
Most equipment slots accept any type of Mod. However, some slots are "polarized" with an innate Polarity. Each type of Polarity has a unique symbol. Polarities include:

A mod's polarity type is noted in the top right corner of its card, next to the drain cost. When a mod is placed into a matching polarity slot, the cost of installing the mod will be reduced by 50%, rounding up to the nearest whole number. In contrast, placing a mod in a slot with a different polarity will increase its cost by 25%. Again, this cost is rounded to the closest integer.

For Aura and Stance mods, polarities increase or decrease the amount of bonus mod capacity that the mod instead provides: matching polarities will double it, or increase the bonus mod points by 100%; while non-matching polarities reduce it by 20%.

A certain polarity layout will make certain mod builds more efficient. Naturally, Warframes and weapons will start with varying polarity layouts (or none at all), that differ from the natural polarity slots of other pieces of equipment. These starting layouts will make it easier to use the weapon and have the most effect the first time the equipment is ranked up. Later, however, polarities may be added or changed by the use of Forma Forma.


Main article: Polarization

Players may use Forma, a rare item obtainable from Void Fissure missions or the Market, to add or change a polarity on a piece of equipment that has attained rank 30. This increases the weapon or frame's overall strength by increasing the possible mod combinations that may be placed on it. Using Forma to add/change a polarity slot will reset the equipment's rank to zero, requiring the equipment to be leveled up again. Additionally, polarization allows players to rearrange polarity slots as they see fit, including polarities that were built into the equipment to begin with. As of Update 15.1 (2014-11-05), the aura slot's polarity cannot be swapped with another slot's.

Currently, there appears to be no cap on the number of times a weapon may be 'polarized' or what polarizations are possible (on a weapon with eight blank slots, you could polarize it eight times with the same polarity if you so wish) though good judgment on how you wish to build a weapon undoubtedly means variety will serve most if not all Tenno well.

Innately Polarized Weapons[]

