“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
This page is actively being worked on and may not be completely correct. Please assist in making this page accurate. See WARFRAME Wiki:Research on ways to perform research on this game. Click here to add more info.
Index key does not necessarily match item name after introduction of Chipper's Stock in Hotfix 32.0.2 (2022-09-08). We have a generic entry for weapon stock which also shares the same name. May need a new Alias key or do a name change for one of the two mentioned entries.

Database of WARFRAME Resources, items, and components. For blueprints which require resources to be crafted, see Module:Blueprints/data.

Last updated: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 16:35:17 +0000 (UTC) by User:Headbox8424

Resource Entry Schema

	["Resource Name"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		ContainerImage = "ResourceContainer.png",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 999999,
		Description = "Description",
		Image = "Resource.png",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Page Name",
		Name = "Resource Name",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Event",
Key/Column Name Public Export Equivalent Internal Equivalent Data Type Required? Explanation/Description Example(s)
Amount N/A Amount Table (of integers) A 2-element array with the first element being the minimum drop amount and the second being the maximum drop amount for the item. Game will uniformly choose a value between these two bounds when determining resource/item drops from enemies and containers. For mining materials, these values will serve the range of values rewarded based on mining minigame performance (e.g. perfect 5 star scores get max value). { 150, 250 }
ContainerImage N/A N/A String Image file name of the resource's deposit container as uploaded to the wiki "AlloyPlateContainer.png"
Description description LocalizeDescTag String ✔️ Description of resource as seen in-game "Sinewy and metallic, possessed of great elastic strength."
HelminthCategory N/A InfestedFoundryResourceType String For resources that can be fed to the Helminth, the secretion category that can be increased "Biotics"
HelminthCost N/A InfestedFoundryResourceBundleSize Number (integer) For resources that can be fed to the Helminth, the amount needed to increase secretion 500
Image textureLocation Icon String ✔️ Image file name of the resource as uploaded to the wiki "Adramalium.png"
InternalName uniqueName TypeName String The full unique name of a resource formatted as a file path "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosCommonOreAItem"
Introduced N/A N/A String ✔️ The game version in which the resource was first introduced in the global build of WARFRAME "30.5" or "Specters of the Rail"
Link N/A N/A String ✔️ Page/article link to the resource on the wiki "Kuva (Resource)"
Name name LocalizeTag String ✔️ Name of resource "Kuva"
Rarity N/A Rarity String For Star Chart resources (those that can obtained from Extractors), the rarity of the resource "Rare"
SellPrice N/A SellingPrice Number (integer) For sellable resources, the sell price in Credits when removed from the player's inventory 100
SortingPriority N/A SortingPriority Number (integer) An integer value representing the priority in which it is shown in the end-of-mission menu when rewards are sorted by "Importance". The smaller the number, the higher the priority. High priority means that item will be near the top of the reward menu 3
Tradable N/A TradeCapability Boolean Denotes whether or not a resource is tradable; default is false true
Type N/A N/A String ✔️ The class of resource (e.g. "Resource", "Event", "Weapon", "Fish Part", "Gem", "Pigment") "Event"

Data Validation

Checking naming scheme of image names

p.checkImageName(frame): There are a total of 138 image names that do not follow mod image naming scheme ItemName.png

  1. "/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitemaname": "LotusLanguageItemsRelayreconstructionitemaname.png"
  2. "/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitembname": "LotusLanguageItemsRelayreconstructionitembname.png"
  3. "/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitemcname": "LotusLanguageItemsRelayreconstructionitemcname.png"
  4. "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase1leftitemname": "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase1leftitemname.png"
  5. "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2aleftitemname": "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase2aleftitemname.png"
  6. "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2arightitemname": "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase2arightitemname.png"
  7. "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2clanitemname": "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase2clanitemname.png"
  8. "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase3clanitemname": "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase3clanitemname.png"
  9. "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase3leftitemname": "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase3leftitemname.png"
  10. "/Lotus/Language/Scans/Gofplantaplantname": "LotusLanguageScansGofplantaplantname.png"
  11. "/Lotus/Language/Scans/Gofplanteplantname": "LotusLanguageScansGofplanteplantname.png"
  12. "01000011 Cyan Pigment": "Pigment01000011Cyan.png"
  13. "Affinity Booster": "3DayAffinityBooster.png"
  14. "Anti Violet Pigment": "PigmentAntiViolet.png"
  15. "Archwing Launcher": "GenericArchwingSystems.png"
  16. "Argon Purple Pigment": "PigmentArgonPurple.png"
  17. "Ash Systems": "Systems.png"
  18. "Autumn Brown Pigment": "PigmentAutumnBrown.png"
  19. "Boiler Red Pigment": "PigmentBoilerRed.png"
  20. "Charger Blue Pigment": "PigmentChargerBlue.png"
  21. "Chroma Mark": "ChromaMark64.png"
  22. "Chroma Signal": "ChromaSignal64.png"
  23. "Conductor Gold Pigment": "PigmentConductorGold.png"
  24. "Coolant Blue Pigment": "PigmentCoolantBlue.png"
  25. "Corufell Barrel": "GenericWeaponBlade.png"
  26. "Corufell Handle": "GenericWeaponHilt.png"
  27. "Corufell Receiver": "GenericGunReceiver.png"
  28. "Crawler Blue Pigment": "PigmentCrawlerBlue.png"
  29. "Credit Booster": "3DayCreditBooster.png"
  30. "DNA Stabilizer": "DNAStabilizerKit.png"
  31. "Delta Beacon": "NavCodeVayHekA.png"
  32. "Devar Grey Pigment": "PigmentDevarGrey.png"
  33. "Dust Brown Pigment": "PigmentDustBrown.png"
  34. "Eidolon Madurai Lens": "EidolonLens.png"
  35. "Eidolon Naramon Lens": "EidolonLens.png"
  36. "Eidolon Unairu Lens": "EidolonLens.png"
  37. "Eidolon Vazarin Lens": "EidolonLens.png"
  38. "Eidolon Zenurik Lens": "EidolonLens.png"
  39. "Elysium Blue Pigment": "PigmentElysiumBlue.png"
  40. "Ember Systems": "Systems.png"
  41. "Emissary Cred": "EmissaryCred64.png"
  42. "Equinox Day Aspect": "AnimusAspect.png"
  43. "Equinox Night Aspect": "AnimaAspect.png"
  44. "False Orange Pigment": "PigmentFalseOrange.png"
  45. "Frost Systems": "Systems.png"
  46. "Gamma Beacon": "NavCodeVayHekB.png"
  47. "Garuda Systems": "Systems.png"
  48. "Glacial Blue Pigment": "PigmentGlacialBlue.png"
  49. "Glyph Prism": "LotusSymbolGlyph.png"
  50. "Greater Madurai Lens": "GreaterFocusLens.png"
  51. "Greater Naramon Lens": "GreaterFocusLens.png"
  52. "Greater Unairu Lens": "GreaterFocusLens.png"
  53. "Greater Vazarin Lens": "GreaterFocusLens.png"
  54. "Greater Zenurik Lens": "GreaterFocusLens.png"
  55. "Harmony Green Pigment": "PigmentHarmonyGreen.png"
  56. "Hesperia Brown Pigment": "PigmentHesperiaBrown.png"
  57. "Intermission I Cred": "NoraCred64.png"
  58. "Intermission II Cred": "Nora2Cred64.png"
  59. "Intermission III Cred": "Nora3Cred64.png"
  60. "Jackal Yellow Pigment": "PigmentJackalYellow.png"
  61. "Jordas Golem Assassinate": "J3Golem.png"
  62. "Kappa Beacon": "NavCodeVayHekC.png"
  63. "Leaf Red Pigment": "PigmentLeafRed.png"
  64. "Leech Green Pigment": "PigmentLeechGreen.png"
  65. "Lua Madurai Lens": "LuaLens.png"
  66. "Lua Naramon Lens": "LuaLens.png"
  67. "Lua Unairu Lens": "LuaLens.png"
  68. "Lua Vazarin Lens": "LuaLens.png"
  69. "Lua Zenurik Lens": "LuaLens.png"
  70. "Madurai Lens": "FocusLens.png"
  71. "Memoriam Purple Pigment": "PigmentMemoriamPurple.png"
  72. "Moa Green Pigment": "PigmentMoaGreen.png"
  73. "Mod Drop Chance Booster": "3DayModDropChanceBooster.png"
  74. "Morning Yellow Pigment": "PigmentMorningYellow.png"
  75. "Mortus Pink Pigment": "PigmentMortusPink.png"
  76. "Mutalist Alad V Assassinate": "PatientZero.png"
  77. "Mutalist Red Pigment": "PigmentMutalistRed.png"
  78. "Nai-Zhen Kubrow Collar": "KubrowCollar.png"
  79. "Nanite Blue Pigment": "PigmentNaniteBlue.png"
  80. "Naramon Lens": "FocusLens.png"
  81. "Nautilus Carapace": "Chassis.png"
  82. "Nautilus Cerebrum": "Helmet.png"
  83. "Nautilus Systems": "Systems.png"
  84. "Neo Pink Pigment": "PigmentNeoPink.png"
  85. "Night Blue Pigment": "PigmentNightBlue.png"
  86. "Nora's Choice Cred": "NoraCredOfferings.png"
  87. "Nora's Mix Vol. 1 Cred": "Nora'sMixVol1Cred.png"
  88. "Nora's Mix Vol. 2 Cred": "Nora'sMixVol2Cred.png"
  89. "Nora's Mix Vol. 3 Cred": "Nora'sMixVol2Cred.png"
  90. "Nora's Mix Vol. 4 Cred": "Nora'sMixVol4Cred.png"
  91. "Nora's Mix Vol. 5 Cred": "Nora'sMixVol5Cred.png"
  92. "Nora's Mix Vol. 6 Cred": "Nora'sMixVol6Cred.png"
  93. "Oak Brown Pigment": "PigmentOakBrown.png"
  94. "Oberon Systems": "Systems.png"
  95. "Olympus Blue Pigment": "PigmentOlympusBlue.png"
  96. "Omega Beacon": "NavCodeVayHekD.png"
  97. "Omni Ammo Box": "AmmoBox.png"
  98. "Orokin Archive": "NavCoordinate.png"
  99. "Pigment": "GenericDojoColorPigment.png"
  100. "Platinum": "PlatinumLarge.png"
  101. "Proof Fragment": "NavCoordinate.png"
  102. "Railgun Blue Pigment": "PigmentRailgunBlue.png"
  103. "Remote Observer": "GenericComponentPlug.png"
  104. "Resource Booster": "3DayResourceBooster.png"
  105. "Resource Drop Chance Booster": "3DayResourceDropChanceBooster.png"
  106. "River Blue Pigment": "PigmentRiverBlue.png"
  107. "Sand Yellow Pigment": "PigmentSandYellow.png"
  108. "Scorched Beacon": "ScorchedBeacon64.png"
  109. "Shard Black Pigment": "PigmentShardBlack.png"
  110. "Sisters of Parvos Token": "SistersOfParvosToken.png"
  111. "Squad Ammo Restore (Large)": "LargeTeamAmmoPack.png"
  112. "Squad Ammo Restore (Medium)": "AmmoTotemMediumBundle.png"
  113. "Squad Ammo Restore (Small)": "TeamAmmoRestore.png"
  114. "Squad Energy Restore (Large)": "LargeTeamEnergyPack.png"
  115. "Squad Energy Restore (Medium)": "EnergyTotemMediumBundle.png"
  116. "Squad Energy Restore (Small)": "TeamEnergyRestore.png"
  117. "Squad Health Restore (Large)": "LargeTeamHealPack.png"
  118. "Squad Health Restore (Medium)": "HealthTotemMediumBundle.png"
  119. "Squad Health Restore (Small)": "TeamHealRestore.png"
  120. "Squad Shield Restore (Large)": "LargeTeamShieldPack.png"
  121. "Squad Shield Restore (Medium)": "ShieldTotemMediumBundle.png"
  122. "Squad Shield Restore (Small)": "TeamShieldRestore.png"
  123. "Standing": "ReputationLarge.png"
  124. "Stock (Kahl)": "KahlStock.png"
  125. "Syrtis Orange Pigment": "PigmentSyrtisOrange.png"
  126. "Tempest Brown Pigment": "PigmentTempestBrown.png"
  127. "Tharsis Brown Pigment": "PigmentTharsisBrown.png"
  128. "Tower White Pigment": "PigmentTowerWhite.png"
  129. "Tree Green Pigment": "PigmentTreeGreen.png"
  130. "Unairu Lens": "FocusLens.png"
  131. "Vazarin Lens": "FocusLens.png"
  132. "Veiled Riven Cipher": "RivenCipher.png"
  133. "Veldt Yellow Pigment": "PigmentVeldtYellow.png"
  134. "Vermilion Antitoxin": "VermillionAntitoxin.png"
  135. "Volt Systems": "Systems.png"
  136. "Wisp Grey Pigment": "PigmentWispGrey.png"
  137. "Wolf Cred": "WolfCred64.png"
  138. "Zenurik Lens": "FocusLens.png"

Resource Data

-- For images that are shared between multiple resources; these would not have
-- their own article on the wiki and will be used in crafting requirement tables.
-- Generic blueprints will be ignored for now as their images are not used in crafting 
-- requirement tables.
local GenericComponentData = {
	["Pouch"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Pouch.png", Name = "Pouch", Tradable = true },
	["Guard"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Pouch.png", Name = "Guard", Tradable = true },
	["Aegis"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Pouch.png", Name = "Aegis", Tradable = true },
	["Stars"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Blade.png", Name = "Stars", Tradable = true },
	["Link"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Link.png", Name = "Link", Tradable = true },
	-- first used by Xoris
	["Core"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Link.png", Name = "Core" },
	["Rivet"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Link.png", Name = "Rivet" },
	["Heatsink"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Link.png", Name = "Heatsink" },
	["Disc"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Link.png", Name = "Disc" },
	["Barrel"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Barrel.png", Name = "Barrel" },
	["Barrels"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Barrel.png", Name = "Barrels", Tradable = true },	-- for Twin Vipers Wraith
	["Receiver"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Receiver.png", Name = "Receiver" },
	["Receivers"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Receiver.png", Name = "Receivers", Tradable = true },	-- for Twin Vipers Wraith
	["Stock"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Stock.png", Name = "Stock" },
	["Limbs"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Stock.png", Name = "Limbs" },
	-- trick for Miter and Shedu
	["String"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Stock.png", Name = "String" },	-- for Cinta
	["Gun Chassis"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Stock.png", Name = "Chassis" },
	["Blade"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Blade.png", Name = "Blade", Tradable = true },
	["Blades"] = {
		Description = "A weapon-crafting component.",
		Image = "Blade.png",
		Name = "Blades"
	["Hook"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Blade.png", Name = "Hook", Tradable = true },	-- for Dorrclave
	["Left Gauntlet"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Blade.png", Name = "Left Gauntlet", Tradable = true },
	["Right Gauntlet"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Blade.png", Name = "Right Gauntlet", Tradable = true },
	["Upper Limb"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Blade.png", Name = "Upper Limb" },	-- for Cinta
	["Lower Limb"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Blade.png", Name = "Lower Limb" },	-- for Cinta
	["Hilt"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponHilt.png", Name = "Hilt", Tradable = true },
	["Head"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponBlade.png", Name = "Head", Tradable = true },
	["Handle"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponHilt.png", Name = "Handle" },
	-- trick for Miter
	["Gun Handle"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "Receiver.png",  Name = "Handle" },
	["Gauntlet"] = {
		Description = "A weapon-crafting component.",
		Image = "Handle.png",
		Name = "Gauntlet"
	["Glove"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponHilt.png", Name = "Glove" },	-- for Ruvox
	["Engine"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponHilt.png", Name = "Engine", Tradable = true },	-- for Ghoulsaw
	["Grip"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponHilt.png", Name = "Grip", Tradable = true },	-- for Ghoulsaw
	["Motor"] = { Description = "A weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericGunStock.png", Name = "Motor" },
	-- a resource in crafting the weapon Pathocyst
	["Subcortex"] = { Image = "GenericComponentPlug.png", Name = "Subcortex", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Handle"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeHilt.png", Name = "Handle", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Hilt"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeHilt.png", Name = "Hilt", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Pouch"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericComponentPrimeLatch.png", Name = "Pouch", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Stars"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeBlade.png", Name = "Stars", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Link"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericComponentPrimePlug.png", Name = "Link", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Ornament"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericComponentPrimePlug.png", Name = "Ornament", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Barrel"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericGunPrimeBarrel.png", Name = "Barrel", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Receiver"] = { Image = "GenericGunPrimeReceiver.png", Name = "Receiver", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Stock"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericGunPrimeStock.png", Name = "Stock", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Blade"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeBlade.png", Name = "Blade", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Blades"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeBlade.png", Name = "Blades", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Head"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeBlade.png", Name = "Head", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Boot"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeGuard.png", Name = "Boot", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Disc"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeBlade.png", Name = "Disc", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Gauntlet"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeHilt.png", Name = "Gauntlet", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Guard"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeGuard.png", Name = "Guard", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Upper Limb"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeBlade.png", Name = "Upper Limb", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Lower Limb"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericWeaponPrimeBlade.png", Name = "Lower Limb", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Grip"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericComponentPrimeLatch.png", Name = "Grip", Tradable = true },
	["Prime String"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericGunPrimeStock.png", Name = "String", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Chain"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericGunPrimeStock.png", Name = "Chain", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Band"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericComponentPrimeLatch.png", Name = "Band", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Buckle"] = { Description = "A prime weapon-crafting component.", Image = "GenericComponentPrimePlug.png", Name = "Buckle", Tradable = true },
	["Prime Harness"] = {
		Description = "Harness component of the |NAME| Archwing.",
		Image = "GenericArchwingHarness.png",
		Link  = "Archwing",
		Name = "Harness", Tradable = true
	["Prime Wings"] = {
		Description = "Wings component of the |NAME| Archwing.",
		Image = "GenericArchwingWings.png",
		Link  = "Archwing",
		Name = "Wings", Tradable = true
	["Cerebrum"] = {
		Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
		Image = "Helmet.png",
		Link = "Sentinel",
		Name = "Cerebrum",
	["Aspect Neuroptics"] = {
		Description = "Neuroptics component of the |NAME| Aspect.",
		Image = "Helmet.png",
		Link = "Equinox",
		Name = "Neuroptics"
	["Aspect Systems"] = {
		Description = "Systems component of the |NAME| Aspect.",
		Image = "Systems.png",
		Link = "Equinox",
		Name = "Systems"
	["Aspect Chassis"] = {
		Description = "Chassis component of the |NAME| Aspect.",
		Image = "Chassis.png",
		Link = "Equinox",
		Name = "Chassis"
	["Neuroptics"] = {
		Description = "Neuroptics component of the |NAME| Warframe.",
		Image = "Helmet.png",
		Link = "Warframes",
		Name = "Neuroptics"
	["Systems"] = {
		Description = "Systems component of the |NAME| Warframe.",
		Image = "Systems.png",
		Link = "Warframes",
		Name = "Systems"
	["Chassis"] = {
		Description = "Chassis component of the |NAME| Warframe.",
		Image = "Chassis.png",
		Link = "Warframes",
		Name = "Chassis"
	["Carapace"] = {
		Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
		Image = "Chassis.png",
		Link = "Carapace",
		Name = "Carapace"
	["Sentinel Systems"] = {
		Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
		Image = "Systems.png",
		Link = "Sentinel",
		Name = "Systems"
	["Prime Cerebrum"] = {
		Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
		Image = "PrimeHelmet.png",
		Link = "Sentinel",
		Name = "Cerebrum",
		Tradable = true
	["Prime Neuroptics"] = {
		Description = "Neuroptics component of the |NAME| Warframe.",
		Image = "PrimeHelmet.png",
		Link = "Warframes",
		Name = "Neuroptics"
	["Prime Carapace"] = {
		Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
		Image = "PrimeChassis.png",
		Link = "Sentinel",
		Name = "Carapace",
		Tradable = true
	["Prime Chassis"] = {
		Description = "Chassis component of the |NAME| Warframe.",
		Image = "PrimeChassis.png",
		Link = "Warframes",
		Name = "Chassis"
	["Prime Systems"] = {
		Description = "Systems component of the |NAME| Warframe.",
		Image = "PrimeSystems.png",
		Link = "Warframe Systems",
		Name = "Systems"
	["Prime Sentinel Systems"] = {
		Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
		Image = "PrimeSystems.png",
		Link = "Sentinel",
		Name = "Systems"
	["Archwing Harness"] = {
		Description = "Harness component of the |NAME| Archwing.",
		Image = "GenericArchwingHarness.png",
		Link = "Archwing",
		Name = "Harness"
	["Archwing Systems"] = {
		Description = "Systems component of the |NAME| Archwing.",
		Image = "GenericArchwingSystems.png",
		Link = "Archwing",
		Name = "Systems"
	["Archwing Wings"] = {
		Description = "Wings component of the |NAME| Archwing.",
		Image = "GenericArchwingWings.png",
		Link = "Archwing",
		Name = "Wings"
	["Band"] = {
		Description = "A prime sentinel accessory-crafting component.",
		Image = "GenericComponentPrimeLatch.png",
		Link = "Kubrow",
		Name = "Band",
	["Buckle"] = {
		Description = "A prime sentinel accessory-crafting component.",
		Image = "GenericComponentPrimeLatch.png",
		Link = "Kubrow",
		Name = "Buckle",
	["Fuselage"] = {
		Description = "Fuselage component of the |NAME| landing craft.",
		Image = "GenericLandingCraftFuselage.png",
		Link = "Landing Craft",
		Name = "Fuselage"
	["Engines"] = {
		Description = "Engines component of the |NAME| landing craft.",
		Image = "GenericLandingCraftEngines.png",
		Link = "Landing Craft",
		Name = "Engines"
	["Avionics"] = {
		Description = "Avionics component of the |NAME| landing craft.",
		Image = "GenericLandingCraftSystems.png",
		Link = "Landing Craft",
		Name = "Avionics"

local ResourceData = {
	["Kullervo's Bane"] = {
		Description = "Kullervo's fury incarnate. Acrithis will trade this prized artifact for certain items from her collection. \r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 20,
		Image = "Kullervo'sBane.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriKullervoDropItem",
		Introduced = "33.5",
		Name = "Kullervo's Bane",
		Link = "Kullervo's Bane",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Ueymag"] = {
		Description = "Ueymag meat is said to be delicious. Just mind the barbs. \r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 35,
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriPlantItemG",
		Image = "Ueymag.png",
		Introduced = "33.5",
		Link = "Ueymag",
		Name = "Ueymag",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Ack & Brunt Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to send forth a spectral axe during aerial and slide attacks in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/AckAndBruntIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "Ack&BruntIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Ack & Brunt Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Ack & Brunt Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Angstrum Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to launch target-seeking fireballs that ricochet toward enemies in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/AngstrumIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "AngstrumIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33.6",
		Link = "Angstrum Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Angstrum Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Anku Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to increase Range and Slash Damage during slide attacks in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/AnkuIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "AnkuIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33.6",
		Link = "Anku Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Anku Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Bo Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to increase Range and Heavy Attack Efficiency in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/BoIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "BoIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Bo Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Bo Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Boar Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to fire three short-range beams that chain link enemies in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/BoarIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "BoarIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33.6",
		Link = "Boar Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Boar Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Ceramic Dagger Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to send forth spectral daggers during Heavy Attacks in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/CeramicDaggerIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "CeramicDaggerIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Ceramic Dagger Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Ceramic Dagger Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Dual Ichor Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to create a Toxin Damage field after a kill in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/DualIchorIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "DualIchorIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Dual Ichor Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Dual Ichor Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Furax Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to gain Heavy Slam Efficiency and leave behind Heat Damage fields after Heavy Slams in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/FuraxIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "FuraxIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Furax Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Furax Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Gammacor Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to fire projectiles that pull enemies into a Cold Damage explosion in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/GammacorIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "GammacorIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33.6",
		Link = "Gammacor Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Gammacor Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Gorgon Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to fire embedding projectiles that explode with Heat Damage in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/GorgonIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "GorgonIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33.6",
		Link = "Gorgon Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Gorgon Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Hate Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to embed blades that explode with Heat Damage during Forward and Neutral Combos in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/HateIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "HateIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Hate Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Hate Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Magistar Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to increase Initial Combo and Wind Up Speed in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/MagistarIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "MagistarIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Magistar Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Magistar Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Nami Solo Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to greatly increase its range in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/NamiSoloIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "NamiSoloIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Nami Solo Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Nami Solo Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Sibear Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to create a Cold Blast Radius with Heavy Slams, slowing enemies and increasing Critical Damage in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/SibearIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "SibearIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Sibear Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Sibear Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Skana Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to stun nearby enemies when it enters Incarnon Form and after Finisher attacks.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Melee/SkanaIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "SkanaIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Skana Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Skana Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Boltor Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to prioritize Slash Damage and gain Multishot in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/BoltorIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "BoltorIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Boltor Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Boltor Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Braton Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to gain Radial Heat damage with each shot in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/BratonIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "BratonIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Braton Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Braton Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Burston Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to gain an Auto Fire mode and deal Radial Heat Damage with each shot in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/BurstonIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "BurstonIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Burston Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Burston Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Dread Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to sacrifice silence for increased projectile size and Heat Damage in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/DreadIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "DreadIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Dread Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Dread Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Latron Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to fire Heat Damage energy waves that bounce off enemies and terrain in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/LatronIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "LatronIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Latron Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Latron Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Miter Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to fire homing and bouncing Heat Damage explosives in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/MiterIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "MiterIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Miter Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Miter Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Paris Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to sacrifice silence for increased projectile size and Heat Damage in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/ParisIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "ParisIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Paris Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Paris Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Soma Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to gain increased Status Chance and Multishot while slowing fire rate in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/SomaIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "SomaIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Soma Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Soma Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Strun Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to fire staggering explosive projectiles in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/StrunIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "StrunIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Strun Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Strun Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Torid Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to fire a long-range Toxin beam in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Primary/ToridIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "ToridIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Torid Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Torid Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Atomos Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to fire high-powered grenades in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/AtomosIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "AtomosIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Atomos Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Atomos Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Bronco Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to increase its Range and Ricochet in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/BroncoIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "BroncoIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Bronco Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Bronco Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Despair Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to gain embedding projectiles that explode with Heat Damage in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/DespairIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "DespairIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Despair Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Despair Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Dual Toxocyst Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to gain an Auto Fire mode and Ricochet in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/DualToxocystIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "DualToxocystIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Dual Toxocyst Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Dual Toxocyst Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Furis Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to project a wide Heat Damage beam in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/FurisIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "FurisIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Furis Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Furis Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Kunai Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to seek Headshots and increase Multishot in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/KunaiIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "KunaiIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Kunai Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Kunai Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Lato Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to gain Punch Through and Ricochet in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/LatoIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "LatoIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Lato Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Lato Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Lex Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to fire energy waves that deal Radiation and Punch Through damage in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/LexIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "LexIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Lex Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Lex Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Vasto Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to rapidly empty its entire magazine in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/VastoIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "VastoIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Vasto Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Vasto Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Zylok Incarnon Genesis"] = {
		Description = "Awaken this weapon's ability to charge a large single shot that deals Radial Heat Damage in Incarnon Form.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/IncarnonAdapters/Secondary/ZylokIncarnonUnlocker",
		Image = "ZylokIncarnonGenesis.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Zylok Incarnon Genesis",
		Name = "Zylok Incarnon Genesis",
		Type = "Item"
	["Ariette Scale"] = {
		Description = "Each Duviri fish species has distinct features, but they all evolved beautiful chromatic scales.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 250,
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/Fish/GenericDuviriFishPartBItem",
		Image = "ArietteScale.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Ariette Scale",
		Name = "Ariette Scale",
		Type = "Fish Part"
	["Pathos Clamp"] = {
		Description = "The manifestation of Thrax's malevolence that shapes the Orowyrms' outbursts.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriDragonDropItem",
		Image = "PathosClamp.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Pathos Clamp",
		Name = "Pathos Clamp",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Lamentus"] = {
		Description = "A whisper of the fallen.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 150,
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriEnemyDropItem",
		Image = "Lamentus.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Lamentus",
		Name = "Lamentus",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Eevani"] = {
		Description = "Duviri citizens have been known to mash Eevani leaves into a paste that alleviates the discomfort caused by fresh wounds.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 35,
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriPlantItemB",
		Image = "Eevani.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Eevani",
		Name = "Eevani",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Dracroot"] = {
		Description = "Dracroot is a staple of the Wyrmling’s diet.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 75,
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriPlantItemF",
		Image = "Dracroot.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Dracroot",
		Name = "Dracroot",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Enigma Gyrum"] = {
		Description = "A token celebrating the successful solution of a Duviri Enigma.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 7,
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriPuzzleItem",
		Image = "EnigmaGyrum.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Enigma Gyrum",
		Name = "Enigma Gyrum",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Inaak"] = {
		Description = "Some theorize that Duviri stands upon the shell of a giant Inaak. Naturally, some wonder what the giant Inaak stands upon. The answer, of course, is other Inaaks, all the way down.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/Fish/DuviriFishAItem",
		Image = "Inaak.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Inaak",
		Name = "Inaak",
		Type = "Fish"
	["Xiran"] = {
		Description = "The Golden Maw finds Xirans exceptionally delicious.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/Fish/DuviriFishBItem",
		Image = "Xiran.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Xiran",
		Name = "Xiran",
		Type = "Fish"
	["Haav"] = {
		Description = "Haav prefer to swim near the surface. Duviri citizens often mistake them for logs, which can be startling when Haav show their fangs.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/Fish/DuviriFishCItem",
