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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



fertilizers obtained through the decomposition of various organic substances by microorganisms.

Composting increases the content of the nutrient elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) available to plants in the organic mass; renders harmless any pathogenic microflora and helminth eggs contained in the fertilizer; reduces the amount of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectinic substances, which change the soluble forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil to less assimilable organic forms; and loosens the fertilizer, making it easier to apply to the soil.

The basic materials used in preparing composts are livestock manure, peat, liquid manure, poultry manure, flax and hemp roughage, leaves, sunflower stalks, corn stumps, unusable feeds, urban trash, fecal matter, sewage sediments, and the waste products of leather plants and slaughterhouses. Common types of composts are peat-manure (the ratio of components is 1: 0.25–1), peat-liquid-manure and peat-fecal-matter (1: 0.5–1), manure-soil (up to 30 percent soil), and manure-phosphorite (1–2 percent phosphorite meal).

Composts are used for all crops in about the same doses as manure (15–40 tons per hectare). They are applied to fallow land, before autumn plowing and replowing, and in the seed holes when planting seedlings. In terms of fertilizing properties, composts are as good as manure, and some types, such as peat-manure composts with phosphorite meal, are superior.


Mamchenkov, I. P. Komposty, ikh prigotovlenie i primenenie. Moscow, 1962.
Sanitarnaia ochistka gorodov. Moscow-Leningrad, 1964.
Prianishnikov, D. N. Izbr. soch. (Vol. 1:Agrokhimiia.) Moscow, 1965. Pages 605–11.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Peat-free composts generally retain water better, which is great in hot summers, but can lead to rotting plants in wet winters.
In 2012, Green Mountain Compost, operating in Vermont, sold compost consisting of composted waste hay and manure from horse stables in the area.
The acid digestion of samples composts was achieved by microwave with EPA 3051 method [18].
Traditionally, compost making was seen as something for only the keenest gardeners - the rest of us bought bags or used horse manure.
The composts used in these experiments (table 1) were sourced from three different commercial suppliers.
The organic compounds of compost, such as humic compounds, can react to A1 and forming organo-A1 complex, so that it will reduce A1 level in the soil [1,3,7,16,19,15,20].
An iron screen mesh was installed about 10 cm above the reactor bottom to segregate the compost pile from the aeration channel.
Mixing green and brown materials as recommended, I filled the black recycled compost rings given out at the composting class.
"It may be that the change in composition of composts in the UK, moving away from peat-based products, could be resulting in species such as Legionella longbeachae being present in compost and therefore more cases of infection could occur."
According to marketability standards, the organic matter amount of composts for compost class 1 and 2 are 40 and 50%, respectively (Agah, Ashoori et al.
Compost is a general term for the end result of the controlled aerobic decomposition of organic matter known as composting.