
"The wait is over, Tenno. Baro Ki'Teer has arrived."
—Baro Ki'Teer

Baro Ki'Teer (alternative spelling: Baro Ki'teer), also known as the Void Trader, is a character known for his love of the exotic and the luxurious, especially those involving the Orokin Void. He involves himself with the Tenno by selling various rare artifacts and valuable items unavailable anywhere else.

Baro Ki'Teer makes appearances within the Concourse section of the Tenno Relays, although his presence is not constant; he makes appearances every two weeks, and is only available for trading for up to 48 hours after surfacing before he disappears once again. A countdown timer is displayed on all OrokinDucats Orokin Ducats Kiosks in all relays, indicating the time until Baro Ki'Teer will next become available for trading. While the Void Trader is present on a relay, the countdown timer on the Ducat Kiosks changes to display the time remaining until he leaves.


The promo image of Baro Ki'Teer, the Void Trader

The next visited relay's name is always shown in all Ducat Kiosks in all Relays, while 24 hours prior to his arrival additionally an icon will be displayed on the Star Chart near the relay where the Void Trader will be during his next visit, which will slowly move along the path to the relay during this period. Once he has arrived, players will receive a message from Baro Ki’Teer in their inbox (default Esc  > COMMUNICATION > INBOX), notifying them as to which relay and on what planet he can be found. Players can also query Baro's status at any time (both prior and during his appearance), by sending when baro chat message in either Region or Relay Chat channels.

Next Appearance

Latest Visit Offerings


Accessing Relays

Note that Baro will never visit Maroo's Bazaar, nor any relay marked with - in the table below.

This section is transcluded from Relay § Accessing the Relay. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Relays are accessible by selecting a planet with an available relay in the Navigation Console, and then entering the relay node as one would enter a mission. During the Operation Eyes of Blight event, certain relays were destroyed by Balor Fomorians. Relays that have been destroyed show up in navigation as an unusable node. The following are the list of relays currently available (with destroyed relays denoted by a minus), their amenities and Mastery Rank required to visit:

Planet Relay Destroyed Dedicated Relay Chat
True Master's Font
OrokinDucats Ducat Kiosks &
Baro Ki'Teer Visits
Dry Dock MR
Mercury Larunda 0+
Venus Vesper - - - 0+
Earth Strata 0+
Mars Maroo's Bazaar 1+
Saturn Kronia 0+
Europa Leonov - - - - 4+
Eris Kuiper - - - - 8+
Pluto Orcus 8+

Note that each instance of a relay can be occupied up to 50 players. When the status of an instance is busy, another instance will appear in case of players have fully occupied said instance to allow more other players to occupy it.

Orokin Ducats

Almost every item sold by Baro Ki'Teer requires OrokinDucats Orokin Ducats as payment, a unique currency that can only be acquired by exchanging Prime parts at one of two of the Ducat Kiosks in the Relays. Prime weapon parts, Prime Warframe components, and Prime Blueprints can be exchanged, with rarer parts being worth more Ducats.

This section is transcluded from Ducats/Prices . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
View Ducat Values by Relic Tier List

Where applicable, Blueprints are worth the same as their Crafted counterparts.


Baro Ki'Teer sells a limited stock of unique items from the Void. His selection of stock changes with each appearance, making his items limited in availability.

He will always have a Sands of Inaros blueprint and a Baro Void-Signal in his kiosk. The Sands of Inaros blueprint requires Mastery Rank 5 to purchase, while the Baro Void-Signal is exclusive to players interacting him with InarosPrimeIcon272 Inaros Prime and can only be purchased once per visit.

During annual TennoCon events, Baro Ki'Teer's entire inventory becomes available to attenders.

Offerings History

Raw Data

Main article: Module:Baro/data



Little is known about Baro Ki'Teer aside from his conceited attitude, to the extent where he looks down on Tenno without Prime gear. In spite of this, Baro Ki'Teer has shown a willingness to aid the Tenno for a price, as he was the one who provided the data to construct the Archwings. Much of his dialogue heralding his arrival suggests that he has access to the Void and has entered it to locate rare treasures, an impressive feat indeed, considering the rarity of some of the items suggests a great deal of risk.

Operation Cryotic Front

Referring to himself as a "Mystery Associate", Baro Ki'Teer anonymously contacts the Tenno, offering his assistance to combat the threat of the Balor Fomorians. He explains that he will give them the technology needed to defeat the Fomorians (as well as additional rewards for exceptional performance), but in exchange the Tenno must harvest Cryotic, which (at the time) can only be excavated on certain planets of the Solar System. As the Tenno collect Cryotic and get additional rewards, Baro Ki'Teer reveals that he needs the Cryotic to preserve the Martian Oasis Jellyfish, a delicacy that spoils easily during transport.