		Image = "Haav.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Haav",
		Name = "Haav",
		Type = "Fish"
	["Namaes"] = {
		Description = "The Namaes has evolved the ability to tense its tail muscles and use its tail as a fearsome weapon.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/Fish/DuviriFishDItem",
		Image = "Namaes.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Namaes",
		Name = "Namaes",
		Type = "Fish"
	["Seonn"] = {
		Description = "The Seonn’s ability to flare its neck and hood makes it impossible for most predators to swallow, but the Golden Maw can overcome its defense.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/Fish/DuviriFishEItem",
		Image = "Seonn.png",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Seonn",
		Name = "Seonn",
		Type = "Fish"
	["Archwing Launcher Segment"] = {
		Description = "Adds the Archwing Launcher to the foundry.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/ShipFeatureItems/EidolonArchwingFoundryUpgradeFeatureItem",
		Image = "ArchwingLauncherSegment.png",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Archwing Launcher Segment",
		Name = "Archwing Launcher Segment",
		Type = "Item"
	["Corufell Receiver"] = {
		Description = "A weapon-crafting component.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/GunScytheReceiver",
		Image = "GenericGunReceiver.png",
		Introduced = "32.3",
		Link = "Corufell",
		Name = "Corufell Receiver",
		SellPrice = 3500,
		Type = "Component"
	["Corufell Handle"] = {
		Description = "A weapon-crafting component.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/GunScytheHandle",
		Image = "GenericWeaponHilt.png",
		Introduced = "32.3",
		Link = "Corufell",
		Name = "Corufell Handle",
		SellPrice = 3500,
		Type = "Component"
	["Corufell Barrel"] = {
		Description = "A weapon-crafting component.",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/GunScytheBlade",
		Image = "GenericWeaponBlade.png",
		Introduced = "32.3",
		Link = "Corufell",
		Name = "Corufell Barrel",
		SellPrice = 3500,
		Type = "Component"
	["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = {
		Description = "A small fragment of Rania's Crystal from Tyana Pass on Mars.",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 250,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "RaniaCrystalFragment.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/LastWishItems/RedCrystal",
		Introduced = "32.3",
		Name = "Rania Crystal Fragment",
		Link = "Rania Crystal Fragment",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Resource"
	["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = {
		Description = "A small fragment of Belric's Crystal from Tyana Pass on Mars.",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 250,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "BelricCrystalFragment.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/LastWishItems/BlueCrystal",
		Introduced = "32.3",
		Name = "Belric Crystal Fragment",
		Link = "Belric Crystal Fragment",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Resource"
	["Nosam Cutter"] = {
		Description = "Standard tool for cutting ore and gems out of stone.",
		Image = "NosamCutter.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/MiningLaser",
		Introduced = "22",
		Name = "Nosam Cutter",
		Link = "Nosam Cutter",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Focused Nosam Cutter"] = {
		Description = "A more accurate variation of the Nosam Cutter.",
		Image = "FocusedNosamCutter.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/MiningLaserB",
		Introduced = "22",
		Name = "Focused Nosam Cutter",
		Link = "Focused Nosam Cutter",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Advanced Nosam Cutter"] = {
		Description = "Enhanced with cybernetics, this tool is able to locate nearby gems and ore veins and has chance to retrieve Eidolon Gems.",
		Image = "AdvancedNosamCutter.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/MiningLaserC",
		Introduced = "22",
		Name = "Advanced Nosam Cutter",
		Link = "Advanced Nosam Cutter",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Sunpoint Plasma Drill"] = {
		Description = "Fast-ignition, high-intensity mining tool capable of extracting the rarest of materials with surgical precision.",
		Image = "SunpointPlasmaDrill.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/MiningLaserSolaris",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Sunpoint Plasma Drill",
		Link = "Sunpoint Plasma Drill",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	Omni = {
		Description = "An Omni is a multi-use Railjack tool for extinguishing fires, grounding electrical hazards, and repairing hull ruptures. Use outside the Railjack to instantly recall back to the ship.",
		Image = "Omni.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/RepairTool",
		Introduced = "27",
		Link = "Omni",
		Name = "Omni",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Glappid Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait is comprised of exotic materials that are known to attract the elusive Glappid, a fish found only in ocean hotspots during the night.",
		Image = "GlappidBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/NightLegendaryFishBaitItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Glappid Bait",
		Name = "Glappid Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Cuthol Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait is comprised of materials that are known to attract Cuthols, a fish found only in pond hotspots during the night.",
		Image = "CutholBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/NightRareFishBaitBItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Cuthol Bait",
		Name = "Cuthol Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Norg Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait is comprised of materials that are known to attract Norg, a fish found only in lake hotspots during the night.",
		Image = "NorgBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/NightRareFishBaitAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Norg Bait",
		Name = "Norg Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Murkray Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait is comprised of materials that are known to attract Murkrays, a fish found only in ocean hotspots during both day and night.",
		Image = "MurkrayBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/BothRareFishBaitAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Murkray Bait",
		Name = "Murkray Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Twilight Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait attracts predatory fish that are active in either day or night.",
		Image = "TwilightBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/BothUncommonFishBaitItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Twilight Bait",
		Name = "Twilight Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Peppered Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait attracts fish that are active during the day.",
		Image = "PepperedBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/GenericFishBait",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Peppered Bait",
		Name = "Peppered Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Synathid Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait is synthesized from specialized A-disulphex-A compounds that are known to attract Synathid, a legendarily rare Servofish found only in cave hotspots.",
		Image = "SynathidBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Venus/CaveContaminantTierC",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Synathid Bait",
		Name = "Synathid Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Charamote Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait is synthesized from complex hexophenol that is known to attract Charamotes, a Servofish found in cave hotspots.",
		Image = "CharamoteBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Venus/CaveContaminantTierB",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Charamote Bait",
		Name = "Charamote Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Tromyzon Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait is synthesized from long-chain LS-74 compounds that are known to attract Tromyzon, a Servofish found in pond hotspots during cool weather.",
		Image = "TromyzonBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Venus/PondContaminantTierB",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Tromyzon Bait",
		Name = "Tromyzon Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Longwinder Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait is synthesized from beryzene that is known to attract Longwinders, a Servofish found in lake hotspots during warm weather.",
		Image = "LongwinderBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Venus/LakeContaminantTierB",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Longwinder Bait",
		Name = "Longwinder Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Mirewinder Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait is comprised of aromatic tetraxin that is known to attract Mirewinders, a Servofish found in cave hotspots.",
		Image = "MirewinderBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Venus/CaveContaminantTierA",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Mirewinder Bait",
		Name = "Mirewinder Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Kriller Bait"] = {
		Description = "This bait is synthesized from Methacalcene-1 that is known to attract Krillers, a Servofish found in lakes during warm weather.",
		Image = "KrillerBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Venus/LakeContaminantTierA",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Kriller Bait",
		Name = "Kriller Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Narrow-Spectrum Bait"] = {
		Description = "This endochlor/dionium melange attracts both Recasters and Eye-Eyes, Servofish found in ponds. The Eye-Eye shows up during warm weather and Recasters shows up at Hot Spots during cool weather.",
		Image = "Narrow-SpectrumBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Venus/PondContaminantTierA",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Narrow-Spectrum Bait",
		Name = "Narrow-Spectrum Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Broad-Spectrum Bait"] = {
		Description = "A simple cocktail of short-chain polymers and contaminants. Easily detected by rudimentary Servofish under all conditions, but ignored by more specialized models. Good for Sapcaddies, Tinks and Brickies.",
		Image = "Broad-SpectrumBait.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Venus/GenericContaminant",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Broad-Spectrum Bait",
		Name = "Broad-Spectrum Bait",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Processed Fass Residue"] = {
		Description = "Matter from the body of the Wyrm Fass, purged of toxins, and rendered usefully. Used to attract Aquapulmo and Flagellocanth.",
		Image = "ProcessedFassResidue.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Infested/InfestedFishBaitB",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Processed Fass Residue",
		Name = "Processed Fass Residue",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Processed Vome Residue"] = {
		Description = "The flesh of Vome, refined, and ready for use. Used to attract Myxostomata.",
		Image = "ProcessedVomeResidue.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Infested/OrokinFishBaitB",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Processed Vome Residue",
		Name = "Processed Vome Residue",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Grendel Neuroptics Locator"] = {
		Description = "Reveals sites on Europa likely to contain Grendel part blueprints.",
		Image = "GrendelNeuropticsLocator.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "26",
		Link = "Grendel Neuroptics Locator",
		Name = "Grendel Neuroptics Locator",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Key"
	["Grendel Systems Locator"] = {
		Description = "Reveals sites on Europa likely to contain Grendel part blueprints.",
		Image = "GrendelSystemsLocator.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "26",
		Link = "Grendel Systems Locator",
		Name = "Grendel Systems Locator",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Key"
	["Grendel Chassis Locator"] = {
		Description = "Reveals sites on Europa likely to contain Grendel part blueprints.",
		Image = "GrendelChassisLocator.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "26",
		Link = "Grendel Chassis Locator",
		Name = "Grendel Chassis Locator",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Key"
	["Enter Nihil's Oubliette"] = {
		Description = "Use this key to enter Nihil's Oubliette and fight him again. Requires Nihil's Oubliette to be placed in the Orbiter. Victories against Nihil will consume the key and unlock one of his lost treasures.",
		Image = "EnterNihil'sOubliette.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "29.8.1",
		Link = "Enter Nihil's Oubliette",
		Name = "Enter Nihil's Oubliette",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Key"
	["Abyssal Beacon"] = {
		Description = "The Syndicates need help finighing a doomed mission to recover Orokin Era Defixios froma a Galleon of Grineer raiders adrift in the Abyssal Zone, near Ceres. Defixios are known to contain Vainthorns.",
		Image = "AbyssalBeacon.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Keys/SyndicateCacheHuntBaseKeyItem",
		Introduced = "34",
		Link = "Abyssal Beacon",
		Name = "Abyssal Beacon",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Key"
	["Baro Void-Signal"] = {
		Description = "Unlock a mission with this device.\r\n\r\nBaro Ki'Teer can home in on Inaros Prime anywhere in the Void. Ideal for following the God King to riches!",
		Image = "BaroVoid-Signal.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "28.2",
		Link = "Baro Void-Signal",
		Name = "Baro Void-Signal",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Key"
	["Mutalist Alad V Assassinate"] = {
		Description = "Put an end to Alad V and his Mutalist experiments",
		Image = "PatientZero.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Keys/SortieBossKeyInfestedAladV",
		Introduced = "15.5",
		Link = "Mutalist Alad V Assassinate Key",
		Name = "Mutalist Alad V Assassinate",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Key"
	["Jordas Golem Assassinate"] = {
		Description = "Access this assassination mission by completing the Jordas Precept quest.",
		Image = "J3Golem.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "17.5",
		Link = "Jordas Golem",
		Name = "Jordas Golem Assassinate",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Key"
	["Twilight Apothic"] = {
		Description = "Creates an organic compound composed of rare plant species. Effects unknown.",
		Image = "TwilightApothic.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/TitaniaQuest/SpecterSummonOrphidSaryn",
		Introduced = "The Silver Grove",
		Link = "Twilight Apothic",
		Name = "Twilight Apothic",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Sunrise Apothic"] = {
		Description = "Creates an organic compound composed of rare plant species. Effects unknown.",
		Image = "SunriseApothic.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/TitaniaQuest/SpecterSummonFeyarchOberon",
		Introduced = "The Silver Grove",
		Link = "Sunrise Apothic",
		Name = "Sunrise Apothic",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Nightfall Apothic"] = {
		Description = "Creates an organic compound composed of rare plant species. Effects unknown.",
		Image = "NightfallApothic.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/TitaniaQuest/SpecterSummonKnaveLoki",
		Introduced = "The Silver Grove",
		Link = "Nightfall Apothic",
		Name = "Nightfall Apothic",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Ammo Restore (Large)"] = {
		Description = "Restores 3x Primary and Secondary Ammo Pick Up Amount every 15s for 60s.",
		Image = "LargeTeamAmmoPack.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/SyndicateTeamAmmoTotem",
		Introduced = "15",
		Link = "Squad Ammo Restore",
		Name = "Squad Ammo Restore (Large)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Health Restore (Large)"] = {
		Description = "Restores Health to all squad members. Pulses 300 Health every 7.5s for 30s.",
		Image = "LargeTeamHealPack.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/SyndicateTeamHealTotem",
		Introduced = "15",
		Link = "Squad Health Restore",
		Name = "Squad Health Restore (Large)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Energy Restore (Large)"] = {
		Description = "Restores Energy to all squad members. Pulses 100 Energy every 7.5s for 30s.",
		Image = "LargeTeamEnergyPack.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/SyndicateTeamEnergyTotem",
		Introduced = "15",
		Link = "Squad Energy Restore",
		Name = "Squad Energy Restore (Large)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Shield Restore (Large)"] = {
		Description = "Restores Shields to all squad members. Pulses 300 Shield every 7.5s for 30s.",
		Image = "LargeTeamShieldPack.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/SyndicateTeamShieldTotem",
		Introduced = "15",
		Link = "Squad Shield Restore",
		Name = "Squad Shield Restore (Large)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Ammo Restore (Medium)"] = {
		Description = "Restores 2x Primary and Secondary Ammo Pick Up Amount every 15s for 60s.",
		Image = "AmmoTotemMediumBundle.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/ClanTeamAmmoTotem",
		Introduced = "8",
		Link = "Squad Ammo Restore",
		Name = "Squad Ammo Restore (Medium)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Health Restore (Medium)"] = {
		Description = "Restores Health to all squad members. Pulses 100 Health every 5s for 30s.",
		Image = "HealthTotemMediumBundle.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/ClanTeamHealTotem",
		Introduced = "8",
		Link = "Squad Health Restore",
		Name = "Squad Health Restore (Medium)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Energy Restore (Medium)"] = {
		Description = "Restores Energy to all squad members. Pulses 50 Energy every 5s for 30s.",
		Image = "EnergyTotemMediumBundle.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/ClanTeamEnergyTotem",
		Introduced = "8",
		Link = "Squad Energy Restore",
		Name = "Squad Energy Restore (Medium)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Shield Restore (Medium)"] = {
		Description = "Restores Shields to all squad members. Pulses 100 Shield every 7.5s for 30s.",
		Image = "ShieldTotemMediumBundle.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/ClanTeamShieldTotem",
		Introduced = "8",
		Link = "Squad Shield Restore",
		Name = "Squad Shield Restore (Medium)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Ammo Restore (Small)"] = {
		Description = "Restores 1x Primary and Secondary Ammo Pick Up Amount every 15s for 60s.",
		Image = "TeamAmmoRestore.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/TeamAmmoTotem",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Squad Ammo Restore",
		Name = "Squad Ammo Restore (Small)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Health Restore (Small)"] = {
		Description = "Restores Health to all squad members. Pulses 30 Health every 7.5s for 30s.",
		Image = "TeamHealRestore.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/TeamHealTotem",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Squad Health Restore",
		Name = "Squad Health Restore (Small)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Energy Restore (Small)"] = {
		Description = "Restores Energy to all squad members. Pulses 25 Energy every 7.5s for 30s.",
		Image = "TeamEnergyRestore.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/TeamEnergyTotem",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Squad Energy Restore",
		Name = "Squad Energy Restore (Small)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Squad Shield Restore (Small)"] = {
		Description = "Restores Shields to all squad members. Pulses 35 Shield every 7.5s for 30s.",
		Image = "TeamShieldRestore.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/TeamShieldTotem",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Squad Shield Restore",
		Name = "Squad Shield Restore (Small)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Fosfor Blau"] = {
		Description = "Launch a bright blue flare that significantly increases Affinity Range while active.",
		Image = "FosforBlau.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Synthetics/FlareBlue",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Fosfor#Fosfor Blau",
		Name = "Fosfor Blau",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Fosfor Rahd"] = {
		Description = "Launch a bright red flare that significantly increases Affinity Range while active.",
		Image = "FosforRahd.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Synthetics/FlareRed",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Fosfor#Fosfor Rahd",
		Name = "Fosfor Rahd",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Calcifin Stim"] = {
		Description = "Hardens skin, fortifying against damage while restricting movement.",
		Image = "CalcifinStim.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/NpcBuffs/ArmorBuffSpeedDebuff",
		Introduced = "19.12",
		Link = "Stims#Calcifin Stim",
		Name = "Calcifin Stim",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Adrenal Stim"] = {
		Description = "Elevates adrenaline levels to enable faster movement while increasing sensitivity to damage.",
		Image = "AdrenalStim.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/NpcBuffs/SpeedBuffArmorDebuff",
		Introduced = "19.12",
		Link = "Stims#Adrenal Stim",
		Name = "Adrenal Stim",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Refract Stim"] = {
		Description = "Coats the target in a film that refracts light, allowing undetected movement.",
		Image = "RefractStim.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/NpcBuffs/CloakingBuff",
		Introduced = "19.12",
		Link = "Stims#Refract Stim",
		Name = "Refract Stim",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Clotra Stim"] = {
		Description = "Revives a target that is bleeding out, and provides a bonus revive to any allies in range.",
		Image = "ClotraStim.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/NpcBuffs/ReviveBuff",
		Introduced = "19.12",
		Link = "Stims#Clotra Stim",
		Name = "Clotra Stim",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Amethyst Antitoxin"] = {
		Description = "This is a mildly effective antitoxin.",
		Image = "AmethystAntitoxin.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Toxins/NightCommonAntitoxin",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		Link = "Antitoxin (Gear)#Amethyst",
		Name = "Amethyst Antitoxin",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Beryl Antitoxin"] = {
		Description = "This is a mildly effective antitoxin.",
		Image = "BerylAntitoxin.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Toxins/DayCommonAntitoxin",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		Link = "Antitoxin (Gear)#Beryl",
		Name = "Beryl Antitoxin",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Citrine Antitoxin"] = {
		Description = "This is a moderately effective antitoxin.",
		Image = "CitrineAntitoxin.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Toxins/DayUnCommonAntitoxin",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		Link = "Antitoxin (Gear)#Citrine",
		Name = "Citrine Antitoxin",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Topaz Antitoxin"] = {
		Description = "This is a moderately effective antitoxin.",
		Image = "TopazAntitoxin.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Toxins/NightUnCommonAntitoxin",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		Link = "Antitoxin (Gear)#Topaz",
		Name = "Topaz Antitoxin",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Lapis Antitoxin"] = {
		Description = "This is an extremely effective antitoxin.",
		Image = "LapisAntitoxin.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Toxins/RareAntitoxin",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		Link = "Antitoxin (Gear)#Lapis",
		Name = "Lapis Antitoxin",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Vermilion Antitoxin"] = {
		Description = "This is an extremely effective antitoxin.",
		Image = "VermillionAntitoxin.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Toxins/SoloRareAntitoxin",
		Introduced = "11.5.2",
		Link = "Antitoxin (Gear)#Vermilion",
		Name = "Vermilion Antitoxin",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Hobbled Dragon Key"] = {
		Description = "Speed is greatly reduced while key is equipped.",
		Image = "HobbledDragonKey.png",
		Introduced = "10.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Upgraded/SpeedDebuffKey",
		Link = "Hobbled Dragon Key",
		Name = "Hobbled Dragon Key",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Extinguished Dragon Key"] = {
		Description = "Damage is greatly reduced while key is equipped.",
		Image = "ExtinguishedDragonKey.png",
		Introduced = "10.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Upgraded/DamageDebuffKey",
		Link = "Extinguished Dragon Key",
		Name = "Extinguished Dragon Key",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Decaying Dragon Key"] = {
		Description = "Shields are greatly reduced while key is equipped.",
		Image = "DecayingDragonKey.png",
		Introduced = "10.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Upgraded/ShieldDebuffKey",
		Link = "Decaying Dragon Key",
		Name = "Decaying Dragon Key",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Bleeding Dragon Key"] = {
		Description = "Health is greatly reduced while key is equipped.",
		Image = "BleedingDragonKey.png",
		Introduced = "10.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Upgraded/HealthDebuffKey",
		Link = "Bleeding Dragon Key",
		Name = "Bleeding Dragon Key",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Air Support Charges"] = {
		Description = "Charges consumed by Landing Craft Air Support.",
		Image = "AirSupportCharges.png",
		Introduced = "17.5",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/LisetAirSupport",
		Link = "Air Support Charges",
		Name = "Air Support Charges",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Eros Arrow Skin"] = {
		Description = "Show the enemy how much you care with the adorable Eros Arrow Skin.",
		Image = "ErosArrowSkin.png",
		Introduced = "15.14.1",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/ValentinesArrowBundle",
		Link = "Eros Arrow Skin",
		Name = "Eros Arrow Skin",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Ki'Teer Fireworks"] = {
		Description = "A bombastic symphony of color.",
		Image = "Ki'TeerFireworks.png",
		Introduced = "19.4",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/BaroFireWorksCrate",
		Link = "Ki'Teer Fireworks",
		Name = "Ki'Teer Fireworks",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Glyph Prism"] = {
		Description = "Launches a magnetic prism to display your chosen Glyph. Only one may be deployed at any time, and charges are unlimited.",
		Image = "LotusSymbolGlyph.png",
		Introduced = "Specters of the Rail 0",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/GlyphConsumableNoCharges",
		Link = "Glyph Prism",
		Name = "Glyph Prism",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Health Restore (Large)"] = {
		Description = "Completely restores health.",
		Image = "HealthRestore(Large).png",
		Introduced = "7",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/SelfHealLarge",
		Link = "Health Restore",
		Name = "Health Restore (Large)",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Kaithe Summon"] = {
		Description = "Summon and instantly mount a Kaithe while in free roam missions.",
		Image = "KaitheSummon.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/ErsatzSummon",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Kaithe Summon",
		Name = "Kaithe Summon",
		Type = "Gear"
	["K-Drive Launcher"] = {
		Description = "Summons an K-Drive for use during free roam missions.",
		Image = "K-DriveLauncher.png",
		Introduced = "24",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/HoverboardSummon",
		Link = "K-Drive Launcher",
		Name = "K-Drive Launcher",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Necramech Summon"] = {
		Description = "Summon a Necramech to the battlefield.",
		Image = "NecramechSummon.png",
		Introduced = "29",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/LoadoutTechSummon",
		Link = "Necramech Summon",
		Name = "Necramech Summon",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["On Call Crew"] = {
		Description = "Call in a designated crew member for backup in non-Railjack missions.",
		Image = "OnCallCrew.png",
		Introduced = "29.10",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/CrewmateBall",
		Link = "On Call Crew",
		Name = "On Call Crew",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Wolf Beacon"] = {
		Description = "Lures the the Wolf out of hiding. One-time use gear item that can only be used in locations where the assassin would normally appear.",
		Image = "WolfBeacon.png",
		Introduced = "25.3.2",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/AssassinBaitD",
		Link = "Wolf Beacon",
		Name = "Wolf Beacon",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Stalker Beacon"] = {
		Description = "Lures the Stalker out of hiding. One-time use gear item that can only be used in locations where the assassin would normally appear.",
		Image = "StalkerBeacon.png",
		Introduced = "18.4.10",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/AssassinBait",
		Link = "Stalker Beacon",
		Name = "Stalker Beacon",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Zanuka Hunter Beacon"] = {
		Description = "Lures the Zanuka Hunter out of hiding. One-time use gear item that can only be used in locations where the assassin would normally appear.",
		Image = "ZanukaHunterBeacon.png",
		Introduced = "18.4.10",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/AssassinBaitB",
		Link = "Zanuka Hunter Beacon",
		Name = "Zanuka Hunter Beacon",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Grustrag Three Beacon"] = {
		Description = "Lures the Grustrag Three out of hiding. One-time use gear item that can only be used in locations where the assassin would normally appear.",
		Image = "GrustragThreeBeacon.png",
		Introduced = "18.4.10",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/AssassinBaitC",
		Link = "Grustrag Three Beacon",
		Name = "Grustrag Three Beacon",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Archwing Launcher"] = {
		Description = "Summons an Archwing for use during free roam missions.",
		Image = "GenericArchwingSystems.png",
		Introduced = "22",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/OpenArchwingSummon",
		Link = "Archwing Launcher",
		Name = "Archwing Launcher",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Archgun Deployer"] = {
		Description = "Deploy the selected archwing gun in any atmospheric environment using this gear item.",
		Image = "ArchgunDeployer.png",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/HeavyWeaponSummon",
		Link = "Archgun Deployer",
		Name = "Archgun Deployer",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Tranq Rifle"] = {
		Description = "Reassures animals for safe relocation purposes.",
		Image = "TranqRifle.png",
		Introduced = "24",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Conservation/TranqRifleGearItem",
		Link = "Tranq Rifle",
		Name = "Tranq Rifle",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Echo-Lure"] = {
		Description = "Entice and attract nearby wildlife with life-like animal calls.",
		Image = "Echo-Lure.png",
		Introduced = "24",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Conservation/UpgradedAnimalLureGearItem",
		Link = "Echo-Lure",
		Name = "Echo-Lure",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Synthesis Scanner"] = {
		Description = "Synthesize a genetic data of the target and uploads it to Sanctuary.",
		Image = "SynthesisScanner.png",
		Introduced = "16",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/LibraryScanner",
		Link = "Synthesis Scanner",
		Name = "Synthesis Scanner",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Pharoma"] = {
		Description = "A compound that relaxes nearby fish.",
		Image = "Pharoma.png",
		Introduced = "22",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/FishingBoosts/SoftTouch",
		Link = "Pharoma",
		Name = "Pharoma",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Luminous Dye"] = {
		Description = "Dye the waters with a compound that sticks to fish passing through it, making them easier to see from the shore.",
		Image = "LuminousDye.png",
		Introduced = "22",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/FishingBoosts/AnglerVision",
		Link = "Luminous Dye",
		Name = "Luminous Dye",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Loc-Pin"] = {
		Description = "A persistent waypoint marker for use with the world map. Coordinate your squad and track places of importance!",
		Image = "Loc-Pin.png",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/MapMarker",
		Link = "Loc-Pin",
		Name = "Loc-Pin",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Remote Observer"] = {
		Description = "A short-lived remote camera that overrides the player's Warframe optics.",
		Image = "GenericComponentPlug.png",
		Introduced = "17",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/CameraConsumable",
		Link = "Remote Observer",
		Name = "Remote Observer",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["OpLink"] = {
		Description = "A device used to manage coordination and resources during Operation Link missions.",
		Image = "OpLink.png",
		Introduced = "27.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/ScenarioBeacon",
		Link = "OpLink",
		Name = "OpLink",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Razorback Cipher"] = {
		Description = "Used to bypass security systems that protect the Razorback's holding cell.",
		Image = "RazorbackCipher.png",
		Introduced = "20.5.2",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/RazorbackCipher",
		Link = "Razorback Cipher",
		Name = "Razorback Cipher",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Infested Catalyst"] = {
		Description = "This refined toxin catalyst, has been formulated to reinforce the Thrax Toxin and maximize damage to the Infested boil.",
		Image = "InfestedCatalyst.png",
		Introduced = "22.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Eidolon/InfestedEventClanIngredient",
		Link = "Infested Catalyst",
		Name = "Infested Catalyst",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Eidolon Phylaxis"] = {
		Description = "Sentient immunity to the Infestation is exploited with this refined phylaxis. Formulated specifically to combat Infested boils.",
		Image = "EidolonPhylaxis.png",
		Introduced = "22.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Eidolon/InfestedEventIngredient",
		Link = "Eidolon Phylaxis",
		Name = "Eidolon Phylaxis",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Codex Scanner"] = {
		Description = "Samples a target of interest for later analysis in your Codex (25 charges).",
		Image = "CodexScanner.png",
		Introduced = "11",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/Scanner",
		Link = "Codex Scanner",
		Name = "Codex Scanner",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Corpus Void Key"] = {
		Description = "Corpus Scouts are hiding in the Void. Use this key to find their ships and hunt them down!",
		Image = "CorpusVoidKey.png",
		Introduced = "9",
		InternalName = "",
		Link = "Corpus Void Key",
		Name = "Corpus Void Key",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Key"
	["Starburst"] = {
		Description = "Celebrate the holiday with fireworks! Light up the sky with this single use consumable item.",
		Image = "Starburst.png",
		Introduced = "8.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/FireWorksSingle",
		Link = "Starburst",
		Name = "Starburst",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Grand Finale"] = {
		Description = "Want a more spectacular fireworks display to show your patriotism? Celebrate in style with this single use consumable item.",
		Image = "GrandFinale.png",
		Introduced = "8.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/FireWorksCrate",
		Link = "Grand Finale",
		Name = "Grand Finale",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Clan Key"] = {
		Description = "Unlocks access to your Clan's Dojo",
		Image = "ClanKey.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Keys/DojoKey",
		Introduced = "8",
		Link = "Clan Key",
		Name = "Clan Key",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Key"
	["Cipher"] = {
		Description = "Single-use device used for auto-hacking the lockdown control panels.",
		Image = "Cipher.png",
		Introduced = "7",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Cipher",
		Link = "Cipher",
		Name = "Cipher",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Omni Ammo Box"] = {
		Description = "Fully restores all ammo types.",
		Image = "AmmoBox.png",
		Introduced = "7",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/SelfOmniAmmo",
		Link = "Omni Ammo Box",
		Name = "Omni Ammo Box",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Antiserum Injector"] = {
		Description = "Injects antiserum into Vaporizers or the user to prevent armor degradation.",
		Image = "AntiserumInjector.png",
		Introduced = "17.9.1",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/InfestedSyringe",
		Link = "Antiserum Injector",
		Name = "Antiserum Injector",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Fomorian Disruptor"] = {
		Description = "When activated, it disrupts a Fomorian core's Omega energy field, making it vulnerable. Also shields Tenno from Omega radiation.",
		Image = "FomorianDisruptor.png",
		Introduced = "15.8",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/FomorianNegator",
		Link = "Fomorian Disruptor",
		Name = "Fomorian Disruptor",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Kinetic Siphon Trap"] = {
		Description = "Specialized trap for attracting and slowing the movement of synthesis targets.",
		Image = "KineticSiphonTrap.png",
		Introduced = "16",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/HunterTool",
		Link = "Kinetic Siphon Trap",
		Name = "Kinetic Siphon Trap",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Gear"
	["Mod Drop Chance Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the chance of mod drops.",
		Image = "3DayModDropChanceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "25.8",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ModDropChanceBoosterStoreItem",
		Link = "Mod Drop Chance Booster",
		Name = "Mod Drop Chance Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["30 Day Mod Drop Chance Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the chance of mod drops.",
		Image = "30DayModDropChanceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "25.8",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ModDropChanceBooster30DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Mod Drop Chance Booster",
		Name = "30 Day Mod Drop Chance Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["3 Day Mod Drop Chance Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the chance of mod drops.",
		Image = "3DayModDropChanceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "25.8",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ModDropChanceBooster3DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Mod Drop Chance Booster",
		Name = "3 Day Mod Drop Chance Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["7 Day Mod Drop Chance Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the chance of mod drops.",
		Image = "7DayModDropChanceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "25.8",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ModDropChanceBooster7DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Mod Drop Chance Booster",
		Name = "7 Day Mod Drop Chance Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["90-Day Mod Drop Chance Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the chance of mod drops.",
		Image = "90-DayModDropChanceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "25.8",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ModDropChanceBooster90DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Mod Drop Chance Booster",
		Name = "90-Day Mod Drop Chance Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["Resource Drop Chance Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the chance of resource drops.",
		Image = "3DayResourceDropChanceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "11",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ResourceDropChanceBoosterStoreItem",
		Link = "Resource Drop Chance Booster",
		Name = "Resource Drop Chance Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["30 Day Resource Drop Chance Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the chance of resource drops.",
		Image = "30DayResourceDropChanceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Specters of the Rail 0.0",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ResourceDropChance30DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Resource Drop Chance Booster",
