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Songs of Conquest Guide

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Songs of Conquest: How to increase initiative? Songs of Conquest guide, tips

Initiative affects the order of moves in battles from the game Songs of Conquest. In our guide we suggest how to check the initiative of troops and how to increase initiative with the help of spells, skills or unique shrines.

Last update: 03 June 2024

An important element of Songs of Conquest is increasing the initiative of our troops so that they make their moves sooner during battles. This page of the guide provides hints on how to check the current initiative of units and how to improve initiative with magic, skills and objects from the map.

The importance of initiative on the battlefield

1 - Songs of Conquest: How to increase initiative? - FAQ - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. Each unit in the game is described by initiative as one of its stats. You can preview the initiative also for units you don't know yet - the information about it can be found in the built-in bestiary.
  2. The initiative does not have to remain constant throughout the game. There are ways to increase it temporarily or permanently, and we have described them further down the page.
2 - Songs of Conquest: How to increase initiative? - FAQ - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. The initiative affects the order of moves made be unit stacks during battles. The order always starts with the units with the highest initiative and only later comes the turn of the units with lower initiative.
  2. Having a high initiative is very helpful, because by making a move before enemy units you can be the first to launch an attack, i.e. make your attack first and only after that can the enemy unit possibly respond to it.
  3. The move queue is visible at the bottom of the screen , and you can use it to find out which units will make their moves next. The queue can change, for example, after a spell is cast, affecting the initiative of units. Such tricks work both ways, of course, and your opponent can also modify the initiative of their troops.

Quicken Spell

3 - Songs of Conquest: How to increase initiative? - FAQ - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. Quicken is a spell from the Order school. It takes 5 order essence to cast it.
  2. The effect of the spell is to increase by 5 initiative points in a troop stack of your choice, so that they advance on the turn of movement.
  3. Higher levels of the spell enable you to accelerate more units at a time. A single use of the spell can improve initiative of at most 3 of your troop stacks.
  4. An additional advantage of Quicken is that it also improves the troops movement range by 1. This will help you get to your opponents faster and is crucial for close combat troops.

Insect Swarm Spell

4 - Songs of Conquest: How to increase initiative? - FAQ - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. Insect swarm is a spell from the Creation school. To use it you need 4 creation essence.
  2. This spell is the opposite of the spell described above. You can reduce the initiative of enemy troops, and therefore delay their turn of movement. It's worth using this for dangerous units so that by postponing their turn you have a chance to attack and weaken them first.
  3. Higher levels of the spell increase effectiveness. At the highest level 3 you can reduce the initiative by as much as 20. Regardless of the level, the condition will last for 2 rounds after the spell is cast.
  4. An additional advantage of the insect swarm is that it deals additional damage in addition to weakening initiative.

Readiness Skill

5 - Songs of Conquest: How to increase initiative? - FAQ - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. This skill can appear as 1 of 3 available when a wielder levels up. Once it is purchased, it will only work for troops that are part of that hero's army.
  2. Readiness increases initiative in all of wielder's troops - by default by 5, and from the second level onward by 10. In addition, at the highest skill level 3, the range of troop movement will increase by 1.

Aurelia Shrines found on the map

6 - Songs of Conquest: How to increase initiative? - FAQ - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. You can find these objects while exploring the map. Interaction with a shrine will increase the initiative of all troops by 5. In addition, their range of movement will increase by 1.
  2. The bonus is temporary and will only be active in the next battle. Fortunately, you can return to the shrines many times to get the same bonus applied again. You can also visit one shrine with different wielders.
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