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Related to proportion: Direct proportion


1. A part or amount considered in relation to a whole: What is the proportion of helium in the atmosphere?
2. A relationship between things or parts of things with respect to comparative magnitude, quantity, or degree: the proper proportion between oil and vinegar in the dressing.
3. A relationship between quantities such that if one varies then another varies in a manner dependent on the first: "We do not always find visible happiness in proportion to visible virtue" (Samuel Johnson).
4. The agreeable or harmonious relation of parts within a whole: The statue seems out of proportion.
5. often proportions Dimensions; size: First measure the proportions of the room.
6. Mathematics A statement of equality between two ratios. Four quantities, a, b, c, d, are said to be in proportion if a/b = c/d .
tr.v. pro·por·tioned, pro·por·tion·ing, pro·por·tions
1. To adjust so that proper relations between parts are attained: Have you proportioned the oil in the dressing properly?
2. To form the parts of with balance or symmetry: The artist proportioned the figure nicely.

[Middle English proporcion, from Old French proportion, from Latin prōportiō, prōportiōn-, from prō portiōne, according to (each) part : prō, according to; see pro-1 + portiōne, ablative of portiō, part; see perə- in Indo-European roots.]

pro·por′tion·a·ble adj.
pro·por′tion·a·bly adv.
pro·por′tion·er n.
pro·por′tion·ment n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. the relationship between different things or parts with respect to comparative size, number, or degree; relative magnitude or extent; ratio
2. the correct or desirable relationship between parts of a whole; balance or symmetry
3. a part considered with respect to the whole
4. (plural) dimensions or size: a building of vast proportions.
5. a share, part, or quota
6. (Mathematics) maths a relationship that maintains a constant ratio between two variable quantities: x increases in direct proportion to y.
7. (Mathematics) maths a relationship between four numbers or quantities in which the ratio of the first pair equals the ratio of the second pair
vb (tr)
8. to adjust in relative amount, size, etc
9. to cause to be harmonious in relationship of parts
[C14: from Latin prōportiō (a translation of Greek analogia), from phrase prō portione, literally: for (its, his, one's) portion]
proˈportionable adj
proˌportionaˈbility n
proˈportionably adv
proˈportionment n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(prəˈpɔr ʃən, -ˈpoʊr-)

1. comparative relation between things or magnitudes as to size, quantity, number, etc.; ratio.
2. proper relation between things or parts.
3. relative size or extent.
4. proportions, dimensions or size.
5. a portion or part in its relation to the whole.
6. symmetry, harmony, or balance.
7. a relation of four quantities such that the first divided by the second is equal to the third divided by the fourth; the equality of ratios.
8. to adjust in proper proportion or relation, as to size or quantity.
9. to balance or harmonize the proportions of.
[1350–1400; Middle English proporcio(u)n < Latin prōportiō symmetry]
syn: See symmetry.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • ad valorem - A type of customs duties, from Latin, meaning "in proportion to the value."
  • analogy - Comes from Greek analogia, "a proportion," such as 2/10 = 10/X, a way of calculating unknown quantities.
  • bonsai - Comes from Japanese words meaning "tray planting" and involves growing and pruning so that all parts of the plant—flowers, leaves, and stems—are in proportion.
  • reason - From Latin ratio, "thinking," and associated with the ideas of right order, proportion, or harmony.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: proportioned
Gerund: proportioning

