio manager for management of a discretionary account.
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An agreed-upon, stated amount one pays for a service or privilege. For example, one may be required to pay a fee to attend college, to open an account with a brokerage, or to do any number of other things. Fees are stated and are usually standardized for the person or organization receiving them.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


a payment to an AGENT or professional person/firm such as an accountant or lawyer for performing particular services for clients. Fees may be paid on a fixed or sliding scale basis related to the value of the transaction or work undertaken.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson
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We can verify that the constraint t0 [greater than or equal to] 0 is binding at the maximum, so the optimal affine fee schedule is just a proportional fee:
MedPAC looked at the fee schedule time estimates across four specialties (cardiology, family medicine, orthopedics, and urology) and found that across the board, the fee schedule assumed it took the specialist more time than what was actually needed.
Other provisions in the proposed Medicare physician fee schedule may be more palatable than the petite pay raise.
The program has moved away from a system of simply paying providers at the 90th percentile of billed fees considered "usual, customary, and reasonable" to an actual fee schedule determined by a RBRVS (resource based relative value system) established by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.
The proposed fee schedule also would modify the the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) by:
The 198-132 vote to defeat the schedule or guidelines was a setback for a coalition of business groups that have strongly supported the measure, but it was a victory for health providers, attorneys and labor groups, which argued that either guidelines or a fee schedule would interfere with the free market and could limit workers' access to the treatment they need to get back to work.
In the 2015 Physician Fee Schedule, CMS is also proposing to require that physicians use certified electronic health record technology.
* Case A--Standard fee schedule for one arbitrator: $1,850 filing fee and $750 final fee; (5) flexible fee schedule for one arbitrator: $850 initial filing fee, $1,250 proceed fee to be paid within 90 days of filing, and $750 final fee.
Medical device company Baxano Surgical Inc (NasdaqGM:BAXS) declared on Thursday that the 2014 Medicare Final Physician Fee Schedule Rule released in late November revises upward the Practice Expense Relative Value Units (PERVUs) for Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Code 22586 for pre-sacral interbody fusion.
Another fee schedule was proposed for tipping fees.