anterior vein

anterior vein

tributary of right or left superior pulmonary vein draining oxygenated blood from the anterior part of the superior lobe of the right or left lung.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

an·te·ri·or vein

(an-tērē-ŏr vān) [TA]
Tributary of right or left superior pulmonary vein draining oxygenated blood from the anterior part of the superior lobe of the right or left lung.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Indeed the course of the radius, radius sector and media anterior veins in Leptoderes show an intermediate position between that found in Eulophophyllum and other genera of Phaneropterinae with rather broad wings e.g., Holochlora, in which the branches of radius and media anterior run dorso-posteriorally into the dorsal (hind) margin.
TRIBUTARIES: Just below the knee the great saphenous vein receives major tributaries, the posterior arch vein the anterior veins of the leg ascend diagonally across the skin and join either the great saphenous vein or posterior arch vein.
4) hyaline, anterior veins yellowish; wing length 3.40 mm, breadth 1.00 mm; CR 0.82.

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