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1. Zoology of or near the head end
2. Botany (of part of a flower or leaf) situated farthest away from the main stem
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Situated near or toward the front or head of an animal body.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The external factors that influenced or limited the advances of the TTC in both the NTIs are: intellectual anteriority, innovations, market, public policies and society.
Thus, she thinks the way out is firstly to acknowledge a definitive future anteriority, a "to comeness" and a "will have happened" quality.
From this reviewer's perspective, the differences in interpretation of the opposition in question are not dramatic, though, with different focus on anteriority vs.
That convergence will itself become a moment of anteriority, out of which other translational and interpretational structures or figures will emerge.
and mytho-poiesis is to break down the distinction between anteriority
While aval is often glossed as "feminine" it also implies ideas of beginning, birth, anteriority, internality.
Materialism does not mean the priority or anteriority of the body over thought, but the expressive power of the body to pass from silence to the production of sense beyond the established image of thought: being as voice and vital clamor.' Van Tuinen, Sjoerd, 'Deleuze: Speculative and Practical Philosphy', forthcoming in Armen Avanessian & Suhail Malik (eds.), Genealogies of Speculation.