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Related to Compote: chutney, fruit compote
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(1) A dessert made of fresh, frozen, or dried fruits and berries that have been stewed in water with sugar.

(2) Canned fruits (peaches, plums, sweet cherries) appropriately prepared and covered with a sugary syrup. They are stored in sterilized and hermetically sealed glass jars.

(3) A mixture of dried fruits (apples, raisins, apricots, pears, prunes, and cherries).

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Add the cream cheese, condensed milk, all of the blueberry compote and the lemon juice, then whisk until fully combined.
3 To make the compote, tip the berries in a non-stick pan and heat gently until the berries just burst but hold their shape.
Fruit compotes are also less sticky and are more fluid than jam.
For the compote, add all the ingredients to a pot and simmer for a few mins.
Top one slice with the sweetened cream cheese, then 2 tbsp of the blueberry compote and a handful of crushed almond praline.
INGREDIENTS 4 partridge breasts, skinned; olive oil; butter for spreading; 4 sourdough bread slices; 2 hard-boiled free-range eggs, sliced; 8 pancetta rashers, cooked until crispy; watercress sprigs; 4 slices cheddar cheese - Tom's cheese of choice comes from the Isle of Mull, but any strong cheddar would do; sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper For the onion compote: 50g butter; olive oil; 2 white onions, sliced; 1 garlic clove, finely chopped; 2tsp thyme leaves METHOD 1.
Then add a scoop of fruit gelato, followed by chocolate sauce, then chocolate gelato, finish with spoon of compote. 7.
Now cook the compote. Cut off the tops and bottoms of the rhubarb stalks, but be careful not to remove the white 'foot' of the stalk, which is where the rhubarb flavour is most concentrated and best.
INGREDIENTS For the cake layers: 4 organic eggs 125g sugar 150g plain flour 1tsp baking powder Butter, for greasing For the rhubarb compote: 300g rhubarb stalks 150g unrefined cane sugar 1 handful of lemon balm (a plant similar to mint, which can be found growing wild - or you can leave this out) 1/2 vanilla pod To assemble: 50g blanched almonds 50g white chocolate, plus extra shavings to decorate 500ml whipping cream 1 rhubarb stalk A little sugar, for sprinkling METHOD 1.
MAKES 8 PANCAKES INGREDIENTS 100g blueberries (we used Chilean blueberries which are in season right now) 75ml sparkling water 3 eggs 100ml milk 50g melted butter 250g buckwheat flour Blueberry and lemon compote 50g caster sugar 250g blueberries 1 tsp lemon zest 200g Greek yoghurt to serve 1 Firstly, puree the blueberries and sparkling water together until they make a fine pulp.
I make a big jar of rhubarb compote, assertively laced with fresh ginger, the warm Indian spice mix called garam masala, orange zest and the tiniest dusting of red chili flake.