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FAFForgive And Forget
FAFFish and Fisheries (journal; Wiley)
FAFFine Arts Festival
FAFFreedom Isn't Free
FAFFederação Angolana de Futebol (Portuguese: Angolan Football Federation; Angola)
FAFFirst American Financial Corporation (Santa Ana, CA)
FAFFamily and Friends
FAFFriends Asking Friends (software)
FAFFast and Furious
FAFFirst Amendment Foundation (Florida)
FAFFinnish Air Force
FAFFinancial Accounting Foundation
FAFForged Alliance Forever (gaming community)
FAFFrench Air Force
FAFFuel Adjustment Factor (shipping industry)
FAFFreight Analysis Framework
FAFThe Fast and the Furious (movie)
FAFFriendship Ambassadors Foundation
FAFFonds d'Assurance Formation (French: Insurance Training Fund)
FAFFind All Files
FAFFinancial Aid Form
FAFFaith and Freedom (various locations)
FAFFilm Arts Foundation (San Francsisco, CA)
FAFFinal Approach Fix
FAFFile and Forget
FAFFifty Amp Fuse (band)
FAFFine Arts Facility (Westlake High School; Austin, TX)
FAFFishAmerica Foundation
FAFFédération des Aveugles et Handicapés Visuels de France (French: Federation of the Blind and Visually Impaired of France)
FAFFamily Assistance Fund (various organizations)
FAFFind a Facilitator (Mid-Atlantic Facilitators Network)
FAFFamily of the Americas Foundation
FAFFull Auto Frame (computer graphics)
FAFFarmworker Association of Florida
FAFFinancial Aid Fund (various organizations)
FAFFamilies Are Forever
FAFFacility Failure
FAFForeign Accumulation Fund (Australia)
FAFFund for Arkansas' Future (Little Rock, AR)
FAFFast, Accurate, and Friendly (McDonald's employee training)
FAFFundación Angélica Fuentes (Spanish: Angelica Fuentes Foundation; Guatemala)
FAFFrance Aux Français (French)
FAFForward Available Fleet (UK Royal Air Force)
FAFFamily Assessment Form (Children's Bureau evaluation software)
FAFFamily Arabian Foal (Breyer mold)
FAFFrost and Flame (online game)
FAFForum Atomique Français
FAFFast Access Format
FAFFlora Academic Foundation
FAFFree Art Friday
FAFFuture Animators of the Future
FAFFriends Are Forever
FAFForeign Assistance Framework
FAFfee assessment form
FAFFondation Alliance Française (French: French Alliance Foundation)
FAFFeature Activation File
FAFFuzing, Arming & Firing
FAFForward Air Field (South African Air Force)
FAFFacts and Fables (speech database, Carnegie Mellon Universit)
FAFForward and Aft Fuselage (aviation)
FAFFirst Appearance Facility (parking ticket cancellation guidelines; Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
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