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The heir of twin kingdoms ascends. Biological and Sentient life meet in Caliban. An adept monarch, he offers crowd control and survivability. His creator had more than one world in mind.

A twisted hybrid of Warframe and Sentient, he is raised from the wreckage of the Old War. This is Caliban, the survivor, the adaptive.

Once a weapon consigned by Erra after the Old War, Caliban is yours to sow vengeance in the New.

Release Date: December 15th, 2021

Amalgamated with our ancient nemesis, his vessel of Helminth morph suffused by adaptive bionics. Hybridize the powers of Warframe and SentientFactionIcon Sentient combined as Caliban, the chimeral prototype. Splinter forth his trio of familial fragments, to sweep death across the warzone through cyclonic devastation and destructive energy infusion. Caliban returned to wage war in Update 31.0 (2021-12-15): The New War.


Caliban's main blueprint is purchased from the Market. His component blueprints are acquired from Narmer Bounties after completion of The New War. One component blueprint is available as an uncommon drop; which component is available is chosen randomly on every Bounty refresh after 2½ hours.

Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
Systems Systems Blueprint Narmer Fortuna Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stages 2 & 3 / A 8.11% ~ 12 Stages 81 ± 27 Stages
Systems Systems Blueprint Narmer Cetus Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stages 2 & 3 / A 8.11% ~ 12 Stages 81 ± 27 Stages
Systems Systems Blueprint Narmer Fortuna Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 4 / A 5.45% ~ 18 Stages 123 ± 41 Stages
Systems Systems Blueprint Narmer Cetus Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 5 / A 7.50% ~ 13 Stages 88 ± 29 Stages
Systems Systems Blueprint Narmer Fortuna Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 5 / A 7.50% ~ 13 Stages 88 ± 29 Stages
Systems Systems Blueprint Narmer Cetus Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 4 / A 5.45% ~ 18 Stages 123 ± 41 Stages
Helmet Neuroptics Blueprint Narmer Fortuna Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stages 2 & 3 / C 8.11% ~ 12 Stages 81 ± 27 Stages
Helmet Neuroptics Blueprint Narmer Cetus Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stages 2 & 3 / C 8.11% ~ 12 Stages 81 ± 27 Stages
Helmet Neuroptics Blueprint Narmer Fortuna Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 4 / C 5.45% ~ 18 Stages 123 ± 41 Stages
Helmet Neuroptics Blueprint Narmer Cetus Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 5 / C 7.50% ~ 13 Stages 88 ± 29 Stages
Helmet Neuroptics Blueprint Narmer Fortuna Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 5 / C 7.50% ~ 13 Stages 88 ± 29 Stages
Helmet Neuroptics Blueprint Narmer Cetus Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 4 / C 5.45% ~ 18 Stages 123 ± 41 Stages
Chassis Chassis Blueprint Narmer Fortuna Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stages 2 & 3 / B 8.11% ~ 12 Stages 81 ± 27 Stages
Chassis Chassis Blueprint Narmer Cetus Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stages 2 & 3 / B 8.11% ~ 12 Stages 81 ± 27 Stages
Chassis Chassis Blueprint Narmer Fortuna Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 4 / B 5.45% ~ 18 Stages 123 ± 41 Stages
Chassis Chassis Blueprint Narmer Cetus Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 5 / B 7.50% ~ 13 Stages 88 ± 29 Stages
Chassis Chassis Blueprint Narmer Fortuna Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 5 / B 7.50% ~ 13 Stages 88 ± 29 Stages
Chassis Chassis Blueprint Narmer Cetus Bounty Lvl 50-70 Stage 4 / B 5.45% ~ 18 Stages 123 ± 41 Stages

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.


Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 3 Day(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 50
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge 325 Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: Credits50,000
Caliban Neuroptics Blueprint
AnomalyShard Anomaly Shard
NarmerIsoplast Narmer Isoplast
NeuralSensors Neural Sensors
TralokEyes Tralok Eyes
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Caliban Chassis Blueprint
AnomalyShard Anomaly Shard
NarmerIsoplast Narmer Isoplast
MortusHorn Mortus Horn
HespazymAlloy Hespazym Alloy
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Caliban Systems Blueprint
AnomalyShard Anomaly Shard
NarmerIsoplast Narmer Isoplast
BreathOfTheEidolon Breath Of The Eidolon
Hexenon Hexenon
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25


Caliban was crafted by the SentientFactionIcon Sentient warlord Erra from the felled remnants of the Old War, where both Warframe and Sentient perished.



