
An informal stakeholder analysis on the English WARFRAME Wiki to formalize who and what parties' interests would be affected by changes to the wiki. This is a living document as the wiki and global WARFRAME community shrinks and grows. Do not use this for legal advice or making business decisions.

Last updated: Sat, 15 Apr 2023 21:32:05 +0000 (UTC) by User:Cephalon Scientia


Stakeholder Name Contact Type Impact Level Influence What is important to them? How could stakeholder contribute to project? How could stakeholder block project? References
Fandom, Inc.

(formerly Wikia, Inc.)


Wiki Farm

High, one of the highly visited wikis on the Fandom site High
  • Money
  • “Our mission is to understand, inform, entertain and celebrate fans by building the best entertainment and gaming communities, services and experiences.”
  • Add features desired by the WARFRAME Wiki community and add value
  • Better discussions and comments moderation
  • Better code review tools for Lua and JS scripts
  • Support for NoSQL databases that editors can access (e.g. Semantic MediaWiki)
  • Continue to host the wiki w/o additional cost to readers or via paywalls
  • Less advertisements and obtrusive elements
  • Update JS parser to support modern features like arrow functions
  • Bring back search bar instead of a modal
  • Discussions board for logged-in wiki users to discuss about the game
  • Continue to keep MediaWiki up-to-date with latest stable version
  • Continue to have high SEO for Google
  • Too many advertisements, pop-ups, and other site elements that hinder site UX
  • Inaccessible site (hosting is down) or closing the wiki
  • Proprietary code like their custom extensions for MediaWiki which essentially act as vendor lock-in (despite providing value to the community)
  • Inability to customize mobile CSS for further accessibility
Digital Extremes Ltd.
  • Rebecca Ford ([DE]Rebecca)
  • Helen Heikkilä ([DE]Helen)
  • Marcus Kretz ([DE]Markus)
  • Members of the community team
  • Some translators like [DE]Kev
Company High, developers of the game wiki is about Very little
  • Money
  • Creating an entertaining free-to-play live-service game
  • Not exposing internal details on the game for their own security
  • Provide better documentation to their external APIs as well as exposing more internal details of the game for completeness
  • Better in-game integration of wiki content for accessibility
  • Endorsing site as the ‘official’ wiki
  • Clearly document changes and fixes in patch notes
  • Provide official assets that can be uploaded for use on the wiki
  • Not updating their drop tables within a day of an new update/hotfix
  • Missing World State content like Kuva Siphons, current Arbitrations, Steel Path alerts
  • Missing Drop Tables like invasion rewards, pickup drop chances, Orokin Tower Containers, ore/gem drop chances from mining
  • Removal of content due to copyright and/or licensing issues
Tencent Holdings Ltd. N/A Parent company Low, parent company of DE None
  • Money
  • “User value is our guiding principle, we strive to incorporate social responsibility into our products and services; promote technology innovation and cultural vitality; help industries digitally upgrade; collaborate for the sustainable development of society.”
Hujiwiki See https://www.huijiwiki.com/wiki/维基家园计划 Company,

Wiki Farm

High None
  • Money
  • “我们力求打造一个更易用,更友好,扩展性更强,更贴近中文使用环境的维基农场。我们的宗旨是让国内喜爱MediaWiki,热爱维基文化的用户有一个不受限的自由空间。”
  • “We strive to create a wiki farm that is easier to use, more friendly, more scalable, and closer to the Chinese environment. Our aim is to let domestic users who love MediaWiki and wiki culture have an unrestricted free space.” (Google translated from Chinese)
Provide Chinese translations to article content for the Chinese community N/A
TPG Inc. N/A Parent company Low, parent company of Fandom High
  • Money
  • Meeting interests of shareholders and investors
  • Customer satisfaction
Provide funding to Fandom to continue host and develop their wiki platform Withhold funding or change Fandom leadership to serve the interests of capital
English Wiki Community N/A Community High, main stakeholder Medium-High Accurate and timely information on WARFRAME to improve their play experience Actively engage with the content on the wiki by commenting, editing, reporting inaccuracies/errors, and giving suggestions
  • Vandalism
  • Contribute faulty information and misinformation
  • Toxicity and harassment
Chinese Wiki Community N/A Community High Low Translating article content for a primarily Chinese-speaking audience Provide Chinese translations to some system messages for internationalization N/A
Warframe Community Developers (WFCD) Community,



