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A fixed amount or a percentage of an underwriting or principal paid to the underwriter for its services. Also, the charge a mutual fund holder pays for expenses incurred in management and administration of the fund. Also, the rate an account holder pays to a portfolio manager for management of a discretionary account.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.


An agreed-upon, stated amount one pays for a service or privilege. For example, one may be required to pay a fee to attend college, to open an account with a brokerage, or to do any number of other things. Fees are stated and are usually standardized for the person or organization receiving them.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


a payment to an AGENT or professional person/firm such as an accountant or lawyer for performing particular services for clients. Fees may be paid on a fixed or sliding scale basis related to the value of the transaction or work undertaken.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson
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Find below, the complete reciprocity fee schedule, organised by visa classification.
* What fee and expense information will become public information?
On the association's appeal of the fee judgment, the Fourth District acknowledged that, under Palma, prevailing parties are generally precluded from recovering "fees for fees." But the plain and very broad contractual language in Waverly persuaded the court that the facts were distinguishable, and not controlled by Palma.
Fee: $120 for AACN members; $140 for non-AACN members.
Within the past two years two major developments--new legislation and a court decision--have changed the federal tax treatment of legal fees incurred in connection with personal damage awards.
* Use of an award fee rollover provision is a business decision and should be addressed in the acquisition strategy, including the rationale as to why a rollover provision is appropriate.
Stable families shouldn't be slammed by fees they had no reason to expect.
Fee Real Estate agent from the Scarsdale office, connected the firm with the church via relatives from Texas.
"The fee is split, with 50 cents going to the state, $1.06 going to the retailer (provided they recycle the old tires), and 44 cents going to the county for their waste management tire activities." If the retailers do not recycle the old tires, they can send them for free to the county drop-off for recycling, but their payments will be reduced by $1 per tire, which then goes to the county.
Ensure that fees paid to service providers and other expenses of the plan are reasonable in light of the level and quality of services provided;
This relief from the active employment requirement is conditional on the member's paying his or her dues, but many chapters have complemented the Institute's policy by waiving of reducing meeting fees in respect of members who are temporarily unemployed.