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rare possible in coexistence with something else
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References in periodicals archive ?
A Reformulation of the Structure of a Set Compossible Rights, BILLY CHRISTMAS
"The Structure of a Set of Compossible Rights." Journal of Philosophy, 74: 767-75.
Epithelioid hemangioendotheliomas with TFE3 gene translocations are compossible with CAMTA1 gene rearrangements.
By using the term 'incompossible' here I am drawing on Gilles Deleuze's perverse reading of Leibniz: rather than say that every living being perceives and unfolds a world that is singular and yet forms one harmonious compossible world, it is possible to think of the world of universal freedom and inclusion as 'a' world that is coupled with worlds that unfold without any sense of the human, where what has been lived elsewhere as freedom and universality appears as violent and myopic self-enclosure.
If the action is staying home, for example, it matters whether [e.sub.1] is finishing the paper and [e.sub.2] is grading student papers (likely not compossible), or whether [e.sub.1] is having dinner and [e.sub.2] is listening to music (likely compossible and perhaps co-probable).
(2) Of course, these activities are not all mutually exclusive (though philosophy and gymnastics might not be compossible).
(40.) I am tempted to say that property entitlements are compossible, except that I want to avoid any suggestion that the argument here rests on acceptance of one position in the so-called specification debate among rights theorists, on which see infra note 62.
It is this last suggestion that what was central to Foucault's philosophical project as a whole, including the possible overcoming of determination in terms of compossible futures that suggest to me that Foucault's engagement with literature saw the preparatory development and fine-tuning of what is central to his oeuvre as a whole.
By disavowing natural rights in favor of a peculiar species of utilitarianism, Millian liberalism ends up being compossible with various forms of social control.
In short, a system of intellectual property rights is not compossible with a system of property rights to tangible objects...."); see also Hinton v.
He fractures this gathering with the compossible or; the ghost, it seems, can be two things or in two places at once.