High Very little Developing third-party tools that enhance the WARFRAME experience and for other developers to interface with game data better
  • Maintain open source repositories that streamline the parsing and access of WARFRAME's data
EN Wiki Admin and Moderation Team See https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki:Administrators Volunteers High High “An administrator must act in order to maintain the hairline balance of precise & accurate information and community happiness. This means they are responsible for ensuring that the wiki is not damaged by bad actions, but also that the community as a whole is happy and enjoying their time on the site.”
  • Audit, monitor, and moderate wiki activity and Discord server
  • Foster a healthy environment that promotes inclusivity and mature discussions about WARFRAME
  • Develop, maintain, and document Lua scripts that automate content generation
  • Develop, maintain, and document JS scripts that enhance UX
  • Actively engage with the community to gain feedback and improve the wiki reading experience
  • Stay relatively up-to-date with game updates to be informed about latest community interests
  • Listen to DE on their request(s) for certain wiki changes
  • Being possessive over contributions
  • Locking wiki from anonymous contributions and comments
  • Excessively deleting/reverting edits w/o notice or comment
  • Commit changes that destroys the wiki’s readability
  • Not knowing when to delegate power and when to intervene
  • Not conducting themselves in a professional manner when resolving disputes
FR Wiki Admin and Moderation Team See https://warframe.fandom.com/fr/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki:Administrateurs Volunteers High Low Maintaining the accuracy and timeliness of content on WARFRAME for French-speaking community
  • Add interwiki links to the respective article on the EN wiki
  • Otherwise, likely same as EN Wiki Admin and Moderation team
  • Likely same as EN Wiki Admin and Moderation team
RU Wiki Admin and Moderation Team See https://warframe.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Служебная:Список_участников/sysop Volunteers High Low Maintaining the accuracy and timeliness of content on WARFRAME for Russian-speaking community
  • Add interwiki links to the respective article on the EN wiki
  • Otherwise, likely same as EN Wiki Admin and Moderation team
  • Likely same as EN Wiki Admin and Moderation team
ZH Wiki Admin and Moderation Team See https://warframe.huijiwiki.com/wiki/warframe中文维基:管理员 Volunteers High Low Maintaining the accuracy and timeliness of content on WARFRAME for Chinese-speaking community
  • Likely same as EN Wiki Admin and Moderation team

  • Likely same as EN Wiki Admin and Moderation team
42bytes (warframe.market team) See https://warframe.market/contacts Website Low None “We are long time gamers, which is why we want to create reliable, convenient and awesome club type services. We want to create services for people.”
  • Uses the wiki to fetch game assets
orokinarchives.com See https://www.orokinarchives.com/navigation-hub/curator/ Website Low Low “Due to its fragmented presentation, many players have access to only a fraction of the lore that has been given out. Messages from past events which players may have missed, text from out-of-game sources like the official website or YouTube channel, or even Codex entries that have since been removed from the game – the multitude of possible “gaps” in one’s knowledge has the potential to engender unawareness, or worse: elitism and gatekeeping. The fan-made wiki can help, but does not possess the thoroughness some seek. This website seeks to fill that role.” Work side-by-side with the wiki to improve lore accuracy and content N/A
kasumata.ee See https://kasumata.ee/ Website Low High “This website provides a complete index of Warframe sound files.” Continue updating and maintaining index of WARFRAME’s audio files which are mostly used as a supplement to dialogue transcriptions for accountability and accuracy
  • Closing down the site, preventing access to audio files
  • Hinder ease of access of navigation and accessing files
AlecaFrame See https://www.alecaframe.com/about Application Medium None "AlecaFrame is an app designed to make your life easier while playing Warframe. See your unlocked warframes and weapons, in-game timers, automatically post your tradeable parts to WFMarket and get more information when opening relics."
  • Uses the wiki to fetch game assets
Fandom Developers Wiki See https://dev.fandom.com/wiki/Special:ListUsers/sysop Wiki,


High None “We’re Fandom’s premier destination for people who are looking to take a deep dive into coding. Whether you’re interested in exploring our code repository or finding a new feature for your home wiki, we’ve probably got a page or two you'll want to read. And there are lots of knowledgeable users around who are willing to lend a hand.”
  • Providing open source code snippets and modules to use on the WARFRAME wiki
  • Providing further documentation on Fandom features and programming in the context of MediaWiki wikis
  • Cutting access to code imports
  • Commit changes that break current usage of Dev wiki imported modules
Warframe YouTubers and content creators N/A Community,