I proportion
you proportion
he/she/it proportions
we proportion
you proportion
they proportion
I proportioned
you proportioned
he/she/it proportioned
we proportioned
you proportioned
they proportioned
Present Continuous
I am proportioning
you are proportioning
he/she/it is proportioning
we are proportioning
you are proportioning
they are proportioning
Present Perfect
I have proportioned
you have proportioned
he/she/it has proportioned
we have proportioned
you have proportioned
they have proportioned
Past Continuous
I was proportioning
you were proportioning
he/she/it was proportioning
we were proportioning
you were proportioning
they were proportioning
Past Perfect
I had proportioned
you had proportioned
he/she/it had proportioned
we had proportioned
you had proportioned
they had proportioned
I will proportion
you will proportion
he/she/it will proportion
we will proportion
you will proportion
they will proportion
Future Perfect
I will have proportioned
you will have proportioned
he/she/it will have proportioned
we will have proportioned
you will have proportioned
they will have proportioned
Future Continuous
I will be proportioning
you will be proportioning
he/she/it will be proportioning
we will be proportioning
you will be proportioning
they will be proportioning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been proportioning
you have been proportioning
he/she/it has been proportioning
we have been proportioning
you have been proportioning
they have been proportioning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been proportioning
you will have been proportioning
he/she/it will have been proportioning
we will have been proportioning
you will have been proportioning
they will have been proportioning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been proportioning
you had been proportioning
he/she/it had been proportioning
we had been proportioning
you had been proportioning
they had been proportioning
I would proportion
you would proportion
he/she/it would proportion
we would proportion
you would proportion
they would proportion
Past Conditional
I would have proportioned
you would have proportioned
he/she/it would have proportioned
we would have proportioned
you would have proportioned
they would have proportioned
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.proportion - the quotient obtained when the magnitude of a part is divided by the magnitude of the whole
proportional - one of the quantities in a mathematical proportion
case-fatality proportion - the number of cases of a disease ending in death divided by the number of cases of the disease; usually expressed as a percentage or as the number of deaths per 1000 cases
case-to-infection proportion, case-to-infection ratio - the number of cases of a disease divided by the number of infections with the agent that causes the disease
content - the proportion of a substance that is contained in a mixture or alloy etc.
rate - a quantity or amount or measure considered as a proportion of another quantity or amount or measure; "the literacy rate"; "the retention rate"; "the dropout rate"
scale - the ratio between the size of something and a representation of it; "the scale of the map"; "the scale of the model"
golden mean, golden section - the proportional relation between two divisions of line or two dimension of a plane figure such that short : long :: long : (short + long)
pct, per centum, percent, percentage - a proportion in relation to a whole (which is usually the amount per hundred)
batting average - (an extension of the baseball term) the proportion of times some effort succeeds; "the salesman's batting average was 7 out of 12"
quotient - the ratio of two quantities to be divided
2.proportion - magnitude or extent; "a building of vast proportions"
magnitude - the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small); "they tried to predict the magnitude of the explosion"; "about the magnitude of a small pea"
3.proportion - balance among the parts of something
equipoise, counterbalance, equilibrium, balance - equality of distribution
disproportion - lack of proportion; imbalance among the parts of something
4.proportion - the relation between things (or parts of things) with respect to their comparative quantity, magnitude, or degree; "an inordinate proportion of the book is given over to quotations"; "a dry martini has a large proportion of gin"
magnitude relation, quantitative relation - a relation between magnitudes
5.proportion - harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design); "in all perfectly beautiful objects there is found the opposition of one part to another and a reciprocal balance"- John Ruskin
placement, arrangement - the spatial property of the way in which something is placed; "the arrangement of the furniture"; "the placement of the chairs"
Verb1.proportion - give pleasant proportions to; "harmonize a building with those surrounding it"
harmonise, harmonize - bring (several things) into consonance or relate harmoniously; "harmonize the different interests"
2.proportion - adjust in size relative to other things
adjust, correct, set - alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels"
scale down - reduce proportionally; "The model is scaled down"
scale up - increase proportionally; "scale up the model"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. part, share, cut (informal), amount, measure, division, percentage, segment, quota, fraction A proportion of the rent is met by the city council.
2. relative amount, relationship, distribution, ratio the proportion of women in the profession the proportion of length to breadth
3. balance, agreement, harmony, correspondence, symmetry, concord, congruity an artist with a special feel for colour and proportion
plural noun
1. dimensions, size, volume, capacity, extent, range, bulk, scope, measurements, magnitude, breadth, expanse, amplitude In the tropics, plants grow to huge proportions.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Relative intensity or amount, as of a quality or attribute:
2. Satisfying arrangement marked by even distribution of elements, as in a design:
3. The amount of space occupied by something.Often used in plural:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
جُزء، نِسْبَه، حِصَّهكَمِيَّه، حَجْم، عَدَدنِسْبَة
hlutfallhluti, hlutfall
būti neproporcingambūti proporcingampadaryti neproporcingąpadaryti proporcingąproporcija
tỷ lệ


