compound engine

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Related to compound engine: ion engine, compound motor

compound engine

1. (Mechanical Engineering) a steam engine in which the steam is expanded in more than one stage, first in a high-pressure cylinder and then in one or more low-pressure cylinders
2. (Mechanical Engineering) a reciprocating engine in which the exhaust gases are expanded in a turbine to drive a turbocharger
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The technology is intended to offer a 3 percent improvement in fuel efficiency over the current 13-litre Turbo Compound engine, the D13TC.
It has a vertical boiler, two-cylinder compound engine and three-speed power transmission.
Yet Forncett Industrial Steam Museum, about 10 miles south of Norwich, has a Vickers Armstrong 147hp Horizontal Cross Compound engine from London's Tower Bridge.
Alfred Holt (1829-1911), founder of the Blue Funnel Line, was also an engineer and designer of the compound engine. His work ensured the ultimate success of the long-distance steamer.
Evans was so impressed with Drew's concept for a much-more-efficient engine that he started up a new business venture called Compound Engine Corp.
DDC is working on new designs such as the Turbo Roto compound engine, with power densities expected to be 335 kW/litre, and the Sterling external combustion engine.