View Weapon Polarity List
Weapons with Innate Polarities (ignoring Stance and Exilus slots)
Primaries Secondaries Melees Archguns Archmelees
Scourge Prime Naramon PolMadurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Akbolto Prime Naramon PolMadurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Valkyr Talons Madurai PolNaramon PolNaramon Pol Corvas Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Centaur Madurai Pol
Nataruk Madurai PolMadurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Afuris Prime Naramon PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Desert Wind Madurai PolMadurai PolVazarin Pol Kuva Grattler Madurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Onorix Madurai Pol
Phantasma Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Zakti Prime Naramon PolNaramon PolMadurai Pol Halikar Wraith Madurai PolNaramon PolMadurai Pol Larkspur Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Rathbone Madurai Pol
Corinth Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Regulators Madurai PolNaramon PolNaramon Pol Desert Wind Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolVazarin Pol Prisma Dual Decurions Madurai PolMadurai Pol Ironbride Vazarin Pol
Zhuge Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Akarius Prime Naramon PolNaramon PolMadurai Pol Exalted Blade Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Mausolon Madurai Pol Prisma Veritux Vazarin Pol
Rakta Cernos Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Dex Pixia Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Iron Staff Prime Madurai PolNaramon PolNaramon Pol Mandonel Madurai Pol Agkuza Vazarin Pol
Secura Penta Naramon PolVazarin PolMadurai Pol Sancti Castanas Madurai PolMadurai PolVazarin Pol Diwata Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Phaedra Madurai Pol Veritux Vazarin Pol
Tenet Ferrox Madurai PolMadurai PolVazarin Pol Velox Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Silva & Aegis Prime Madurai PolVazarin PolVazarin Pol Morgha Madurai Pol Kaszas Vazarin Pol
Tiberon Prime Madurai PolNaramon PolNaramon Pol Aksomati Prime Naramon PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Edun Madurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Imperator Madurai Pol Knux Vazarin Pol
Synoid Simulor Madurai PolVazarin PolNaramon Pol Regulators Prime Madurai PolNaramon PolNaramon Pol Valkyr Prime Talons Madurai PolNaramon PolNaramon Pol Imperator Vandal Madurai Pol
Astilla Prime Madurai PolNaramon PolMadurai Pol Ballistica Prime Naramon PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Argo & Vel Madurai PolMadurai PolVazarin Pol Corvas Naramon Pol
Kuva Zarr Madurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Dex Pixia Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Diwata Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Grattler Madurai Pol
Gotva Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Aegrit Madurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Kogake Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Fluctus Naramon Pol
Stradavar Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Euphona Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Guandao Prime Vazarin PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Larkspur Madurai Pol
Sancti Tigris Vazarin PolNaramon PolMadurai Pol Akjagara Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Iron Staff Madurai PolNaramon PolNaramon Pol
Sybaris Prime Naramon PolNaramon PolMadurai Pol Balefire Charger Madurai PolMadurai Pol Exalted Prime Blade Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol
Prisma Lenz Naramon PolNaramon PolMadurai Pol Brakk Naramon PolMadurai Pol Nami Skyla Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolVazarin Pol
Strun Prime Naramon PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol MK1-Kunai Madurai PolMadurai Pol Skiajati Umbra PolUmbra Pol
Afentis Naramon PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol Akarius Naramon PolNaramon Pol Glaive Prime Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Artemis Bow Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Lato Prime Madurai PolNaramon Pol Ninkondi Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Artemis Bow Prime Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol Cycron Naramon PolNaramon Pol Tipedo Prime Vazarin PolMadurai Pol
Baza Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Velox Madurai PolMadurai Pol Pangolin Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Proboscis Cernos Naramon PolNaramon Pol Pox Madurai PolMadurai Pol Karyst Prime Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Corinth Madurai PolMadurai Pol Grimoire Madurai PolNaramon Pol Dual Keres Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Aeolak Madurai PolMadurai Pol Synoid Gammacor Vazarin PolNaramon Pol Sampotes Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Arca Plasmor Madurai PolMadurai Pol Akvasto Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Bo Prime Vazarin PolMadurai Pol
Kuva Quartakk Madurai PolMadurai Pol Rakta Ballistica Vazarin PolMadurai Pol Kestrel Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Cernos Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Zakti Naramon PolNaramon Pol Innodem Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Astilla Madurai PolNaramon Pol Noctua Naramon PolMadurai Pol Vitrica Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Javlok Madurai PolMadurai Pol Azima Naramon PolMadurai Pol Cerata Madurai PolVazarin Pol
Soma Madurai PolMadurai Pol Tenet Spirex Madurai PolMadurai Pol Redeemer Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Vaykor Hek Vazarin PolMadurai Pol Arca Scisco Madurai PolMadurai Pol Tatsu Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Zenith Naramon PolMadurai Pol Knell Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Syam Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Tenet Arca Plasmor Madurai PolMadurai Pol Despair Madurai PolMadurai Pol Arum Spinosa Naramon PolMadurai Pol
Vectis Prime Madurai PolNaramon Pol Dual Toxocyst Madurai PolNaramon Pol Slaytra Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Supra Vandal Madurai PolMadurai Pol Talons Madurai PolMadurai Pol Okina Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Lenz Naramon PolNaramon Pol Tenet Plinx Madurai PolMadurai Pol Glaive Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Telos Boltor Vazarin PolMadurai Pol Cantare Madurai PolMadurai Pol Nikana Prime Madurai PolVazarin Pol
Scourge Naramon PolMadurai Pol Tenet Cycron Naramon PolNaramon Pol Halikar Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Panthera Prime Madurai PolNaramon Pol Vaykor Marelok Madurai PolVazarin Pol Guandao Vazarin PolMadurai Pol
Evensong Madurai PolMadurai Pol Balefire Charger Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Orvius Naramon PolMadurai Pol
Phantasma Naramon PolMadurai Pol Twin Rogga Naramon PolMadurai Pol Pathocyst Madurai PolVazarin Pol
