FEDSIMFederal Systems Integration & Management Center
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On 9 April 2002, the Air Force Headquarters Materiel Command issued a memorandum detailing the funding rules for ordering information technology from the GSA FEDSIM. The memorandum stated that the "remaining uncommitted funds must be deobligated from the IT fund if no further need for the requirement exists or the requirements are not within the scope of the original order." (17) The message is that agencies must clearly define requirements that cross fiscal years at the time of the obligation, or risk losing the funds to the general treasury at the end of the fiscal year.
GSA-Managed Acquisition Solutions (FTS)--GSA FEDSIM GWAC--GSA's FEDSIM governmentwide acquisition contract provides a full range of value-added information technology (IT) services and support to all branches and departments of the federal government worldwide.
Computer Sciences Corporation (NYSE: CSC) has won a task order from the Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM) to support the U.S.
Capgemini Government Solutions LLC, a member of the Capgemini Group (Paris:CAP.pa), has been awarded a seven-year, USD100m blanket purchase agreement by the General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Systems Integration and Management Centre (FEDSIM).
Harris is one of 13 companies receiving an award under a five-year delivery order with a ceiling of USD500m from the US General Services Administration, Federal Systems Integration and Management Centre (FEDSIM).