Assyrian language

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Assyrian language

Assyrian language, East Semitic dialect that evolved from Akkadian after 1950 B.C. The term Assyrian is sometimes incorrectly used for the Akkadian language as a whole because the first inscriptions in Akkadian to be found in modern times were discovered in the region that was Assyria in antiquity.
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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Assyrian (Neo-Syriac) Language


a collective name for the modern East Aramaic dialects (such as Urmia, Salamass, Jilu, Tiari, and Mosul), belonging to the family of Hamito-Semitic languages. It is spoken by the Assyrians (Syrians) in Iran, Turkey, Iraq, and Syria and by immigrants from these countries in the USSR and United States. The Urmia dialect was the basis of the literary Assyrian language that developed in the 1840’s. It is used in newspapers, literature, and church and pedagogical writings. Assyrian is structurally very different from the general Semitic type. Substantial changes have taken place at all levels under the influence of the surrounding languages—in phonology, morphology, and syntax. Several ancient Semitic phonemes have disappeared, and new ones have appeared. Vowel harmony has increased. Conjugations of the verb have changed, with aspect conjugation giving way to tenses. Verbal nouns (participles, infinitives) are used as personal verbal forms. Synthetic forms are often replaced by analytical ones. The vocabulary contains many foreign loan words (Turkic, Persian, Arabic).


Iushmanov, N. V. “Assiriiskii iazyki ego pis’mo.” In Pis’mennost’ i revoliutsia, collection 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1933.
Tsereteli, K. G. Sovremennyi assiriiskii iazyk. Moscow, 1964.
Tsereteli, K. G. Materialy po arameiskoi dialektologii. Vol. 1: Urmiiskii dialekt. Tbilisi, 1965.
Kalashev, A. Russko-aisorskii i aisorsko-russkii slovar’. Tiflis, 1894.
Friedrich, J. “Neusyrisches in Late nschrift aus der Sowjetunion.” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 1959, vol. 109, part 1.
Maclean, A. J. A Dictionary of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac. Oxford, 1901.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The church in Tabriz, which belongs to the Assyrian Presbytery, was confiscated by order of Revolutionary Court Judge Hasan Babai in 2011, but until now church members had been able to continue using the building for services in the Assyrian language.
"She was very active and very passionate about our children," Ramond Takhsh, vice president of theAaAaAeAeAaAeAeA Assyrian group, told the Press Enterpr He said Betbadal taught the Assyrian language and written script to scouts, among other activities.
"The church was the focal point, socially and spiritually, for them." As often as possible, Marsh would include the Assyrian language in the church services.
Iraqi Supreme Election Commission initiated an information campaign by handing out brochures and making announcements in Arabic, Kurdish, Turkish and Assyrian languages to encourage people to participate in the upcoming parliament elections actively.
Informants were first asked about their general attitude towards the Chaldean and Assyrian languages. All informants, including those who had shifted to Arabic provided answers to this question.
With the new institute, Artuklu University will be able to offer programs in Kurdish, Persian, Arabic and Assyrian languages.
The IHEC official highlighted the commission was keen in C[pounds sterling]presenting media outlets and illustration in Arabic, Kurdish, Turkoman as well as Assyrian languages to convey their messages to farthest distancesC[yen].