  • Caliban is the 48th unique Warframe to be released, and is the second SentientFactionIcon Sentient-themed Warframe after RevenantIcon272 Revenant.
  • Caliban was first revealed in TennoCon 2021's Art of Warframe digital panel. The panel featured his concept artist, Keith Thompson, who designed much of the Sentient faction's aesthetic.
  • Caliban is a character from Shakespeare's play The Tempest, which depicts him as half human and half monster.
  • Caliban is second in line of Sentient-themed Warframes, after RevenantIcon272 Revenant who is predominantly based on the Eidolon, a subspecies of undead spectral Sentients.
    • Similar to Revenant's Eidolon energy, Caliban exudes the signature Sentient unlight within his core cavity and the various exhaust vents on his body.
    • Caliban sports animated parts on his body ranging from the antennae spikes to the hovering shoulder blade pads.
    • Much like the Sentient drones and fragments, Caliban's body is bisected in two from the neck down, giving him the Sentients' thematic starfish-like appearance.
    • Caliban's abilities are derived from some attacks used by Sentient enemies:
  • Caliban shares his name with a mission node on Uranus.
  • Caliban is third Warframe after TitaniaIcon272 Titania and WispIcon272 Wisp and the first male Warframe with hovering Idle Animations. However, he does not have unique movement animations.
  • Oddly enough, despite Caliban's Sentient composition that would make him highly susceptible to DmgVoidSmall64 Void damage, he and RevenantIcon272 Revenant do fine in areas rife with Void Energy such as the Orokin Void and the Zariman Ten Zero.
  • Caliban is currently the last Warframe to have a dedicated profile video, as subsequent releases (GyreIcon272 Gyre, StyanaxIcon272 Styanax, and so on) lacked such.


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Versatile and resilient, CalibanIcon Caliban and allies within his Affinity Range gain Adaptive Armor that builds damage resistance against the highest damage type received from enemy attacks, stacking 5% per hit up to a cap of 50%. If Caliban or his allies do not receive damage for 5 seconds, their Adaptive Armor loses 2% per second until fully removed.

  • Passive bonus value is displayed as a Buff icon beside Caliban's hitpoint indicators.
  • Passive values are not affected by Mods.
  • Damage over time from procs (such as DmgSlashSmall64 Slash or DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin for example) will not contribute nor maintain damage resistance.
  • Damage reduction effects such as those of Mod TT 20px Adaptation do not stack with Adaptive Armor. The damage reduction provided to Caliban (or his allies) equipped with Adaptation will be the higher of the two values.
  • Unlike Mod TT 20px Adaptation, his passive only triggers off actual damage taken. Damage taken while invulnerable, or damage that is blocked, will neither contribute nor maintain damage resistance.


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This section is transcluded from Razor Gyre . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
RazorGyreModx256 RazorGyre130xWhite
Razor Gyre

Become a spinning vortex of death. Hold <PRE_ATTACK> to accelerate the maelstrom, increasing damage or target an enemy by tapping <PRE_ATTACK> to dash toward them. Hitting enemies inflicted with Sentient Wrath creates a destructive blast.

Introduced in Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:200 / 300 / 400 / 500 /s (DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage per second)
+ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 HP/s (heal rate per enemy)
+ 50 / 50 / 75 / 100 /s (DmgImpactSmall64 Impact and DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage increase per second)
150 / 200 / 350 / 500 (DmgImpactSmall64 Impact slam damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:8 / 10 / 11 / 12 m

Misc: Knockdown & stagger immunity
2 (damage ticks per second)
50 m (dash distance)
10 m (dash slam radius)
Dash knockback on hit
10% DmgSlashSmall64 Slash Status Chance

This section is transcluded from Sentient Wrath . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
SentientWrathModx256 SentientWrath130xWhite
Sentient Wrath

Smash the ground sending out a radial wave of destruction. Those not killed by the initial blast are helplessly lifted into the air, where they take amplified damage for a short time.

Introduced in Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:6 / 8 / 12 / 16 (max targets)
250 / 500 / 750 / 1,000 (DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage)
15 / 20 / 25 / 35 % (damage vulnerability),
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:4 / 6 / 8 / 10 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:10 / 14 / 18 / 22 m

Misc: ~10 m/s (projectile speed)

Subsumable to Helminth
This section is transcluded from Lethal Progeny . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
LethalProgenyModx256 LethalProgeny130xWhite
Lethal Progeny

Call on Caliban's Sentient aspect to produce up three Conculyst comrades to fight by his side, and repair his shields.