High Low Creating entertaining WARFRAME content to viewers
  • Properly cite the wiki as a source of information (e.g. "According to the wiki...")
  • Researching game mechanics and persisting that information to the wiki
  • Calling out the wiki when a piece of information is outdated/wrong
  • Providing media for uploading to the wiki as assets under a free license (w/ attribution of course)
  • Promote vandalism of wiki articles
  • Spreading misinformation
  • Toxicity and harassment
  • Unneeded drama
Conclave Discord server https://discord.gg/0o35sDMUR9RSWTWz Community Low Low “This server exists primarily to discuss and promote Warframe PvP content. We welcome you to ask questions and to use our LFG channel to coordinate lobbies. Many of the PvP regulars are here, and we have a substantial amount of knowledge and experience to share. We also have several dedicated server hosts who would be glad to help anyone interested in that subject.”
  • Update or provide information on Conclave related content
  • Researching mechanics related to Conclave and persist that information to the wiki
Discord https://support.discord.com/hc/ Company Medium None "Discord is about giving people the power to create space to find belonging in their lives. We want to make it easier for you to talk regularly with the people you care about. We want you to build genuine relationships with your friends and communities close to home or around the world. Original, reliable, playful, and relatable."
  • Provide a communication medium in which wiki editors can interact with community in real time outside of wiki comments section and discussions
  • Somehow shut off our ability to communicate with community members on subject matters pertaining to the wiki and the game
  • Spam bots, phishers, and malicious actors that block the flow of communication
Internet Archive https://archive.org/about/contact.php Company Medium None "The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, people with print disabilities, and the general public. Our mission is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge."
  • Provide a medium to archive wiki articles to preserve historical content and formatting in the event that access to the wiki is blocked
  • Archiving any links to official WARFRAME and third-party sites to preserve access to citations and references for posterity
  • Somehow this domain is prevented from having its webpages archived

Warframe Community Submatrix[]

“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
This page is actively being worked on and may not be completely correct. Please assist in making this page accurate. See WARFRAME Wiki:Research on ways to perform research on this game. Click here to add more info.

Since WARFRAME's playerbase is so diverse and large, another matrix is needed to properly document their specific needs and desires. Note that a single user can fall under multiple stakeholder names (e.g. an English-speaking dojo-decorator who also loves PvP). For reference, Steam concurrent players for WARFRAME range from 30,000 to 60,000 on average.[1] Assuming each player plays an average of an hour per day, daily WARFRAME players on Steam is estimated to be from 700,000 to 1,500,000. PC playerbase make up around 60-80% of the playerbase across all platforms.