A. N
1. (= ratio) → proporción f
the proportion of blacks to whitesla proporción entre negros y blancos
in/out of proportionproporcionado/desproporcionado
to be in/out of proportion (to one another)estar en/no guardar proporción (el uno con el otro)
to be in/out of proportion to or with sthestar en/no guardar proporción con algo
and the rest in proportiony lo demás en proporción (Comm) → y lo demás a prorrata
in due proportionen su justa medida
in proportion asa medida que
to see sth in proportion (fig) → ver algo en su justa medida
it has been magnified out of all proportion (fig) → se ha exagerado mucho
sense of proportion (fig) → sentido m de la medida
2. (= part, amount) → parte f
in equal proportionspor partes iguales
what proportion is in private hands?¿qué porción queda en manos de particulares?
3. proportions (= size) → dimensiones fpl
B. VT to proportion sth to sth [+ charge, cost] → adecuar algo a algo
well-proportioned [room] → de buenas proporciones; [woman's figure] → bien proporcionado; [man's figure] → bien armado
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= ratio) → proportion f
the proportion of women in the profession → la proportion de femmes dans la profession
the proportion of sth to sth → la proportion de qch par rapport à qch
the proportion of sb to sb → la proportion de qn par rapport à qn
in proportion to sth (= compared with) → par rapport à qch
to be in proportion to sth (= match) → être en proportion avec qch
to rise in proportion to sth → augmenter proportionnellement à qch, augmenter en proportion avec qch
to be in direct proportion to sth → être directement proportionnel(le) à qch
to rise in direct proportion to sth → augmenter en proportion directe avec qch
(indicating reasonableness) to keep sth in proportion → relativiser qch
We've got to keep this in proportion → Nous devons relativiser cela.
to get things out of proportion → exagérer
a sense of proportion → un sens de la mesure
to be out of all proportion to sth → être hors de proportion avec qch
(= certain amount) a proportion of sth → une partie de qch
A proportion of the rent is met by the city council → Une partie du loyer est prise en charge par la municipalité.
a large proportion of (= many of) → une grande partie de
A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die → Une grande partie des dauphins dans cette zone finira par mourir.
(= percentage) → part f
a high proportion of sth → une part importante de qch
A high proportion of the population are from North Africa → Une part importante de la population est originaire d'Afrique du nord.
A vast proportion of our revenue comes from advertisements → Une vaste part de nos revenus provient de la publicité.
Sunday magazines include a high proportion of advertisements
BUT Les magazines du dimanche contiennent une proportion importante de publicité.
The radio station has to include a substantial proportion of classical music
BUT La station de radio doit diffuser une proportion substantielle de musique classique. proportions
[room, building] → proportions fpl
(= size) → proportions fpl
In the tropics plants grow to huge proportions → Sous les tropiques, les plantes atteignent des proportions gigantesques.
to reach alarming proportions → atteindre des proportions alarmantes
a fraud of breathtaking proportions → une fraude d'une ampleur exceptionnelle
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= ratio, relationship in number)Verhältnis nt(of x to y zwischen x und y); (= relationship in size, Art) → Proportionen pl; proportions (= size)Ausmaß nt; (of building)Ausmaße pl; (relative to one another, Art: of building etc) → Proportionen pl; to be in/out of proportion (to one another) (in number) → im richtigen/nicht im richtigen Verhältnis zueinanderstehen; (in size, Art) → in den Proportionen stimmen/nicht stimmen; (in time, effort etc) → im richtigen/in keinem Verhältnis zueinanderstehen; to be in/out of proportion to or with somethingim Verhältnis/in keinem Verhältnis zu etw stehen; (in size, Art) → in den Proportionen zu etw passen/nicht zu etw passen; in proportion to what she earns her contributions are very smallim Verhältnis zu dem, was sie verdient, ist ihr Beitrag äußerst bescheiden; in direct/inverse proportion to somethingin direktem/umgekehrtem Verhältnis zu etw; (Math) → direkt/indirekt proportional zu etw; to get something in proportion (Art) → etw proportional richtig darstellen; (fig)etw objektiv betrachten; he has got the arms out of proportioner hat die Arme proportional falsch dargestellt; he has let it all get out of proportion (fig)er hat den Blick für die Proportionen verloren; it’s out of all proportion!das geht über jedes Maß hinaus!; sense of proportion (lit, fig)Sinn mfür Proportionen; in due proportionin angemessenem Verhältnis; in proportion asin dem Maße wie; a man of huge proportionsein Koloss von einem Mann; he admired her ample proportionser bewunderte ihre üppigen Formen; a room of good proportionsein Zimmer mit guter Raumaufteilung
(= part, amount)Teil m; a certain proportion of the populationein bestimmter Teil der Bevölkerung; the proportion of drinkers in our society is rising constantlyder Anteil der Trinker in unserer Gesellschaft nimmt ständig zu; what proportion of the industry is in private hands?wie groß ist der Anteil der Industrie, der sich in Privathand befindet?; a proportion of the industry is in private handsein Teil der Industrie befindet sich in Privathand
vt you haven’t proportioned the head properlySie haben den Kopf proportional falsch dargestellt; he proportioned the building beautifullyer hat das Gebäude wunderbar ausgewogen gestaltet; a realistically proportioned modelein maßstabgetreues Modell; a nicely proportioned womaneine wohlproportionierte Frau
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (ratio) → proporzione f, pro rata
the proportion of boys to girls → la proporzione dei ragazzi rispetto alle ragazze
to be in proportion (numbers) → essere proporzionali
to be in/out of proportion (to one another) → essere proporzionati/sproporzionati (tra di loro)
to be in/out of proportion to or with sth → essere in proporzione/sproporzionato/a rispetto a qc
to see sth in proportion (fig) → dare il giusto peso a qc
sense of proportion (fig) → senso della misura
b. (part, amount, share) → parte f
c. proportions npl (size, dimensions) → proporzioni fpl
2. vtproporzionare, commisurare
well-proportioned → ben proporzionato/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(prəˈpoːʃən) noun
1. a part (of a total amount). Only a small proportion of the class passed the exam.
2. the (correct) quantity, size, number etc (of one thing compared with that of another). For this dish, the butter and flour should be in the proportion of three to four (=eg 300 grammes of butter with every 400 grammes of flour).
proˈportional adjective
proˈportionally adverb
proˈportionate (-nət) adjective
being in correct proportion. Are her wages really proportionate to the amount of work she does?
proˈportionately adverb
be/get etc in proportion (to)
to (cause to) have a correct relationship (to each other or something else). In drawing a person, it is difficult to get all the parts of the body in proportion.
be/get etc out of (all) proportion (to)
to (cause to) have an incorrect relationship (to each other or something else). An elephant's tail seems out of (all) proportion to the rest of its body.
in proportion to
in relation to; in comparison with. You spend far too much time on that work in proportion to its importance.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


