FEDSMFluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting
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Yuan, "Flow structures and pressure fluctuations in a centrifugal pump at design and off-design conditions," in Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference (FEDSM '09), pp.
Umeki, "Rotating stall behavior in a diffuser of mixed flow pump and its suppression," in Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference (FEDSM '08), pp.
S.-European Fluids Engineering Division Conference (FEDSM '02), pp.709-720, July 2002.
Das, "DES, hybrid RANS/LES and PANS models for unsteady separated turbulent flow simulations," in Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM '05), FEDSM, 2005-77421, ASME, Houston, Tex, USA, June 2005.