Stakeholder Name Estimated percentage of daily readers Estimated Size
(daily readers only)
Impact Level Influence What is important to them? How could stakeholder contribute to project? How could stakeholder block project? References
Warframe Wiki Community 100% 200,000 - 400,000 High Medium
  • Being able to efficiently access accurate and timely information that is otherwise inaccessible or inconvenient to find through in-game means
  • Engage with wiki content
  • Provide feedback on articles
  • Contribute to articles
  • Expose wiki to new readers through word-of-mouth
Native English-speaking community 55% 150,000 - 350,000 High Low
Non-native English-speaking community 15% 30,000 - 100,000 High Low
Spanish-speaking community N/A High Low
Russian-speaking community N/A High Low
Chinese-speaking community N/A High Low
Japanese-speaking community N/A High Low
German-speaking community 4% 8,000 - 16,000 High Low
Filipino-speaking community 2.5% 5,000 - 10,000 High Low
Portuguese-speaking community 2.5% 5,000 - 10,000 High Low
Polish-speaking community 2% 4,000 - 8,000 High Low
French-speaking community 2% 4,000 - 8,000 High Low
Thai-speaking community 1.75% 3,500 - 4,000 High Low
Malay-speaking community 1.75% 3,500 - 4,000 High Low
PvP/Competitive community 0.25% 500 - 1,000 Low
Endurance runners 2.5% 5,000 - 10,000
Min/Maxers and loadout build creators 25,000 - 50,000
Dojo/Orbiter decorators N/A Low
FashionFrame 1,000 - 5,000 Low N/A https://www.reddit.com/r/WarframeRunway/
Codex, Mastery Rank, and other completionists 40,000 - 60,000 High
  • Where an enemy can spawn for scanning purposes
  • Total mastery that one can get as of the latest update
  • Finding out what items they are missing mastery for
Musicians 0.05% 100 - 500 Low N/A
Community artists and TennoGen contributors N/A Low N/A
Captura and in-game photographers 0.5% 1,000 - 2,000 Low
Content creators 0.5% 1,000 - 2,000 Low
  • Promote vandalism on the wiki
Clan Dojos and guild members N/A Low
Newcomers 10,000 - 25,000 Low
Casual players 100,000 - 200,000 Low
Veterans and long-term players 50,000 - 100,000 High
  • Patch notes of historical changes of a particular item for accountability and documentation
  • Elitism and gate-keeping
Farmers 400,000 - 600,000 High
  • Drop chances of items as well as the item drop sources (missions, enemies, etc.)
Traders 7,000 - 15,000 Low https://warframe.market/
Loremasters/lore-interested 0.25% 500 - 1,000 Medium
  • Raw transcripts + audio of in-game lore content for referencing
  • Accurate and timely lore content
  • Contribute to transcription of in-game audio
  • Remove fan-theories or content of dubious canon
  • Provide summaries of in-game events/lore
  • Spreading misinformation on lore
  • Extrapolating on established lore to make concrete judgments/predictions
PC playerbase 70% 14,000 - 28,000 High High
  • PC-exclusive events' details
  • Platform-exclusive cosmetics
  • Provide inaccurate information about the PC version of the game
Xbox playerbase 10% 2,000 - 4,000 High Low
  • Console-exclusive events' details
  • Xbox controls for player movement and gameplay
  • Future Baro Ki'Teer offerings
  • TennoGen availability
  • Platform-exclusive cosmetics
  • Provide inaccurate information about the Xbox version of the game
PlayStation playerbase 20% 4,000 - 8,000 High Low
  • Console-exclusive events' details
  • PS controls for player movement and gameplay
  • Future Baro Ki'Teer offerings
  • TennoGen availability
  • Platform-exclusive cosmetics
  • Provide inaccurate information about the PS version of the game
Nintendo Switch playerbase 3% 600 - 1,200 High Low
  • Console-exclusive events' details
  • Switch controls for player movement and gameplay
  • Future Baro Ki'Teer offerings
  • TennoGen availability
  • Platform-exclusive cosmetics
  • Provide inaccurate information about the Switch version of the game
Mobile playerbase 0% 0 None None N/A N/A N/A
WARFRAME developers 0.0125% 25 - 50 High Low
  • Ensure playerbase is content with the game
  • Ensure the security of their product is the not compromised
  • Provide day-one access to needed game assets to upload to the wiki
  • Withhold important game details such as drop chances
Game developers (not DE) 0.05% 100 - 200 Low None
  • Explore WARFRAME's game mechanics to serve as a basis for a case-study
  • Provide insight on game industry practices and how games are created
Third-party tool developers 0.015% 30 - 60 Medium Low
  • Being able to access the wiki's player-contributed databases in the Module namespace
Wiki editors 0.025% 50 - 100 Low High
  • Being able to access more specific details about the game that is otherwise not displayed through in-game UI
  • Smooth and responsive editing experience
  • Excessive vandalism, edit-warring, and unproductive edits
Google Chrome users 70% 14,000 - 28,000 High Low
  • Content is readable on Chrome (desktop and mobile)
  • Webpages load fast and are responsive on both desktop and mobile platforms
  • Report any issues on the wiki in regards to webpage rendering
Safari users 17% 3,400 - 6,800 High Low
  • Content is readable on Safari (desktop and mobile)
  • Webpages load fast and are responsive on both desktop and mobile platforms
  • Report any issues on the wiki in regards to webpage rendering
Firefox users 7% 1,400 - 2,800 High Low
  • Content is readable on Firefox (desktop and mobile)
  • Webpages load fast and are responsive on both desktop and mobile platforms
  • Report any issues on the wiki in regards to webpage rendering
Microsoft Edge users 5% 1,000 - 2,000 High Low
  • Content is readable on Edge (desktop and mobile)
  • Webpages load fast and are responsive on both desktop and mobile platforms
  • Report any issues on the wiki in regards to webpage rendering

