Antero Tarquínio de Quental

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Quental, Antero Tarquínio de


Born Apr. 18, 1842, in Ponta Delgada, Azores Islands; died there Sept. 11, 1891. Portuguese public figure, poet, and critic.

Quental studied law in Coimbra from 1858 to 1864. A republican by conviction, he was influenced by the anarchist ideas of M. A. Bakunin. He helped to form the Portuguese section of the First International (founded in 1872). Quental propagandized his social views in publicistic articles, written in 1865–66, and in Lectures on Democracy (1871). In the articles “The Value of Literature and Official Literature” (1865) and “Good Sense and Good Taste” (1865) he stressed the lofty social purpose of literature and formulated the principles of realistic art. Writing in the romantic style in some of his early works (for example, the narrative poem To Beatrice, 1863, and the collection of poems Romantic Springtimes, 1872), Quental called for a revolutionary struggle in the collection Modern Odes (1865; second supplementary edition, 1875) and in the Complete Collection of Sonnets (1860–84, published 1886). From 1871 to 1873 he was in exile in the USA. His last works are full of pessimism and mysticism (the cycle Sorrowful Poems, 1892).


Cartas, 2nd ed. Coimbra, 1921.
Prosas, vol. 1–3. Coimbra, 1923–31.
Sonetos. Lisbon [1962].


Aleksandrova, F. F. “Odes Modernas’ Antero de-Kentala.” Nauchnyi biulletenLeningr. gos. un-ta, 1947, nos. 14—15.
Carreiro, J. B. Antero de Quental, Subsidios para a sua biografía, vols. 1–2. Lisbon, 1948.
Nogueira, C. Antero de Quental: Esboço para a sua biografía político-social. Lisbon, 1950.
Brasil, R. Antero, vate da humanidade. Santarém, 1956.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Along the walls are the busts of some of Portugal's finest authors, including Eca de Queiros, Camilo Castelo Branco, Antero de Quental, Tomas Ribiero, teofilo Braga and Guerra Junqueiro
Ele sugere que Fernando Pessoa chegou a Leopardi pelo vies negativo de Antero de Quental e Antonio Feijo; pelo vies simbolista-decadente, cujos autores foram seduzidos pelo binomio leopardiano amor-morte; e tambem pelo vies tragico do escritor espanhol Miguel de Unamuno.
Antero de Quental and Batalha Reis had unquestionably been, but not Eca.
Some of his friends, such as the poet Antero de Quental, saw the appeal of his book in its unprecedented examination of Portuguese contemporary history from 'outside the atmosphere of liberalism'.
Antero de Quental (1871), (8) as expounded in his famous lecture on the
Antero de Quental, porventura o seu primeiro leitor, considerou-as o que de melhor esta relevante revista, dirigida por si proprio e por Jaime Batalha Reis, deu a luz.
Antero de Quental's famous lecture of 1871 on the Causes of the Decline of the Peninsular Peoples in the Last Three Centuries is hardly a forgotten text; it remains one of the most cited and most read of nineteenth-century polemics, one that is at the heart of the intertext that informs the concerns of the Generation of 1870 with the marginality of Portugal in the Europe of its time and the Civilization of its day, which is to say, 'Modernity'.