FEDUPFederation of the Urban Poor (South Africa)
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He said: "A lot of the message that has come back from this is that many communities are fedup with cuts, they are fed-up with economic dislocation and feel very angry at the way they have been betrayed and marginalised by successive governments."
John Nicholson plays the hapless, happily oblivious Charles Bovary, a sort of French Frank Spencer with a stethoscope, while Javier Marzan has more fun than one Spaniard deserves as the "procession of devastatingly attractive" suitors to his fedup wife.
The people are fedup with the present government, he said adding workers of PPP would rise again to fulfill the missions of ZAB Shaheed and Benazir Bhutto Shaheed.
We first had the idea of today's demonstration after getting fedup of what's happening in our city and throughout the country.
If you are fedup from the slow server and response time of other hosting providers than give them a try and they will provide you best possible services.
Clr Steve Hall, chair, said he was "fedup" of developers seeking to avoid the council's policy on affordable housing and moved the deferral vote that was agreed by the committee.
The resident of the area have demanded authorizes to take notice of the matter and clean up the mess, as the people are fedup of the problem.
Mr Reckless said voters were totally fedup about being "ripped off and lied to".
But frustrated and fedup, Rhys has now conceded he was wrong.
Ron Paul vaulted to prominence and jump-started a political movement by lobbing rhetorical bombs against war from the foreign policy margins, then watching as the bipartisan consensus recoiled in horror and a new coalition of fedup anti-war voters came out of the woodwork.