In a series of deals following the event, Darvo reveals Baro Ki'Teer's identity to the Tenno, commenting that he does this to make him appear mysterious to his clients. He reveals that he decided to sample the Jellyfish, exchanging a crate full of Prime blueprints and two Argon Crystals to do so, only for his throat to swell up for a few days as a result. This suggests that Darvo revealed Baro Ki'Teer's identity solely to spite him.

Operation: Gate Crash

Shortly after the events of Operation Cryotic Front, the opening message for Operation: Gate Crash reveals that Baro Ki'Teer gave the Tenno a datamass containing information about an ancient piece of technology; the Archwing, the centerpiece of the Tenno's plans to defeat Vay Hek's Balor Fomorians. Whether or not Baro Ki'Teer was involved further in this operation is left unsaid.

Sands of Inaros

Baro Ki'Teer requests the Tenno's assistance in raiding a temple located on Mars in search of treasure, derisively calling its previous colonizers (prior to Grineer takeover) "Sky Worshippers". As the Tenno explore the temple, a mysterious female voice begins narrating the legend of "InarosIcon272 Inaros the God King" who protected the Sky Worshippers from "Golden Skymen" and the Infestation, which begins to unnerve the Void Trader. The Tenno collect a Sacred Urn from the Temple, and Baro Ki'Teer urges them to fulfill the Urn's inscriptions to uncover more of the Temple's secrets.

As the Tenno explore further into the temple Ki'Teer becomes increasingly distressed by the narrator's story. Towards the end of the quest it is revealed that Baro Ki'Teer originated from Mars, and that the narrator's voice belonged to his late mother. Baro Ki'Teer was the sole survivor of a Grineer attack on his village, and despite praying to Inaros, the God King never arrived, resulting in his resentment towards his former home. At peace with his past, Baro Ki'Teer thanks the Tenno, remarking that the God King will rise again.


  • Baro Ki'Teer is voiced by Paul C. Nodine.
  • Baro Ki'Teer's name may a play on the words 'baroque attire', in reference to his trade of opulent cosmetics and artwork.
  • The Ducats he uses as currency are named after a real life currency made of gold or silver used from medieval times until the 20th century.
  • Baro Ki'Teer will treat players wearing any prime weapons or Warframe with respect, occasionally praising them to be the "one with good taste".
    • He will not treat players wearing the Prime Access Accessory or Prime armor sets with the same respect, possibly because the latter is acquired from him.
    • He will also revere players using InarosIcon272 Inaros and InarosPrimeIcon272 Inaros Prime. He will still scoff in disdain at an Inaros that does not make a purchase, however.
  • The in-game timer is inexact, reflecting the time until Baro Ki'Teer arrives give or take one minute.
  • When Baro Ki'Teer arrives in a relay, he appears in a blue flash with small particles emitted, similar to many Warframe idle animations and abilities.
  • During TennoCon, Baro Ki'Teer arrived in a special relay accessible by anybody who purchased a ticket. His inventory contained everything he had ever sold.
  • Prior to Hotfix 31.7.1 (2022-07-28), Baro Ki'Teer's inventory was separated for PC and PS4/XBox/Nintendo Switch users.
    • Following the inventory sync, Baro Ki'Teer sent an inbox message to all Tenno about the concept of Eternalism, showing disdain for the existence of "multiple Baro Ki'Teers" before meeting a "dashing stranger" and shook a deal to "refine all [of Baro's] selves into a single perfect individual".


Patch History

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)

  • Fixed the Navigation Console, Star Chart, and World State Window UI not updating at the exact moment Baro arrives.

Hotfix 32.2.9 (2023-01-11)

  • Fixed Baro Ki’Teer not being at the Kronia/Orcus Relays during a scheduled appearance after completing a Railjack mission.

Hotfix 31.7.1 (2022-07-28)

  • Baro Ki’Teer’s inventory is now synced across all platforms!

Hotfix 31.5.1 (2022-04-27)

  • Fixed the 3 Day Resource Booster showing a Platinum price indicator in UI when available via Baro Ki’Teer’s offerings.

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Moved camera on Baro Ki’Teer in his Offerings screen to be far more flattering during his Relay Visits.

Hotfix 27.0.9 (2020-01-09)

  • Fixed a false John Prodman icon showing up in Baro’s wares...

Hotfix 25.7.6 (2019-09-18)

  • Fixed unowned Baro offerings showing credit cost instead of Ducat cost in the Void Trader screen.

Hotfix 23.3.1 (2018-08-09)

  • (Undocumented) Reverted duration of Baro Ki'Teer's stay back to 48 hours.

Hotfix 23.1.3 (2018-07-26)

  • (Undocumented) Baro Ki'Teer's visit extended for an additional 24 hours due to ducat kiosks not functioning properly.

Update 18.6 (2016-03-16)

  • Baro Ki’Teer will now have a unique greeting when interacting with Inaros.

Update 15.6 (2014-12-11)

  • Introduced.