Introduced in Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:Caliban's Rank x Str (Conculyst rank)
+ 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 SP/s (shields per second)
1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 x (damage multiplier)
1 / 1.33 / 1.66 / 2 x (health multiplier)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 5 m (deploy range)
25 m (shield repair range)
10 m (teleport radius)
40 m (teleport range)
3 (max progeny active)

This section is transcluded from Fusion Strike . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
FusionStrikeModx256 FusionStrike130xWhite
Fusion Strike

Converge three streams of raw energy upon a single point, causing a massive reactive blast. The fallout from the blast will strip the armor and shields from all enemies that touch it.

Introduced in Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:2,500 / 3,000 / 4,000 / 5,000 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage per stream)
2,500 / 3,000 / 4,000 / 5,000 (explosion DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
20 / 25 / 35 / 50 % (armor and shield strip)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:6 / 9 / 12 / 15 s (fallout duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 m (stream range)
5 / 6 / 8 / 10 m (explosion and fallout radius)

Misc: 3 (number of streams)
100 % (strip cap)


Strength Mods


Duration Mods


Range Mods


RazorGyre130xWhite RazorGyre130xWhite RazorGyre130xWhite
SentientWrath130xWhite SentientWrath130xWhite SentientWrath130xWhite
LethalProgeny130xWhite LethalProgeny130xWhite
FusionStrike130xWhite FusionStrike130xWhite FusionStrike130xWhite

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CalibanIcon Caliban can be equipped with the following items:



See Also

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Patch History

Hotfix 35.5.7 (2024-04-17)

Line of Sight (LoS) Changes & Fixes

As mentioned in our last Hotfix 35.5.6, the team continues to address and assess player reports of further LoS issues. While the quality and consistency of LoS checks has improved significantly, we're still not 100% satisfied and sometimes the results are still unpredictable. The team is investigating LoS checks at large occasionally having odd interactions with terrain, enemies, etc. which is causing inconsistencies in the checks. We are looking to have this resolved in the next Cert update (more info on what that means here).

For today, we have made LoS improvements to the following Warframe abilities:

  • Caliban’s Sentient Wrath (Rendered Check)
    • In addition to rendered checking, we’ve also made improvements to address issues where LoS checks would fail on clearly visible enemies that are behind terrain.

Hotfix 35.5.3 (2024-04-04)

  • Fixed Caliban’s Fusion Strike visual radius fading out before the actual duration expires.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • Fixed Clients being unable to see the lingering VFX from Caliban’s Fusion Strike ability.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

Base vs Final Stats in Modding - Health / Energy / Shield / Armor Stat Overhaul

If you’ve spent any time invested in the deeper nuances of Modding, you may be familiar with “Warframe Math” - math that upon first glance doesn’t really make sense, but once you learn the inner workings of the game, it all comes together. While we can appreciate the value that complex systems offer to a certain subsect of players, there are other aspects of the game that should have clear and understandable outcomes. Namely: Shield, Health, Energy, and Armor Modding.

Pop quiz: what is 300 + 440%? If you answered 740, you may just be an Excalibur player.

Vitality (+440% Heath), Redirection (+440% Shields), Flow (+150% Energy), and Steel Fiber (+110% Armor) come with large modifier values that don’t seem to match their outcome in-game. This is because these Mods apply their multiplier to the base stats of the Warframe - i.e., the stats you have at Rank 0. In the Excalibur example, a Rank 30 Excalibur’s Health stat of 300 earns an additional 440 Health from max rank Vitality (+440% Heath) since it applies to his base rank Health stat of 100, resulting in 740 total health.

In this update, we have removed this obfuscation by having Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor Mods apply to the stats of Warframes at their current rank. Continuing our Excalibur example, instead of Vitality always applying to Excalibur’s base rank 100 Health, it would apply to his Health stat based on his rank - namely, the stat you can actually see in your Arsenal. If your Excalibur were Rank 30, his Health stat would be 300, which means Vitality’s multiplier would be calculated off of 300.

With previous Health and Mod values, additional adjustments are needed to make this revision work while maintaining game balance. By only changing where the multiplier applies, a Rank 30 Excalibur would receive an extra 1,320 Health from max rank Vitality, resulting in a total health stat of 1,600. This outcome is a significant buff, which is not the intention of this system change.

