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Synonyms for Assyrian

an inhabitant of ancient Assyria

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the language of modern Iraq

an extinct language of the Assyrians in ancient Mesopotamia

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References in classic literature ?
alas!'' said the Jew, ``on every hand the spoilers arise against me I am given as a prey unto the Assyrian, and a prey unto him of Egypt.''
"Thanks to help and support from around the world, the Yazidis and Assyrians survived.
In relevant remarks in 2017, Representative of Iranian Assyrians at the Parliament Yonatan Betkolia underlined that the religious minorities in Iran enjoy complete freedom.
Assyrians and other Christian minorities have long enjoyed at least nominal religious freedoms under the rule of Bashar Assad and, now in the country's northeast, under the self-administration though often at the expense of any real political standing, local activists and members of the religious group tell Syria Direct.
Assyrians are an indigenous Middle Eastern minority who trace their roots to the ancient Assyrian empire.
On the other hand, Minister Bassil met with the Assyrian representative in the Iranian Parliament, Head of the World Assyrians Forum, MP Yonatan Bet-Kolia, who declared that "the Forum was founded more than fifty years ago to protect the rights of the Assyrians wherever they exist." MP Bet-Kolia said they intend to hold their annual conference in Lebanon from 20-23 September, deeming Lebanon as the country of "coexistence and loving between Christians and Muslims." Bet-Kolia also noted that all religious denominators in Iran live in coexistence and peacefully.
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Dramatic demographic changes occurred during Kirkuk's urbanisation in the 20th century, which saw development of distinct ethnic groups: Kurds, Turkomans, Arabs and Assyrians - laying conflicting claims to it and all have their historical accounts and memories to buttress their claims.
Ancient Assyrians sent their dead to the afterlife with fearsome companions: turtles.
The Constitution allocates five of the 290 Majlis seats to minorities--two for Armenian Christians, one for Assyrians and Chaldeans, one for Jews and one for Zoroastrians.
The extremist group formerly known as either ISIL or ISIS captured the Assyrians when it overwhelmed parts of the Khabur region in February.
AMMAN, Aug 12 (KUNA) -- The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has released 22 Christian Assyrians who were kidnapped along with 198 others in Tal Tamr town, Al-Hassakeh governorate, northeast Syria, on February 23.
(1.) It is generally believed that the Assyrians encamped in the Valley of Hinnom and that the spot chosen for their attempted brainwashing of the city's inhabitants was "opposite the upper pool, the receptacle for the Gihon waters flowing through the recently completed tunnel." This spot would have been chosen "to impress the Jerusalemites with the fact that, all their efforts and preparations notwithstanding, there was no escape from Sennacherib" (Herzog and Gichon, Battles of the Bible, p.
•On-going political and social discrimination against the Assyrian and Yezidi people, including the refusal to allow Assyrians and Yezidis to leave Arbil with proper credentials as full citizens or Iraq.
Hasaka, SANA -- Assistant Regional Secretary of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party Hilal al-Hilal said the systematic terrorism that targeted the Assyrians in Hasaka province has actually affected all of the Syrian people.