		Name = "30 Day Resource Drop Chance Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["3 Day Resource Drop Chance Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the chance of resource drops.",
		Image = "3DayResourceDropChanceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "11",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ResourceDropChance3DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Resource Drop Chance Booster",
		Name = "3 Day Resource Drop Chance Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["7 Day Resource Drop Chance Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the chance of resource drops.",
		Image = "7DayResourceDropChanceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "11",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ResourceDropChance7DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Resource Drop Chance Booster",
		Name = "7 Day Resource Drop Chance Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["Credit Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the amount of credits you get from pickups.",
		Image = "3DayCreditBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/CreditBoosterStoreItem",
		Link = "Credit Booster",
		Name = "Credit Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["30 Day Credit Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the amount of credits you get from pickups.",
		Image = "30DayCreditBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/CreditBooster30DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Credit Booster",
		Name = "30 Day Credit Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["3 Day Credit Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the amount of credits you get from pickups.",
		Image = "3DayCreditBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/CreditBooster3DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Credit Booster",
		Name = "3 Day Credit Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["7 Day Credit Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the amount of credits you get from pickups.",
		Image = "7DayCreditBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/CreditBooster7DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Credit Booster",
		Name = "7 Day Credit Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["90-Day Credit Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the amount of credits you get from pickups.",
		Image = "90-DayCreditBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/CreditBooster90DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Credit Booster",
		Name = "90-Day Credit Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["Resource Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the amount of resources you get from pickups.",
		Image = "3DayResourceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ResourceAmountStoreItem",
		Link = "Resource Booster",
		Name = "Resource Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["30 Day Resource Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the amount of resources you get from pickups.",
		Image = "30DayResourceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ResourceAmount30DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Resource Booster",
		Name = "30 Day Resource Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["3 Day Resource Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the amount of resources you get from pickups.",
		Image = "3DayResourceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ResourceAmount3DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Resource Booster",
		Name = "3 Day Resource Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["7 Day Resource Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the amount of resources you get from pickups.",
		Image = "7DayResourceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ResourceAmount7DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Resource Booster",
		Name = "7 Day Resource Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["90-Day Resource Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the amount of resources you get from pickups.",
		Image = "90-DayResourceBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/ResourceAmount90DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Resource Booster",
		Name = "90-Day Resource Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["Affinity Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the rate at which you earn affinity.",
		Image = "3DayAffinityBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/AffinityBoosterStoreItem",
		Link = "Affinity Booster",
		Name = "Affinity Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["30 Day Affinity Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the rate at which you earn affinity.",
		Image = "30DayAffinityBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/AffinityBooster30DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Affinity Booster",
		Name = "30 Day Affinity Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["3 Day Affinity Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the rate at which you earn affinity.",
		Image = "3DayAffinityBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/AffinityBooster3DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Affinity Booster",
		Name = "3 Day Affinity Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["7 Day Affinity Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the rate at which you earn affinity.",
		Image = "7DayAffinityBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/AffinityBooster7DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Affinity Booster",
		Name = "7 Day Affinity Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["90-Day Affinity Booster"] = {
		Description = "Doubles the rate at which you earn affinity.",
		Image = "90-DayAffinityBooster.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/Boosters/AffinityBooster90DayStoreItem",
		Link = "Affinity Booster",
		Name = "90-Day Affinity Booster",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Booster"
	["Ayatan Sah Sculpture"] = {
		Description = "This kinetic Orokin sculpture springs to life when filled with Ayatan Stars. It may also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanSahSculpture.png",
		Introduced = "The Silver Grove 3.0",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexA",
		Link = "Ayatan Treasures",
		Name = "Ayatan Sah Sculpture",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Item"
	["Ayatan Ayr Sculpture"] = {
		Description = "This kinetic Orokin sculpture springs to life when filled with Ayatan Stars. It may also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanAyrSculpture.png",
		Introduced = "The Silver Grove 3.0",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexB",
		Link = "Ayatan Treasures",
		Name = "Ayatan Ayr Sculpture",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Item"
	["Ayatan Orta Sculpture"] = {
		Description = "This kinetic Orokin sculpture springs to life when filled with Ayatan Stars. It may also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanOrtaSculpture.png",
		Introduced = "The Silver Grove 3.0",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexC",
		Link = "Ayatan Treasures",
		Name = "Ayatan Orta Sculpture",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Item"
	["Ayatan Vaya Sculpture"] = {
		Description = "This kinetic Orokin sculpture springs to life when filled with Ayatan Stars. It may also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanVayaSculpture.png",
		Introduced = "The Silver Grove 3.0",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexD",
		Link = "Ayatan Treasures",
		Name = "Ayatan Vaya Sculpture",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Item"
	["Ayatan Piv Sculpture"] = {
		Description = "This kinetic Orokin sculpture springs to life when filled with Ayatan Stars. It may also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanPivSculpture.png",
		Introduced = "The Silver Grove 3.0",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexE",
		Link = "Ayatan Treasures",
		Name = "Ayatan Piv Sculpture",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Item"
	["Ayatan Kitha Sculpture"] = {
		Description = "Struck to commemorate the Entrati family’s power and prestige, as well as safeguarding their memories of one another. Many things changed in the years that followed, and that which had once shone brightly grew dark and dim. But even a single Ayatan Star may make all the difference.",
		Image = "AyatanKithaSculpture.png",
		Introduced = "29",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexEntrati",
		Link = "Ayatan Treasures",
		Name = "Ayatan Kitha Sculpture",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Item"
	["Ayatan Anasa Sculpture"] = {
		Description = "This kinetic Orokin sculpture springs to life when filled with Ayatan Stars. It may also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanAnasaSculpture.png",
		Introduced = "19.8",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexF",
		Link = "Ayatan Treasures",
		Name = "Ayatan Anasa Sculpture",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Item"
	["Ayatan Valana Sculpture"] = {
		Description = "This kinetic Orokin sculpture springs to life when filled with Ayatan Stars. It may also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanValanaSculpture.png",
		Introduced = "20",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexG",
		Link = "Ayatan Treasures",
		Name = "Ayatan Valana Sculpture",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Item"
	["Ayatan Zambuka Sculpture"] = {
		Description = "This kinetic Orokin sculpture springs to life when filled with Ayatan Stars. It may also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanZambukaSculpture.png",
		Introduced = "26",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexH",
		Link = "Ayatan Treasures",
		Name = "Ayatan Zambuka Sculpture",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Item"
	["Ayatan Hemakara Sculpture"] = {
		Description = "This kinetic Orokin sculpture springs to life when filled with Ayatan Stars. It may also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanHemakaraSculpture.png",
		Introduced = "29.6",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexJ",
		Link = "Ayatan Treasures",
		Name = "Ayatan Hemakara Sculpture",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Item"
	["Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.",
		Image = "ArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "32",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystal",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Amber Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.",
		Image = "AmberArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "32",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalNira",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Amber Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Tauforged Amber Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.\r\n<hr />\r\nTauforged status increases the overall power of an Archon Shard.",
		Image = "TauforgedAmberArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "32",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalNiraMythic",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Tauforged Amber Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Azure Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.",
		Image = "AzureArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "32",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalBoreal",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Azure Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Tauforged Azure Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.\r\n<hr />\r\nTauforged status increases the overall power of an Archon Shard.",
		Image = "TauforgedAzureArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "32",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalBorealMythic",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Tauforged Azure Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Crimson Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.",
		Image = "CrimsonArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "32",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalAmar",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Crimson Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Tauforged Crimson Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.\r\n<hr />\r\nTauforged status increases the overall power of an Archon Shard.",
		Image = "TauforgedCrimsonArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "32",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalAmarMythic",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Tauforged Crimson Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Emerald Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.",
		Image = "EmeraldArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "35",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalGreen",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Emerald Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Tauforged Emerald Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.",
		Image = "TauforgedEmeraldArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "35",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalGreenMythic",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Tauforged Emerald Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Topaz Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.",
		Image = "TopazArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "35",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalOrange",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Topaz Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Tauforged Topaz Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.",
		Image = "TauforgedTopazArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "35",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalOrangeMythic",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Tauforged Topaz Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Violet Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.",
		Image = "VioletArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "35",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalViolet",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Violet Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Tauforged Violet Archon Shard"] = {
		Description = "A source of anti-entropic radiation ideal for empowering synthetic lifeforms, most notably Archons and Warframes.",
		Image = "TauforgedVioletArchonShard.png",
		Introduced = "35",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NarmerSorties/ArchonCrystalVioletMythic",
		Link = "Archon Shard",
		Name = "Tauforged Violet Archon Shard",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Refacia Kit"] = {
		Description = "Open up an enticing array of radical new artificial skin colors using Refacia. Includes imitation Orokin Blue!",
		Image = "RefaciaKit.png",
		Introduced = "31.6",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/StoreItems/SuitCustomizations/ExtraOperatorSkinColors",
		Link = "Refacia Kit",
		Name = "Refacia Kit",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Amp Arcane Adapter"] = {
		Description = "Fuses with an Amp to unlock the Arcane Slot.",
		Image = "AmpArcaneAdapter.png",
		Introduced = "31.6",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/WeaponAmpArcaneUnlocker",
		Link = "Amp Arcane Adapter",
		Name = "Amp Arcane Adapter",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Argozene"] = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "Argozene.png",
		Introduced = "31.5",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Zariman/Fluxyte",
		Link = "Argozene",
		Name = "Argozene",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Secondary Arcane Adapter"] = {
		Description = "Fuses with a Secondary weapon to unlock the Arcane Slot.",
		Image = "SecondaryArcaneAdapter.png",
		Introduced = "30.5",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/WeaponSecondaryArcaneUnlocker",
		Link = "Secondary Arcane Adapter",
		Name = "Secondary Arcane Adapter",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Primary Arcane Adapter"] = {
		Description = "Fuses with a Primary weapon to unlock the Arcane Slot.",
		Image = "PrimaryArcaneAdapter.png",
		Introduced = "30.5",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/WeaponPrimaryArcaneUnlocker",
		Link = "Primary Arcane Adapter",
		Name = "Primary Arcane Adapter",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Melee Arcane Adapter"] = {
		Description = "Fuses with a Melee weapon to unlock the Arcane Slot.",
		Image = "MeleeArcaneAdapter.png",
		Introduced = "35",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/WeaponMeleeArcaneUnlocker",
		Link = "Melee Arcane Adapter",
		Name = "Melee Arcane Adapter",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Exilus Weapon Adapter"] = {
		Description = "Fuses with a Primary or Secondary weapon to unlock the Exilus Mod Slot.",
		Image = "ExilusWeaponAdapter.png",
		Introduced = "26",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/WeaponUtilityUnlocker",
		Link = "Exilus Weapon Adapter",
		Name = "Exilus Weapon Adapter",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Exilus Warframe Adapter"] = {
		Description = "Fuses with a Warframe to unlock the Exilus Mod Slot.",
		Image = "ExilusWarframeAdapter.png",
		Introduced = "17",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/UtilityUnlocker",
		Link = "Exilus Warframe Adapter",
		Name = "Exilus Warframe Adapter",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Orokin Catalyst"] = {
		Description = "Orokin modification technology used to super-charge weaponry. Doubles the available Mod Capacity on a Weapon.",
		Image = "OrokinCatalyst.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/OrokinCatalyst",
		Link = "Orokin Catalyst",
		Name = "Orokin Catalyst",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Orokin Reactor"] = {
		Description = "Reactor used to super-charge Warframes. Doubles the available Mod Capacity on a Warframe, Archwing, and Companions.",
		Image = "OrokinReactor.png",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/OrokinReactor",
		Link = "Orokin Reactor",
		Name = "Orokin Reactor",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Veiled Riven Cipher"] = {
		Description = "Identify a Veiled Riven",
		Image = "RivenCipher.png",
		Introduced = "30.5",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/RivenIdentifier",
		Link = "Veiled Riven Cipher",
		Name = "Veiled Riven Cipher",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Nutrio Incubator Upgrade Segment"] = {
		Description = "Upgrades the Orbiter's Incubator with the following features:\r\n\r\n- Regress genetic aging of mature companions\r\n- Egg incubation reduced by a day",
		Image = "NutrioIncubatorUpgradeSegment.png",
		Introduced = "17",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/ShipFeatureItems/GeneticFoundryUpgradeFeatureItem",
		Link = "Orbiter Segments",
		Name = "Nutrio Incubator Upgrade Segment",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Component"
	["Landing Craft Foundry Segment"] = {
		Description = "Upgrades the Orbiter's Foundry with the following features:\r\n\r\n- Allows construction of Landing Craft\r\n- Allows construction of Air Support Charges\r\n\r\nEquip Air Support Charges in your Loadout's Gear.",
		Image = "LandingCraftFoundrySegment.png",
		Introduced = "14",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/ShipFeatureItems/FoundryVesselUpgradeFeatureItem",
		Link = "Orbiter Segments",
		Name = "Landing Craft Foundry Segment",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Component"
	["Gravimag"] = {
		Description = "Allows archwing guns to be deployed in terrestrial zones. Install this device on archwing guns to compensate for atmospheric and gravitational forces not experienced in space.\r\nNOTE: Deployment requires gear obtained from the Profit-Taker mission in Fortuna.",
		Image = "Gravimag.png",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/HeavyWeaponCatalyst",
		Link = "Gravimag",
		Name = "Gravimag",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Component"
	["Aura Forma"] = {
		Description = "Modifies an Aura slot on a Warframe to be compatible with any Mod Polarity.",
		Image = "AuraForma.png",
		Introduced = "27.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/FormaAura",
		Link = "Aura Forma",
		Name = "Aura Forma",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Stance Forma"] = {
		Description = "Modifies a Stance slot on a melee weapon to be compatible with any Mod Polarity.",
		Image = "StanceForma.png",
		Introduced = "27.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/FormaStance",
		Link = "Stance Forma",
		Name = "Stance Forma",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Umbra Forma"] = {
		Description = "Forma that can apply the UMBRA polarity.\r\n\r\nThis shape-altering component is fundamental to Orokin construction. Allows you to change the polarity of a mod slot on a Warframe or Melee Weapon to UMBRA polarity and then resets their affinity to Unranked. This can only be used on max Rank Warframes and Melee Weapons.",
		Image = "UmbraForma.png",
		Introduced = "24.3",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/FormaUmbra",
		Link = "Umbra Forma",
		Name = "Umbra Forma",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Simulacrum Access Key"] = {
		Description = "Grants access to the Simulacrum.\r\n\r\nIn the Simulacrum you can face mimeographs of enemies you have fully researched with the Codex.",
		Image = "SimulacrumAccessKey.png",
		Introduced = "16",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/DangerRoomKey",
		Link = "Simulacrum",
		Name = "Simulacrum Access Key",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Key"
	["Nai-Zhen Kubrow Collar"] = {
		Description = "Records the genetic memory and DNA sequence of a Kubrow, allowing it to be reconstructed in the Incubator.",
		Image = "KubrowCollar.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/KubrowPetCollarItem",
		Introduced = "14",
		Link = "Kubrow",
		Name = "Nai-Zhen Kubrow Collar",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Item"
	["Nautilus Cerebrum"] = {
		Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
		Image = "Helmet.png",
		Introduced = "29.10",
		Link = "Nautilus",
		Name = "Nautilus Cerebrum",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Component"
	["Nautilus Carapace"] = {
		Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
		Image = "Chassis.png",
		Introduced = "29.10",
		Link = "Nautilus",
		Name = "Nautilus Carapace",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Component"
	["Nautilus Systems"] = {
		Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
		Image = "Systems.png",
		Introduced = "29.10",
		Link = "Nautilus",
		Name = "Nautilus Systems",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Component"
	["Animo Nav Beacon"] = {
		Description = "Used to locate the Ambulas production facility.\r\n\r\nThis resource is dropped from Ambulas Units.",
		Image = "AnimoNavBeacon.png",
		Introduced = "20.4",
		Link = "Operation: Ambulas Reborn",
		Name = "Animo Nav Beacon",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Event"
	["Tethra Cipher"] = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "TethraCipher.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Keys/RetrievalKeyBlueprint",
		Introduced = "12.4",
		Link = "Tethra Cipher",
		Name = "Tethra Cipher",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Event"
	["Tethra Shield Cipher"] = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "TethraShieldCipher.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Keys/NightmareRetrievalKeyBlueprint",
		Introduced = "12.4",
		Link = "Tethra Shield Cipher",
		Name = "Tethra Shield Cipher",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Event"
	["Narmer Isoplast"] = {
		Description = "An adaptive Sentient base component responsible for communication flows. Used extensively in the Narmer invasion. A valuable commodity for both The Quills and Vox Solaris.",
		Image = "NarmerIsoplast.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NarmerBountyResource",
		Introduced = "31",
		Link = "Narmer Isoplast",
		Name = "Narmer Isoplast",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Resource"
	["Credits"] = {
		Description = "The dominant currency of the Origin System. Explore the system and complete missions to earn more.",
		Image = "Credits.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Credits",
		Name = "Credits",
		SellPrice = 1,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Endo"] = {
		Description = "Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.",
		Image = "Endo.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "The Silver Grove",
		Link = "Endo",
		Name = "Endo",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Platinum"] = {
		Description = "Warframe's premium currency.\r\nGain instant access to Warframes, Weapons, Cosmetics & more.\r\n\r\nSelect to open the Platinum store.",
		Image = "PlatinumLarge.png",
		InternalName = "PlatinumCredits",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Platinum",
		Name = "Platinum",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Regal Aya"] = {
		Description = "Premium quality Aya, available from the Market. Varzia uses Regal Aya to reconstruct Prime Warframes and equipment. ",
		Image = "RegalAya.png",
		InternalName = "PrimeToken",
		Introduced = "30.9.4",
		Link = "Regal Aya",
		Name = "Regal Aya",
		Type = "Currency"
	["Aya"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Raw Orokin memory plasma. Varzia's Foundry can consume Aya to create Void Relics.",
		Image = "Aya.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SchismKey",
		Introduced = "30.9.4",
		Link = "Aya",
		Name = "Aya",
		Type = "Currency"
	["Scarlet Credits"] = {
		Description = "Battle pay for Tenno fighting in Operation Scarlet Spear.",
		Image = "ScarletCredits.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Events/OperationsCredits",
		Introduced = "27.3",
		Link = "Operation: Scarlet Spear",
		Name = "Scarlet Credits",
		Type = "Event"
	["Standing"] = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "ReputationLarge.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15",
		Link = "Standing",
		Name = "Standing",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Nora's Mix Vol. 1 Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "Nora'sMixVol1Cred.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraIntermissionFiveCreds",
		Introduced = "31.2",
		Link = "Nightwave/Nora's Mix Volume 1",
		Name = "Nora's Mix Vol. 1 Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Nora's Mix Vol. 2 Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "Nora'sMixVol2Cred.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraIntermissionSixCreds",
		Introduced = "31.6.4",
		Link = "Nightwave/Nora's Mix Volume 2",
		Name = "Nora's Mix Vol. 2 Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Nora's Mix Vol. 3 Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "Nora'sMixVol2Cred.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraIntermissionSevenCreds",
		Introduced = "32.2",
		Link = "Nightwave/Nora's Mix Volume 3",
		Name = "Nora's Mix Vol. 3 Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Nora's Mix Vol. 4 Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "Nora'sMixVol4Cred.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraIntermissionEightCreds",
		Introduced = "33.0.11",
		Link = "Nightwave/Nora's Mix Volume 4",
		Name = "Nora's Mix Vol. 4 Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Nora's Mix Vol. 5 Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "Nora'sMixVol5Cred.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraIntermissionNineCreds",
		Introduced = "34.0.8",
		Link = "Nightwave/Nora's Mix Volume 5",
		Name = "Nora's Mix Vol. 5 Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Nora's Mix Vol. 6 Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "Nora'sMixVol6Cred.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraIntermissionTenCreds",
		Introduced = "35.6",
		Link = "Nightwave/Nora's Mix Volume 6",
		Name = "Nora's Mix Vol. 6 Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Nora's Choice Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "NoraCredOfferings.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraIntermissionFourCreds",
		Introduced = "30.6",
		Link = "Nightwave/Nora's Choice",
		Name = "Nora's Choice Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Emissary Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "EmissaryCred64.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraInfestedCreds",
		Introduced = "25.3.0",
		Link = "Nightwave/Series 2",
		Name = "Emissary Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Wolf Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "WolfCred64.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraWolfCreds",
		Introduced = "25.1.1",
		Link = "Nightwave/Series 1",
		Name = "Wolf Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Intermission I Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "NoraCred64.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraWolfTwoCreds",
		Introduced = "25.1.1",
		Link = "Nightwave/Intermission",
		Name = "Intermission I Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Intermission II Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "Nora2Cred64.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraIntermissionTwoCreds",
		Introduced = "25.1.1",
		Link = "Nightwave/Intermission II",
		Name = "Intermission II Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Intermission III Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "Nora3Cred64.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraIntermissionThreeCreds",
		Introduced = "29.7.0",
		Link = "Nightwave/Intermission III",
		Name = "Intermission III Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
    ["Crystal Cred"] = {
		Description = "Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for <CREDITS>Credits.",
		Image = "CrystalCred.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NoraSeasonThreeCreds",
		Introduced = "29.3.0",
		Link = "Nightwave/Series 3",
		Name = "Crystal Cred",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency"
	["Ash Systems"] = {
		Description = "Systems component of the Ash Warframe.",
		Image = "Systems.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/AshSystemsComponent",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Ash",
		Name = "Ash Systems",
		Type = "Component",
		SellPrice = 1000
	["Oberon Systems"] = {
		Description = "Systems component of the Oberon Warframe.",
		Image = "Systems.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/PaladinSystemsComponent",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		Link = "Oberon",
		Name = "Oberon Systems",
		Type = "Component",
		SellPrice = 1000
	["Volt Systems"] = {
		Description = "Systems component of the Volt Warframe.",
		Image = "Systems.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/VOLTSystemsComponent",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Volt",
		Name = "Volt Systems",
		Type = "Component",
		SellPrice = 1000
	["Frost Systems"] = {
		Description = "Systems component of the Frost Warframe.",
		Image = "Systems.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/FrostSystemsComponent",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Frost",
		Name = "Frost Systems",
		Type = "Component",
		SellPrice = 1000
	["Ember Systems"] = {
		Description = "Systems component of the Ember Warframe.",
		Image = "Systems.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/EmberSystemsComponent",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Ember",
		Name = "Ember Systems",
		Type = "Component",
		SellPrice = 1000
	["Garuda Systems"] = {
		Description = "Systems component of the Garuda Warframe.",
		Image = "Systems.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/GarudaSystemsComponent",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Garuda",
		Name = "Garuda Systems",
		Type = "Component",
		SellPrice = 1000
	["Rush Repair Drone"] = {
		Description = "This single-use item instantly repairs a damaged component or armament in the Dry Dock.",
		Image = "RushRepairDrone.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/InstantSalvageRepairItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		Link = "Rush Repair Drone",
		Name = "Rush Repair Drone",
		Type = "Item"
	["Tethron Antigen"] = {
		Description = "Attunes the Infestation within to the Penjaga polarity.",
		Image = "TethronAntigen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedPredatorAntigenD",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Tethron Antigen",
		Name = "Tethron Antigen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Ibexan Antigen"] = {
		Description = "Attunes the Infestation within to the Naramon polarity.",
		Image = "IbexanAntigen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedPredatorAntigenC",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Ibexan Antigen",
		Name = "Ibexan Antigen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Elasmun Antigen"] = {
		Description = "Attunes the Infestation within to the Madurai polarity.",
		Image = "ElasmunAntigen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedPredatorAntigenA",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Elasmun Antigen",
		Name = "Elasmun Antigen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Iranon Antigen"] = {
		Description = "Attunes the Infestation within to the Vazarin polarity.",
		Image = "IranonAntigen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedPredatorAntigenB",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Iranon Antigen",
		Name = "Iranon Antigen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Poxi Antigen"] = {
		Description = "Attunes the Infestation within to the Penjaga polarity.",
		Image = "PoxiAntigen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedCritterAntigenD",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Poxi Antigen",
		Name = "Poxi Antigen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Plagen Antigen"] = {
		Description = "Attunes the Infestation within to the Naramon polarity.",
		Image = "PlagenAntigen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedCritterAntigenC",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Plagen Antigen",
		Name = "Plagen Antigen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Virox Antigen"] = {
		Description = "Attunes the Infestation within to the Madurai polarity.",
		Image = "ViroxAntigen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedCritterAntigenA",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Virox Antigen",
		Name = "Virox Antigen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Desus Antigen"] = {
		Description = "Attunes the Infestation within to the Vazarin polarity.",
		Image = "DesusAntigen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedCritterAntigenB",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Desus Antigen",
		Name = "Desus Antigen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Monachod Mutagen"] = {
		Description = "Adapts the Infestation to grant Robotic resistances.",
		Image = "MonachodMutagen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedPredatorMutagenD",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Monachod Mutagen",
		Name = "Monachod Mutagen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Arioli Mutagen"] = {
		Description = "Adapts the Infestation to grant Cloned Flesh resistances.",
		Image = "ArioliMutagen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedPredatorMutagenC",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Arioli Mutagen",
		Name = "Arioli Mutagen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Chiten Mutagen"] = {
		Description = "Adapts the Infestation to grant Alloy Armor resistances.",
		Image = "ChitenMutagen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedPredatorMutagenB",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Chiten Mutagen",
		Name = "Chiten Mutagen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Leptosam Mutagen"] = {
		Description = "Adapts the Infestation to grant Proto Shield resistances.",
		Image = "LeptosamMutagen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedPredatorMutagenA",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Leptosam Mutagen",
		Name = "Leptosam Mutagen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Phijar Mutagen"] = {
		Description = "Adapts the Infestation to grant Robotic resistances.",
		Image = "PhijarMutagen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedCritterMutagenD",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Phijar Mutagen",
		Name = "Phijar Mutagen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Zarim Mutagen"] = {
		Description = "Adapts the Infestation to grant Cloned Flesh resistances.",
		Image = "ZarimMutagen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedCritterMutagenC",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Zarim Mutagen",
		Name = "Zarim Mutagen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Elsa Mutagen"] = {
		Description = "Adapts the Infestation to grant Alloy Armor resistances.",
		Image = "ElsaMutagen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedCritterMutagenB",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Elsa Mutagen",
		Name = "Elsa Mutagen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Adra Mutagen"] = {
		Description = "Adapts the Infestation to grant Proto Shield resistances.",
		Image = "AdraMutagen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/CreaturePetParts/Deimos/InfestedCritterMutagenA",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Adra Mutagen",
		Name = "Adra Mutagen",
		Type = "Component"
	["Kubrow Egg"] = {
		Description = "This egg is used to transplant the genetic code of a Kubrow onto a Kubrow clone.",
		Image = "KubrowEgg.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/Eggs/KubrowEgg",
		Introduced = "14",
		Link = "Kubrow Egg",
		Name = "Kubrow Egg",
		Type = "Component"
	["Universal Medallion"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A medallion prized by all the syndicates. Can be traded in on relay syndicate hubs for additional standing.",
		Image = "UniversalMedallion.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/SyndicateDogTags/UniversalSyndicateDogTag",
		Introduced = "25.7",
		Link = "Universal Medallion",
		Name = "Universal Medallion",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Genetic Code Template"] = {
		Description = "Copies the dominant genes of a pet onto the template. \r\nThis can then be used to increase the chances that traits from the original pet will carry across to a newborn clone.",
		Image = "GeneticCodeTemplate.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/BlankTraitPrint",
		Introduced = "14",
		Link = "Genetic Code Template",
		Name = "Genetic Code Template",
		Type = "Component"
	["DNA Stabilizer"] = {
		Description = "Contains 6 DNA Stabilizers to maintain the health of a Kubrow or Kavat.",
		Image = "DNAStabilizerKit.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/KubrowPetFood",
		Introduced = "14",
		Link = "DNA Stabilizer",
		Name = "DNA Stabilizer",
		Type = "Component"
	["Requiem Ultimatum"] = {
		Description = "Provokes an immediate confrontation with your Kuva Lich or Sister of Parvos: an insult which cannot be ignored.",
		Image = "RequiemUltimatum.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/NemesisBait",
		Introduced = "30.5",
		Link = "Requiem Ultimatum",
		Name = "Requiem Ultimatum",
		Type = "Gear"
	["Cosmic Specter"] = {
		Description = "A replicant cloned from a Warframe which can be deployed to assist Tenno on their missions.",
		Image = "CosmicSpecter.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/PlatinumSpectre",
		Introduced = "13.2",
		Link = "Specter (Tenno)",
		Name = "Cosmic Specter",
		Type = "Gear"
	["Force Specter"] = {
		Description = "A replicant cloned from a Warframe which can be deployed to assist Tenno on their missions.",
		Image = "ForceSpecter.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/GoldSpectre",
		Introduced = "13.2",
		Link = "Specter (Tenno)",
		Name = "Force Specter",
		Type = "Gear"
	["Phase Specter"] = {
		Description = "A replicant cloned from a Warframe which can be deployed to assist Tenno on their missions.",
		Image = "PhaseSpecter.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/SilverSpectre",
		Introduced = "13.2",
		Link = "Specter (Tenno)",
		Name = "Phase Specter",
		Type = "Gear"
	["Vapor Specter"] = {
		Description = "A replicant cloned from a Warframe which can be deployed to assist Tenno on their missions.",
		Image = "VaporSpecter.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/BronzeSpectre",
		Introduced = "13.2",
		Link = "Specter (Tenno)",
		Name = "Vapor Specter",
		Type = "Gear"
	["Cosmic Specter Regiment"] = {
		Description = "An army composed of cosmic-level Specter clones to be used in defense of the clan's Solar Rail. This Specter army will persist for four conflicts.",
