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fee, in property law: see property; tenure.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.


Remuneration for professional work.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. Property law
a. an interest in land capable of being inherited
b. the land held in fee
2. (in feudal Europe) the land granted by a lord to his vassal
3. in fee
a. Law (of land) in absolute ownership
b. Archaic in complete subjection
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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The issuance/reciprocity fee is different from the application fees as this will be charged in addition to the nonimmigrant visa application fee.
Furthermore, the tuition academies and centers for ETEA and other professional courses have been asked to deposit Rs30,000 and tuition academies for general classes to deposit Rs5,000 as security fees.
* How should trustees discharge their oversight responsibilities with respect to fees? What kind of fee reporting should trustees receive and how frequently?
Palma also reasoned that because the insured had not actually expended any funds under a contingency fee agreement, and the dispute over the amount of fees to be awarded inured only to the benefit of the attorneys, awarding "fees for fees" was not contemplated by the statute.
Fee: Early bird registration: payment received or postmarked by February 28, 2007; $210 or $130 daily (EHC employees or AACN member); all others, $240 or $145 daily.
* The tax treatment of damages and legal fees and costs varies according to the type of underlying claim, Congressional action providing an above-the-line deduction for legal fees for discrimination claims and a recent Supreme Court decision in Commissioner v.
In the DoD response dated December 12, 2005, the Department generally concurred with the recommendations in the report and agreed to issue a policy memo by March 31,2006, to (1) address desired outcomes and the role the award fee should play in the overall acquisition strategy; (2) remind the acquisition workforce to follow existing policies; (3) provide guidance to the acquisition workforce on "rollover"; and (4) develop a communication plan to share proven incentive strategies across the entire DoD acquisition workforce.
Sept 11: Ladies Team of 4 Event Ladies Stableford Entrance fee: pounds 60 per team Closing date: September 6, 2006.
Companies must include a box on all bills with key rate and fee information.
Fee Real Estate, was immediately turned into a fund raising event at which attendees made voluntary donations.