
Also found in: Medical.


1.A combining form meaning anterior, front; as, antero-posterior, front and back; antero-lateral, front side, anterior and at the side.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Sex Sample Mean (mm) [+ or -] SD Minimum (mm) Transverse Male 93 29.47 [+ or -] 2.16 24.70 diameter Female 57 27.86 [+ or -] 2.31 23.75 Total 150 28.86 [+ or -] 2.35 23.75 Antero- Male 93 35.66 [+ or -] 2.77 28.43 posterior Female 57 34.32 [+ or -] 2.48 26.63 diameter Total 150 35.15 [+ or -] 2.74 26.63 Area (mm_) Male 93 828.92 [+ or -] 113.25 551.81 Female 57 754.46 [+ or -] 107.69 501.53 Total 150 800.63 [+ or -] 116.59 501.53 Maximum p-value (mm) Transverse 35.07 P<0.001 diameter 37.10 37.10 Antero- 41.57 0.03 posterior 38.87 diameter 41.47 Area (mm_) 1099.54 P<0.001 1132.96 1132.96 Table IV.
On examination patient was conscious, unable to speak and indirect examination of larynx showed a thin bone impacted between vocal cords lying antero- posteriorly restricting the vocal cords mobility (Fig.