
For Nightwave-related standing, see Nightwave.

Standing (ReputationLarge ) is a per-Syndicate currency, which indicates the player's favor with a particular Syndicate. Positive Standing with a Syndicate can be used to purchase their respective Syndicates offerings with that syndicate, essentially trading on favors that the Tenno has performed for them. Syndicate offerings are gated by rank within each Syndicate. Syndicate rank can be increased by first achieving certain amount of Standing, then sacrificing the reached Standing in full together with a certain amount of credits and requisite items in order to reach the next tier. Standing for a given Syndicate may also decrease and even become negative when supporting Syndicates opposing the given Syndicate.

Cephalon Simaris and Teshin do not require any Mastery Rank to start earning Standing with them.

Each player has a daily Standing limit separate for each syndicate that starts with ReputationLarge 16,000 and increases by an extra ReputationLarge 500 for each Mastery Rank (e.g. a MR10 player will have ReputationLarge 21,000 daily limit). Daily Standing limits will reset in:



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Confirm if pledging gives 15% conversion or converts 2.25% of Affinity gain as standing AND 15% of standing gain as a bonus standing.

Standing with a Faction syndicate (Steel Meridian, Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, The Perrin Sequence, Red Veil, and New Loka) is primarily gained from forming a Pledge, which is done by interfacing with the Syndicate terminal in the Orbiter. 15% of accumulated Affinity is converted into Standing while pledged.

Three daily Syndicate Alerts are available per syndicate, awarding standing on completion.

Syndicate Medallions can be found within Syndicate Alerts as objects on the ground that need to be manually picked up, and can be traded in their respective enclaves in the Relay. There are a total 8 medallions per mission, with three rarities awarding ReputationLarge 500, ReputationLarge 1000, or ReputationLarge 5,000 standing. Using Resource Boosters will not double Syndicate Medallions.

When gaining standing with a faction syndicate, their allied faction will gain 50% standing, but their opposed faction will lose 50% standing and their enemy faction will lose 100% standing.

Players can begin to view their current Standings at the Syndicate Panel from within their Orbiter once they have achieved Mastery Rank 3. However it is possible to view Standing before Mastery Rank 3 by viewing one's profile and changing to the Syndicates tab.

Cephalon Simaris[]

Cephalon Simaris sports a very different method of earning standing. Unlike other faction syndicates which require to form a pledge in order to earn their standing, earning his favor is largely a matter of scanning enemies and objects with the Synthesis Scanner. Scanning with the Synthesis Scanner will grant the player standing, where the amount of standing awarded is scaled with the enemy level, and will multiply by 3 times if a stealth scan is successfully performed. Successful synthesis on Synthesis Targets will also grant a large surplus amounts of Standing and contribute to the Synthesis community progress in the Sanctuary.


Generally, players can acquire standing from the Conclave by playing its game modes, with the standing awarded being based on whether or not you (or your team, if permitting) won the match in question. There also exists Challenges, which reward a given amount of standing based on their overall difficulty. Lastly, there are three Weekly Missions which can reward a large amount of standing if all three are completed before the week is over. The standing from both Challenges and Weekly Missions will not count towards your daily cap.

Ostrons, Solaris United, and Entrati[]

Standing for the Ostrons living in Cetus, Solaris United in Fortuna, and Entrati in the Necralisk can be acquired from doing activities for them:

The Entrati award Entrati Family Tokens instead of directly giving standing, which can be traded with Grandmother for standing.

The Quills, Vox Solaris, and Necraloid[]

To obtain standing for the Quills in Cetus players must find and collect Sentient Cores dropped by Sentient enemies on Lua and the Plains of Eidolon, which can then be traded in for standing.

For Vox Solaris players must collect Toroids, which are dropped from enemies in specific locations on Orb Vallis, looted in Orb Vallis caves, or rewarded for defeating the Profit-Taker Orb and Exploiter Orb, all of which can be traded for standing.

Fully-constructed Amps can also be traded to the Quills or Vox Solaris for standing.

Necraloid takes Orokin Matrices found in Isolation Vault bounties or dropped by enemy Necramechs.

Completing The New War unlocks access to Narmer Bounties on Earth or Venus, which have a chance to reward NarmerIsoplast Narmer Isoplasts worth ReputationLarge 2,000 and can be traded to either the Quills or Vox Solaris.


Ventkids make large use of their K-Drives. Standing is awarded from performing K-Drive tricks or races within Orb Vallis.

The Holdfasts[]

The Holdfasts rely on Voidplumes, the feathers molted off or ripped from the bodies of the Void Angels that inhabit the Zariman Ten Zero. These Voidplumes can be found scattered in any mission that takes place on board the Zariman, rewards for completing Bounties for Quinn, or as drops from defeating the Angels themselves.

Voidplumes can be traded with Archimedean Yonta for standing.


Cavia, similar to The Holdfasts, rely on the Void cries of Voca that can be found throughout the Albrecht's Laboratories tileset on Deimos. Bounties from Fibonacci also award Standing.

Kahl's Garrison[]

Unlike other Syndicates, Kahl's Garrison does not use Standing. Instead, it gains rank-ups from completion of Break Narmer missions once per week.

