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Songs of Conquest Guide

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Songs of Conquest: How to save the game? Songs of Conquest guide, tips

SoC offers manual, automatic and fast game state saves. On this guide page we suggest when it is best to save the game, how to increase the frequency of automatic saves and when the game blocks progress saves.

Last update: 20 May 2024

To avoid serious mistakes and failures in Songs of Conquest , you should frequently save the game. In the guide we described all the categories of saves and the related settings in the game options. You'll also learn why the game blocks saving progress and when it's best to create new saves.

Save settings in game options

In Songs of Conquest, your progress can be saved in as many as 3 ways - Songs of Conquest: How to save the game? - FAQ - Songs of Conquest Guide

In Songs of Conquest, your progress can be saved in as many as 3 ways. There is:

  1. Autosave - These are generated without interference from the player.
  2. Quicksave - You can make them by pressing the F5 key.
  3. Manual save - You can make them in the pause menu.

The game enables you to customize how you create and store save game files from the Gameplay tab in the options menu:

  1. Autosave frequency (in rounds) - The default value is 3. You can set them to be created more often or less often.
  2. Number of autosaves - The default value is 3. It's worth increasing the number, so that you have more different autosaves to choose from if needed.
  3. Number of quicksaves - The default value is 5. We recommend allowing more quicksaves. Newly created quicksaves will less often overwrite previous saves.

When game saving is blocked

1 - Songs of Conquest: How to save the game? - FAQ - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. The game save block applies during battles. After joining a battle, the F5 button for quicksaves will become inactive. You won't find a manual save command in the pause menu either - only options to load progress or exit the game will be available. This means that we can't save before every move or before every round. You must play each battle in its entirety without saving your progress.

Saving progress - practical tips

2 - Songs of Conquest: How to save the game? - FAQ - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. Above all, we recommend saving the game before initiating a battle so that if you fail, you will have the opportunity to withdraw or replay the battle. Be careful, however, in the case of enemy wielders - you need to make a save before an enemy hero can close in on your commander or your city. If this happens, the opponent can become the party starting the battle in their round.
  2. Be sure to take advantage of the various available save slots. First of all, we advise you to create manual saves at important moments in the scenario, such as after capturing a new city or getting new main mission objectives. You should always have the option to go back at least a few turns. With this you can, for example, react in advance to an enemy offensive, redistribute gold and resources, or change the direction of settlement development.
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