Quartakk Madurai PolMadurai Pol Castanas Madurai PolMadurai Pol Machete Wraith Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Latron Prime Madurai PolNaramon Pol Epitaph Madurai PolMadurai Pol Arca Titron Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Paris Prime Naramon PolMadurai Pol Hikou Madurai PolMadurai Pol Masseter Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Boltor Prime Vazarin PolMadurai Pol Zymos Madurai PolNaramon Pol Exalted Umbra Blade Umbra PolUmbra Pol
Phenmor Madurai PolNaramon Pol Spira Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Cassowar Madurai PolVazarin Pol
Shedu Madurai PolMadurai Pol Glory Madurai PolMadurai Pol Praedos Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Argonak Madurai PolNaramon Pol Pyrana Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Gunsen Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Soma Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Kuva Brakk Naramon PolMadurai Pol Kama Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Tenora Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Zylok Prime Naramon PolMadurai Pol Gram Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Simulor Vazarin PolNaramon Pol Vasto Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Garuda Talons Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Kuva Chakkhurr Madurai PolMadurai Pol Akstiletto Prime Naramon PolMadurai Pol Pulmonars Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Cedo Madurai PolMadurai Pol Spira Madurai PolMadurai Pol Jat Kusar Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Dread Madurai PolMadurai Pol Akbronco Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Venka Prime Naramon PolMadurai Pol
AX-52 Madurai PolMadurai Pol Hikou Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Prisma Ohma Naramon PolMadurai Pol
Ferrox Madurai PolVazarin Pol Telos Akbolto Vazarin PolNaramon Pol Dakra Prime Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Quellor Madurai PolMadurai Pol Secura Dual Cestra Madurai PolNaramon Pol Broken War Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Stradavar Madurai PolMadurai Pol Hystrix Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Jat Kittag Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Rubico Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol Kunai Madurai PolMadurai Pol Dex Nikana Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Perigale Madurai PolMadurai Pol Twin Gremlins Madurai Pol Kronen Prime Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Tigris Prime Madurai PolNaramon Pol Pandero Prime Madurai Pol Azothane Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Acceltra Prime Naramon PolMadurai Pol Prisma Twin Gremlins Madurai Pol Skana Prime Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Strun Naramon Pol Dex Furis Naramon Pol Ankyros Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Acceltra Naramon Pol Kuva Twin Stubbas Madurai Pol Volnus Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Sporothrix Vazarin Pol Dual Cestra Madurai Pol Dragon Nikana Madurai PolVazarin Pol
Stahlta Madurai Pol Stug Vazarin Pol Tekko Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Steflos Madurai Pol MK1-Furis Naramon Pol Dorrclave Madurai PolVazarin Pol
Snipetron Madurai Pol Ballistica Vazarin Pol Nikana Madurai PolVazarin Pol
Opticor Vandal Madurai Pol Lex Prime Madurai Pol Destreza Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Vectis Madurai Pol Lato Vandal Madurai Pol Vericres Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Opticor Madurai Pol Lex Madurai Pol Garuda Prime Talons Madurai PolNaramon Pol
Kuva Hind Madurai Pol Bolto Vazarin Pol Galatine Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Prisma Grinlok Madurai Pol Gammacor Vazarin Pol Cobra & Crane Prime Madurai PolMadurai Pol
Latron Wraith Madurai Pol Sicarus Madurai Pol Fragor Prime Madurai Pol
Harpak Madurai Pol Catabolyst Madurai Pol Dual Zoren Vazarin Pol
Mutalist Quanta Vazarin Pol Marelok Madurai Pol Sancti Magistar Madurai Pol
Quanta Vandal Madurai Pol Magnus Prime Madurai Pol Hirudo Madurai Pol
Bubonico Naramon Pol Staticor Naramon Pol Tekko Madurai Pol
Snipetron Vandal Madurai Pol Aksomati Naramon Pol Lesion Madurai Pol
MK1-Strun Naramon Pol Tenet Diplos Madurai Pol Sarofang Madurai Pol
Felarx Madurai Pol Magnus Madurai Pol Destreza Madurai Pol
Exergis Vazarin Pol Onos Madurai Pol Korumm Madurai Pol
Strun Wraith Naramon Pol Vasto Madurai Pol Dual Ichor Vazarin Pol
Braton Vandal Madurai Pol Kulstar Vazarin Pol Sarpa Vazarin Pol
Hema Madurai Pol Twin Vipers Naramon Pol Broken Scepter Naramon Pol
Grinlok Madurai Pol Twin Kohmak Vazarin Pol Heat Sword Naramon Pol
MK1-Paris Naramon Pol Twin Grakatas Naramon Pol Korrudo Madurai Pol
Burston Madurai Pol Viper Wraith Naramon Pol Pangolin Sword Madurai Pol
Burston Prime Madurai Pol Akbronco Madurai Pol Sun & Moon Madurai Pol
Miter Naramon Pol Angstrum Vazarin Pol Nepheri Madurai Pol
Karak Wraith Madurai Pol Prisma Angstrum Vazarin Pol Amphis Naramon Pol
Kohm Vazarin Pol Akstiletto Naramon Pol Kuva Shildeg Madurai Pol
Cinta Madurai Pol Sicarus Prime Madurai Pol Prisma Dual Cleavers Madurai Pol
Basmu Madurai Pol Athodai Madurai Pol Galatine Naramon Pol
Kuva Bramma Madurai Pol Twin Vipers Wraith Naramon Pol Karyst Naramon Pol
Zhuge Madurai Pol Afuris Naramon Pol Tonbo Madurai Pol
Latron Madurai Pol Laetum Madurai Pol Endura Madurai Pol
Zarr Madurai Pol Akjagara Naramon Pol Dual Heat Swords Naramon Pol
Fulmin Prime Naramon Pol Atomos Vazarin Pol Gunsen Madurai Pol
Boltor Vazarin Pol Akzani Naramon Pol Jaw Sword Madurai Pol
Karak Madurai Pol Viper Naramon Pol Mios Madurai Pol
Mutalist Cernos Naramon Pol Akbolto Vazarin Pol Tenet Grigori Madurai Pol
Alternox Madurai Pol Furis Naramon Pol Telos Boltace Naramon Pol
Hind Madurai Pol Hystrix Madurai Pol Tipedo Vazarin Pol
Daikyu Madurai Pol Kompressa Vazarin Pol Kreska Madurai Pol
Kuva Karak Madurai Pol Fusilai Madurai Pol Hespar Madurai Pol
Kuva Kohm Vazarin Pol Sonicor Vazarin Pol MK1-Bo Vazarin Pol
Vulkar Wraith Madurai Pol Embolist Naramon Pol Fang Prime Vazarin Pol
Paris Naramon Pol Kohmak Vazarin Pol Cronus Madurai Pol
Cernos Madurai Pol Dual Cleavers Madurai Pol
Rauta Vazarin Pol Nami Solo Madurai Pol
Baza Madurai Pol Ceti Lacera Naramon Pol
Veldt Naramon Pol War Naramon Pol
Panthera Naramon Pol Anku Madurai Pol
Quanta Vazarin Pol Secura Lecta Vazarin Pol
Convectrix Naramon Pol Dark Split-Sword Madurai Pol
Tiberon Madurai Pol Scoliac Madurai Pol
Paracyst Vazarin Pol Scindo Prime Madurai Pol
Nagantaka Prime Madurai Pol Okina Madurai Pol
Nagantaka Madurai Pol Ether Daggers Vazarin Pol
Phage Naramon Pol Bo Vazarin Pol
Attica Madurai Pol Ekhein Madurai Pol
Gazal Machete Madurai Pol
Corufell Madurai Pol
Heat Dagger Naramon Pol
Ruvox Naramon Pol
Sibear Vazarin Pol
Rakta Dark Dagger Madurai Pol
Cadus Vazarin Pol
Dex Dakra Naramon Pol
Lacera Naramon Pol
Ether Reaper Madurai Pol
Twin Basolk Madurai Pol
Kesheg Madurai Pol
Vaykor Sydon Madurai Pol
Ripkas Madurai Pol
Ceramic Dagger Madurai Pol
Volnus Madurai Pol
Sheev Naramon Pol
Caustacyst Madurai Pol
Dual Kamas Prime Madurai Pol
Zenistar Madurai Pol
Serro Madurai Pol
Pupacyst Madurai Pol
Fang Vazarin Pol
Dark Split-Sword Madurai Pol