		Image = "CosmicSpecterRegiment.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/SpectreArmies/PlatinumSpectreArmy",
		Introduced = "14",
		Link = "Specter Regiment",
		Name = "Cosmic Specter Regiment",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Force Specter Regiment"] = {
		Description = "An army composed of force-level Specter clones to be used in defense of the clan's Solar Rail. This Specter army will persist for three conflicts.",
		Image = "ForceSpecterRegiment.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/SpectreArmies/GoldSpectreArmy",
		Introduced = "14",
		Link = "Specter Regiment",
		Name = "Force Specter Regiment",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Phase Specter Regiment"] = {
		Description = "An army composed of phase-level Specter clones to be used in defense of the clan's Solar Rail. This Specter army will persist for two conflicts.",
		Image = "PhaseSpecterRegiment.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/SpectreArmies/SilverSpectreArmy",
		Introduced = "14",
		Link = "Specter Regiment",
		Name = "Phase Specter Regiment",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Vapor Specter Regiment"] = {
		Description = "An army composed of vapor-level Specter clones to be used in defense of the clan's Solar Rail. This Specter army will persist for one conflict.",
		Image = "VaporSpecterRegiment.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/SpectreArmies/BronzeSpectreArmy",
		Introduced = "14",
		Link = "Specter Regiment",
		Name = "Vapor Specter Regiment",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Lich Token"] = {
		Description	= "A token symbolizing a converted Kuva Lich. Can be traded to other players for control of said Lich.",
		Image = "LichToken.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/Nemesis/KuvaLich/CapturedGrineerLichToken",
		Introduced = "26.0.7",
		Link = "Lich Token",
		Name = "Lich Token",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource"
	["Sisters of Parvos Token"] = {
		Description	= "A token symbolizing a converted Sister of Parvos. Can be traded to other players for control of said Sister of Parvos.",
		Image = "SistersOfParvosToken.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/Nemesis/KuvaLich/CapturedCorpusLichToken",
		Introduced = "30.5",
		Link = "Sisters of Parvos Token",
		Name = "Sisters of Parvos Token",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource"
	["Orokin Archive"] = {
		Description = "Archive detailing the locations of hidden Archwing technology",
		Image = "NavCoordinate.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/ArchWingNavCode",
		Introduced = "15",
		Link = "The Archwing",
		Name = "Orokin Archive",
		Type = "Quest"
	["Incubator Power Core"] = {
		Description = "This device facilitates the growth of a Kubrow or Kavat clone, from birth to adolescence.",
		Image = "IncubatorPowerCore.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/EggHatcher",
		Introduced = "14",
		Link = "Incubator Power Core",
		Name = "Incubator Power Core",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Glappid"] = {
		Description = "The Glappid is a scavenger that feasts on the remains of dead fish. It has formed a symbiotic bond with the Seram Beetle which extracts and feeds upon any toxins ingested by the Glappid.",
		Image = "Glappid.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/NightLegendaryFishAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Glappid",
		Name = "Glappid",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Cuthol"] = {
		Description = "A grotesque crustacean that produces a potent, paralyzing toxin from its tentacles.",
		Image = "Cuthol.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/NightRareFishBItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Cuthol",
		Name = "Cuthol",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Norg"] = {
		Description = "This fish inhabits the shallows and feeds of crabs and other small crustaceans. When threatened it forces air into its brain to give it the impression of being much bigger than it normally is.",
		Image = "Norg.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/NightRareFishAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Norg",
		Name = "Norg",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Murkray"] = {
		Description = "A cunning hunter that hides within the mud at the bottom of the ocean and ambushes passing prey.",
		Image = "Murkray.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/BothRareFishAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Murkray",
		Name = "Murkray",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Karkina"] = {
		Description = "A crustacean that hunts during the twilight hours.",
		Image = "Karkina.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/BothUncommonFishBItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Karkina",
		Name = "Karkina",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Sharrac"] = {
		Description = "While rarely venturing from the deepest of waters of the plains, the Sharrac is a fearsome predator who will prey on unwary Ostrons swimming alone.",
		Image = "Sharrac.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/BothUncommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Sharrac",
		Name = "Sharrac",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Tralok"] = {
		Description = "Strong, predatory fish with eyes that can pierce the darkest shadows.",
		Image = "Tralok.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/DayUncommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Tralok",
		Name = "Tralok",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Goopolla"] = {
		Description = "A predatory fish that is attracted to the scent of blood.",
		Image = "Goopolla.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/BothCommonFishBItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Goopolla",
		Name = "Goopolla",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Mortus Lungfish"] = {
		Description = "Displays blood-splattered pattern on its scales and has its ribs exposed through open cavities along both flanks. When predators approach it lies still at the bottom of the sand banks, disguised as a carcass in hopes of being ignored.",
		Image = "MortusLungfish.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/DayUncommonFishBItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Mortus Lungfish",
		Name = "Mortus Lungfish",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Yogwun"] = {
		Description = "This slow fish meanders through the waters and is often preyed upon by larger predators.",
		Image = "Yogwun.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/DayCommonFishCItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Yogwun",
		Name = "Yogwun",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Khut-Khut"] = {
		Description = "A poisonous fish protected by a hard carapace around its skull.",
		Image = "Khut-Khut.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/DayCommonFishBItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Khut-Khut",
		Name = "Khut-Khut",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Charc Eel"] = {
		Description = "Discharges electricity from luminous glands along its flanks to stun its prey.",
		Image = "CharcEel.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/BothCommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Charc Eel",
		Name = "Charc Eel",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Mawfish"] = {
		Description = "Its gaping maw allows it to scoop up smaller fish as it swims by them.",
		Image = "Mawfish.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/DayCommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Mawfish",
		Name = "Mawfish",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Synathid"] = {
		Description = "Monitors environmental fluctuations. It can be found in the cave pools on Venus.",
		Image = "Synathid.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/OrokinBothLegendaryFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Synathid",
		Name = "Synathid",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Charamote"] = {
		Description = "Its primary function is to reconstruct the bio-material used to regenerate Orokin structures. It can be found in the cave pools on Venus.",
		Image = "Charamote.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/OrokinBothRareFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Charamote",
		Name = "Charamote",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Tromyzon"] = {
		Description = "Programmed to break down chemical byproducts leaked into the aqua system. It can be found in ponds around Venus.",
		Image = "Tromyzon.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/OrokinCoolRareFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Tromyzon",
		Name = "Tromyzon",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Recaster"] = {
		Description = "Facilitates long-distance communication between robotics deployed in the aqua systems. It can be found in the ponds around Venus.",
		Image = "Recaster.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/SolarisCoolUncommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Recaster",
		Name = "Recaster",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Kriller"] = {
		Description = "Identifies organic threats to Corpus operations in the Aqua Systems and eliminates them. It can be found in lakes around Venus.",
		Image = "Kriller.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/CorpusWarmUncommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Kriller",
		Name = "Kriller",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Sapcaddy"] = {
		Description = "Collects fluid samples in the aqua system for the Research Station. It can be found in lakes around Venus.",
		Image = "Sapcaddy.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/CorpusCoolCommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Sapcaddy",
		Name = "Sapcaddy",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Tink"] = {
		Description = "Repairs robotics that have broken down in the aqua systems. It can be found in rivers and ponds around Venus.",
		Image = "Tink.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/SolarisCoolCommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Tink",
		Name = "Tink",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Brickie"] = {
		Description = "Developed to perform remote construction and maintenance routines. It can be found in rivers and ponds around Venus.",
		Image = "Brickie.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/CorpusWarmCommonFishBItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Brickie",
		Name = "Brickie",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Longwinder"] = {
		Description = "Repairs leaks and clear blockages within the aqua systems. It can be found in the lake on Venus.",
		Image = "Longwinder.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/SolarisWarmRareFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Longwinder",
		Name = "Longwinder",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Mirewinder"] = {
		Description = "Surveys the water for impurities. It can be found in cave pools on Venus.",
		Image = "Mirewinder.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/CorpusBothUncommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Mirewinder",
		Name = "Mirewinder",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Echowinder"] = {
		Description = "Used to record visual data in the aqua systems and transmits the telemetrics to the Research Station. It can be found in the lake on Venus.",
		Image = "Echowinder.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/CorpusWarmCommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Echowinder",
		Name = "Echowinder",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Scrubber"] = {
		Description = "Analyzes the growth of microbes dwelling in the aqua systems to monitor toxicity levels. It can be found in cave pools on Venus.",
		Image = "Scrubber.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/SolarisBothCommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Scrubber",
		Name = "Scrubber",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Eye-Eye"] = {
		Description = "A surveillance drone that monitors any activity that disturbs the water. It can be found in ponds around Venus.",
		Image = "Eye-Eye.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/CorpusCoolUncommonFishAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Eye-Eye",
		Name = "Eye-Eye",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Lobotriscid"] = {
		Description = "A muscular, three-tailed fish, the Lobotriscid trawls through Exocine vapor across the surface of Deimos when Vome is dominant.",
		Image = "Lobotriscid.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/InfestedCommonEFishItem",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Lobotriscid",
		Name = "Lobotriscid",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Kymaeros"] = {
		Description = "The Infestation has suborned these fish to its own purposes, using them as antibodies to repel the non-Infested. They swim through and above the Exocrine found on Deimos' surface.",
		Image = "Kymaeros.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/InfestedCommonCFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Kymaeros",
		Name = "Kymaeros",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Glutinox"] = {
		Description = "These hefty fish are cannibalistic. They rise by Vome's light to absorb rare gases, retreating when Fass ascends to devour their smaller kin in their lairs.",
		Image = "Glutinox.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/InfestedUncommonAFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Glutinox",
		Name = "Glutinox",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Flagellocanth"] = {
		Description = "These specimens were originally parasites, breeding inside the wyrm-guts of Fass and scattered across Deimos in the debris of his explosite demise. They are drawn to his light.",
		Image = "Flagellocanth.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/InfestedRareAFishItem",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Flagellocanth",
		Name = "Flagellocanth",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Cryptosuctus"] = {
		Description = "Formerly Orokin scavengers, these fish succumbed to the Infestation long ago and now greedily feast on floating spores. They are found all over the surface of Deimos.",
		Image = "Cryptosuctus.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/InfestedCommonAFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Cryptosuctus",
		Name = "Cryptosuctus",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Barbisteo"] = {
		Description = "As ravenous as the Infestation itself, this fish feeds on the remains of others. It shuns the light, preferring an enclosed cave environment.",
		Image = "Barbisteo.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/InfestedCommonBFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Barbisteo",
		Name = "Barbisteo",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Amniophysi"] = {
		Description = "These fish hatch out of translucent pods formed in caverns below the Infested landscape. They hover to feed.",
		Image = "Amniophysi.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/InfestedCommonDFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Amniophysi",
		Name = "Amniophysi",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Duroid"] = {
		Description = "A living fossil hearkening back to the Orokin era, this elusive fish hides below the surface of Exocrine pools in the deepest caverns it can find.",
		Image = "Duroid.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/OrokinRareAFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Duroid",
		Name = "Duroid",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Myxostomata"] = {
		Description = "This exceptionally rare breed of fish is almost extinct, as its gilded Orokin flesh has a special savor for predators. It warily conceals itself in caves.",
		Image = "Myxostomata.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/OrokinLegendaryAFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Myxostomata",
		Name = "Myxostomata",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Chondricord"] = {
		Description = "A triumph of Orokin bio-engineering, these hardy fish have adapted to the Deimos environment and seem oddly resistant to Infestation. They thrive in cave environments.",
		Image = "Chondricord.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/OrokinUncommonAFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Chondricord",
		Name = "Chondricord",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Vitreospina"] = {
		Description = "Whatever higher functions this fish once had have been consumed, leaving it a mere automaton of metal and flesh. It ekes out a primitive existence in cave systems.",
		Image = "Vitreospina.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/HybridUncommonBFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Vitreospina",
		Name = "Vitreospina",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Ostimyr"] = {
		Description = "Crammed with redundant, mutated internal organs, this pungent fish mingles Orokin and Infested ancestry. It is confined to the Exocrine and is only active by the light of the Wyrm Fass.",
		Image = "Ostimyr.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/HybridUncommonAFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Ostimyr",
		Name = "Ostimyr",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Aquapulmo"] = {
		Description = "These fish were purposefully contaminated with the infestation as an Entrati 'experiment'. They feed off the organic deposits in cave systems.",
		Image = "Aquapulmo.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/HybridRareAFishItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Aquapulmo",
		Name = "Aquapulmo",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Fish"
	["Coastal Mergoo Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "CoastalMergooTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagMergooCommon",
		Introduced = "24.6",
		Name = "Coastal Mergoo Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Woodland Mergoo Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "WoodlandMergooTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagMergooUncommon",
		Introduced = "24.6",
		Name = "Woodland Mergoo Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Splendid Mergoo Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "SplendidMergooTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagMergooRare",
		Introduced = "24.6",
		Name = "Splendid Mergoo Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Ostia Vasca Kavat Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "OstiaVascaKavatTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagVampireKavatCommon",
		Introduced = "26",
		Name = "Ostia Vasca Kavat Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Bau Vasca Kavat Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "BauVascaKavatTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagVampireKavatUncommon",
		Introduced = "26",
		Name = "Bau Vasca Kavat Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Nephil Vasca Kavat Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "NephilVascaKavatTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagVampireKavatRare",
		Introduced = "26",
		Name = "Nephil Vasca Kavat Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Plains Kuaka Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "PlainsKuakaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagKuakaCommon",
		Introduced = "24.6",
		Name = "Plains Kuaka Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Ashen Kuaka Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "AshenKuakaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagKuakaUncommon",
		Introduced = "24.6",
		Name = "Ashen Kuaka Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Ghost Kuaka Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "GhostKuakaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagKuakaRare",
		Introduced = "24.6",
		Name = "Ghost Kuaka Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Common Condroc Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "CommonCondrocTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagCondrocCommon",
		Introduced = "24.6",
		Name = "Common Condroc Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Rogue Condroc Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "RogueCondrocTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagCondrocUncommon",
		Introduced = "24.6",
		Name = "Rogue Condroc Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Emperor Condroc Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "EmperorCondrocTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Eidolon/AnimalTagCondrocRare",
		Introduced = "24.6",
		Name = "Emperor Condroc Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["White-Breasted Virmink Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "White-BreastedVirminkTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagVirminkCommon",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "White-Breasted Virmink Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Dusky-Headed Virmink Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "Dusky-HeadedVirminkTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagVirminkUncommon",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Dusky-Headed Virmink Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Red-Crested Virmink Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "Red-CrestedVirminkTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagVirminkRare",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Red-Crested Virmink Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Sentinel Stover Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "SentinelStoverTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagStoverCommon",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Name = "Sentinel Stover Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Fuming Dax Stover Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "FumingDaxStoverTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagStoverUncommon",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Name = "Fuming Dax Stover Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Fire-Veined Stover Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "Fire-VeinedStoverTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagStoverRare",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Name = "Fire-Veined Stover Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Flossy Sawgaw Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "FlossySawgawTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagSawgawCommon",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Name = "Flossy Sawgaw Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Alpine Monitor Sawgaw Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "AlpineMonitorSawgawTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagSawgawUncommon",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Name = "Alpine Monitor Sawgaw Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Frogmouthed Sawgaw Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "FrogmouthedSawgawTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagSawgawRare",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Name = "Frogmouthed Sawgaw Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Brindle Kubrodon Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "BrindleKubrodonTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagKubrodonCommon",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Brindle Kubrodon Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Vallis Kubrodon Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "VallisKubrodonTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagKubrodonUncommon",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Vallis Kubrodon Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Incarnadine Kubrodon Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "IncarnadineKubrodonTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagKubrodonRare",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Incarnadine Kubrodon Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Dappled Horrasque Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "DappledHorrasqueTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagHorrasqueCommon",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Name = "Dappled Horrasque Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Swimmer Horrasque Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "SwimmerHorrasqueTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagHorrasqueUncommon",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Name = "Swimmer Horrasque Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Stormer Horrasque Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "StormerHorrasqueTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagHorrasqueRare",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Name = "Stormer Horrasque Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Spotted Bolarola Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "SpottedBolarolaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagBolarolaCommon",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Spotted Bolarola Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Black-Banded Bolarola Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "Black-BandedBolarolaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagBolarolaUncommon",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Black-Banded Bolarola Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Thorny Bolarola Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "ThornyBolarolaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagBolarolaRare",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Thorny Bolarola Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Sunny Pobber Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "SunnyPobberTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagPobbersCommon",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Sunny Pobber Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Delicate Pobber Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "DelicatePobberTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagPobbersUncommon",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Delicate Pobber Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Subterranean Pobber Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "SubterraneanPobberTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/AnimalTagPobbersRare",
		Introduced = "24",
		Name = "Subterranean Pobber Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Equinox Day Aspect"] = {
		Description = "Day Aspect of the Equinox Warframe.",
		Image = "AnimusAspect.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/AnimusComponent",
		Introduced = "17",
		Link = "Equinox",
		Name = "Equinox Day Aspect",
		Type = "Component"
	["Equinox Night Aspect"] = {
		Description = "Night Aspect of the Equinox Warframe.",
		Image = "AnimaAspect.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/AnimaComponent",
		Introduced = "17",
		Link = "Equinox",
		Name = "Equinox Night Aspect",
		Type = "Component"
	["Common Avichaea Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "CommonAvichaeaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedMergooCommon",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Conservation#Avichaea",
		Name = "Common Avichaea Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Viscid Avichaea Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "ViscidAvichaeaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedMergooRare",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Conservation#Avichaea",
		Name = "Viscid Avichaea Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Sporule Avichaea Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "SporuleAvichaeaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedMergooUncommon",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Conservation#Avichaea",
		Name = "Sporule Avichaea Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Burrowing Cryptilex Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "BurrowingCryptilexTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedMaggotCommon",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Conservation#Cryptilex",
		Name = "Burrowing Cryptilex Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Caustic Cryptilex Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "CausticCryptilexTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedMaggotRare",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Conservation#Cryptilex",
		Name = "Caustic Cryptilex Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Septic Cryptilex Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "SepticCryptilexTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedMaggotUncommon",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Conservation#Cryptilex",
		Name = "Septic Cryptilex Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Purple Velocipod Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "PurpleVelocipodTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedKdriveCommon",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Velocipod",
		Name = "Purple Velocipod Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["White Velocipod Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "WhiteVelocipodTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedKdriveRare",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Velocipod",
		Name = "White Velocipod Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Green Velocipod Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "GreenVelocipodTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedKdriveUncommon",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Velocipod",
		Name = "Green Velocipod Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Vizier Predasite Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "VizierPredasiteTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedPredatorCommon",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Conservation#Predasite",
		Name = "Vizier Predasite Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Pharaoh Predasite Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "PharaohPredasiteTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedPredatorUncommon",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Conservation#Predasite",
		Name = "Pharaoh Predasite Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Medjay Predasite Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "MedjayPredasiteTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedPredatorRare",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Conservation#Predasite",
		Name = "Medjay Predasite Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Amethyst Nexifera Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "AmethystNexiferaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedNexiferaCommon",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Conservation#Nexifera",
		Name = "Amethyst Nexifera Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Viridian Nexifera Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "ViridianNexiferaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedNexiferaUncommon",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Conservation#Nexifera",
		Name = "Viridian Nexifera Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Scarlet Nexifera Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "ScarletNexiferaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedNexiferaRare",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Conservation#Nexifera",
		Name = "Scarlet Nexifera Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Umber Undazoa Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "UmberUndazoaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedZongroCommon",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Conservation#Undazoa",
		Name = "Umber Undazoa Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Vaporous Undazoa Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "VaporousUndazoaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedZongroUncommon",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Conservation#Undazoa",
		Name = "Vaporous Undazoa Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Howler Undazoa Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "HowlerUndazoaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedZongroRare",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Conservation#Undazoa",
		Name = "Howler Undazoa Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Sly Vulpaphyla Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "SlyVulpaphylaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedCritterCommon",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Vulpaphyla",
		Name = "Sly Vulpaphyla Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Crescent Vulpaphyla Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "CrescentVulpaphylaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedCritterUncommon",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Vulpaphyla",
		Name = "Crescent Vulpaphyla Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Panzer Vulpaphyla Tag"] = {
		Description = "For saving a specimen of this species.",
		Image = "PanzerVulpaphylaTag.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/AnimalTagInfestedCritterRare",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Vulpaphyla",
		Name = "Panzer Vulpaphyla Tag",
		Type = "Conservation"
	["Pigment"] = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "GenericDojoColorPigment.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/DojoColors/GenericDojoColorPigment",
		Introduced = "8",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Pigment",
		Type = "Research" 
	["Chroma Signal"] = {
		Description = "A signal detector of some sort.",
		Image = "ChromaSignal64.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/ChromaBeaconBComponent",
		Introduced = "16",
		Link = "The New Strange/Chroma Signal",
		Name = "Chroma Signal",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Scorched Beacon"] = {
		Description = "An abandoned relic of unknown function.",
		Image = "ScorchedBeacon64.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/ChromaBeaconAComponent",
		Introduced = "16",
		Link = "The New Strange/Scorched Beacon",
		Name = "Scorched Beacon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Chroma Mark"] = {
		Description = "Reveals the beast.",
		Image = "ChromaMark64.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/ChromaBeaconCComponent",
		Introduced = "16",
		Link = "The New Strange/Chroma Mark",
		Name = "Chroma Mark",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Pherliac Pods"] = {
		Description = "Releases powerful pheromones to attract the infested.",
		Image = "PherliacPods.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/InfestedBaitBall",
		Introduced = "16.7",
		Link = "Pherliac Pod",
		Name = "Pherliac Pods",
		Type = "Gear" 
	["Phasic Cells"] = {
		Description = "Harvested from the debris left by fallen Orphix Sentients, Phasic Cells seem to be key to pulse function. These components can be traded with Father in the Necralisk.",
		Image = "PhasicCells.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/MechSurvivalEventCreds",
		Introduced = "29.6",
		Link = "Phasic Cells",
		Name = "Phasic Cells",
		SellPrice = 1,
		Type = "Event" 	
	["Tethra Data Fragments"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		Description = "Intercepted encrypted fragment of Grineer communications.",
		Image = "TethraDataFragments.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/DataFragment",
		Introduced = "12.4",
		Link = "Tethra Data Fragments",
		Name = "Tethra Data Fragments",
		SellPrice = 750,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Event" 	
	["Orokin Ducats"] = {
		Description = "Currency exchanged for Prime components and used to purchase items from the Void Trader.",
		Image = "OrokinDucats.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/PrimeBucks",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Orokin Ducats",
		Name = "Orokin Ducats",
		Type = "Currency" 
	["Omega Beacon"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 4 },
		Description = "Locator beacon broadcasting on the omega frequency.",
		Image = "NavCodeVayHekD.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/VayHekCoordinateFragmentD",
		Introduced = "13",
		Link = "Omega Beacon",
		Name = "Omega Beacon",
		SellPrice = 750,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Event" 
	["Delta Beacon"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Locator beacon broadcasting on the delta frequency.",
		Image = "NavCodeVayHekA.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/VayHekCoordinateFragmentA",
		Introduced = "13",
		Link = "Delta Beacon",
		Name = "Delta Beacon",
		SellPrice = 750,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Event" 
	["Gamma Beacon"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		Description = "Locator beacon broadcasting on the gamma frequency.",
		Image = "NavCodeVayHekB.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/VayHekCoordinateFragmentB",
		Introduced = "13",
		Link = "Gamma Beacon",
		Name = "Gamma Beacon",
		SellPrice = 750,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Event" 
	["Kappa Beacon"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 3 },
		Description = "Locator beacon broadcasting on the kappa frequency.",
		Image = "NavCodeVayHekC.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/VayHekCoordinateFragmentC",
		Introduced = "13",
		Link = "Kappa Beacon",
		Name = "Kappa Beacon",
		SellPrice = 750,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Event" 
	["Encrypted Journal Fragment"] = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "EncryptedJournalFragment.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "22.8",
		Link = "Encrypted Journal Fragment",
		Name = "Encrypted Journal Fragment",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Nakak Pearl"] = {
		Description = "Nakak in Cetus would probably like these. Maybe she'll trade something special for them.",
		Image = "NakakPearl.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/WaterFightBucks",
		Introduced = "25.5.1",
		Link = "Nakak Pearl",
		Name = "Nakak Pearl",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Alpha Corruptor"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Inert on its own this corruptor is highly effective if mixed with its Beta counterpart. Properly mixed, these will destabilize Fomorian Reactors much faster than their Stable counterparts. This volatile item cannot be simultaneously equipped with Beta Corruptors. Recommended for Tenno operating as a team.",
		Image = "AlphaCorruptor.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/AlphaCorruptor",
		Introduced = "9.3",
		Link = "Corruptor",
		Name = "Alpha Corruptor",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Beta Corruptor"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Inert on its own this corruptor is highly effective if mixed with its Alpha counterpart. Properly mixed, these will destabilize Fomorian Reactors much faster than their Stable counterparts. This volatile item cannot be simultaneously equipped with Alpha Corruptors. Recommended for Tenno operating as a team.",
		Image = "BetaCorruptor.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/BetaCorruptor",
		Introduced = "9.3",
		Link = "Corruptor",
		Name = "Beta Corruptor",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Stable Corruptor"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Injected into a Fomorian Reactor this corruptor will imbalance the fuels. Critically imbalanced reactors will eventually implode, destroy the ship. Slow but effective, recommended for Solo Tenno.",
		Image = "StableCorruptor.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/StableCorruptor",
		Introduced = "9.3",
		Link = "Corruptor",
		Name = "Stable Corruptor",
		Type = "Event" 
	Forma = {
		Description = "This shape-altering component is fundamental to Orokin construction. Allows you to change the polarity of a mod slot on a Warframes, Companions or Weapons and then resets their affinity to Unranked. This can only be used on max Rank Warframes, Companions and Weapons.",
		Image = "Forma.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Forma",
		Introduced = "8",
		Link = "Forma",
		Name = "Forma",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Ayatan Amber Star"] = {
		Description = "Place these stars into Ayatan Sculptures to power their movement. May also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanAmberStar.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexOrnamentB",
		Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove",
		Link = "Ayatan Amber Star",
		Name = "Ayatan Amber Star",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Ayatan Cyan Star"] = {
