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The study of the ancient civilization and language of Assyria.

As·syr′i·ol′o·gist n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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If the Assyriologist is unable, based on their content, to credibly reconstruct the time, city, area, building, and even basket or shelf her tablets were kept in in antiquity, she is missing something.
The eminent Assyriologist Thorkild Jacobsen described |"Genesis" 1-11 as history clothed in the figurative language of mythology, a genre he dubbed "mytho-history." By contrast, the consensus among historians is that the Gospels belong to the genre of ancient biography.
Dr Worthington's film, which is now available on YouTube, is opened by the world's oldest Assyriologist, James Kinnier Wilson, 97, who taught at Cambridge University for 34 years.
Tinney, who is an Assyriologist, tells me that in the last decade, archaeological sites in the Middle East that he has studied have been blown up, others looted, and some left oddly untouched.
Professor Hayim Tadmor, an eminent Assyriologist and historian, states that Assyrian reliefs, from the time of Tiglath-pileser III onward, frequently portray an "Assyrian scribe" writing on a board or tablet next to an "Aramaic scribe" writing on papyrus or a parchment scroll.
Ryan states that this influence would have come to Tolkien through the study of comparative philology texts--especially the works of the leading British Assyriologist and linguist A.H.
In 1916, during the last years of Ottoman Empire and during WWI, the German Assyriologist Eckhard Unger found a copper-alloy bar during excavation at Nippur from c.
Driver to the fairly conservative Derek Kidner, not to mention Alexander Heidel, a highly respected Assyriologist also competent in handling biblical material.
Sayce, the Oxford Assyriologist who saw photographs of the seals in Marshall's article in The Illustrated London News, immediately dated them to the third millennium BC, pointing out that they were 'practically identical with the proto-Elamite tablettes de compatablite discovered by Morgan at Susa'.
Reportedly, the moment he detected the flood story upon a fragmented cuneiform tablet he was deciphering in the British Museum one November day in 1872, the brilliant young Assyriologist George Smith commented about being the first person to read this after more than two thousand years, and then leapt up, ran about the room, and, to the amazement of those present, began to undress.