  • It is apparent to those who know the Orokin Script that some Polarities are in fact the same symbols as some numbers and vowels, either rotated or flipped:
    • Madurai (Madurai Pol) is the numeral 4, or an upside-down 2.
    • Vazarin (Vazarin Pol) is the numeral 5 flipped vertically or an upside-down 3.
    • Naramon (Naramon Pol) is similar to the symbol for 1, rotated 90° counter-clockwise.
    • Zenurik (Zenurik Pol) is the vowel "I" (as in the word "Pit") rotated 90° counter-clockwise.
    • Penjaga (Penjaga Pol) forms the number 10.
      • Penjaga is Indonesian/Malay for "guardian" or "protector", and mods in this category are reserved for Companions.
      • This can also be interpreted as I/O, for the fact that this polarity is only present on mods that influence companion behavior.
    • Unairu (Unairu Pol) does not have a perfect connection to the Orokin Script, though Unairu is perhaps similar to the shape of the vowel "AYE" (as in the word "Price").
  • DanteIcon272 Dante,JadeIcon272 Jade, ProteaIcon272 Protea, andProteaPrimeIcon272 Protea Prime are the only Warframes with an innate Any Pol Universal aura polarity.
  • According to Devstream 55, the names of the polarities correspond to old Tenno schools. These names are also used for the clusters depicted in the Star Chart 3.0 prototype also featured in the same Devstream.
  • Up until Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19), there was also a Koneksi (Koneksi Pol) polarity that was reserved for Mod TT 20px Fusion Cores, which have since been replaced by Endo.
    • In line with the naming schemes used by the other polarities, Koneksi does not have a perfect connection to Orokin Script, but it does bear similarities to the vowel "OH" (as in the word "Goat").
    • Similar to Penjaga, Koneksi is also Indonesian/Malay in origin, in this case translating to "connection", reflecting how Fusion Cores were the only mods that bore this Polarity.
  • As of Hotfix 36.0.6, There are...
    • 449 Madurai Pol Madurai mods.
    • 335 Naramon Pol Naramon mods.
    • 182 Vazarin Pol Vazarin mods.
    • 8 Unairu Pol Unairu mods.
    • 209 Zenurik Pol Zenurik mods.
    • 88 Penjaga Pol Penjaga mods.
    • 5 Umbra Pol Umbra mods.
    • 75 mods with no polarity.

Patch History[]

Update 8.0 (2013-05-23) POLARIZE WEAPON SYSTEM!

  • Got your gear to level 30? Prepare to Polarize!
  • With the newly discovered “Forma”, you can now add or swap a Polarity value on your gear every time you reach level 30.
  • Forma can be purchased or found through Daily Login Rewards, Alerts, or possible Missions rewards for completing missions in The Orokin Void.

Update 7.0 (2013-03-18)

  • Introduced.
