compound machine

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compound machine

A machine consisting of two or more simple machines operating together, as a wheelbarrow consisting of a lever, axle, and wheel.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Offered with manually operable features, the proposed water-draining pump would be more or less a compound machine, comprising a well-arranged system of pulleys attached to a garden hose.
Scooters are attached by a rope to the pulley wheel built into the gears, making a compound machine. This permits the students to use the gears in several different ways.
The key: Connect simple machines, such as levers and screws, to build a compound machine. Simple machines use physical laws to make work easier--for instance, allowing you to move a much heavier weight than you could alone.
3) or, alternatively, take apart a compound machine and show how the simple machines inside make it work.
They combined simple machines to form compound machines. For example, a hoe is a lever and a wedge combined into one tool.
Rube Goldberg machine makers link simple devices into elaborate compound machines. "It's amazing what these kids come up with," says Kathleen Felix of Rube Goldberg Inc., which runs the contests.
The company recently inaugurated a new plant in Taoyuan County, northern Taiwan which focuses on the production of large-sized vertical CNC lathes, horizontal CNC lathes, PCB drilling machines and lathe/mill compound machines for the industries of large-sized oil pipes, windpower generators, aerospace and railway transport.
Most machines are compound machines. This means they are made of two or more simple machines working together.
Bicycles, explains Gold, are compound machines, made up of many simple machines, such as levers and wheels and axles.