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Related to Compotes: fruit compote
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(1) A dessert made of fresh, frozen, or dried fruits and berries that have been stewed in water with sugar.

(2) Canned fruits (peaches, plums, sweet cherries) appropriately prepared and covered with a sugary syrup. They are stored in sterilized and hermetically sealed glass jars.

(3) A mixture of dried fruits (apples, raisins, apricots, pears, prunes, and cherries).

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Unlike jam, a fruit compote contains whole or diced fruits.
Also launching will be a new look for the brand's compote range.
The innovative new products, which are inspired by seasonality, provenance and simplicity, include golden pineapple with lime leaf relish, hot Indian banana chutney, golden beetroot relish, chargrilled pepper compote, red onion marmalade, Moroccan carrot and orange relish, Kashmiri tomato relish and Somerset orchard chutney.
"But we are now receiving orders for caramelised pears and apples, honey roasted pineapples and a wide variety of fruit compotes."
The new Bramley apple-based fruit compote snacks have also been developed by the Northern Ireland company for the retail and vending sectors.
Apple and mango, apple and rhubarb, apple and blackberry, apple and raspberry, mango and passion fruit and raspberry and strawberry on its own are some of the compotes being supplied by the Brecon-based company.
Cranberry and port compote, poached pears in mulled wine, caramelised white onions with wholegrain mustard and cider and caramelised shallots in sherry are just a sample of the products cooked up.
Award-winning fresh and exotic ingredients specialist Beacon Foods is enjoying the sweet taste of success after receiving a positive response from customers to a new range of fruit compotes.
The fruit compotes, tomato sauces, salsas and relishes have been developed specifically to combine foods with known therapeutic benefits to target either a particular part of the body or to provide general well being.
John Lusty Group Plc, the Cambridgeshire-based food marketing and distribution group, tell us they have formed a joint venture with the French company, Andros SA, the manufacturers of the Bonne Maman range of jams, compotes, and biscuits and Pierrot Gourmand confectionery, called Andros UK Ltd, tel:0135 366 1999.
"Right now we have a little panna cotta with strawberries and a grapefruit sorbet." Berger understands the limitations of a diner who has just conquered a four or five course dinner, "We give them a lot of food, so they want something light, not heavy; a little sweet and a little freshness, that's why fruit compote and marmalade are good, not too sweet and very light." He explains that it is important that the flavors are very strong so the guest can taste it right away and not have to eat a lot to get the flavor.