نِسْبَة část del Anteil αναλογία proporción osuus proportion udio proporzione 比率 비율 deel forhold proporcja proporção пропорция proportion สัดส่วน oran tỷ lệ 比例
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. proporción, tamaño determinado, medida.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n proporción f
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
They responded willingly, in proportion to their means.
During the last fifteen years I have been compelled to spend a large proportion of my time away from the school, in an effort to secure money to provide for the growing needs of the institution.
They are not found to be such on the injustice and violence of individuals, and lose their efficacy in proportion to the number combined together, that is, in proportion as their efficacy becomes needful.
Metaphor is the application of an alien name by transference either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to species, or by analogy, that is, proportion Thus from genus to species, as: 'There lies my ship'; for lying at anchor is a species of lying.
There is no excellent beauty, that hath not some strangeness in the proportion. A man cannot tell whether Apelles, or Albert Durer, were the more trifler; whereof the one, would make a personage by geometrical proportions; the other, by taking the best parts out of divers faces, to make one excellent.
It has been found in various countries that, in proportion as commerce has flourished, land has risen in value.
Rarely -- in proportion to the vast numbers of Isosceles births -- is a genuine and certifiable Equal-Sided Triangle produced from Isosceles parents.
And do you consider truth to be akin to proportion or to disproportion?
How tiny they are in proportion to the great size of the hull!
This development has, in its time, reacted on the extension of industry; and in proportion as industry, commerce, navigation, railways extended, in the same proportion the bourgeoisie developed, increased its capital, and pushed into the background every class handed down from the Middle Ages.
you that lie there, may you prosper just in the same proportion as you are what you pretend to be!"
"At what sum do you estimate this bank's proportion of the country's loss by me?"