

, anterior-posterior (AP, A/P) (an'tĕr-ō-pos-tēr'ē-ŏr)
1. Relating to both front and rear.
2. In x-ray imaging, describing the direction of the beam through the patient from anterior to posterior.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


, anterior-posterior(AP) (an'tĕr-ō-pos-tēr'ē-ŏr, an-tē'rē-ŏr-pos-tē'rē-ŏr)
1. Relating to both front and rear.
2. In x-ray imaging, describing the direction of the beam through the patient (projection) from anterior to posterior.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
The anterior-posterior sacroiliac joint graph revealed bilateral stage IV sacroiliitis along with concentric narrowing in the joint space of the right hip (Figure 1), and the anterior-posterior lumbosacral graph revealed syndesmophytes (Figure 2).
Anterior-posterior x-rays won't usually show these sprains, though you can try a serendipity view.
The GRFs were quantified by three vectors in the vertical (Fz), anterior-posterior (Fx) and medial-lateral (Fy) planes.
Students often struggle with the abstract concepts of body axes (dorsal-ventral, anterior-posterior, medial-lateral) and anatomical planes (transverse, sagittal, and horizontal).
In addition, a number of taxa show sets of dorsoventral muscles along the anterior-posterior body axis.
The peak anterior-posterior force during loading response was substantially greater than the superior and laterally directed force (8.1 vs.
The condition often is associated with a bony, fibrous or cartilaginous spur that extends across the spinal canal in an anterior-posterior direction.
Extension establishes the anterior-posterior body axis by means of elongation towards the animal pole.
Superior labrum anterior-posterior lesions: diagnosis with MR arthrography of the shoulder.
Any deficit or concern should prompt, at the very least, an initial standard imaging series of a lateral, anterior-posterior (AP) and odontoid views, as well as a neurosurgical consultation (Greenberg, 2000; Hoffman, Schriger, Mower, Luo, & Zucker, 1992).
(1981), we lowered a guide cannula into the striatum using the following coordinates: anterior-posterior, +2.4 mm; lateral, +3.0 mm (both with respect to bregma); and dorsal-ventral, -3.0 mm, with respect to the brain surface.
It has a larger anterior-posterior dimension than lingual-buccal dimension.