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Related to anteriorly: proximal, distally


1. Zoology of or near the head end
2. Botany (of part of a flower or leaf) situated farthest away from the main stem
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Situated near or toward the front or head of an animal body.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The left ureter descends on the lateral part of the abdominal aorta over the psoas muscle fascia and crossed anteriorly by the left colic artery and ovarian vessels.
Sternal shield length 129-135, width at narrowest part 90, with obviously deep concave anteriorly and slightly convex posteriorly; Twointernal sides of the concave sternal shield are serrate.
5C, D, F) and a convex, anteriorly drawn cymbium partly covering the bulb dorsally and bearing a glabrous dorsal area (Fig.
A short anteriorly based periosteal flap is then formed between three incisions: The first incision is along the temporal line at the lower border of the temporalis muscle, which is approximately 2-3 cm in length; the second incision is just above the mastoid tip and isposteriorly curved; and the third vertical incision connects the first and second incisions (Figure 1).
4) that emerged from the coracoid process and ran anteriorly and medially to attach on the fascia of the subclavius muscle dorsally, and the clavicular insertion of the pectoralis major muscle, ventrally.
Colonoscopy showed a lesion in the distal rectum thought to be of extraluminal origin, displacing the posterior rectum anteriorly. The lesion was considered benign and was removed by laparoscopic excision.
Postantennal Region: Gular plate highly sclerotized, unfused with other head plates, pointed anteriorly and flat posteriorly; short temple margins, smoothly becoming flat with posterior head margin smooth and straight; marginal temporal carina thin; marginal temporal setae five, seta 3 dominant; post temporal setae (pts) present, very minute microsetae; post temporal sensillae not visible; pre-ocular and ocular setae peg like microsetae, off the lens and on the lens respectively; postocularnodus absent.
The clavicle is thereby surrounded by venous ring made up of the larger branch of cephalic vein anteriorly, the smaller branch draining into the axillary vein inferiorly, and the external jugular vein draining into the subclavian vein superomedially.
Instead, the previous mesh was only anchored to vagina anteriorly below the levator level.
Further, the anteriorly located fascial/ligamentous tissue shortens and becomes taut and the posterior fascial/ligamentous tissue lengthens and "weakens", thereby losing the tautness/tone to oppose the forward flexion.
That seems to rely on rotating the spine anteriorly to get the second arm out.
Laparotomy was performed and it came out to be missed appendicitis which buried into the abdominal wall and caused the pus track down anteriorly to appear as anterior abdominal wall abscess as one of its rare complication.