		Description = "Place these stars into Ayatan Sculptures to power their movement. May also be a source of Endo.",
		Image = "AyatanCyanStar.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexOrnamentA",
		Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove",
		Link = "Ayatan Star",
		Name = "Ayatan Cyan Star",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Proof Fragment"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "One part of a long lost mathematical proof.",
		Image = "NavCoordinate.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Beacon",
		Introduced = "15",
		Link = "The Limbo Theorem",
		Name = "Proof Fragment",
		SellPrice = 750,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Mutalist Alad V Nav Coordinate"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "These coordinates can be used to track Mutalist Alad V.\r\n\r\nCan be acquired from Infestation Outbreaks & Deimos.",
		Image = "MutalistAladVNavCoordinate.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/InfestedAladCoordinate",
		Introduced = "15.5",
		Link = "Mutalist Alad V Nav Coordinate",
		Name = "Mutalist Alad V Nav Coordinate",
		SellPrice = 750,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Focus Lens"] = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "FocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Regular Lens",
		Name = "Focus Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Madurai Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 1.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Madurai Way.",
		Image = "FocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/AttackLens",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Regular Lens",
		Name = "Madurai Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Naramon Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 1.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Naramon Way.",
		Image = "FocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/TacticLens",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Regular Lens",
		Name = "Naramon Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Vazarin Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 1.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Vazarin Way.",
		Image = "FocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/DefenseLens",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Regular Lens",
		Name = "Vazarin Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Unairu Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 1.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Unairu Way.",
		Image = "FocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/WardLens",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Regular Lens",
		Name = "Unairu Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Zenurik Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 1.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Zenurik Way.",
		Image = "FocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/PowerLens",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Regular Lens",
		Name = "Zenurik Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Greater Focus Lens"] = {
		Description = "A Greater Lens that channels Affinity into Focus for one of the five Tenno Ways.",
		Image = "GreaterFocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/FocusLensGreater",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Greater Lens",
		Name = "Greater Focus Lens",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Greater Madurai Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 1.75% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Madurai Way.",
		Image = "GreaterFocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/AttackLensGreater",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Greater Lens",
		Name = "Greater Madurai Lens",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Greater Naramon Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 1.75% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Naramon Way.",
		Image = "GreaterFocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/TacticLensGreater",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Greater Lens",
		Name = "Greater Naramon Lens",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Greater Vazarin Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 1.75% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Vazarin Way.",
		Image = "GreaterFocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/DefenseLensGreater",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Greater Lens",
		Name = "Greater Vazarin Lens",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Greater Unairu Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 1.75% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Unairu Way.",
		Image = "GreaterFocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/WardLensGreater",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Greater Lens",
		Name = "Greater Unairu Lens",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Greater Zenurik Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 1.75% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Zenurik Way.",
		Image = "GreaterFocusLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/PowerLensGreater",
		Introduced = "18",
		Link = "Greater Lens",
		Name = "Greater Zenurik Lens",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Eidolon Lens"] = {
		Description = "An enhanced Greater Lens that has been infused with Breath of the Eidolon.",
		Image = "EidolonLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/FocusLensOstron",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Eidolon Lens",
		Name = "Eidolon Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Eidolon Madurai Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 2.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Madurai Way.",
		Image = "EidolonLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/AttackLensOstron",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Eidolon Lens",
		Name = "Eidolon Madurai Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Eidolon Naramon Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 2.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Naramon Way.",
		Image = "EidolonLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/TacticLensOstron",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Eidolon Lens",
		Name = "Eidolon Naramon Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Eidolon Vazarin Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 2.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Vazarin Way.",
		Image = "EidolonLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/DefenseLensOstron",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Eidolon Lens",
		Name = "Eidolon Vazarin Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Eidolon Unairu Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 2.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Unairu Way.",
		Image = "EidolonLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/WardLensOstron",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Eidolon Lens",
		Name = "Eidolon Unairu Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Eidolon Zenurik Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 2.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Zenurik Way.",
		Image = "EidolonLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/PowerLensOstron",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Eidolon Lens",
		Name = "Eidolon Zenurik Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Lua Lens"] = {
		Description = "An Eidolon Lens enhanced with resonance from Somatic Fibers.",
		Image = "LuaLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/FocusLensLua",
		Introduced = "25.7",
		Link = "Lua Lens",
		Name = "Lua Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Lua Madurai Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 3.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Madurai Way.",
		Image = "LuaLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/AttackLensLua",
		Introduced = "25.7",
		Link = "Lua Lens",
		Name = "Lua Madurai Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Lua Naramon Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 3.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Naramon Way.",
		Image = "LuaLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/TacticLensLua",
		Introduced = "25.7",
		Link = "Lua Lens",
		Name = "Lua Naramon Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Lua Vazarin Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 3.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Vazarin Way.",
		Image = "LuaLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/DefenseLensLua",
		Introduced = "25.7",
		Link = "Lua Lens",
		Name = "Lua Vazarin Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Lua Unairu Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 3.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Unairu Way.",
		Image = "LuaLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/WardLensLua",
		Introduced = "25.7",
		Link = "Lua Lens",
		Name = "Lua Unairu Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Lua Zenurik Lens"] = {
		Description = "Converts 3.25% of excess Affinity into Focus for the Zenurik Way.",
		Image = "LuaLens.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/PowerLensLua",
		Introduced = "25.7",
		Link = "Lua Lens",
		Name = "Lua Zenurik Lens",
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitemaname"] = {
		Description = "/Lotus/Language/Items/RelayReconstructionItemADesc",
		Image = "LotusLanguageItemsRelayreconstructionitemaname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Events/RelayReconstructionItemA",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitemaname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitemaname",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitembname"] = {
		Description = "/Lotus/Language/Items/RelayReconstructionItemBDesc",
		Image = "LotusLanguageItemsRelayreconstructionitembname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Events/RelayReconstructionItemB",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitembname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitembname",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitemcname"] = {
		Description = "/Lotus/Language/Items/RelayReconstructionItemCDesc",
		Image = "LotusLanguageItemsRelayreconstructionitemcname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Events/RelayReconstructionItemC",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitemcname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Items/Relayreconstructionitemcname",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase1leftitemname"] = {
		Description = "With a blazing orange hue and rigid material strength, this compound is prized by ship and station architects.",
		Image = "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase1leftitemname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RelayRebuild/PhaseOneWaterElement",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase1leftitemname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase1leftitemname",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2aleftitemname"] = {
		Description = "With a blazing orange hue and rigid material strength, this compound is prized by ship and station architects.",
		Image = "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase2aleftitemname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RelayRebuild/PhaseTwoPigmentBright",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2aleftitemname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2aleftitemname",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2arightitemname"] = {
		Description = "With a blazing orange hue and rigid material strength, this compound is prized by ship and station architects.",
		Image = "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase2arightitemname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RelayRebuild/PhaseTwoPigmentMuted",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2arightitemname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2arightitemname",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2clanitemname"] = {
		Description = "An integral building block in the construction of Tenno relays.",
		Image = "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase2clanitemname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RelayRebuild/PhaseTwoClanItem",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2clanitemname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase2clanitemname",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase3clanitemname"] = {
		Description = "An integral building block in the construction of Tenno relays.",
		Image = "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase3clanitemname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RelayRebuild/PhaseThreeClanItem",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase3clanitemname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase3clanitemname",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase3leftitemname"] = {
		Description = "With a blazing orange hue and rigid material strength, this compound is prized by ship and station architects.",
		Image = "LotusLanguageRelayreconstructionRelayreconphase3leftitemname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RelayRebuild/PhaseThreeAirEssence",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase3leftitemname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Relayreconstruction/Relayreconphase3leftitemname",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Scans/Gofplantaplantname"] = {
		Description = "/Lotus/Language/Scans/GofPlantAPlantDesc",
		Image = "LotusLanguageScansGofplantaplantname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/GofPlantAPlantItem",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Scans/Gofplantaplantname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Scans/Gofplantaplantname",
		Type = "Plant" 
	["/Lotus/Language/Scans/Gofplanteplantname"] = {
		Description = "/Lotus/Language/Scans/GofPlantEPlantDesc",
		Image = "LotusLanguageScansGofplanteplantname.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/GofPlantEPlantItem",
		Link = "/Lotus/Language/Scans/Gofplanteplantname",
		Name = "/Lotus/Language/Scans/Gofplanteplantname",
		Type = "Plant" 
	["01000011 Cyan Pigment"] = {
		Description = "01000011 Cyan pigments drop from the following enemies:\nTerra Raptor Sx\nTerra Elite Raptor Sx",
		Image = "Pigment01000011Cyan.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "01000011 Cyan Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Adramal Alloy"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Adramalium" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 15, Name = "Lucent Teroglobe" },
			{ ItemCount = 600, Name = "Plastids" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Travoride" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Purged of spores and contaminants, this alloy is highly versatile.\r\nBlueprint sold by Otak in the Necralisk, Deimos.",
		Image = "AdramalAlloy.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosCommonOreAAlloyItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 80,
		Link = "Adramal Alloy",
		Name = "Adramal Alloy",
		Parents = { "Bonewidow Engine", "Cortege Barrel", "Morgha Barrel", "Voidrig Casing" },
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	Adramalium = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		Description = "Sinewy and metallic, possessed of great elastic strength.\r\nFound in Cambion Drift, Deimos from Yellow Lesions.",
		Image = "Adramalium.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosCommonOreAItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Adramalium",
		Name = "Adramalium",
		Parents = { "Adramal Alloy", "Xaku Kintsu Helmet" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Advances Debt-Bond"] = {
		Description = "Sometimes a rig jockey needs a helping hand, so they get an advance on the next pay. Massive interest rates almost guarantee they'll be paying that off forever.",
		Image = "AdvancesDebt-Bond.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/DebtTokenD",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Advances Debt-Bond",
		Name = "Advances Debt-Bond",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Aggristone"] = {
		Description = "It is said that Aggri Formations are hardened saliva from mighty Orowyrms. Duviri citizens believe Aggristones are powerful talismans.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 350,
		Image = "Aggristone.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriRockItem",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Aggristone",
		Name = "Aggristone",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Alloy Plate"] = {
		Amount = { 50, 150 },
		ContainerImage = "AlloyPlateContainer.png",
		Description = "Carbon steel plates used to reinforce Grineer armor.\r\n\r\nLocations: Venus, Phobos, Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto, and Sedna.",
		HelminthCategory = "Oxides",
		HelminthCost = 15000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "AlloyPlate.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/AlloyPlate",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Alloy Plate",
		Name = "Alloy Plate",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Amarast = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		Description = "A violet gem that forms from the crystallization of byproducts expelled from the Weeping Towers.\r\nFound in Orb Vallis, Venus from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Amarast.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisRareGemAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 6,
		Link = "Amarast",
		Name = "Amarast",
		Parents = { "Star Amarast" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Animo Nav Beacon"] = {
		Description = "Used to locate the Ambulas production facility.\nThis resource is dropped from Ambulas Units.",
		Image = "AnimoNavBeacon.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Events/AmbulasDataFragment",
		Introduced = "20.4",
		Link = "Animo Nav Beacon",
		Name = "Animo Nav Beacon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Anomaly Shard"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A shard ripped from a Sentient Anomaly in the Veil Proxima. Little Duck is known to trade these for exotic goods somewhere in Fortuna.",
		HelminthCategory = "Sentient Appetite",
		HelminthCost = 2,
		HelminthGain = 0.5,
		Image = "AnomalyShard.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SentientFragmentLootItem",
		Introduced = "27.0.12",
		Link = "Anomaly Shard",
		Name = "Anomaly Shard",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Anti Violet Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Anti Violet pigments drop from the following enemies:\nZanuka Hunter",
		Image = "PigmentAntiViolet.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Anti Violet Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Antiserum Injector Fragment"] = {
		Amount = { 5, 15 },
		Description = "A component of the Antiserum Injector.\r\n\r\nLocations: Infested Salvage Missions on Eris.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 900,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "AntiserumInjectorFragment.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SyringeComponent",
		Introduced = "17.5",
		Link = "Antiserum Injector Fragment",
		Name = "Antiserum Injector Fragment",
		SellPrice = 5,
		Type = "Research" 
	["Argon Crystal"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		ContainerImage = "ArgonCrystalContainer.png",
		Description = "Void based radioactive resource that decays every day it is out of the Void.\r\n\r\nThis resource can be found in the Void.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 3,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "ArgonCrystal.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/ArgonCrystal",
		Introduced = "13",
		Link = "Argon Crystal",
		Name = "Argon Crystal",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Argon Purple Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Argon Purple pigments drop from the following enemies:\nLua Thrax Legatus",
		Image = "PigmentArgonPurple.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Argon Purple Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Asterite = {
		Amount = { 15, 30 },
		Description = "Formed over billions of years, these crystals are most often found embedded in space rock.",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 300,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Asterite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/AsteriteRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		Link = "Asterite",
		Name = "Asterite",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Atmo Systems"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A modular component that compensates for the multitude of atmospheric conditions encountered in the Origin System.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 6,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "AtmoSystems.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/CorpusWidgetBItem",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Link = "Atmo Systems",
		Name = "Atmo Systems",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Aucrux Capacitors"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 350, Name = "Control Module" },
			{ ItemCount = 300, Name = "Fieldron Sample" },
			{ ItemCount = 5500, Name = "Salvage" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Once installed, these delicate power systems fuse with a Corpus Obelisk’s engines. Unused capacitors are therefore, highly prized.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 10,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "AucruxCapacitors.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/AucruxRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		Link = "Aucrux Capacitors",
		Name = "Aucrux Capacitors",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	Auron = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		Description = "A brilliant, dense and conductive metal.\r\nFound in Plains of Eidolon, Earth from Red Veins.",
		Image = "Auron.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/RareOreAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Auron",
		Name = "Auron",
		Parents = { "Auroxium Alloy" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Auroxium Alloy"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Auron" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 5, Name = "Morphics" },
			{ ItemCount = 600, Name = "Oxium" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Auron that has been forged into a stronger metal.",
		Image = "AuroxiumAlloy.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/RareOreAAlloyAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 50,
		Link = "Auroxium Alloy",
		Name = "Auroxium Alloy",
		Parents = { "Ceno Helmet", "Vahd Mask", "Zauba Mask" },
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Autumn Brown Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Autumn Brown pigments drop from the following enemies:\nCorrupted Moa",
		Image = "PigmentAutumnBrown.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Autumn Brown Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Axidite = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		Description = "A sediment that formed from sulfuric rain that became trapped under the ice.\r\nFound in Orb Vallis, Venus from Red Veins.",
		Image = "Axidite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonOreBItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Axidite",
		Name = "Axidite",
		Parents = { "Axidrol Alloy" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Axidrol Alloy"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Axidite" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 500, Name = "Ferrite" },
			{ ItemCount = 100, Name = "Rubedo" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A compound formed from Axidite.\r\nBlueprint sold by Smokefinger in Fortuna, Venus.",
		Image = "AxidrolAlloy.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonOreBAlloyItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Axidrol Alloy",
		Name = "Axidrol Alloy",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	Azurite = {
		Amount = { 3, 6 },
		Description = "A blue gem layered with impurities.\r\nFound in Plains of Eidolon, Earth from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Azurite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/CommonGemAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Azurite",
		Name = "Azurite",
		Parents = { "Tear Azurite" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Gem" 
	Bapholite = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		Description = "Malleable, owing to ingrown veins of Infestation protein.\r\nFound in Cambion Drift, Deimos from Yellow Lesions.",
		Image = "Bapholite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosCommonOreBItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Bapholite",
		Name = "Bapholite",
		Parents = { "Tempered Bapholite" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Bellow Voca"] = {
		Description = "The deepest of Voidtongue moans, etched into stone. An unlikely asset in the construction of Albrecht's vessels.\r\n\r\nLocation: Albrecht's Laboratories (Deimos)",
		Image = "BellowVoca.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/EntratiLabDogTagUncommon",
		Introduced = "35",
		Link = "Bellow Voca",
		Name = "Bellow Voca",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Benign Infested Tumor"] = {
		Description = "The Infestation infects all fish on Deimos, even those that do not show any external mutations.\r\n\r\nGuaranteed to drop from all fish on Deimos.",
		Image = "BenignInfestedTumor.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosGenericSharedFishPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Benign Infested Tumor",
		Name = "Benign Infested Tumor",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Bile = {
		Description = "Helminth is able to digest all manner of miscellaneous substances, but generates a large surplus of bile in order to do so. Fortunately, this bile can be repurposed.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 1,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Bile.png",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Helminth",
		Name = "Bile",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Biotic Filter"] = {
		Description = "Sifting the glutinous Exocrine is an essential part of the survival process, and a reminder of the creature's original function.\r\n\r\nGuaranteed to drop from these sources:\r\nAQUAPULMO\r\nDUROID",
		Image = "BioticFilter.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosOrokinFishAPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Biotic Filter",
		Name = "Biotic Filter",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Biotics = {
		Description = "Plant-based materials of all kinds are processed and liquidized within the Helminth's digestive tract; the surplus is excreted as an inoffensive, inert clump.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 1,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Biotics.png",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Helminth",
		Name = "Biotics",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Bioplasma = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "Bioplasma.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/JadeShadows/Resources/BioplasmaItem",
		Introduced = "36",
		Link = "Bioplasma",
		Name = "Bioplasma",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Boiler Red Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Boiler Red pigments drop from the following enemies:\nPhorid",
		Image = "PigmentBoilerRed.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Boiler Red Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Bonewidow Capsule"] = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Biotic Filter" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Pod" },
			{ ItemCount = 4, Name = "Scintillant" },
			{ ItemCount = 6, Name = "Star Crimzian" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "Capsule component for the BONEWIDOW Necramech.",
		Image = "BonewidowCapsule.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/ThanomechPartSystemsItem",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Bonewidow Capsule",
		Name = "Bonewidow Capsule",
		Rush = 25,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Bonewidow Casing"] = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Casing" },
			{ ItemCount = 15, Name = "Goblite Tears" },
			{ ItemCount = 100, Name = "Tempered Bapholite" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Thaumic Distillate" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "Casing component for the BONEWIDOW Necramech.",
		Image = "BonewidowCasing.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/ThanomechPartChassisItem",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Bonewidow Casing",
		Name = "Bonewidow Casing",
		Rush = 25,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Bonewidow Engine"] = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 120, Name = "Adramal Alloy" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 2, Name = "Cranial Foremount" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Engine" },
			{ ItemCount = 750, Name = "Titanium" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "Engine component for the BONEWIDOW Necramech.",
		Image = "BonewidowEngine.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/ThanomechPartEngineItem",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Bonewidow Engine",
		Name = "Bonewidow Engine",
		Rush = 25,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Bonewidow Weapon Pod"] = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Pod" },
			{ ItemCount = 80, Name = "Devolved Namalon" },
			{ ItemCount = 45, Name = "Scrap" },
			{ ItemCount = 6, Name = "Spinal Core Section" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "Weapon Pod component for the BONEWIDOW Necramech.",
		Image = "BonewidowWeaponPod.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/ThanomechPartWeaponPodItem",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Bonewidow Weapon Pod",
		Name = "Bonewidow Weapon Pod",
		Rush = 25,
		Type = "Resource" 
	Boot = {
		Description = "Synthetic fibers and a molded foam insole were the basis for what was once a robust and comfortable combat boot. Now, it's a home for tiny aquatic organisms.",
		Image = "Boot.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/GrineerBootItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Boot",
		Name = "Boot",
		SellPrice = 400,
		Type = "Fish" 
	Bracoid = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Mutagen Sample" },
			{ ItemCount = 13000, Name = "Nano Spores" },
			{ ItemCount = 75, Name = "Neurodes" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A rare bacterial entity that increases the spread of Infestation found on Infested Ships.",
		Image = "Bracoid.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/BracoidRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		Link = "Bracoid",
		Name = "Bracoid",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Breath Of The Eidolon"] = {
		Description = "A gas found solely on the plains on Eidolon. Refined to its purest form.",
		Image = "BreathOfTheEidolon.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Eidolonium",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Breath Of The Eidolon",
		Name = "Breath Of The Eidolon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Brickie Muon Battery"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A small, atomic power source.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Brickie Servofish.",
		Image = "BrickieMuonBattery.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/CorpusFishMuonBatteryItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Brickie Muon Battery",
		Name = "Brickie Muon Battery",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Brilliant Eidolon Shard"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Rare shard gained from capturing the Sentients roaming the Plains of Eidolon. Use it to gain Focus or to unbind Way-bound focus nodes.",
		Image = "BrilliantEidolonShard.png",
		Introduced = "22.12",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/SentientShards/SentientShardBrilliantItem",
		Link = "Brilliant Eidolon Shard",
		Name = "Brilliant Eidolon Shard",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Cabochon Embolos"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 3,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 3, Name = "Embolos" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Convex and smooth, worked as a lens or for ornament.\r\nBlueprint sold by Otak in the Necralisk, Deimos.",
		Image = "CabochonEmbolos.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosEidolonGemBCutItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Cabochon Embolos",
		Name = "Cabochon Embolos",
		Parents = { "Cortege Stock", "Morgha Stock" },
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Calda Toroid"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A device of undetermined function and origin. Prized by Vox Solaris and the Quills.\r\n\r\nEarn Calda Toroids from enemies located at the Enrichment Labs in the Orb Vallis and from Scyto Raknoids. They can also be found as pick-ups in caves located around the Orb Vallis.",
		Image = "CaldaToroid.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/ArachnoidHungerItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 2,
		Link = "Calda Toroid",
		Name = "Calda Toroid",
		Parents = {
			"Haztech Apparel",
			"Haztech Cuirass",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Apparel",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Cuirass",
			"Outrider Cuirass",
			"Smelter Apparel",
			"Smelter Cuirass",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Apparel",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Cuirass",
			"Vent Rat Cuirass" 
		Type = "Resource" 
	Calx = {
		Description = "On consuming minerals, Helminth converts those it does not fully absorb into a smooth, rich paste with a faint vanilla odor.",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 1,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Calx.png",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Helminth",
		Name = "Calx",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Carbides = {
		Amount = { 15, 25 },
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 26000, Name = "Alloy Plate" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 8500, Name = "Ferrite" },
			{ ItemCount = 4000, Name = "Polymer Bundle" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Resilient components used to reinforce the plated sheets of metal strapped to Grineer Ships.\r\n\r\nLocation: Ceres",
		HelminthCategory = "Oxides",
		HelminthCost = 2500,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Carbides.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/CarbidesRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "26.1",
		ItemCount = 2000,
		Link = "Carbides",
		Name = "Carbides",
		Parents = { "Protea Telema Helmet" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Cephalite Resonance"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Cephalite Resonance used to enter the Glassmaker's Weave",
		Image = "CephaliteResonance.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/PickUps/Nightwave/CephalonFissureTimePointItem",
		Introduced = "27.5",
		Link = "Cephalite Resonance",
		Name = "Cephalite Resonance",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Cerulean Fungus Extract"] = {
		Description = "Extracted from a Cerulean Fungus colony.",
		Image = "CeruleanFungusExtract.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/OroFungusAPlantItem",
		Link = "Cerulean Fungus Extract",
		Name = "Cerulean Fungus Extract",
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Cetus Wisp"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Most common at night, these stone lifeforms are drawn to shorelines touched by the Eidolon. They linger around lakes on the Plains of Eidolon at all hours. Their origin remains mysterious.\r\n\r\nLocation: Plains of Eidolon",
		HelminthCategory = "Sentient Appetite",
		HelminthCost = 5,
		HelminthGain = 0.5,
		Image = "CetusWisp.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/CetusWispItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 5,
		Link = "Cetus Wisp",
		Name = "Cetus Wisp",
		Parents = {
			"Zauba Apparel",
			"Zauba Cuirass",
			"Zauba Greaves",
			"Zauba Mask",
			"Zauba Pauldrons" 
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Charamote Sagan Module"] = {
		Description = "A device used to reconstruct degenerated matter into Orokin bio-material.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Charamote Servofish.",
		Image = "CharamoteSaganModule.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/OrokinFishSaganModuleItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Charamote Sagan Module",
		Name = "Charamote Sagan Module",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Charc Electroplax"] = {
		Description = "Harvested by the Ostron as a catalyst used in their synthetics.\r\n\r\nLocation: Plains of Eidolon",
		Image = "CharcElectroplax.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/BothCommonFishAPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Charc Electroplax",
		Name = "Charc Electroplax",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Charger Blue Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Charger Blue pigments drop from the following enemies:\nToxin Ancient",
		Image = "PigmentChargerBlue.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Charger Blue Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Chitinous Husk"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A grizzly trophy extracted from the corpse of a Juggernaut.",
		Image = "ChitinousHusk.png",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 3,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/JuggernautPartC",
		Introduced = "16.7",
		Link = "Pherliac Pod",
		Name = "Chitinous Husk",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Circuits = {
		Amount = { 35, 50 },
		ContainerImage = "CircuitsContainer.png",
		Description = "Various electronic components.\r\n\r\nLocations: Venus, Ceres, and the Kuva Fortress.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 7000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Circuits.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Circuits",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Circuits",
		Name = "Circuits",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Condroc Wing"] = {
		Description = "The talon on a condroc's wing is sharp enough to tear through bone.\r\n\r\nLocation: Plains of Eidolon",
		Image = "CondrocWing.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/BirdOfPreyPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 5,
		Link = "Condroc Wing",
		Name = "Condroc Wing",
		Parents = { "Naberus Ephemera" },
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Conductor Gold Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Conductor Gold pigments drop from the following enemies:\nTerra Embattor Moa\nTerra Elite Embattor Moa",
		Image = "PigmentConductorGold.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Conductor Gold Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Connla Sprout"] = {
		Description = "The water that courses through Connla Sprouts tastes sweet and refreshing.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 35,
		Image = "ConnlaSprout.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriPlantItemC",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Connla Sprout",
		Name = "Connla Sprout",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Control Module"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 3 },
		ContainerImage = "ControlModuleContainer.png",
		Description = "Autonomy processor for Robotics. A Corpus design.\r\n\r\nLocations: Europa, Neptune, and the Void.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 75,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "ControlModule.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/ControlModule",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Control Module",
		Name = "Control Module",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Coolant Blue Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Coolant Blue pigments drop from the following enemies:\nTerra Overtaker\nTerra Elite Overtaker",
		Image = "PigmentCoolantBlue.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Coolant Blue Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Copernics = {
		Amount = { 15, 25 },
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 800, Name = "Cryotic" },
			{ ItemCount = 8500, Name = "Ferrite" },
			{ ItemCount = 13000, Name = "Rubedo" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A cell of encapsulated Void energy.\r\n\r\nLocation: Lua",
