Nestorian Church

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Nestorian Church

Nestorian Church, officially the Assyrian Church of the East, Christian community of Iraq, Iran, and SW India. It represents the ancient church of Persia and is sometimes also called the East Syrian Church. It numbers about 175,000, including emigrants to the United States. It has much in common with other Eastern rites. The liturgy (said in Syriac) is probably of the Antiochene family of liturgies; the rite is called Chaldaean, Assyrian, or East Syrian. The churches are not much ornamented, but the Assyrians offer great honors to the Cross. A unique feature of their worship is their “holy leaven,” an altar bread they believe is derived from dough used at the Last Supper. The theology of the church is not precise, but there are traits of ancient Nestorianism, which holds that there were two separate persons in Christ—one divine, the other human. Its members venerate Nestorius as a saint, deny the Virgin the title Mother of God while otherwise honoring her highly, and reject the ecumenical councils after the second. The ancient Persian church was the only one to espouse the cause of Nestorius; as a result it lost communion with the rest of Christendom. The head of the church, called the patriarch of the East, holds a hereditary office, from uncle to nephew. The church has relations with some Jacobites and some Anglicans; in 1994 the Assyrian and Roman Catholic churches signed a declaration recognizing the legitimacy of each other's theological positions.

Among the Assyrians and outnumbering them lives a community in communion with the pope, known as Chaldaean Catholics. They have rite and practices in common with the Assyrians, but have had a separate church organization since the 16th cent.; the patriarch of Babylon heads the church. The largest group using this rite is that of the Syro-Malabar Catholics, who ultimately derive their Christianity from Assyrian missions to India.

The great period of expansion of the Assyrian church was from the 7th to the 10th cent., with missions to China and India. A famous monument in Xi'an, China, was constructed (781) by Chinese Nestorians. The missions were destroyed and the church reduced through persecution by the Chinese, the Hindus, and the Muslims. In the 19th and early 20th cent., there were terrible massacres of Assyrians and Chaldaeans by Kurds and Turks.


See J. Joseph, The Nestorians and Their Muslim Neighbors (1961); W. C. Emhardt and G. M. Lamsa, The Oldest Christian People (1926, repr. 1970); N. Garsoian and T. Mathews, ed., East of Byzantium (1982).

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References in periodicals archive ?
Even the ancient Churches in the East lying outside the Byzantine Empire (the Armenian as well as the Assyrian Church of the East centered in Seleucia-Ctesiphon) developed the same metropolitan ecclesiology or chrismatic ecclesiology.
However, the ADO's stance in support of the opposition differs from that of the Assyrian Church of the East hierarchy, which prefers to maintain a position of neutrality, similar to its stance on Kurdish-Assyrian relations in Iraq.
"Just days ago I spoke with His Holiness Mar Dinka IV, the Patriarch of the Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, who told me that the priests in Iraq can no longer wear their clerical robes in public.
(13) For a helpful introduction into the complicated christological discussions with the Assyrian Church of the East see D.
The Assyrian Church of the East which was in troubled communion with Rome) and the Church of England first made contact (1822) in the persons of the Reverend Harry Reeves, agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) in Constantinople, and Mar Shevris, Bishop of Jezireh, an emissary of the Assyrian Patriarch to Rome.
Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ( -- On the sideline of the consecration ceremony of His Holiness Patriarch Gawergis Sliwa, the new Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister, Nechirvan Barzani responded to questions from journalists pertaining to the current situation.
Shahristani visited the Kurdistan region on behalf of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the inauguration ceremony of Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East in the world and transferring the patriarch's chair from America to Erbil "./ End
The ancestors of his informants, representing several communities of Christians belonging to the Assyrian Church of the East and its Uniate counterpart, the Chaldean Catholic Church, had previously resided in the mountains of Hakkari (today in southeastern Turkey), but the fortunes of the First World War and a series of massacres displaced them from their homeland.
We thank Their Eminences and Excellencies the representatives of the Syrian Catholic Church, Chaldean Church and Assyrian Church of the East along with the General Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches and the Ambassador of Iraq in Lebanon for accepting our invitation and for their presence here to consult with us and to work together for the common interest of our suffering people in Mosul.
The majority is Greek Orthodox, followed by Catholics, the Assyrian Church of the East, and various kinds of Protestants.
The religious makeup of the Syrian population: Sunni Muslims 74 percent, Shiites with its various sects (Alawite, Twelvers and Ismailis) combined constitute 12 percent; Christians with various denominations (Antiochian Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Assyrian Church of the East, Armenian Orthodox, Protestants and others) 10 percent; Druze 3 percent.