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Words related to uveitis

inflammation of the uvea of the eye

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References in periodicals archive ?
[8,9] Uveitis was often reported to be acute anterior uveitis and to occur after a mean 27 (range, 4 to 96) months following the initiation of the anti-TNF agent.
Key words: anterior uveitis, paraneoplastic syndrome, mesenchymoma, pleomorphic sarcoma, avian, northern saw-whet owl, Aegolius acadicus
In addition, mild lymphocytic anterior uveitis was seen in NJ2015-6, which had the highest viral RNA copy number among surviving animals.
In terms of anatomic location, anterior uveitis was most common, detected in 86 (94.5%) of the patients.
Usefulness of anterior uveitis as an additional tool for diagnosing incomplete Kawasaki disease.
Moreover, a statistically significant relationship between developing Chikungunya virus-related anterior uveitis and having a positive past medical history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and/or cancer was also found ([chi-square] = 7.638; p = 0.011).
Depending on the severity of the disease conditions, topical corticosteroids were used to treat the anterior uveitis and systemic steroids were used for renal indications and/or the posterior uveitis.
Anterior uveitis, posterior uveitis, and panuveitis are most commonly diagnosed, investigated, and managed medically.
(11), revealed predominantly increased anterior uveitis incidence among cases with HLA-B27 positivity.
About 15% report ocular problems, which include anterior uveitis, cataracts--even in very young children--and retinal lesions.
Adalimumab in juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated chronic anterior uveitis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2008;47:339-44.
Substantial clinical and experimental evidences support the role of LPS in the pathogenesis of immunemediated, noninfectious acute anterior uveitis (AAU), particularly human leukocyte antigen- (HLA-) B27-associated AAU [3].
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