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situated at or directed toward the front; opposite of posterior.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. In human anatomy, denoting the front surface of the body; often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another, that is, situated nearer the front part of the body. Synonym(s): ventral (2) [TA], ventralis [TA]
2. Near the head or rostral end of certain embryos.
3. In veterinary anatomy, limited to structures of the eye and ear. The word is otherwise ambiguous with respect to the anatomy of quadrupeds; cranial is preferred.
4. Before, in relation to time or space.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. Placed before or in front.
2. Occurring before in time; earlier.
3. Anatomy
a. Located near or toward the head in lower animals.
b. Located on or near the front of the body in higher animals.
c. Located on or near the front of an organ or on the ventral surface of the body in humans.
4. Botany In front of and facing away from the axis or stem.

an·te′ri·or′i·ty (-ôr′ĭ-tē, -ŏr′-) n.
an·te′ri·or·ly adv.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


adjective Referring to or toward the front of the body.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. human anatomy Denoting the front surface of the body; often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another, i.e., situated nearer the front part of the body.
Synonym(s): ventral (2) .
2. Near the head or rostral end of certain embryos.
3. Before, in relation to time or space.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


At or towards the front of the body.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


  1. (in animals) that part of the animal, usually the head, which proceeds first in forwards movement.
  2. (in plants) that part of the INFLORESCENCE which is furthest away from the main stem.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005


[TA] In human anatomy, denoting the front surface of the body; often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another, i.e., situated nearer the front part of the body.
Synonym(s): ventral (2) [TA] .
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
nov.) is deeply concave anteriorly and slightly convex posteriorly, and there are many distinct transverse lines in the presternal area where the sternal shield is deeply concave.
The hallmark feature of LCS is an excessively anteriorly tilted pelvis, which then results in a hyperlordotic (in other words, hyperextended) lumbar spine.
Typically, when the bladder is at midline, the rectovesicular or rectourethral fistula is seen extending anteriorly from the rectum.
The talus glides anteriorly placing the narrow portion of the talus in the ankle mortis, a less stable position.
On arthroscopic examination of the right knee joint, the middle segment of the lateral meniscus was dislocated anteriorly on the anterior segment of the lateral meniscus (Figure 2(a)), and the posterior segment was located in the intercondylar space adjacent to the anterior cruciate ligament.
[1] The defining feature is upper gastrointestinal obstruction caused by compression of the 3rd part of the duodenum between the SMA anteriorly and the aorta posteriorly.
On examination, the bladder was distended and digital rectal examination revealed an anteriorly placed immobile, nontender, extra luminal soft, cystic pelvic mass.
14x8 cm cystic mass adjacent to bladder posteriorly and prostate and seminal vesicle anteriorly in the retrovesical space.
The preoccipital glabella is subconical in outline, rounded anteriorly, 68-72% of the cephalic length (glabellar spine excluded), and 30-35% of the cephalic width posteriorly.
Mouth terminal and oblique, forming angle of approximately 35[degrees] to horizontal axis of body and head; mouth small, maxilla extending just posterior to vertical through the anterior nostril, upper jaw length 4.05 (4.1-4.7) in head length; dentition typical of the genus, front and upper jaw with three pairs of canine teeth anteriorly at side of upper jaw, anterior pair forward projecting, next two pairs increasing in length and more recurved and laterally projecting; upper with closely set small conical teeth (15 in holotype posterior to the third canine); lower jaw with single pair of forward and laterally projecting canines and closely set small conical teeth, first seven largest and just posterior of canines (16 in holorype); tongue short and rounded.
Pronotum anteriorly with broad, flat, shelf-like projection extending above posterior edge of vertex, apex of projection bifurcate with rami directed toward sides; anterior half of pronotum with two lateral concavities.