Wiki Community[]

Daily Population Count Level Of Wiki Activity/Engagement User Type
4 Lowest Wiki Bureaucrat
~30 High Wiki (Content) Translator (outside of this wiki)
~5 High Active Wiki Moderator/Administrator
~25 Low Inactive Wiki Moderator/Administrator
~5 High Wiki Developer
~5-30 High Wiki Editor
~30 Medium Wiki Reader and Commenter (logged-in)
~2k Low Wiki Reader only (logged-in)
~50-100 Medium Wiki Reader and Commenter (anonymous)
~150k-250k Low Wiki Reader only (anonymous)

Known Backlinks[]

Backlinks may imply that there is some sort of significant relationship between a website (or resource) to this particular wiki. If this is the case, then these referrers can be considered as a stakeholder in the wiki's activity. Disregard user-generated content on social media sites (e.g. subreddit comments) as those are made by individuals that are not affiliated to the site in some shape or form. In addition, disregard bot scraped websites that copy content for SEO.

Community Resources[]

  1. (n.d.) . Warframe Subreddit. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Link in "Use the search bar, our FAQ, or the Wiki before asking a question!".
  2. (2021, November 25). Warframe Subreddit. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. First link, a wikia.com redirect.
  3. (n.d.) . tenno.tools. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Any item link goes to an article on this wiki.
  4. (n.d.) . i_wanna_b_the_guy's Warframe Tier List. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Any item link goes to an article on this wiki.
  5. (n.d.) . Warframe Huijiwiki. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. (bottom of page).
  6. (n.d.) . Warframe 日本語Wiki. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Under "海外サイト(wiki、各種データ収集・検証)" drop down as a wikia.com redirect.
  7. (n.d.) . warframe.com. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Under community tab as "Warframe Wikia".
  8. (n.d.) . Warframe Forums. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. In navigation bar as "Fandom", between Discord and Facebook.
  9. (n.d.) . Warframe Market. 42 Bytes. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Any item link goes to an article on this wiki.
  10. (n.d.) . warframe.tools. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Link to wikia.com redirect to main page on the bottom and top right of page.
  11. (n.d.) . Warframe Reliquary. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Links to Prime item pages.
  12. (n.d.) . Semlar. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Links to articles associated with a buff icon.
  13. Cabrerizo, Alejandro (2022). AlecaFrame. Archived from the original on 2022-09-21. Links are within app.
  14. (n.d.) . FrameMastery. Accessed 2023-01-30. Archived from the original on 2023-01-30. Fansite operated by one Warframe player.
  15. In-game on English client as a link hidden behind the news kiosk on the Orbiter (used to)

News Articles[]

  1. Kuchera, Ben (2018, January 2). How Warframe built an ethical free-to-play economy. Polygon. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Link to Founders article.
  2. Zwiezen, Zack (2021, July 17). Warframe's Next Big Update Will Release Simultaneously On All Platforms Later This Year. Kotaku. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Links to Orokin and Sentient articles.
  3. Messner, Steven (2018, July 26). How to get into Warframe, gaming's most complex co-op shooter. PCGamer. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Link to WARFRAME Wiki.
  4. (2018, July 13). Warframe: A beginner’s guide. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Links to Warframes, Warframes Comparison, Weapons, Syndicates, Orbiter Segments, Sortie, Damage 2.0, Weapon Comparison, Orokin Void/ByRewards.
  5. Strom, Steven (2020, June 17). Warframe Tips for New Players — 23 Things the Game Doesn’t Tell You. Fanbyte. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Link to WARFRAME Wiki.
  6. Cocke, Taylor; Irwin, Dave (2019, May 8). Warframe guide - tips and tricks for beginners. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Link to Mastery Rank article.
  7. Winslow, Jeremy (2021, January 29). New Warframe Content Coming In February And Possibly March. Gamespot. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Link to Shawzin article.
  8. Chapel, Chris (2021, July 18). Warframe: The New War is out this year with playable Veso and Teshin. Accessed 2022-03-10. Archived from the original on 2022-03-10. Link to Teshin article.

Third-Party Resources[]

  1. Skiffington, Dillon (2019, February 5). Warframe Damage Guide: Damage Types and Best Combinations. Fanbyte. Accessed 2023-01-30. Archived from the original on 2023-01-30.


External Links[]
