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(4) I use the designation "Church catholic" to refer to those Churches that espouse the need for a catholic and orthodox sacramental faith maintained by Apostolic Succession, namely, the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches in communion with it, the Eastern Orthodox Churches, the Oriental Orthodox Churches, and the Assyrian Church of the East. I do not wish to ignore those churches in the Anglican communion, but there are various ecclesial hurdles to be managed, far beyond the scope of the present essay.
While exact numbers are difficult to ascertain, it is likely that there are more members of the Syriac Orthodox in Syria than there are members of the Assyrian Church of the East.
It is to be hoped that other scholars will provide an equally complete picture of the Russian and American interaction with the Assyrian Church of the East. Resources for both projects are available.
Prime Minister Barzani described the return of the Chair of the Patriarch of Assyrian Church of the East to Erbil, after eighty years, as a significant and historic event for the Kurdistan Region.
The complex origins and developments of the Ancient Oriental Orthodox churches and the Assyrian Church of the East are perhaps less successfully described (in section 3).
Mashiha Zakha, historian of the Assyrian Church of the East (as the Persian Church came to be called), claims that there were at least 190,000 people killed in that persecution.
President Barzani Visits Patriarch of Assyrian Church of the East in Erbil
The Assyrian Church of the East suffered under the Arabizing policies of Saddam Hussein.
Equally current, he appraises the 2001 Vatican decree acknowledging the validity of the Eucharistic prayer of the Assyrian Church of the East, despite the fact that it lacks the words of institution.
PRESS PHOTO The Kurdish Globe Kurdistan Region Prime Minister, Nechirvan Barzani and his accompanying delegation on Tuesday attended the mourning ceremony, held in Ankawa, for the late Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV.
The others belong to a variety of historic Christian churches: the Assyrian church of the East, six Oriental Orthodox churches, the Orthodox church, six Oriental Catholic churches (Chaldean, Armenian, Coptic, Syrian, Maronite and Melkite), as well as the Latin (Roman Catholic) church.
After enduring a prolonged spate of illness, MAR DINKHA IV magnanimous patriarch of the Assyrian Church of The East recently passed away at a Minnesota hospital, aged 79.