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(əˈsaɪθmənt; əˈsaɪðmənt)
the recompense or redress made for wrongs or damage committed
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(saI) CEI ceiba (silk-cotton tree of West Indies), priceite \(a mineral) SAAI saaidam (land for flood water enclosed by earthen walls) SAI Saigon, gosain (a Hindu religious mendicant), bonsai SCI sciatica, disciple, ethnoscience SEI seismic SIE prophesied SSI missile, assize SY anovial, forsythia, prophesy ZEI hintzeite (a borate of potassium and magnesium) CI cipher, precise, fuci CY cycle, oocyte SAE saeva indignatio (savage indignation) SAY sayonara, sayyid SCY scythe, hyoscyamia (a vegetable alkali) SI siphon, Siamese, inside, quasi SSEI gossein (see gosain--SAI) SSY assythment (compensation) SZI kaluszite (hydrous sulphate of calcium and potassium) ZI quartzite (a compact, granular, mainly quartz, rock) long 'O' sound followed by short 's' sound....