Daily Standing Cap[]

Standing gain has a daily cap that players cannot exceed, which determines the maximum amount of Standing they can earn daily. This amount is calculated as:

Daily Standing Cap = 16,000 + (Mastery Rank × 500)

  • Faction syndicates all share the same standing cap.
  • The reward Standing from Syndicate Alerts do not affect or count towards the daily Standing cap however.
    • Playing a Syndicate Alert with a reward of 1,600 will reward 1,600 reward Standing (+800 for allied) and will not be subtracted from the daily cap limit. All other standing received with the primary Syndicate in this mission for killing, completing challenges etc. will be subtracted from the cap.
    • Syndicate Medallions do not count against the daily cap, thus they can provide additional Standing even if the cap has been reached.
  • An Affinity Booster would, in effect, double Standing gained since Standing is based on affinity earned.
  • The Standing Cap only limits the amount of standing that a player can gain per day for the Faction that they are currently pledged to. Standing gained or lost for Allied, Opposed, and Enemy factions do not count against against the Standing Cap.
    • For example, a Mastery Rank 8 player pledged to Cephalon Suda could gain +20,000 Suda standing, +10,000 Hexis standing, -10,000 Red Veil standing, and -20,000 New Loka standing, in a single day.
    • In practice, this means that a player can earn 50% more standing per day than the the Daily Standing Cap would suggest.
  • The Standing Cap will reset every day at the same time as the Daily Login rewards, which is at midnight GMT / UTC +0.
  • In the case of a mission that is started before the reset and ended after the reset, any standing gained during that mission will be counted as prior to the reset.

Syndicate Medallions[]

This section is transcluded from Syndicate Medallions § Types. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Syndicate ReputationLarge 500 ReputationLarge 1000 ReputationLarge 5000
SteelMeridianSigil Steel Meridian Insignia
Defender Insignia
General Insignia
ArbitersofHexisSigil Arbiters of Hexis Medallion
Lawful Medallion
Maxim Medallion
CephalonSudaSigil Cephalon Suda Datum
Intriguing Datum
Genius Datum
PerrinSequenceSigil The Perrin Sequence Quittance
Executive Quittance
Partner Quittance
RedVeilSigil Red Veil Mark
Honored Mark
Exalted Mark
NewLokaSigil New Loka Seed
Bountiful Seed
Flawless Seed
TheHoldfastsIcon The Holdfasts (Voidplume) VoidplumeDown
Cavia Syndicate Logo 1 Cavia (Voca) ShrillVoca

*Voidplume Crests and Echo Vocas are treated as Rare Medallions by the game, but are only worth 2,000 standing instead of 5,000.

Each type of medallion has visual identifiers to distinguish them; ReputationLarge 500 Standing Medallions have an occasional gleam animation (similar to the shine on containers/etc.), while ReputationLarge 1,000 Standing Medallions have visible colored particle effects, and ReputationLarge 5,000 Standing Medallions add a light pillar identical to those used in locating Rare Mods.

Universal Syndicate Medallion[]

A medallion prized by all the syndicates. Can be traded in on relay syndicate hubs for additional standing.
—In-game description

The Universal Syndicate Medallion is a unique Medallion that can be redeemed at any Syndicate for ReputationLarge 1,000 of the chosen Syndicate's standing, regardless of the player's affiliation. Aside from the 6 principal Syndicates, Universal Medallions can also be redeemed with the Ostrons, The Quills, Solaris United, Vox Solaris, Ventkids, Cephalon Simaris, the Entrati, the Necraloid, The Holdfasts, and the Cavia.

Universal Syndicate Medallions can be granted as rewards from Disruption missions.

Patch History[]

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)


We have decoupled the need to wear an affiliated Syndicate Sigil to gain Standing in-mission. Meaning Syndicate Sigils are now purely cosmetic!

*Pledging is only available for the 6 Faction Syndicates: Steel Meridian, New Loka, Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, Red Veil, and The Perrin Sequence.

In their place, you now have the ability to Pledge allegiance to a Syndicate to increase your Standing with them and their allies. We have also removed the Rank-specific Standing bonuses inherent with Sigils. Now, Pledging will earn you 15% of Affinity gain (previously the top rank 5 Sigil bonus) as Standing in that Syndicate, regardless of your Rank.

Pledging is done in the Syndicate segment in your Orbiter. You will be able to select which Syndicate to Pledge to after accessing your Syndicate Segment following this update. Should you change your mind, you can simply select the ‘Change Pledge’ button and select a new Syndicate to pledge yourself to. Alternatively, you can Rescind your Pledge if you are unsure what Syndicate to commit to.

To help with managing your Standing across Syndicates, pledging allegiance now better displays the Syndicate’s relationship status with the other Syndicates (neutral, enemy, or allied).

Hotfix 15.2.1 (2014-11-14)

Syndicate Changes
  • Added standing multiplier to Sigils - the higher the tier of Sigil, the higher the multiplier.
  • Added sigil multiplier to Syndicate mission bonus if sigil matches the Syndicate hosting the mission.
  • Syndicate Standing gain per day now capped at 2000 + (2000 x Mastery Rank Number).
    • For example, I am a Mastery Rank 15 player.
    • My personal Syndicate Reputation Cap is 2000 + (2000 x 15)
    • Using BEDMAS: 2000 + 30000
    • 32000 is my Daily Syndicate Standing cap as a Mastery Rank 15 player.
  • (Coming in next build, missed build cutoff!) Base Syndicate standing gain is now ten times faster than before.
