Astanga yoga

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Related to Astanga yoga: hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga

Astanga yoga

(æˈʃtæŋɡə) or

Ashtanga yoga

(Self-help) (sometimes without capital) a revived ancient form of yoga that involves a fast and powerful series of movements
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Among the eight-fold path of Astanga Yoga, asan (firm and comfortable postures) and pranayam (slow, deep, conscious, rhythmic breathing) are mainly practiced by many people and also it is given as yoga therapy.
The exhibition was opened by the temple's president, Mr J D Panchal, and fellow committee members and over the two days there were various workshops on astanga yoga, BalaGokulam, Indian games and Indian martial arts, among others.
For a higher calorie burning exercise, Astanga yoga, known as 'Power Yoga', burns between 200 to 300 calories in 30 minutes.
Debra said: "I used to do the more rigorous Astanga yoga, but it's very important to listen to your body.
Astanga yoga is often criticised for being too energetic rather than contemplative, more of a fitness regime than a pure form of yoga.
Friday will see astanga yoga, street dance, flamenco and Spanish dancing.