		Image = "Copernics.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/CopernicsRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "26.1",
		Link = "Copernics",
		Name = "Copernics",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Coprite Alloy"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Coprun" },
			{ ItemCount = 400, Name = "Ferrite" },
			{ ItemCount = 50, Name = "Rubedo" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Coprun that has been forged into a stronger metal.",
		Image = "CopriteAlloy.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/CommonOreBAlloyBItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 100,
		Link = "Coprite Alloy",
		Name = "Coprite Alloy",
		Parents = { "Ceno Pauldrons", "Peram Fishing Spear", "Vahd Pauldrons", "Zauba Pauldrons" },
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	Coprun = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		Description = "A soft, malleable metal.\r\nFound in Plains of Eidolon, Earth from Red Veins.",
		Image = "Coprun.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/CommonOreBItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Coprun",
		Name = "Coprun",
		Parents = { "Coprite Alloy" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Corpus Cipher"] = {
		Description = "A cipher used to decode Corpus intel. Crafting component required to create a CORPUS VOID KEY.",
		Image = "CorpusCipher.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/CipherPlus",
		Introduced = "9",
		Link = "Corpus Cipher",
		Name = "Corpus Cipher",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Corpus Datamass"] = {
		Description = "A Corpus datamass containing encrypted intel. Crafting component required to create a CORPUS VOID KEY.",
		Image = "CorpusDatamass.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/DataMassPlus",
		Introduced = "9",
		Link = "Corpus Datamass",
		Name = "Corpus Datamass",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Corrupted Holokey"] = {
		Description = "A corrupted decryption key dating back to the founding of the city of Corposium. Millions of these Holokeys were lost to the Void when Parvos Granum's flagship was bombed. Strongly desired by Ergo Glast.",
		Image = "CorruptedHolokey.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/GranumBucks",
		Introduced = "30.5",
		Link = "Corrupted Holokey",
		Name = "Corrupted Holokey",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Cortege Barrel"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 80, Name = "Adramal Alloy" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Barrel" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Fersteel Alloy" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Spinal Core Section" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "A Necramech weapon-crafting component.",
		Image = "CortegeBarrel.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/ThanotechArchGunBarrelItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Cortege Barrel",
		Name = "Cortege Barrel",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Cortege Receiver"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Receiver" },
			{ ItemCount = 80, Name = "Devolved Namalon" },
			{ ItemCount = 15, Name = "Tink Dissipator Coil" },
			{ ItemCount = 10, Name = "Trapezium Xenorhast" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "A Necramech weapon-crafting component.",
		Image = "CortegeReceiver.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/ThanotechArchGunReceiverItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Cortege Receiver",
		Name = "Cortege Receiver",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Cortege Stock"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 10, Name = "Cabochon Embolos" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Stock" },
			{ ItemCount = 250, Name = "Hexenon" },
			{ ItemCount = 80, Name = "Tempered Bapholite" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "A Necramech weapon-crafting component.",
		Image = "CortegeStock.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/ThanotechArchGunStockItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Cortege Stock",
		Name = "Cortege Stock",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	Cortichrome = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "Cortichrome.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/JadeShadows/Resources/JuggernautBehemothItem",
		Introduced = "36",
		Link = "Cortichrome",
		Name = "Cortichrome",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Cranial Foremount"] = {
		Description = "Beneath the membranous protein layers can be found a secondary 'skull'; flexible, tough and highly conductive.\r\n\r\nSource:\r\nMYXOSTOMATA",
		Image = "CranialForemount.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosOrokinFishCPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Cranial Foremount",
		Name = "Cranial Foremount",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Crawler Blue Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Crawler Blue pigments drop from the following enemies:\nCrawler",
		Image = "PigmentCrawlerBlue.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Crawler Blue Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Crewman's Boot"] = {
		Description = "While the Vallis coolant has kept this finely engineered Corpus tactical boot remarkably well preserved, it is nonetheless, entirely worthless.",
		Image = "Crewman'sBoot.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/CorpusBootItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Crewman's Boot",
		Name = "Crewman's Boot",
		SellPrice = 400,
		Type = "Fish" 
	Crimzian = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		Description = "A blood-red gem.\r\nFound in Plains of Eidolon, Earth from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Crimzian.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/RareGemAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 6,
		Link = "Crimzian",
		Name = "Crimzian",
		Parents = { "Star Crimzian" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Crisma Toroid"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A device of undetermined function and origin. Prized by Vox Solaris and the Quills.\r\n\r\nEarn Crisma Toroids by defeating the Profit-Taker Orb.",
		Image = "CrismaToroid.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/ArachnoidCamperItem",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Link = "Crisma Toroid",
		Name = "Crisma Toroid",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Cryotic = {
		Description = "Usually found in extreme sub-zero environments, Cryotic instantly freezes anything it contacts.\r\n\r\nLocations: Excavation Missions on Venus, Earth, Phobos, Europa, and Neptune.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 3000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Cryotic.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Cryotic",
		Introduced = "14.5",
		Link = "Cryotic",
		Name = "Cryotic",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Cryptographic ALU"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Excess circuitry disposed of during the Razorback manufacturing process, these components only appear in the vicinity of high level outer-orbit Corpus facilities after a Razorback Armada has been launched.\r\n\r\nThis resource can be dropped from Corpus Archwing Units.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 30,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "CryptographicALU.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/RazorbackCipherPart",
		Introduced = "18.4.10",
		Link = "Cryptographic ALU",
		Name = "Cryptographic ALU",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Cubic Diodes"] = {
		Amount = { 15, 25 },
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 5500, Name = "Circuits" },
			{ ItemCount = 8500, Name = "Ferrite" },
			{ ItemCount = 9500, Name = "Salvage" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Vital components used in the creation of Corpus photon-networks.\r\n\r\nLocation: Europa",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 7000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "CubicDiodes.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/CubicsRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "26.1",
		Link = "Cubic Diodes",
		Name = "Cubic Diodes",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Curse of Hearing"] = {
		Description = "This curse contains knowledge that will help Fibonacci prevent enemies from breaking free of The Sanctum. Feed curses to the Jahu Gargoyle in your Clan Dojo to re-calibrate its defensive capabilities.\r\n\r\nLocation: Effervo (Deimos) during Operation Gargoyle's Cry",
		Image = "CurseofHearing.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/EntratiEventCurseItemB",
		Introduced = "35.0.3",
		Link = "Operation: Gargoyle's Cry",
		Name = "Curse of Hearing",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Curse of Knowing"] = {
		Description = "This curse contains knowledge that will help Fibonacci prevent enemies from breaking free of The Sanctum. Feed curses to the Jahu Gargoyle in your Clan Dojo to re-calibrate its defensive capabilities.\r\n\r\nLocation: Effervo (Deimos) during Operation Gargoyle's Cry",
		Image = "CurseofKnowing.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/EntratiEventCurseItemA",
		Introduced = "35.0.3",
		Link = "Operation: Gargoyle's Cry",
		Name = "Curse of Knowing",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Curse of Seeing"] = {
		Description = "This curse contains knowledge that will help Fibonacci prevent enemies from breaking free of The Sanctum. Feed curses to the Jahu Gargoyle in your Clan Dojo to re-calibrate its defensive capabilities.\r\n\r\nLocation: Effervo (Deimos) during Operation Gargoyle's Cry",
		Image = "CurseofSeeing.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/EntratiEventCurseItemC",
		Introduced = "35.0.3",
		Link = "Operation: Gargoyle's Cry",
		Name = "Curse of Seeing",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Cuthol Tendrils"] = {
		Description = "Ostrons extract the toxin and apply it to their weapons when hunting animals.",
		Image = "CutholTendrils.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/NightRareFishBPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Cuthol Tendrils",
		Name = "Cuthol Tendrils",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Dagonic = {
		Amount = { 3, 6 },
		Description = "Rivulets of Exocrine fluid, hardened over passing centuries.\r\nFound in Cambion Drift, Deimos from Blue Lesions.",
		Image = "Dagonic.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosCommonGemBItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Dagonic",
		Name = "Dagonic",
		Parents = { "Purged Dagonic" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Damaged Necramech Casing"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "The damaged remains of a Necramech supporting frame.",
		Image = "DamagedNecramechCasing.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/DamagedMechPartChassisItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Damaged Necramech Casing",
		Name = "Damaged Necramech Casing",
		SellPrice = 20000,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Damaged Necramech Engine"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "An engine designed for use in a Necramech. Unfortunately, it’s damaged.",
		Image = "DamagedNecramechEngine.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/DamagedMechPartEngineItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Damaged Necramech Engine",
		Name = "Damaged Necramech Engine",
		SellPrice = 20000,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Damaged Necramech Pod"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A modular component for a Necramech. It’s damaged and in need of repair.",
		Image = "DamagedNecramechPod.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/DamagedMechPartSystemsItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 1,
		Link = "Damaged Necramech Pod",
		Name = "Damaged Necramech Pod",
		Parents = {
			"Loid Sentinel Mask",
			"Loid Sentinel Skin",
			"Loid Sentinel Tail",
			"Loid Sentinel Wing" 
		SellPrice = 20000,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Damaged Necramech Weapon Barrel"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "The damaged barrel of a heavy-duty Necramech weapon.",
		Image = "DamagedNecramechWeaponBarrel.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/DamagedMechWeaponBarrelItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Barrel",
		Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Barrel",
		SellPrice = 10000,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Damaged Necramech Weapon Pod"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A broken weapon system intended for a Necramech.",
		Image = "DamagedNecramechWeaponPod.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/DamagedMechPartWeaponPodItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Pod",
		Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Pod",
		SellPrice = 20000,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Damaged Necramech Weapon Receiver"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A broken frame that can be used in the construction of a Necramech weapon.",
		Image = "DamagedNecramechWeaponReceiver.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/DamagedMechWeaponReceiverItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Receiver",
		Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Receiver",
		SellPrice = 10000,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Damaged Necramech Weapon Stock"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "The fractured back portion of a large Necramech weapon.",
		Image = "DamagedNecramechWeaponStock.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/DamagedMechWeaponStockItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Stock",
		Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Stock",
		SellPrice = 10000,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Daughter Token"] = {
		Description = "A token of Daughter's gratitude.",
		Image = "DaughterToken.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/EntratiFragmentCommonC",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Daughter Token",
		Name = "Daughter Token",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Dendrite Blastoma"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Elements of other lifeforms are detectable in Infested body parts, such as this apparently parasitic clump of land-dwelling animal tissue.\r\n\r\nGuaranteed to drop from these sources:\r\nVITREOSPINA\r\nBARBISTEO",
		Image = "DendriteBlastoma.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosInfestedFishBPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Dendrite Blastoma",
		Name = "Dendrite Blastoma",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Detonite Ampule"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Researching the Detonite traces within could advance our weapon technology.\r\n\r\nLocations: Venus, Earth, Lua, Ceres, Saturn, Sedna, and the Kuva Fortress.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 125,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "DetoniteAmpule.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/ChemFragment",
		Introduced = "8",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Detonite Ampule",
		Name = "Detonite Ampule",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Parents = { "Detonite Injector", "Gallos Rods", "Komms" },
		Type = "Research" 
	["Detonite Injector"] = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Control Module" },
			{ ItemCount = 10, Name = "Detonite Ampule" },
			{ ItemCount = 250, Name = "Plastids" },
			{ ItemCount = 500, Name = "Salvage" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "Detonite injectors are the basis for explosive and incendiary weapons.\r\n\r\nCan be acquired from Grineer Offensives & Clan Research.",
		Image = "DetoniteInjector.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/ChemComponent",
		Introduced = "8",
		Link = "Detonite Injector",
		Name = "Detonite Injector",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	Devar = {
		Amount = { 3, 6 },
		Description = "A cloudy crystal.\r\nFound in Plains of Eidolon, Earth from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Devar.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/CommonGemBItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Devar",
		Name = "Devar",
		Parents = { "Esher Devar" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Devar Grey Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Devar Grey pigments drop from the following enemies:\nTusk Mortar Bombard",
		Image = "PigmentDevarGrey.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "22.20",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Devar Grey Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Devolved Namalon"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Ferros" },
			{ ItemCount = 15, Name = "Lucent Teroglobe" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Namalon" },
			{ ItemCount = 160, Name = "Rubedo" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Retrieved from its Infested state, restored to worth and utility.\r\nBlueprint sold by Otak in the Necralisk, Deimos.",
		Image = "DevolvedNamalon.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosUncommonOreAAlloyItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 80,
		Link = "Devolved Namalon",
		Name = "Devolved Namalon",
		Parents = { "Bonewidow Weapon Pod", "Cortege Receiver", "Morgha Receiver" },
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Diluted Thermia"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A magma like liquid that is diluted with coolant during the extraction process. Thermia can be found fracturing the surface of the Orb Vallis during thermal flare-ups. Could this be the key to weakening the Exploiter Orb's defenses?",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 5,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "DilutedThermia.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Fissureum",
		Introduced = "24.4",
		Link = "Diluted Thermia",
		Name = "Diluted Thermia",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Dusklight Sarracenia"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This robust, carnivorous plant has adapted to conditions in polluted waters.\r\n\r\nLocation: Grineer Shipyard - Ceres",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "DusklightSarracenia.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/ZenCobraLotusPlantItem",
		Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove",
		ItemCount = 2,
		Link = "Dusklight Sarracenia",
		Name = "Dusklight Sarracenia",
		Parents = { "Nightfall Apothic" },
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Dust Brown Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Dust Brown pigments drop from the following enemies:\nCorrupted Lancer",
		Image = "PigmentDustBrown.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Dust Brown Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Echo Voca"] = {
		Description = "The quietest and most elusive of Voidtongue utterances. Sought after but never found by Albrecht.\r\n\r\nLocation: Albrecht's Laboratories (Deimos)",
		Image = "EchoVoca.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/EntratiLabDogTagRare",
		Introduced = "35",
		Link = "Echo Voca",
		Name = "Echo Voca",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Echowinder Anoscopic Sensor"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A small camera that records visual data with extremely high definition.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Echowinder Servofish.",
		Image = "EchowinderAnoscopicSensor.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/CorpusFishAnoscopicSensorItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Echowinder Anoscopic Sensor",
		Name = "Echowinder Anoscopic Sensor",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Eidolon Shard"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Shard gained from the Sentients roaming the Plains of Eidolon.",
		HelminthCategory = "Sentient Appetite",
		HelminthCost = 10,
		HelminthGain = 0.5,
		Image = "EidolonShard.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/SentientShards/SentientShardCommonItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Eidolon Shard",
		Name = "Eidolon Shard",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Elysium Blue Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Elysium Blue pigments drop from the following enemies:\nThe Sergeant",
		Image = "PigmentElysiumBlue.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Elysium Blue Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Embolos = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This rare gem forms in a clotted mass within the Infestation.\r\nFound in Cambion Drift, Deimos from Blue Lesions.",
		Image = "Embolos.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosEidolonGemBItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 3,
		Link = "Embolos",
		Name = "Embolos",
		Parents = { "Cabochon Embolos" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Gem" 
	Entratifragmentbase = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "Entratifragmentbase.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/EntratiFragmentBase",
		Link = "Entratifragmentbase",
		Name = "Entratifragmentbase",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Entrati Lanthorn"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A ceremonial beacon used to map Void locations on to real space.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 5,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "EntratiLanthorn.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Zariman/Resources/ZarimanMiscItemB",
		Introduced = "31.5",
		Link = "Entrati Lanthorn",
		Name = "Entrati Lanthorn",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Entrati Obols"] = {
		--Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "During the Orokin era, these obols were a commonly recognized mark of the Entrati family. Some Archimedeans even used them as good luck talismans.\r\n\r\nLocation: Albrecht's Laboratories (Deimos)",
		Image = "EntratiObols.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/EntratiLabMiscItemA",
		Introduced = "35",
		Link = "Entrati Obols",
		Name = "Entrati Obols",
		--Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Esher Devar"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 10,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 10, Name = "Devar" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Old Man Suumbaat in Cetus, Earth.",
		Image = "EsherDevar.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/CommonGemBCutAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 1,
		Link = "Esher Devar",
		Name = "Esher Devar",
		Parents = { "Focused Nosam Cutter" },
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Exceptional Sentient Core"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		BuildPrice = 5000,
		BuildQuantity = 2,
		BuildTime = 600,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Heart Nyth" },
			{ ItemCount = 2, Name = "Intact Sentient Core" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Radian Sentirum" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "An integral part of Vomvalysts and Teralysts, the exact function of this... device? Organ? is uncertain.",
		HelminthCategory = "Sentient Appetite",
		HelminthCost = 10,
		HelminthGain = 0.5,
		Image = "ExceptionalSentientCore.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/QuillsUncommonDogTag",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Sentient Core",
		Name = "Exceptional Sentient Core",
		Rush = 10,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Exemplar Granum Crown"] = {
		Description = "An ancient token of high esteem from the Corpus Founder himself.",
		Image = "ExemplarGranumCrown.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Tokens/GreedTokens/GreedTokenGold",
		Introduced = "28",
		Link = "Exemplar Granum Crown",
		Name = "Exemplar Granum Crown",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Eye-Eye Rotoblade"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A machine element used to propel robotic organisms through coolant.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Eye-Eye Servofish.",
		Image = "Eye-EyeRotoblade.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/CorpusFishRotobladeItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Eye-Eye Rotoblade",
		Name = "Eye-Eye Rotoblade",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Faceted Tiametrite"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 10,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 10, Name = "Tiametrite" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Refined purity freed from the Infested mass.\r\nBlueprint sold by Otak in the Necralisk, Deimos.",
		Image = "FacetedTiametrite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosCommonGemACutItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 1,
		Link = "Faceted Tiametrite",
		Name = "Faceted Tiametrite",
		Parents = { "Xaku Kintsu Helmet" },
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["False Orange Pigment"] = {
		Description = "False Orange pigments drop from the following enemies:\nVoid Angel\nRavenous Void Angel",
		Image = "PigmentFalseOrange.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "False Orange Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Familial Debt-Bond"] = {
		Description = "Debts unpaid by one generation are passed to the next. Working to pay them off is seen as something to be proud of. What choice do they have?",
		Image = "FamilialDebt-Bond.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/DebtTokenE",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Familial Debt-Bond",
		Name = "Familial Debt-Bond",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Fass Residue"] = {
		Description = "A chunk of the wyrm Fass, collected after his explosive death. Used to attract Glutinox, Ostimyr, and Vitreospina.",
		Image = "FassResidue.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Infested/InfestedFishBaitA",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Fass Residue",
		Name = "Fass Residue",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Father Token"] = {
		Description = "A symbol of Father's trust and confidence.",
		Image = "FatherToken.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/EntratiFragmentUncommonA",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Father Token",
		Name = "Father Token",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Ferment Bladder"] = {
		Description = "Many Deimos fish secrete reagents in a pouchlike organ, creating volatile gases that enable limited periods of levitation.\r\n\r\nGuaranteed to drop from these sources:\r\nOSTIMYR\r\nAQUAPULMO\r\nVITREOSPINA\r\nCRYPTOSUCTUS\r\nBARBISTEO\r\nKYMAEROS\r\nAMNIOPHYSI\r\nGLUTINOX",
		Image = "FermentBladder.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosGenericInfestedFishPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Ferment Bladder",
		Name = "Ferment Bladder",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Ferrite = {
		Amount = { 50, 100 },
		ContainerImage = "FerriteContainer.png",
		Description = "Alloy pellets used in Grineer manufacturing.\r\n\r\nLocations: Mercury, Earth, Lua, Neptune, and the Void.",
		HelminthCategory = "Oxides",
		HelminthCost = 20000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Ferrite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Ferrite",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Ferrite",
		Name = "Ferrite",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Ferros = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		Description = "A resilient metal that is hardened by impurities within.\r\nFound in Plains of Eidolon, Earth from Red Veins.",
		Image = "Ferros.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/UncommonOreAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Ferros",
		Name = "Ferros",
		Parents = { "Devolved Namalon", "Fersteel Alloy" },
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Fersteel Alloy"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Ferros" },
			{ ItemCount = 400, Name = "Plastids" },
			{ ItemCount = 200, Name = "Rubedo" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Ferros that has been forged into a stronger metal.\r\nBlueprint sold by Old Man Suumbaat in Cetus, Earth.",
		Image = "FersteelAlloy.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/UncommonOreAAlloyAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Fersteel Alloy",
		Name = "Fersteel Alloy",
		Parents = {
			"Advanced Nosam Cutter",
			"Ceno Apparel",
			"Ceno Cuirass",
			"Cortege Barrel",
			"Morgha Barrel",
			"Peram Fishing Spear",
			"Vahd Apparel",
			"Vahd Cuirass",
			"Zauba Apparel",
			"Zauba Cuirass" 
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	Fieldron = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Control Module" },
			{ ItemCount = 10, Name = "Fieldron Sample" },
			{ ItemCount = 250, Name = "Plastids" },
			{ ItemCount = 500, Name = "Salvage" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "ClanTech weaponized containment field to contain superheated substances.\r\n\r\nCan be acquired from Corpus Sieges & Clan Research.",
		Image = "Fieldron.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/EnergyComponent",
		Introduced = "8",
		ItemCount = 2,
		Link = "Fieldron",
		Name = "Fieldron",
		Parents = { "Antiserum Injector" },
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Fieldron Sample"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This destroyed Fieldron could further research into super-heated containment fields.\r\n\r\nLocations: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Europa, Neptune, and Pluto.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 125,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "FieldronSample.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/EnergyFragment",
		Introduced = "8",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Fieldron Sample",
		Name = "Fieldron Sample",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Parents = { "Aucrux Capacitors", "Fieldron", "Isos" },
		Type = "Research" 
	["Fish Meat"] = {
		Description = "Used as a source of food and to create bait for predatory fish.",
		Image = "FishMeat.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/EidolonFishMeatItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Fish Meat",
		Name = "Fish Meat",
		SellPrice = 100,
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Fish Oil"] = {
		Description = "Used to create absolvents that purify gems.",
		Image = "FishOil.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/EidolonFishOilItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Fish Oil",
		Name = "Fish Oil",
		SellPrice = 100,
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Fish Scales"] = {
		Description = "A material used in tailoring clothes and cultivating synthetics.",
		Image = "FishScales.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/EidolonFishScalesItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Fish Scales",
		Name = "Fish Scales",
		SellPrice = 100,
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Flawless Sentient Core"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "An integral part of Vomvalysts and Teralysts, the exact function of this... device? Organ? is uncertain.",
		HelminthCategory = "Sentient Appetite",
		HelminthCost = 5,
		HelminthGain = 0.5,
		Image = "FlawlessSentientCore.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/QuillsRareDogTag",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Sentient Core",
		Name = "Flawless Sentient Core",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Fresnels = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 200, Name = "Cryotic" },
			{ ItemCount = 40, Name = "Morphics" },
			{ ItemCount = 50, Name = "Orokin Cell" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A rare Orokin material used to create a tear in space and allow safe passage through the Void.",
		Image = "Fresnels.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/FresnelsRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		Link = "Fresnels",
		Name = "Fresnels",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	Frostcap = {
		Description = "Engineered by the Orokin to convert airborne chemicals into breathable air.",
		Image = "Frostcap.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/VenusMushroomItem",
		Link = "Frostcap",
		Name = "Frostcap",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Frostleaf = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This resilient plant provides a natural food source in frigid areas of the Origin system.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Frostleaf.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/WildGingerBPlantItem",
		Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove",
		ItemCount = 8,
		Link = "Frostleaf",
		Name = "Frostleaf",
		Parents = { "Sunrise Apothic" },
		Type = "Plant" 
	Gallium = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		ContainerImage = "GalliumContainer.png",
		Description = "Soft metal used in microelectronics and energy weapons.\r\n\r\nLocations: Mars and Uranus.",
		HelminthCategory = "Oxides",
		HelminthCost = 25,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Gallium.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Gallium",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Gallium",
		Name = "Gallium",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Gallos Rods"] = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 18500, Name = "Alloy Plate" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 750, Name = "Detonite Ampule" },
			{ ItemCount = 1500, Name = "Polymer Bundle" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Antimatter fuel cell that powers the Grineer Ships.",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 175,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "GallosRods.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/GallosRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		Link = "Gallos Rods",
		Name = "Gallos Rods",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	Ganglion = {
		ContainerImage = "HapticFrond.png",
		Description = "A fallen clump of entangled nerve fibers, redundant organs, and thin sensory membranes.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 50,
		HelminthGain = 0.6,
		Image = "Ganglion.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/InfMapricoFruitItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Ganglion",
		Name = "Ganglion",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Generic Dojo Color Pigment"] = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "GenericDojoColorPigment.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/DojoColors/GenericDojoColorPigment",
		Introduced = "8",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Generic Dojo Color Pigment",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Ghost Brush Extract"] = {
		Description = "Extracted from a Ghost Brush.",
		Image = "GhostBrushExtract.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/OroPorcelainBushAPlantItem",
		Link = "Ghost Brush Extract",
		Name = "Ghost Brush Extract",
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Glacial Blue Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Glacial Blue pigments drop from the following enemies:\nCrewman",
		Image = "PigmentGlacialBlue.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Glacial Blue Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Goblite = {
		Amount = { 2, 4 },
		Description = "A strange crystal that grows inside the veins of extracted ore.\r\nFound in Orb Vallis, Venus from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Goblite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisUncommonGemAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Goblite",
		Name = "Goblite",
		Parents = { "Goblite Tears" },
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Goblite Tears"] = {
		BuildPrice = 2500,
		BuildQuantity = 10,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 10, Name = "Goblite" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Smokefinger in Fortuna, Venus.",
		Image = "GobliteTears.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisUncommonGemACutItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 15,
		Link = "Goblite Tears",
		Name = "Goblite Tears",
		Parents = { "Bonewidow Casing" },
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Goopolla Spleen"] = {
		Description = "Used in Ostron remedies to purify toxins.\r\n\r\nLocation: Fisher Hai-Luk in Cetus",
		Image = "GoopollaSpleen.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/BothCommonFishBPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Goopolla Spleen",
		Name = "Goopolla Spleen",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Gorgaricus Spore"] = {
		ContainerImage = "GorgaricusSac.png",
		Description = "The reproductive spore of the giant Vallis fungi is highly coveted for the complex chemical compounds it contains.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 25,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "GorgaricusSpore.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/VenusCoconutItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Gorgaricus Spore",
		Name = "Gorgaricus Spore",
		Parents = { "Pax Bolt" },
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Grandmother Token"] = {
		Description = "A rare sign of Grandmother's favor.",
		Image = "GrandmotherToken.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/EntratiFragmentRareA",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Grandmother Token",
		Name = "Grandmother Token",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Granum Crown"] = {
		Description = "An ancient token of esteem from the Corpus Founder himself.",
		Image = "GranumCrown.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Tokens/GreedTokens/GreedTokenBlue",
		Introduced = "28",
		Link = "Granum Crown",
		Name = "Granum Crown",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Grokdrul = {
		ContainerImage = "GrokdrulDrum.png",
		Description = "A noxious mix of polysaccharides and long-chain polymers, Grokdrul is a standard chemical used in Grineer manufacturing.\r\n\r\nLocation: Plains of Eidolon",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 30,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Grokdrul.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/GrokdrulItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 50,
		Link = "Grokdrul",
		Name = "Grokdrul",
		Parents = {
			"Archwing Launcher",
			"Eidolon Phylaxis",
			"Fosfor Blau",
			"Lanzo Fishing Spear",
			"Peram Fishing Spear",
			"Shockprod Fishing Spear",
			"Stunna Fishing Spear",
			"Tulok Fishing Spear" 
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Grotesque Splinter"] = {
		Description = "A foreboding fragment of the vast Indifference.\r\n\r\nLocation: Effervo (Deimos) during Operation Gargoyle's Cry",
		Image = "GrotesqueSplinter.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/EntratiEventOctopedeItem",
		Introduced = "35.0.3",
		Link = "Operation: Gargoyle's Cry",
		Name = "Grotesque Splinter",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Gyromag Systems"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A modular component that regulates latitude and altitude in various Corpus systems.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 12,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "GyromagSystems.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/CorpusWidgetAItem",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Link = "Gyromag Systems",
		Name = "Gyromag Systems",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Harmony Green Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Harmony Green pigments drop from the following enemies:\nThrax Centurion",
		Image = "PigmentHarmonyGreen.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Harmony Green Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Heart Noctrul"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 10,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 10, Name = "Noctrul" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Smokefinger in Fortuna, Venus.",
		Image = "HeartNoctrul.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonGemBCutItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Heart Noctrul",
		Name = "Heart Noctrul",
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Heart Nyth"] = {
		BuildPrice = 10000,
		BuildQuantity = 3,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 3, Name = "Nyth" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Old Man Suumbaat in Cetus, Earth.",
		Image = "HeartNyth.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/EidolonGemBCutAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 1,
		Link = "Heart Nyth",
		Name = "Heart Nyth",
		Parents = {
			"Exceptional Sentient Core",
			"Vahd Apparel",
			"Vahd Cuirass",
			"Vahd Greaves",
			"Vahd Mask",
			"Vahd Pauldrons" 
