
Related to Astart: start


v. t. & i.1.Same as Astert.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Fred, via email ASTART by insulating your greenhouse properly, using some horticultural bubble wrap on the glass and thick cardboard around the base.
Mary Archer, via email ASTART in November by shortening fruited and non-fruited shoots to within two buds of the permanent framework of branches - usually two arms trained horizontally.
ASTART.UP business has been selected to compete in the annual conference of the Europe-wide Climate-KIC programme which could see it secure PS29,000 in funding.
He said the program or classes may astart anytime since its mechanics are now ready for implementation.
A spokesperson for the company told Interfax that Inter RAO could astart trying to amend the situationa by 2020, but ashould probably focus on the domestic market for nowa.
aSTART: Stimulating Targeted Antigenic Responses To NSCLC bINSPIRE: Stimuvax trial In Asian NSCLC Patients: Stimulating Immune Response cSTRIDE: STimulating immune Response In aDvanced brEast cancer * BLP25 liposome vaccine is an experimental therapy that has not been approved for commercial distribution.
AStart doing it as a blog or something like that to get your profile up.
Paralelos y comentario: El tipo de la diosa Isis amamantando a Horus de este escarabeo es habitual en escarabeos fenicios y punicos y su desarrollo indica que deriva de la iconografia egipcia adaptada al gusto fenicio-punico, probablemente aplicado a Astart como diosa nutricia (Acquaro, 1988: 388).
Elayi, Recherches sur les cites pheniciennes a l'epoque perse (Naples, 1987), 34-36; and 'Abd 'astart Ier/Straton de Sidon: Un roi phenicien entre Orient et Occident (Paris, 2005), 68-69.
Eleri Twynog,Headof Marketing for S4C, said:"The initiativehasbeen a huge success onceagain,with thousandsof people encouraged to make astart on learning Welsh.