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Related to astable: Monostable, Astable multivibrator


1. not stable
2. (Electronics) electronics capable of oscillating between two states
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References in periodicals archive ?
The bond offering issue was assigned an issue credit rating ofPRS Aaa, with aStable Outlook by the Philippine Rating Services Corp.
Moody's has also confirmed the rating of senior unsecured notes of the Southern Gas Corridor CJSC, with astable outlook.
Among the four credit rating agencies, Moody's is the only one that maintains Cyprus' creditworthiness in "junk" (Ba2), two grades away from investment grade with astable outlook, unlike the rest of the rating agencies who have already upgraded Cyprus sovereign rating back to investment grade.
Relaxation Oscillators and Astable Multivibrators produce Square waves and rectangular pulses.
of Punjab took to the Twitter account to inform that Minister Iqbal looks in astable condition.
Oscillators are astable devices that produce an alternating or pulsing output voltage which is primarily dependent on the values of resistor/capacitor combinations chosen.
A complex system in astable state can be 'flipped' into another stable state by a disturbance that pushes it across the threshold.' (Australian Academy of Science, 2006).
And you have to love Obama's "If Iran's astable' give them nukes" foreign policy.Under Obama's "Stability" theory, Obama would have also armed Hitler with an arsenal of nukes because Hitler's Nazi Germany was very stable.
"e 2010 hung parliament led to astable government that was never really in danger of defeat in parliament.