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	Heciphron = {
		Amount = { 2, 4 },
		Description = "Aggregates in the neo-lymph systems of Infested masses.\r\nFound in Cambion Drift, Deimos from Blue Lesions.",
		Image = "Heciphron.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosUncommonGemAItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Heciphron",
		Name = "Heciphron",
		Parents = { "Purified Heciphron" },
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Hemocyte Cystolith"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Torn from the bile duct of a fallen Hemocyte.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 35,
		Image = "HemocyteCystolith.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/SentientShards/LephantisShardItem",
		Introduced = "22.3",
		Link = "Hemocyte Cystolith",
		Name = "Hemocyte Cystolith",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Hespazym Alloy"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Hesperon" },
			{ ItemCount = 2, Name = "Morphics" },
			{ ItemCount = 300, Name = "Plastids" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A compound formed from Hesperon.\r\nBlueprint sold by Smokefinger in Fortuna, Venus.",
		Image = "HespazymAlloy.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisRareOreAAlloyItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 50,
		Link = "Hespazym Alloy",
		Name = "Hespazym Alloy",
		Parents = {
			"Haztech Greaves",
			"Haztech Mask",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Greaves",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Mask",
			"Outrider Greaves",
			"Outrider Mask",
			"Smelter Greaves",
			"Smelter Mask",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Greaves",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Mask",
			"Vent Rat Greaves",
			"Vent Rat Mask" 
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Hesperia Brown Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Hesperia Brown pigments drop from the following enemies:\nTrooper",
		Image = "PigmentHesperiaBrown.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Hesperia Brown Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Hesperon = {
		Amount = { 3, 6 },
		Description = "Clay that strengthens into extremely durable stone when brought to temperatures below zero.\r\nFound in Orb Vallis, Venus from Red Veins.",
		Image = "Hesperon.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisRareOreAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Hesperon",
		Name = "Hesperon",
		Parents = { "Hespazym Alloy" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Ore" 
	Hexenon = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		Description = "A reagent commonly used to produce highly combustible fuel.",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 300,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Hexenon.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/ConcentratedGas",
		Introduced = "25",
		Link = "Hexenon",
		Name = "Hexenon",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Infected Palpators"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A grizzly trophy extracted from the corpse of a Juggernaut.",
		Image = "InfectedPalpators.png",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 3,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/JuggernautPartB",
		Introduced = "16.7",
		Link = "Pherliac Pod",
		Name = "Infected Palpators",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Intact Sentient Core"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "An integral part of Vomvalysts and Teralysts, the exact function of this... device? Organ? is uncertain.",
		HelminthCategory = "Sentient Appetite",
		HelminthCost = 75,
		HelminthGain = 0.5,
		Image = "IntactSentientCore.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/QuillsDogTag",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Sentient Core",
		Name = "Intact Sentient Core",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Iradite = {
		ContainerImage = "IraditeFormation.png",
		Description = "A valuable mineral found on the Plains.",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 50,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Iradite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/IraditeItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 50,
		Link = "Iradite",
		Name = "Iradite",
		Parents = {
			"Archwing Launcher",
			"Eidolon Phylaxis",
			"Fosfor Rahd",
			"Luminous Dye",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Isos = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 3000, Name = "Circuits" },
			{ ItemCount = 500, Name = "Fieldron Sample" },
			{ ItemCount = 7500, Name = "Salvage" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A self-replicating fluid comprised of nanoproxies capable of independently repairing worn and damaged systems.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 200,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Isos.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/IsosRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		ItemCount = 75,
		Link = "Isos",
		Name = "Isos",
		Parents = { "Voidrig Engine" },
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Jackal Yellow Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Jackal Yellow pigments drop from the following enemies:\nSniper Crewman",
		Image = "PigmentJackalYellow.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Jackal Yellow Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Javlok Capacitor"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Used in the construction of Javloks.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 7,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "JavlokCapacitor.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/GrnFlameSpearPart",
		Introduced = "19.4",
		Link = "Javlok Capacitor",
		Name = "Javlok Capacitor",
		SellPrice = 2500,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Judgement Points"] = {
		Description = "Points earned through victories in Rathuum.",
		Image = "JudgementPoints.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/KelaArenaToken",
		Introduced = "18.10",
		Link = "Kela De Thaym#Judgement Points",
		Name = "Judgement Points",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Karkina Antenna"] = {
		Description = "Ground into a powder this substance can makes fires burn hotter for a brief amount of time.\r\n\r\nLocation: Fisher Hai-Luk in Cetus",
		Image = "KarkinaAntenna.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/BothUncommonFishBPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Karkina Antenna",
		Name = "Karkina Antenna",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Kavat Genetic Code"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Contains the genetic code sequence of a Kavat.",
		Image = "KavatGeneticCode.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/CatbrowPet/CatbrowGeneticSignature",
		Introduced = "Specters of the Rail 0.0",
		Link = "Kavat Genetic Code",
		Name = "Kavat Genetic Code",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Kesslers = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 400, Name = "Cryotic" },
			{ ItemCount = 65, Name = "Morphics" },
			{ ItemCount = 4500, Name = "Rubedo" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Orokin devices used for navigating the solar winds.",
		Image = "Kesslers.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/KesslersRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		Link = "Kesslers",
		Name = "Kesslers",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Khut-Khut Venom Sac"] = {
		Description = "The poison is used to cure leather and as a reagent to produce an embalming fluid.\r\n\r\nLocation: Fisher Hai-Luk in Cetus",
		Image = "Khut-KhutVenomSac.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/DayCommonFishBPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Khut-Khut Venom Sac",
		Name = "Khut-Khut Venom Sac",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Komms = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 9000, Name = "Alloy Plate" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 350, Name = "Detonite Ampule" },
			{ ItemCount = 100, Name = "Neural Sensors" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A component used in secure Grineer communication networks.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 15,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Komms.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/KommsRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		ItemCount = 4,
		Link = "Komms",
		Name = "Komms",
		Parents = { "Protea Telema Helmet" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Kovnik"] = {
		Description = "Duviri citizens harvest Kovnik leaves to blend invigorating teas.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 150,
		Image = "Kovnik.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriPlantItemA",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Kovnik",
		Name = "Kovnik",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Kriller Thermal Laser"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A weapon that discharges lasers over short distances.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Kriller Servofish.",
		Image = "KrillerThermalLaser.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/CorpusFishThermalLaserItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Kriller Thermal Laser",
		Name = "Kriller Thermal Laser",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Kuaka Spinal Claw"] = {
		Description = "The sinew from the Kuaka's spinal claws can be tanned to make resilient and flexible leather.\r\n\r\nLocation: Plains of Eidolon",
		Image = "KuakaSpinalClaw.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/ForestRodentPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Kuaka Spinal Claw",
		Name = "Kuaka Spinal Claw",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Kuva = {
		Description = "A mysterious red fluid coveted by the Grineer Queens.\r\n\r\nObtained in Kuva missions.",
		Image = "Kuva.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Kuva",
		Introduced = "19",
		Link = "Kuva (Resource)",
		Name = "Kuva",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Lazulite Toroid"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A device of undetermined function and origin. Prized by Vox Solaris and the Quills.\r\n\r\nEarn Lazulite Toroids by defeating the Exploiter Orb.",
		Image = "LazuliteToroid.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/ArachnoidCamperTerraItem",
		Introduced = "24.4",
		Link = "Lazulite Toroid",
		Name = "Lazulite Toroid",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Leaf Red Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Leaf Red pigments drop from the following enemies:\nStalker\nShadow Stalker",
		Image = "PigmentLeafRed.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Leaf Red Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Leech Green Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Leech Green pigments drop from the following enemies:\nCorrupted Crewman",
		Image = "PigmentLeechGreen.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Leech Green Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Lich Token"] = {
		Description = "A token symbolizing a converted Kuva Lich. Can be traded to other players for control of said Lich.",
		Image = "LichToken.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/Nemesis/KuvaLich/CapturedGrineerLichToken",
		Introduced = "26.0.7",
		Link = "Lich Token",
		Name = "Lich Token",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Longwinder Lathe Coagulant"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A liquid that mixes with coolant fluid to produce a resilient gel that repairs leaks.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Longwinder Servofish.",
		Image = "LongwinderLatheCoagulant.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/SolarisFishLatheCoogulantItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Longwinder Lathe Coagulant",
		Name = "Longwinder Lathe Coagulant",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Lua Thrax Plasm"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A unique variant of Thrax Plasm harvested during Void Conjunctions on Lua.",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 20,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "LuaThraxPlasm.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Zariman/Resources/EclipseVoidWraithItem",
		Introduced = "32.2",
		Link = "Lua Thrax Plasm",
		Name = "Lua Thrax Plasm",
		Type = "Resource"
	["Lucent Teroglobe"] = {
		ContainerImage = "LucentTeroglobeContainer.png",
		Description = "These orbs have long since fulfilled their original function, but still, thrum with faint power.",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 50,
		HelminthGain = 0.6,
		Image = "LucentTeroglobe.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/OrbStoneItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Lucent Teroglobe",
		Name = "Lucent Teroglobe",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Lunar Pitcher"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This carnivorous plant can be found growing in the wilderness on Lua.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "LunarPitcher.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/ZenPitcherPlantItem",
		Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove",
		ItemCount = 6,
		Link = "Lunar Pitcher",
		Name = "Lunar Pitcher",
		Parents = { "Seeding Step Ephemera", "Twilight Apothic" },
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Memoriam Purple Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Memoriam Purple pigments drop from the following enemies:\nTerra Provisor\nTerra Elite Provisor",
		Image = "PigmentMemoriamPurple.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Memoriam Purple Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Moa Green Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Moa Green pigments drop from the following enemies:\nOrokin Drone",
		Image = "PigmentMoaGreen.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "MOA Green Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Mandachord = {
		Description = "A rare Orokin instrument.",
		Image = "Mandachord.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Keys/BardQuest/BardQuestSequencerItem",
		Introduced = "20",
		Link = "Mandachord",
		Name = "Mandachord",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Mandachord Body"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A crucial component of the Mandachord instrument.",
		Image = "MandachordBody.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Keys/BardQuest/BardQuestSequencerPartA",
		Introduced = "20",
		Link = "Mandachord",
		Name = "Mandachord Body",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Mandachord Bridge"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A crucial component of the Mandachord instrument.",
		Image = "MandachordBridge.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Keys/BardQuest/BardQuestSequencerPartC",
		Introduced = "20",
		Link = "Mandachord",
		Name = "Mandachord Bridge",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Mandachord Fret"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A crucial component of the Mandachord instrument.",
		Image = "MandachordFret.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Keys/BardQuest/BardQuestSequencerPartB",
		Introduced = "20",
		Link = "Mandachord",
		Name = "Mandachord Fret",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Maprico = {
		ContainerImage = "MapricoTree.png",
		Description = "This hardy fruit is thick-skinned to withstand harsh conditions, concealing a mouthful of sweet pulp within.\r\n\r\nLocation: Plains of Eidolon",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 50,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Maprico.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/EidolonFruitItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 15,
		Link = "Maprico",
		Name = "Maprico",
		Parents = {
			"Cuthol Bait",
			"Fosfor Blau",
			"Fosfor Rahd",
			"Glappid Bait",
			"Norg Bait",
			"Twilight Bait",
			"Vasca Curative" 
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Marquise Thyst"] = {
		BuildPrice = 10000,
		BuildQuantity = 3,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 3, Name = "Thyst" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Smokefinger in Fortuna, Venus.",
		Image = "MarquiseThyst.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisEidolonGemBCutItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 3,
		Link = "Marquise Thyst",
		Name = "Marquise Thyst",
		Parents = {
			"Haztech Apparel",
			"Haztech Cuirass",
			"Haztech Mask",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Apparel",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Cuirass",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Mask",
			"Outrider Cuirass",
			"Outrider Mask",
			"Pax Soar",
			"Smelter Apparel",
			"Smelter Cuirass",
			"Smelter Mask",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Apparel",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Cuirass",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Mask",
			"Vent Rat Cuirass",
			"Vent Rat Mask" 
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Marquise Veridos"] = {
		BuildPrice = 2500,
		BuildQuantity = 10,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 10, Name = "Veridos" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Old Man Suumbaat in Cetus, Earth.",
		Image = "MarquiseVeridos.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/UncommonGemACutAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Marquise Veridos",
		Name = "Marquise Veridos",
		Parents = {
			"Advanced Nosam Cutter",
			"Loid Sentinel Mask",
			"Loid Sentinel Skin",
			"Loid Sentinel Tail",
			"Loid Sentinel Wing",
			"Sunpoint Plasma Drill",
			"Voidrig Capsule" 
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Maw Fang"] = {
		Description = "Looks like someone got carried away during a delicious meal.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Oxides",
		HelminthCost = 10,
		Image = "MawFang.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/Fish/GenericDuviriFishPartCItem",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Maw Fang",
		Name = "Maw Fang",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Mawfish Bones"] = {
		Description = "The bones of the Mawfish are carved by the Ostron to produce ornaments and tools.\r\n\r\nLocation: Fisher Hai-Luk in Cetus",
		Image = "MawfishBones.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/DayCommonFishAPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Mawfish Bones",
		Name = "Mawfish Bones",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Medical Debt-Bond"] = {
		Description = "To get work you need mods. Then you need more work to pay for the mods, so you get more mods. And here we are.",
		Image = "MedicalDebt-Bond.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/DebtTokenC",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Medical Debt-Bond",
		Name = "Medical Debt-Bond",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Mirewinder Parallel Biode"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Controls the electrical flow throughout the circuitry within robotic organisms.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Mirewinder Servofish.",
		Image = "MirewinderParallelBiode.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/CorpusFishParralelBiodeItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Mirewinder Parallel Biode",
		Name = "Mirewinder Parallel Biode",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Moonlight Dragonlily"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This uncommon plant can only be found at night.\r\n\r\nLocation: Earth",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "MoonlightDragonlily.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/UnCommonNightPlantItem",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Moonlight Dragonlily",
		Name = "Moonlight Dragonlily",
		Parents = {
			"Lapis Antitoxin",
			"Nightfall Apothic",
			"The Silver Grove",
			"Topaz Antitoxin",
			"Vermillion Antitoxin" 
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Moonlight Jadeleaf"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This rare plant can only be found at night.\r\n\r\nLocation: Earth",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "MoonlightJadeleaf.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/RareNightPlantItem",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		ItemCount = 1,
		Link = "Moonlight Jadeleaf",
		Name = "Moonlight Jadeleaf",
		Parents = {
			"Health Restore (Large)",
			"Lapis Antitoxin",
			"Twilight Apothic",
			"Vermillion Antitoxin" 
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Moonlight Threshcone"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This common plant can only be found at night.\r\n\r\nLocation: Earth",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "MoonlightThreshcone.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/CommonNightPlantItem",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		ItemCount = 15,
		Link = "Moonlight Threshcone",
		Name = "Moonlight Threshcone",
		Parents = { "Amethyst Antitoxin", "Health Restore (Large)", "Topaz Antitoxin" },
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Morgha Barrel"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 80, Name = "Adramal Alloy" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Barrel" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Fersteel Alloy" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Spinal Core Section" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "A Necramech weapon-crafting component.",
		Image = "MorghaBarrel.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/ThanotechGrenadeLauncherBarrelItem",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Morgha Barrel",
		Name = "Morgha Barrel",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Morgha Receiver"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Receiver" },
			{ ItemCount = 80, Name = "Devolved Namalon" },
			{ ItemCount = 15, Name = "Tink Dissipator Coil" },
			{ ItemCount = 10, Name = "Trapezium Xenorhast" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "A Necramech weapon-crafting component.",
		Image = "MorghaReceiver.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/ThanotechGrenadeLauncherReceiverItem",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Morgha Receiver",
		Name = "Morgha Receiver",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Morgha Stock"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 10, Name = "Cabochon Embolos" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Stock" },
			{ ItemCount = 250, Name = "Hexenon" },
			{ ItemCount = 80, Name = "Tempered Bapholite" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "A Necramech weapon-crafting component.",
		Image = "MorghaStock.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/ThanotechGrenadeLauncherStockItem",
		Introduced = "29.5",
		Link = "Morgha Stock",
		Name = "Morgha Stock",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Morning Yellow Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Morning Yellow pigments drop from the following enemies:\nLeech Osprey",
		Image = "PigmentMorningYellow.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Morning Yellow Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Morphics = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		ContainerImage = "MorphicsContainer.png",
		Description = "An amorphous solid. Possibly Orokin technology.\r\n\r\nLocations: Mercury, Mars, Phobos, Europa, and Pluto.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 40,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Morphics.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Morphic",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Morphics",
		Name = "Morphics",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Mortus Horn"] = {
		Description = "The horn of the Mortus Lungfish is ground down into a powder and used by the Ostrons in herbal remedies.",
		Image = "MortusHorn.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/DayUncommonFishBPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Mortus Horn",
		Name = "Mortus Horn",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Mortus Pink Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Mortus Pink pigments drop from the following enemies:\nTusk Flameblade",
		Image = "PigmentMortusPink.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "22.20",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Mortus Pink Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Mother Token"] = {
		Description = "A mark of Mother's esteem.",
		Image = "MotherToken.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/EntratiFragmentUncommonB",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Mother Token",
		Name = "Mother Token",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Murkray Liver"] = {
		Description = "An ingredient used in Ostron cooking and medicine.\r\n\r\nLocation: Fisher Hai-Luk in Cetus",
		Image = "MurkrayLiver.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/BothRareFishAPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Murkray Liver",
		Name = "Murkray Liver",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Mutagen Mass"] = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Control Module" },
			{ ItemCount = 10, Name = "Mutagen Sample" },
			{ ItemCount = 250, Name = "Plastids" },
			{ ItemCount = 500, Name = "Salvage" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "This living mass can produce weaponized toxins for weaponry.\r\n\r\nCan be acquired from Infestation Outbreaks & Clan Research.",
		Image = "MutagenMass.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/BioComponent",
		Introduced = "8",
		Link = "Mutagen Mass",
		Name = "Mutagen Mass",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Mutagen Sample"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "These samples could advance our knowledge of biological research.\r\n\r\nLocations: Eris and Deimos.",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 125,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "MutagenSample.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/BioFragment",
		Introduced = "8",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Mutagen Sample",
		Name = "Mutagen Sample",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Parents = { "Bracoid", "Mutagen Mass", "Trachons" },
		Type = "Research" 
	["Mutalist Red Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Mutalist Red pigments drop from the following enemies:\nTar Mutalist Moa",
		Image = "PigmentMutalistRed.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Mutalist Red Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Mytocardia Spore"] = {
		ContainerImage = "MytocardiaSacSmall.png",
		Description = "A fungal body prized for its varied uses.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "MytocardiaSpore.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/FungusHeartItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Mytocardia Spore",
		Name = "Mytocardia Spore",
		Parents = { "Pax Charge" },
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Nacreous Pebble"] = {
		Description = "Collectors like to marvel at the peculiar origin of Nacreous Pebbles. Their beauty is the result of ordinary pebbles having been ingested and regurgitated by the Golden Maw.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 80,
		Image = "NacreousPebble.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/Fish/GenericDuviriFishPartAItem",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Nacreous Pebble",
		Name = "Nacreous Pebble",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Namalon = {
		Amount = { 4, 8 },
		Description = "Infested mineral deposits mimicking the form of living organs.\r\nFound in Cambion Drift, Deimos from Yellow Lesions.",
		Image = "Namalon.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosUncommonOreAItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Namalon",
		Name = "Namalon",
		Parents = { "Devolved Namalon" },
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Nanite Blue Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Nanite Blue pigments drop from the following enemies:\nCharger",
		Image = "PigmentNaniteBlue.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Nanite Blue Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Nano Spores"] = {
		Amount = { 150, 200 },
		ContainerImage = "NanoSporesContainer.png",
		Description = "Fibrous technocyte tumour. Handle Infested tissue with caution.\r\n\r\nLocations: Saturn, Neptune, Eris, and Deimos.",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 20000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "NanoSpores.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Nanospores",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Nano Spores",
		Name = "Nano Spores",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Nav Coordinate"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Coordinate used to locate lost ships.\r\n\r\nCan be acquired from Storage Containers.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 65,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "NavCoordinate.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NavCode",
		Introduced = "10",
		Link = "Nav Coordinate",
		Name = "Nav Coordinate",
		SellPrice = 25,
		Type = "Resource" 
	Necracoil = {
		--Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This experimental array transmutes Void energy into high voltages with low currents.\r\n\r\nLocation: Albrecht's Laboratories (Deimos)",
		Image = "Necracoil.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/EntratiLabMiscItemB",
		Introduced = "35",
		Link = "Necracoil",
		Name = "Necracoil",
		--Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Necrathene = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		Description = "Impacted within Infested husks, preserved for millennia.\r\nFound in Cambion Drift, Deimos from Blue Lesions.",
		Image = "Necrathene.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosRareGemAItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 6,
		Link = "Necrathene",
		Name = "Necrathene",
		Parents = { "Stellated Necrathene" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Neo Pink Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Neo Pink pigments drop from the following enemies:\nTerra Trencher\nTerra Elite Trencher",
		Image = "PigmentNeoPink.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Neo Pink Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Neural Sensors"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		ContainerImage = "NeuralSensorContainer.png",
		Description = "Implanted neural-link for controlling augmentations. Grineer design.\r\n\r\nLocation: Jupiter",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 25,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "NeuralSensors.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NeuralSensor",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Neural Sensors",
		Name = "Neural Sensors",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Neurodes = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		ContainerImage = "NeurodesContainer.png",
		Description = "Biotech sensor organ harvested from Infested entities.\r\n\r\nLocations: Earth, Lua, Eris, and Deimos.",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 15,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Neurodes.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Neurode",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Neurodes",
		Name = "Neurodes",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Night Blue Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Night Blue pigments drop from the following enemies:\nVay Hek Terra Frame",
		Image = "PigmentNightBlue.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Night Blue Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Nistlepod = {
		ContainerImage = "NistlepodContainer.png",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 25,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Description = "Used by the Nistlebrush to trap and kill prey.\r\n\r\nLocation: Plains of Eidolon",
		Image = "Nistlepod.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/NistlebrushItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 15,
		Link = "Nistlepod",
		Name = "Nistlepod",
		Parents = {
			"Eidolon Phylaxis",
			"Lanzo Fishing Spear",
			"Peppered Bait",
			"Peram Fishing Spear",
			"Shockprod Fishing Spear",
			"Stunna Fishing Spear",
			"Tulok Fishing Spear",
			"Twilight Bait",
			"Vasca Curative" 
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Nitain Extract"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Each vial is produced by the painstaking expression of billions of rare, ocean-vent dwelling microorganisms.\r\n\r\nThis resource can be acquired from Nightwave offerings.",
		Image = "NitainExtract.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Alertium",
		Introduced = "17.12",
		Link = "Nitain Extract",
		Name = "Nitain Extract",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Noctrul = {
		Amount = { 3, 6 },
		Description = "A black gemstone, with iridescent blue impurities.\r\nFound in Orb Vallis, Venus from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Noctrul.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonGemBItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Noctrul",
		Name = "Noctrul",
		Parents = { "Heart Noctrul" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Norg Brain"] = {
		Description = "An Ostron delicacy.",
		Image = "NorgBrain.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/NightRareFishAPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Norg Brain",
		Name = "Norg Brain",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Nullstones = {
		Amount = { 1, 2 },
		Description = "Nullstones do not conform to several laws of physics, making them highly prized for optimizing sensitive components.",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 50,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Nullstones.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/NullstonesRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		ItemCount = 2,
		Link = "Nullstones",
		Name = "Nullstones",
		Parents = { "Protea Mavv Helmet" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Nyth = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A rare local Gem, formed when the gas known as Breath of the Eidolon becomes trapped in molten iradite.\r\nFound in Plains of Eidolon, Earth from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Nyth.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/EidolonGemBItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 3,
		Link = "Nyth",
		Name = "Nyth",
		Parents = { "Heart Nyth" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Oak Brown Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Oak Brown pigments drop from the following enemies:\nButcher",
		Image = "PigmentOakBrown.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Oak Brown Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Ocular Stem-Root"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "The organs that once served as eyes, prior to Infestation, are still replete with useful components.\r\n\r\nSource:\r\nFLAGELLOCANTH",
		Image = "OcularStem-Root.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosInfestedFishFPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Ocular Stem-Root",
		Name = "Ocular Stem-Root",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Olympus Blue Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Olympus Blue pigments drop from the following enemies:\nLancer",
		Image = "PigmentOlympusBlue.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Olympus Blue Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Omega Isotope"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Produced by a Fomorian's power core, these particles only appear on or around planets where a Fomorian is present.\r\n\r\nLocation: Any planet with a Balor Fomorian",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 30,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "OmegaIsotope.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/OmegaIsotope",
		Introduced = "15.8",
		Link = "Omega Isotope",
		Name = "Omega Isotope",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Orokin Animus Matrix"] = {
		Description = "A cognition matrix that enables mechs to be adaptable and efficient in the field.",
		Image = "OrokinAnimusMatrix.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Necraloids/NecraloidStandingRareItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Orokin Animus Matrix",
		Name = "Orokin Animus Matrix",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Orokin Ballistics Matrix"] = {
		Description = "A mech matrix that assists with the machine’s weapon accuracy and control.",
		Image = "OrokinBallisticsMatrix.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Necraloids/NecraloidStandingUncommonItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Orokin Ballistics Matrix",
		Name = "Orokin Ballistics Matrix",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Orokin Cell"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		ContainerImage = "OrokinCellContainer.png",
		Description = "Ancient energy cell from the Orokin era.\r\n\r\nLocations: Ceres, Saturn, and Deimos.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 15,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "OrokinCell.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/OrokinCell",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Orokin Cell",
		Name = "Orokin Cell",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Orokin Cipher"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This device is used to bypass Orokin encryptions.\r\n\r\nLocation: Orokin Derelict Vaults",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 5,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "OrokinCipher.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/MirageCode",
		Introduced = "14",
		Link = "Orokin Cipher",
		Name = "Orokin Cipher",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Orokin Monitor"] = {
		Description = "These Orokin devices emerge when the floating glaciers impact on the surface of Venus. Their purpose is unknown.",
		Image = "OrokinMonitor.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/OrokinSensorItem",
		Link = "Orokin Monitor",
		Name = "Orokin Monitor",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Orokin Orientation Matrix"] = {
		Description = "A spatial orientation matrix to aid with a mechs’ guidance, balance and movement.",
		Image = "OrokinOrientationMatrix.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Necraloids/NecraloidStandingCommonItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Orokin Orientation Matrix",
		Name = "Orokin Orientation Matrix",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Otak Token"] = {
		Description = "Otak is grateful for your aid. This helps him to remember it.",
		Image = "OtakToken.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/EntratiFragmentCommonA",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Otak Token",
		Name = "Otak Token",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Oxides = {
		Description = "Metallic substances, steadily corroded by the Helminth's digestive juices and exuded as a coarse powder.",
		HelminthCategory = "Oxides",
		HelminthCost = 1,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Oxides.png",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Helminth",
		Name = "Oxides",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Oxium = {
		Amount = { 7, 12 },
		Description = "Oxium is a rare lighter than air alloy of Orokin origin, used in certain Corpus Robotics.\r\n\r\nLocations: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Europa, and Lua.",
		HelminthCategory = "Oxides",
		HelminthCost = 750,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Oxium.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/OxiumAlloy",
		Introduced = "11.9",
		Link = "Oxium",
		Name = "Oxium",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Parasitic Tethermaw"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Used to latch on to other life forms for feeding purposes, and to inject them with anticoagulants and sporelets.\r\n\r\nSource:\r\nLOBOTRISCID",
		Image = "ParasiticTethermaw.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosInfestedFishGPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Parasitic Tethermaw",
		Name = "Parasitic Tethermaw",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Phasmin = {
		Amount = { 3, 6 },
		Description = "An eerily green gem found encased in metallic shards.\r\nFound in Orb Vallis, Venus from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Phasmin.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonGemAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Phasmin",
		Name = "Phasmin",
