

a drinking companion.
See also: Alcohol
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This amusement is superintended by the Friar, according to the recurrence of certain fustian words, to be repeated by every compotator in turn before he drank a species of High Jinks, as it were, by which they regulated their potations, as toasts were given in latter times.
Smartphone: Google Pixel 2 While iPhone attracted a lot of attention with its three released cellular devices (iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X ), the formidable rival's device, Google Pixel 2 , seems to be proving itself as a worthy compotator. The cellular's features are numerous such as waterproof casing, voice command selfies and of course the phone provides a full "Google" experience by allowing you to search almost anything you take a picture of (landmarks, artwork, books, movie posters...
ISLAMABAD -- Chairman All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) on Sunday urges for competitive business environment to compete with regional compotator for enhancing the Country's exports.
ISLAMABAD -- SLAMABAD Chairman All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) on Sunday urges for competitive business environment to compete with regional compotator for enhancing the Country's exports.