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The left eye (OS) had blepharospasm and was diagnosed with blepharitis, a superficial but suspected infected corneal ulceration with cellular infiltration, positive fluorescein stain, and anterior uveitis (+1-2 flare; scale, trace to 44 flare).
Anterior uveitis was also described after infection with the related Marburg virus, and the virus was subsequently cultured from the aqueous fluid of this patient (13).
HLA-B27-associated uveitis is characterized by symptomatic unilateral anterior uveitis with sudden onset and limited duration.
These studies reported that anterior uveitis was the most common ocular manifestation of the Chikungunya virus infection, followed by posterior segment manifestations, which may present as retinitis, choroiditis, neuroretinitis, or optic neuritis (13).
Definite TINU syndrome is diagnosed when acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) is firmly established and the patient has bilateral anterior uveitis of sudden onset.
(i) 54-year-old immunocompetent Caucasian male presented with bilateral anterior uveitis with initial partial response to topical steroids.
Matching prevalence of peripheral arthritis and acute anterior uveitis in individuals with ankylosing spondylitis.
He has observed dense cataracts, even in children, and anterior uveitis that has blinded some patients.
Furthermore, in virtue of the critical roles of PI3K and AKT in HLA-B27associated acute anterior uveitis, endotoxin tolerance holds promise for the prevention and treatment of this sight-threatening diseases.
Although such drugs are able to control the signs of the anterior uveitis induced by the surgery, one may consider that owner compliance is extremely important to achieve good results, once the frequency of administration of topical medications is high in the first days following the procedure (WEINER & GILGER, 2010).

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