To remedy this, we approached this problem in two ways:

1 - We reduced the overall multiplier for Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor Mods.
Since these now affect Max Rank Warframe stats, these Mods need to scale differently to maintain the status quo. Additionally, we wanted these new values to be as clear and understandable to all players as possible! Here are a few examples of these value changes:

  • Vitality: Reduced from +440% to +100% Health
  • Redirection: Reduced from +440% to +100% Shield Capacity
  • Steel Fiber: Reduced from +110% to +100% Armor
  • Flow: Reduced from +150% to +100% Energy Max

Note: These are not all of the Mods affected by this change. We share the comprehensive list further down in this section of the update notes.

Doing some quick math, this means that a Rank 30 Excalibur (300 Health) with a reworked Vitality Mod (+100% Health, applied to the final Health stat) would receive 300 extra Health, for a total of 600. That, in contrast, is a nerf, which we also don’t want to do.

So, our next step:

2 - We adjusted Warframe Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor values to keep the end result of the revised Mods as close to the original values as possible.

With this change, Excalibur’s Rank 30 Health stat is 370. With +100% Health from a max Vitality Mod, his resulting Health stat would be 740, which matches what it was originally.

While this path to the same result may seem a little complicated, the outcome matches our intention: we want players to be able to look at their Health, Shield, and Armor Mods, and be able to understand how they affect the stats they see in their Arsenal.

In addition to everything above, we also increased the base stat values for Warframes so that these revised Mods offer similar value for lower-ranked Frames. To do so, we reduced the amount of Health/Shield/Energy that Warframes earn per rank in half, and transferred the sum of that value to their base stats.

For Armor, this is the one stat that does not increase with your Warframe’s level (with some exceptions). Armor values across the board have been slightly increased to compensate for the Mod changes.

Not to beat a dead Kaithe, but Mods will now be applying to the Max Rank stat instead of the Base Rank. You may look at these numbers and think “nerf” or “buff” depending, but the outcome is that total Modded values are the same, if not a little higher in some cases.

Warframe Stat Changes:

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 450 (from 175) / Max Rank - 650 (from 525)
Armor: Base Rank - 290 (from 275)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

While there may be significant changes to Warframe Stats and Mod values as a part of this overhaul, the end result is that your Builds should mostly stay the same. The key difference is the added clarity of what your Health / Shield / Energy / Armor Mods do in your Upgrade screens!

Hotfix 33.5.2 (2023-06-21)

  • Fixed several script errors caused by Caliban’s Lethal Progeny ability.

Update 33.5 (2023-06-21)

  • Made slight changes to Caliban’s default colors - you shouldn’t see much of a change but you may want to revisit your current Caliban fashion to set it to your liking!

Hotfix 32.2.1 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed crash when hovering over Caliban’s abilities.

Update 32.1 (2022-11-02)

  • Made slight tweaks to Caliban’s audio mix.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

  • Fixed script error that occasionally occurred when one of Caliban’s summoned Conculysts were killed.
  • Fixed pickup items blocking line of sight targeting for Warframe abilities, such as Razor Gyre (undocumented).

Hotfix 31.5.10 (2022-05-17)

  • Fixed several issues with abilities when forced into Operator (in Zariman Cascade missions for example):
    • Fixed Caliban’s Razor Gyre not working correctly.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Added animation functionality for Caliban’s Sentient Wrath while using Razor Gyre.
  • Fixed Caliban’s Sentient Wrath ability not being audible while using Razor Gyre.
  • Fixed being unable to chat link the Caliban Helmet.

Hotfix 31.0.11 (2022-01-25)

  • Fixed volume levels for Caliban’s Abilities.

Hotfix 31.0.9 (2022-01-20)

  • Fixed excessive force feedback during Caliban’s Razor Gyre ability.

Hotfix 31.0.8 (2022-01-12)

  • Made performance improvements to Caliban’s Fusion Strike.
  • Fixed Caliban's Passive not working in certain situations.

Hotfix 31.0.6 (2022-01-04)

  • Fixed deactivating Caliban’s Razor Gyre while in the middle of a dash resulting in your altitude becoming stuck.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur related to Caliban's Passive.

Hotfix 31.0.3 (2021-12-17)

  • Increased Caliban��s max base Energy from 100 to 125.
  • Slightly increased the radius of Fusion Strike.
  • Caliban’s Fusion Strike now implodes as opposed to exploding upon full convergence.
  • Fixed Caliban’s Razor Gyre at max rank (3) increasing by 10 damage-per-second when charging it (holding down the fire key) when it should be 100 damage-per-second.
  • Fixed Caliban's Fusion Strike not stripping as much Armor as it claims.
  • Fixed Caliban’s Conculyst comrades dropping Sentient Cores after Caliban Revives. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1291487-calibans-sentient-summons-drops-sentient-core/

Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

  • Introduced

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