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the possibility of coexisting
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Hillel Steiner argues that a necessary and sufficient condition for the compossibility of a set of rights is that those rights be extensionally differentiable.
(3) The codification of moral rights in terms of each individual's rightful discretional control of a distinct set of resources for action ensures the "compossibility" of the rights of all persons (Steiner 1977).
(12.) Though beyond the scope of this essay, the wider ambition of my current project is to understand the de-colonial potential of the philosophies of expropriation, mutualism, cooperation, 'compossibility', correspondence and co-existence that have long constituted a minor strain within Western political thought, especially in the socialist anarchist tradition including Proudhon, Kropotkin and Tolstoy.
Compossibility is a necessary feature of successful rights-ascription.
Yet how can we know that if not by consulting our compossibility test?
It is this problem they state, "very clearly revealed in his work on literature, that will continue to haunt Foucault: the possible overcoming of historical determination of what we are must be conceived not in terms of a contradiction, but in terms of compossibility" (p.
Cantrell's article, "'The Locus of Compossibility': Virginia Woolf, Modernism, and Place" (1998), an important article certainly; however, this leaves out the significant work of Louise Westling, Bonnie K.
(7) As Deleuze points out (2006), this is the key difference between Whitehead's prehensions and Gottfried Leibniz's monads, the latter being subordinated to the harmony of the whole through the constraint of compossibility. On the contrary, prehensions cannot be justified at the level of the whole because the whole is itself always in process.
In their article "Thought experiments and indirect proofs in Averroes, Aquinas, and Buridan" Simo Knuuttila and Taneli Kukkonen note the significance of the development of theories of "synchronic alternatives and the centrality of compossibility and co-assertability, [which] was especially conducive to the devising of all kinds of thought experiments in natural philosophy", but emphasize that another model for conceptualizing thought experiments also existed in the Aristotelian tradition and deserves attention.
Philosophy and the Poem'" (2005) Gabriel Riera, uno de los estudiosos de Badiou, ofrece la siguiente explicacion del termino: "Compossibility is a term that indicates the quality of being compossible; a classical philosophical concept that refers to one thing's possibility of existing alongside others at the same time.