		Parents = { "Smooth Phasmin" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Gem" 
	Pheromones = {
		Description = "When Helminth consumes Infested matter it creates greasy intestine-like casings, bloats them with a dark, mysky gas and ejects them. The reason for this is unknown and probably best left that way.",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 1,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Pheromones.png",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Helminth",
		Name = "Pheromones",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Plantitem = {
		Description = "",
		Image = "Plantitem.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/PlantItem",
		Link = "Plantitem",
		Name = "Plantitem",
		Type = "Plant" 
	Plastids = {
		Amount = { 15, 25 },
		ContainerImage = "PlastidsContainer.png",
		Description = "A disgusting nanite-infested tissue mass.\r\n\r\nLocations: Phobos, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Eris.",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 4000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Plastids.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Plastids",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Plastids",
		Name = "Plastids",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Polymer Bundle"] = {
		Amount = { 40, 75 },
		ContainerImage = "PolymerBundleContainer.png",
		Description = "A hard, thermoplastic casing. Manufactured by Corpus.\r\n\r\nLocations: Mercury, Venus, and Uranus",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 12500,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "PolymerBundle.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/PolymerBundle",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Polymer Bundle",
		Name = "Polymer Bundle",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Pulsating Tubercles"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A grizzly trophy extracted from the corpse of a Juggernaut.",
		Image = "PulsatingTubercles.png",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 3,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/JuggernautPartA",
		Introduced = "16.7",
		Link = "Pherliac Pod",
		Name = "Pulsating Tubercles",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Purged Dagonic"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 10,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 10, Name = "Dagonic" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Crystalline symmetry, a far cry from its corrupt origin.\r\nBlueprint sold by Otak in the Necralisk, Deimos.",
		Image = "PurgedDagonic.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosCommonGemBCutItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Purged Dagonic",
		Name = "Purged Dagonic",
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Purified Heciphron"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 10,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 10, Name = "Heciphron" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Extracted from the Infestation and cut into a prestigious gem.\r\nBlueprint sold by Otak in the Necralisk, Deimos.",
		Image = "PurifiedHeciphron.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosUncommonGemACutItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Purified Heciphron",
		Name = "Purified Heciphron",
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	Pustrels = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 8500, Name = "Ferrite" },
			{ ItemCount = 52000, Name = "Nano Spores" },
			{ ItemCount = 2500, Name = "Plastids" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A parasitic growth that often infects Eximus units operating in Infested environs.\r\n\r\nLocation: Eris",
		Image = "Pustrels.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/PustrelsRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "26.1",
		Link = "Pustrels",
		Name = "Pustrels",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Pustulent Cognitive Nodule"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "The Infestation provokes the growth of multiple, seemingly redundant brain-like clusters, whose function may be linked to hivemind activity. \r\n\r\nGuaranteed to drop from these sources:\r\nAQUAPULMO\r\nCRYPTOSUCTUS",
		Image = "PustulentCognitiveNodule.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosInfestedFishAPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Pustulent Cognitive Nodule",
		Name = "Pustulent Cognitive Nodule",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Pustulite = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		ContainerImage = "GravidBlastema.png",
		Description = "Half-formed, incomplete spore bearers, little more than twitching flesh with claws to latch on with.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 25,
		HelminthGain = 0.6,
		Image = "Pustulite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/InfGorgaricusSeedItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Pustulite",
		Name = "Pustulite",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Pyrol = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		Description = "A tarnished, brittle metal.\r\nFound in Plains of Eidolon, Earth from Red Veins.",
		Image = "Pyrol.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/CommonOreAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Pyrol",
		Name = "Pyrol",
		Parents = { "Pyrotic Alloy", "Tempered Bapholite" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Pyrotic Alloy"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 200, Name = "Cryotic" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Pyrol" },
			{ ItemCount = 50, Name = "Rubedo" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Pyrol that has been forged into a stronger metal.\r\nBlueprint sold by Old Man Suumbaat in Cetus, Earth.",
		Image = "PyroticAlloy.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/CommonOreAAlloyAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 40,
		Link = "Pyrotic Alloy",
		Name = "Pyrotic Alloy",
		Parents = {
			"Ceno Greaves",
			"Focused Nosam Cutter",
			"Shockprod Fishing Spear",
			"Stunna Fishing Spear",
			"Tulok Fishing Spear",
			"Vahd Greaves",
			"Zauba Greaves" 
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Pyrus Essence"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "With a blazing orange hue and rigid material strength, this compound is prized by ship and station architects.",
		Image = "PyrusEssence.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RelayRebuild/PhaseOneFireElement",
		Introduced = "23.6",
		Link = "Pyrus Essence",
		Name = "Pyrus Essence",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Radian Sentirum"] = {
		BuildPrice = 10000,
		BuildQuantity = 3,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 3, Name = "Sentirum" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Old Man Suumbaat in Cetus, Earth.",
		Image = "RadianSentirum.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/EidolonGemACutAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 1,
		Link = "Radian Sentirum",
		Name = "Radian Sentirum",
		Parents = {
			"Ceno Apparel",
			"Ceno Cuirass",
			"Ceno Greaves",
			"Ceno Helmet",
			"Ceno Pauldrons",
			"Eidolon Ephemera",
			"Exceptional Sentient Core" 
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Radiant Eidolon Shard"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Rare shard gained from capturing the Sentients roaming the Plains of Eidolon. Use it to gain Focus.",
		Image = "RadiantEidolonShard.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/SentientShards/SentientShardBrilliantTierTwoItem",
		Introduced = "22.12",
		Link = "Radiant Eidolon Shard",
		Name = "Radiant Eidolon Shard",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Radiant Zodian"] = {
		BuildPrice = 10000,
		BuildQuantity = 3,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 3, Name = "Zodian" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Smokefinger in Fortuna, Venus.",
		Image = "RadiantZodian.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisEidolonGemACutItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 3,
		Link = "Radiant Zodian",
		Name = "Radiant Zodian",
		Parents = {
			"Haztech Mask",
			"Haztech Pauldrons",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Mask",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Pauldrons",
			"Outrider Mask",
			"Outrider Pauldrons",
			"Pax Bolt",
			"Pax Charge",
			"Smelter Mask",
			"Smelter Pauldrons",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Mask",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Pauldrons",
			"Vent Rat Mask",
			"Vent Rat Pauldrons" 
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Railgun Blue Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Railgun Blue pigments drop from the following enemies:\nRailgun Moa",
		Image = "PigmentRailgunBlue.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Railgun Blue Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Recaster Neural Relay"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Interprets signals from other mechanical organisms.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Recaster Servofish.",
		Image = "RecasterNeuralRelay.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/SolarisFishNeuralRelayItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Recaster Neural Relay",
		Name = "Recaster Neural Relay",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Relay Strut Component"] = {
		BuildPrice = 5000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 10800,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 2, Name = "Morphics" },
			{ ItemCount = 5000, Name = "Salvage" },
			{ ItemCount = 15, Name = "Trembera Essence" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "An integral building block in the construction of Tenno relays.",
		Image = "RelayStrutComponent.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RelayRebuild/PhaseOneClanItem",
		Introduced = "23.6",
		Link = "Relay Strut Component",
		Name = "Relay Strut Component",
		Rush = 10,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Repeller Systems"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Anti-gravity system that allows massively heavy objects to be manipulated by a single user.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 3,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "RepellerSystems.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/CorpusWidgetCItem",
		Introduced = "24.2",
		Link = "Repeller Systems",
		Name = "Repeller Systems",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Riven Sliver"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A fragment of a sundered Riven. It is known that, with enough slivers, Palladino is capable of reforging a complete Riven.",
		Image = "RivenSliver.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/RivenFragment",
		Introduced = "26",
		Link = "Riven Sliver",
		Name = "Riven Sliver",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Riven Transmuter"] = {
		Description = "Combine multiple Rivens to create a new, different Riven.",
		Image = "RivenTransmuter.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/SentientSecretItem",
		Introduced = "22.12",
		Link = "Riven Transmuter",
		Name = "Riven Transmuter",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["River Blue Pigment"] = {
		Description = "River Blue pigments drop from the following enemies:\nSeeker",
		Image = "PigmentRiverBlue.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "River Blue Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Rubedo = {
		Amount = { 15, 25 },
		ContainerImage = "RubedoContainer.png",
		Description = "A jagged crystalline ore. Gives off radiant energy.\r\n\r\nLocations: Earth, Lua, Phobos, Europa, Pluto, Sedna, and the Void.",
		HelminthCategory = "Calx",
		HelminthCost = 6000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Rubedo.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Rubedo",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Rubedo",
		Name = "Rubedo",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Rune Marrow"] = {
		Description = "Rune Marrow erupt from Duviri's core.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 75,
		Image = "RuneMarrow.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriFractalItem",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Rune Marrow",
		Name = "Rune Marrow",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Ruk's Claw"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This plant was introduced to arid regions across the Origin System, for its ability to collect moisture in harsh environments.\r\n\r\nLocations: Mars",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Ruk'sClaw.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/GftPlantRuksClawMaturePlantItem",
		Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove",
		ItemCount = 6,
		Link = "Ruk's Claw",
		Name = "Ruk's Claw",
		Parents = { "Twilight Apothic" },
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Saggen Pearl"] = {
		Description = "Thrax warriors use the heavy liquid drawn from Saggen Wells to polish their weapons.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 200,
		Image = "SaggenPearl.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriProcessedItem",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Saggen Pearl",
		Name = "Saggen Pearl",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Salvage = {
		Amount = { 75, 150 },
		ContainerImage = "SalvageContainer.png",
		Description = "High value metals collected from war salvage.\r\n\r\nLocations: Mars, Jupiter, and Sedna.",
		HelminthCategory = "Oxides",
		HelminthCost = 20000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Salvage.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Salvage",
		Introduced = "Vanilla",
		Link = "Salvage",
		Name = "Salvage",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Sand Yellow Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Sand Yellow pigments drop from the following enemies:\nScorpion",
		Image = "PigmentSandYellow.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Sand Yellow Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Sapcaddy Venedo Case"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A strong, metallic case that is resistant to fluctuations in environmental temperature.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Sapcaddy Servofish.",
		Image = "SapcaddyVenedoCase.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/CorpusFishVenedoCaseItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Sapcaddy Venedo Case",
		Name = "Sapcaddy Venedo Case",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Saturated Muscle Mass"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Environmental contamination is co-responsible for mutations, alongside Infested cellular alteration.\r\n\r\nGuaranteed to drop from these sources:\r\nOSTIMYR\r\nKYMAEROS",
		Image = "SaturatedMuscleMass.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosInfestedFishCPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Saturated Muscle Mass",
		Name = "Saturated Muscle Mass",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Scintillant = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "These scarce, hovering relics of the Orokin era can still be found monitoring the isolation vaults deep beneath the surface of Deimos.",
		Image = "Scintillant.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/EntratiWispItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 4,
		Link = "Scintillant",
		Name = "Scintillant",
		Parents = {
			"Bonewidow Capsule",
			"Loid Sentinel Mask",
			"Loid Sentinel Skin",
			"Loid Sentinel Tail",
			"Loid Sentinel Wing",
			"Voidrig Capsule" 
		Type = "Resource" 
	Scrap = {
		Description = "A sample of sprockets, gyros and wires.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling any Servofish.",
		Image = "Scrap.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/GenericFishScrapItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Scrap",
		Name = "Scrap",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Scrubber Exa Brain"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A small, electronic brain capable of processing a billion giga-threads per second.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Scrubber Servofish.",
		Image = "ScrubberExaBrain.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/CorpusFishExaBrainItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Scrubber Exa Brain",
		Name = "Scrubber Exa Brain",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Sentirum = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A rare Eidolon Gem, created from the fossilized blood of an ancient Sentient.\r\nFound in Plains of Eidolon, Earth from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Sentirum.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/EidolonGemAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 3,
		Link = "Sentirum",
		Name = "Sentirum",
		Parents = { "Radian Sentirum" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Seram Beetle Shell"] = {
		Description = "This thick shell is used by Ostrons to manufacture tools and weapons.",
		Image = "SeramBeetleShell.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/NightLegendaryFishAPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Seram Beetle Shell",
		Name = "Seram Beetle Shell",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Seriglass Shard"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Once part of an intricate Entrati apparatus, now shattered and bearing a sharp edge.",
		Image = "SeriglassShard.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/SeriglassShard",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Seriglass Shard",
		Name = "Seriglass Shard",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Severed Bile Sac"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A grizzly trophy extracted from the corpse of a Juggernaut.",
		Image = "SeveredBileSac.png",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 3,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/JuggernautPartD",
		Introduced = "16.7",
		Link = "Pherliac Pod",
		Name = "Severed Bile Sac",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Shard Black Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Shard Black pigments drop from the following enemies:\nEidolon Vomvalyst",
		Image = "PigmentShardBlack.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "22.20",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Shard Black Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Sharrac Teeth"] = {
		Description = "These will often adorn ceremonial garb or as a reagent for synthetics.",
		Image = "SharracTeeth.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/BothUncommonFishAPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Sharrac Teeth",
		Name = "Sharrac Teeth",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Shelter Debt-Bond"] = {
		Description = "Covers everything from hab rent to insurance, docking permits and paying off that rail tractor. Big ticket items.",
		Image = "ShelterDebt-Bond.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/DebtTokenB",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Shelter Debt-Bond",
		Name = "Shelter Debt-Bond",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Shrill Voca"] = {
		Description = "A Voidtongue cry, trapped in the stone. Crucial to unraveling the secrets of the Murmur.\r\n\r\nLocation: Albrecht's Laboratories (Deimos)",
		Image = "ShrillVoca.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/EntratiLabDogTagCommon",
		Introduced = "35",
		Link = "Shrill Voca",
		Name = "Shrill Voca",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Silphsela"] = {
		Description = "It is traditionally held that to see Silphsela floating in the air heralds an imminent change in the sky.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 35,
		Image = "Silphsela.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriPlantItemE",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Silphsela",
		Name = "Silphsela",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Sister Of Parvos Token"] = {
		Description = "A token symbolizing a converted Sister of Parvos. Can be traded to other players for control of said Sister of Parvos.",
		Image = "SisterOfParvosToken.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/Nemesis/KuvaLich/CapturedCorpusLichToken",
		Introduced = "30.5",
		Link = "Sister Of Parvos Token",
		Name = "Sister Of Parvos Token",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Skateweed Extract"] = {
		Description = "Extracted from Skateweed.",
		Image = "SkateweedExtract.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/IresPlantItem",
		Link = "Skateweed Extract",
		Name = "Skateweed Extract",
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Smooth Phasmin"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 10,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 10, Name = "Phasmin" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Smokefinger in Fortuna, Venus.",
		Image = "SmoothPhasmin.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonGemACutItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Smooth Phasmin",
		Name = "Smooth Phasmin",
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Sola Toroid"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A device of undetermined function and origin. Prized by Vox Solaris and the Quills.\r\n\r\nEarn Sola Toroids from enemies located at the Temple of Profit in the Orb Vallis and from Kyta Raknoids. They can also be found as pick-ups in caves located around the Orb Vallis.",
		Image = "SolaToroid.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/ArachnoidWraithItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 5,
		Link = "Sola Toroid",
		Name = "Sola Toroid",
		Parents = {
			"Haztech Greaves",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Greaves",
			"Outrider Greaves",
			"Smelter Greaves",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Greaves",
			"Vent Rat Greaves" 
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Somatic Fibers"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Neural fibers sampled from an early Warframe prototype and preserved in a stabilized cerebral fluid.\r\n\r\nDrops from Demolishers on Lua.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 10,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "SomaticFibers.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/MemoryCryptoFragment",
		Introduced = "25.7",
		Link = "Somatic Fibers",
		Name = "Somatic Fibers",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Son Token"] = {
		Description = "A mark of Son's respect for services rendered.",
		Image = "SonToken.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Deimos/EntratiFragmentCommonB",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Son Token",
		Name = "Son Token",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Spectral Debris"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Discharged specter particles form an inert dust that can be collected and re-energized for various robotic projects.",
		Image = "SpectralDebris.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SpecterParticleResidue",
		Introduced = "30.5",
		Link = "Spectral Debris",
		Name = "Spectral Debris",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Spinal Core Section"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Many delicate and complex nerve fibers are housed in the jointed vertebrae, which are one of the creature's most resilient parts. Found from Vitreospina fish known to eke out a primitive existence in cave systems.\r\n\r\nGuaranteed to drop from these sources:\r\nVITREOSPINA\r\nCHONDRICORD",
		Image = "SpinalCoreSection.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosOrokinFishBPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Spinal Core Section",
		Name = "Spinal Core Section",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Sporulate Sac"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "These pressurized repositories of Infested spores require careful extraction or explosive rupture and local contamination may occur.\r\n\r\nSource:\r\nGLUTINOX",
		Image = "SporulateSac.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosInfestedFishEPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Sporulate Sac",
		Name = "Sporulate Sac",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Star Amarast"] = {
		BuildPrice = 5000,
		BuildQuantity = 6,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 6, Name = "Amarast" }, { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Smokefinger in Fortuna, Venus.",
		Image = "StarAmarast.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisRareGemACutItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Star Amarast",
		Name = "Star Amarast",
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Star Crimzian"] = {
		BuildPrice = 5000,
		BuildQuantity = 6,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 6, Name = "Crimzian" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Old Man Suumbaat in Cetus, Earth.",
		Image = "StarCrimzian.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/RareGemACutAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 6,
		Link = "Star Crimzian",
		Name = "Star Crimzian",
		Parents = { "Bonewidow Capsule" },
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Steel Essence"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Tokens of Teshin's Esteem earned from Incursion Alerts or Acolytes on The Steel Path. Can be exchanged for items that prove your warrior capabilities.",
		Image = "SteelEssence.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SteelEssence",
		Introduced = "28.1",
		Link = "Steel Essence",
		Name = "Steel Essence",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Stela = {
		--Amount = { 1, 1 },
		ContainerImage = "MurmurSarcophage.png",
		Description = "This Void-touched stone contains an ominous essence.\r\n\r\nLocation: Albrecht's Laboratories (Deimos)",
		Image = "Stela.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/MurmurItem",
		Introduced = "35",
		Link = "Stela",
		Name = "Stela",
		--Rarity = "Rare"
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Stellated Necrathene"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 6,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 6, Name = "Necrathene" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A prismatic refinement of raw Necrathene, highly sought after.\r\nBlueprint sold by Otak in the Necralisk, Deimos.",
		Image = "StellatedNecrathene.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosRareGemACutItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 16,
		Link = "Stellated Necrathene",
		Name = "Stellated Necrathene",
		Parents = { "Voidrig Casing" },
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Stock (Kahl)"] = {
		Description = "Chipper's current Stock level. Raise his Stock level by completing Kahl's Break Narmer missions.",
		Image = "KahlStock.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/KahlCreds",
		Introduced = "32.0.3",
		Link = "Stock",
		Name = "Stock",
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Currency",
	["Sunlight Dragonlily"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This uncommon plant can only be found during the day.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "SunlightDragonlily.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/UnCommonDayPlantItem",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Sunlight Dragonlily",
		Name = "Sunlight Dragonlily",
		Parents = {
			"Citrine Antitoxin",
			"Lapis Antitoxin",
			"The Silver Grove",
			"Vermillion Antitoxin" 
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Sunlight Jadeleaf"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This rare plant can only be found during the day.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "SunlightJadeleaf.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/RareDayPlantItem",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		ItemCount = 1,
		Link = "Sunlight Jadeleaf",
		Name = "Sunlight Jadeleaf",
		Parents = {
			"Health Restore (Large)",
			"Lapis Antitoxin",
			"Sunrise Apothic",
			"Vermillion Antitoxin" 
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Sunlight Threshcone"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This common plant can only be found during the day.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "SunlightThreshcone.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/CommonDayPlantItem",
		Introduced = "11.5",
		ItemCount = 15,
		Link = "Sunlight Threshcone",
		Name = "Sunlight Threshcone",
		Parents = {
			"Beryl Antitoxin",
			"Citrine Antitoxin",
			"Health Restore (Large)",
			"Nightfall Apothic" 
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Synathid Ecosynth Analyzer"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A processing unit that efficiently monitors environmental data.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Synathid Servofish.",
		Image = "SynathidEcosynthAnalyzer.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/OrokinFishEcosynthAnalyzerItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Synathid Ecosynth Analyzer",
		Name = "Synathid Ecosynth Analyzer",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Synthetic Eidolon Shard"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "An Eidolon Shard synthesized from Sanctuary study.",
		Image = "SyntheticEidolonShard.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Eidolon/Resources/SentientShards/SentientShardSynthesizedItem",
		Introduced = "22.18",
		Link = "Synthetic Eidolon Shard",
		Name = "Synthetic Eidolon Shard",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Synthetics = {
		Description = "Helminth eagerly consumes artificial materials and exudes these rope-like strands of filament as a useful byproduct.",
		HelminthCategory = "Synthetics",
		HelminthCost = 1,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Synthetics.png",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Helminth",
		Name = "Synthetics",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Synthula = {
		Description = "Distilled fuel for stims.",
		Image = "Synthula.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Eventium",
		Introduced = "19.12",
		Link = "Synthula",
		Name = "Synthula",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Syrtis Orange Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Syrtis Orange pigments drop from the following enemies:\nArid Eviscerator",
		Image = "PigmentSyrtisOrange.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Syrtis Orange Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Tasoma Extract"] = {
		Description = "Duviri citizens plagued by nightmares seek Tasoma, because its stalks can be crushed to create juice that invites pleasant dreams. Unfortunately, it is difficult to forage Tasoma as it only grows in caves.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 35,
		Image = "TasomaExtract.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriMushroomItem",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Tasoma Extract",
		Name = "Tasoma Extract",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Tear Azurite"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 10,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 10, Name = "Azurite" }, { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.\r\nBlueprint sold by Old Man Suumbaat in Cetus, Earth.",
		Image = "TearAzurite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/CommonGemACutAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 1,
		Link = "Tear Azurite",
		Name = "Tear Azurite",
		Parents = { "Focused Nosam Cutter" },
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	Tellurium = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "This rare metal is foreign to the Origin System and can only be found in asteroids that have made the long journey from other stars.\r\n\r\nLocations: Archwing Missions on Uranus.",
		HelminthCategory = "Oxides",
		HelminthCost = 10,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Tellurium.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Tellurium",
		Introduced = "15.7.2",
		Link = "Tellurium",
		Name = "Tellurium",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Tempered Bapholite"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Bapholite" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 15, Name = "Lucent Teroglobe" },
			{ ItemCount = 1600, Name = "Nano Spores" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Pyrol" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Fused with its inert Infested tendrils into a durable alloy.\r\nBlueprint sold by Otak in the Necralisk, Deimos.",
		Image = "TemperedBapholite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosCommonOreBAlloyItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 80,
		Link = "Tempered Bapholite",
		Name = "Tempered Bapholite",
		Parents = { "Bonewidow Casing", "Cortege Stock", "Morgha Stock", "Voidrig Engine" },
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Tempest Brown Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Tempest Brown pigments drop from the following enemies:\nEclipse Thrax Centurion",
		Image = "PigmentTempestBrown.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Tempest Brown Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Tepa Nodule"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		ContainerImage = "TepaPlant.png",
		Description = "The irradescent nodules on these plants glow brightly in cold environments.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 50,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "TepaNodule.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/VenusTreeItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Tepa Nodule",
		Name = "Tepa Nodule",
		Parents = { "Pax Soar" },
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Tharsis Brown Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Tharsis Brown pigments drop from the following enemies:\nBallista",
		Image = "PigmentTharsisBrown.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Tharsis Brown Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Thaumic Distillate"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 4, Name = "Gallium" },
			{ ItemCount = 15, Name = "Lucent Teroglobe" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Thaumica" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Venerol" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Thaumica reduced to its most durable, workable elements.\r\nBlueprint sold by Otak in the Necralisk, Deimos.",
		Image = "ThaumicDistillate.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosRareOreAAlloyItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Thaumic Distillate",
		Name = "Thaumic Distillate",
		Parents = { "Bonewidow Casing", "Voidrig Weapon Pod" },
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	Thaumica = {
		Amount = { 3, 6 },
		Description = "Can be molded by the Infestation but remains resistant to it.\r\nFound in Cambion Drift, Deimos from Yellow Lesions.",
		Image = "Thaumica.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosRareOreAItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Thaumica",
		Name = "Thaumica",
		Parents = { "Thaumic Distillate" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Thermal Sludge"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		ContainerImage = "ThermalSludgeContainer.png",
		Description = "A by-product from the Weeping Towers terraforming processes.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 50,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "ThermalSludge.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/CoolantItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Thermal Sludge",
		Name = "Thermal Sludge",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Thrax Plasm"] = {
		Amount = { 3, 8 },
		Description = "Found in the remnants of Thrax Void manifestations, this plasm has several surprisingly practical applications.",
		HelminthCategory = "Pheromones",
		HelminthCost = 50,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "ThraxPlasm.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Zariman/Resources/VoidWraithItem",
		Introduced = "31.5",
		Link = "Thrax Plasm",
		Name = "Thrax Plasm",
		Type = "Resource"
	Thyst = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A beautiful and iridescent red shard.\r\nFound in Orb Vallis, Venus from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Thyst.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisEidolonGemBItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 3,
		Link = "Thyst",
		Name = "Thyst",
		Parents = { "Marquise Thyst" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Gem" 
	Tiametrite = {
		Amount = { 3, 6 },
		Description = "Infested neurotransmitters condensed under pressure.\r\nFound in Cambion Drift, Deimos from Blue Lesions.",
		Image = "Tiametrite.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosCommonGemAItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Tiametrite",
		Name = "Tiametrite",
		Parents = { "Faceted Tiametrite" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Ticor Plate"] = {
		Description = "High-density alloy armor plating used in the construction of offensive spacecraft.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 5000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "TicorPlate.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/ScrapRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "29.10",
		Link = "Ticor Plate",
		Name = "Ticor Plate",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Tink Dissipator Coil"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Discharges excess heat and energy through the casing.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Tink Servofish.",
		Image = "TinkDissipatorCoil.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/SolarisFishDissipatorCoilItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Tink Dissipator Coil",
		Name = "Tink Dissipator Coil",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	Titanium = {
		Amount = { 30, 60 },
		Description = "This highly malleable metal was exploited in great quantities by the Orokin and can now only be found within space rock.",
		HelminthCategory = "Oxides",
		HelminthCost = 10000,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "Titanium.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/TitaniumRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		ItemCount = 750,
		Link = "Titanium",
		Name = "Titanium",
		Parents = { "Bonewidow Engine", "Protea Mavv Helmet" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Tower White Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Tower White pigments drop from the following enemies:\nKuva Jester",
		Image = "PigmentTowerWhite.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "22.20",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Tower White Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Trachons = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 120,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 45, Name = "Mutagen Sample" },
			{ ItemCount = 26000, Name = "Nano Spores" },
			{ ItemCount = 1500, Name = "Plastids" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "An organ found on Infested Ships believed to facilitate communication within the Infested Hivemind.",
		Image = "Trachons.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/TrachonsRailjackItem",
		Introduced = "27",
		Link = "Trachons",
		Name = "Trachons",
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Training Debt-Bond"] = {
		Description = "The Taxmen call it an investment in our future, but loans to cover vocational and specialist training almost always cost more than you'll ever earn. Especially with the interest.",
		Image = "TrainingDebt-Bond.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Solaris/DebtTokenA",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Training Debt-Bond",
		Name = "Training Debt-Bond",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Tralok Eyes"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "The Ostron boil these into a jelly which forms a strong adhesive when it dries.\r\n\r\nLocation: Fisher Hai-Luk in Cetus",
		Image = "TralokEyes.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/DayUncommonFishAPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Tralok Eyes",
		Name = "Tralok Eyes",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Trapezium Xenorhast"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 3,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = { { ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" }, { ItemCount = 3, Name = "Xenorhast" } },
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "Facets gleam with the un-light of the Void.\r\nBlueprint sold by Otak in the Necralisk, Deimos.",
		Image = "TrapeziumXenorhast.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosEidolonGemACutItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Trapezium Xenorhast",
		Name = "Trapezium Xenorhast",
		Parents = { "Cortege Receiver", "Morgha Receiver" },
		Rush = 5,
		Tradable = true,
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Travocyte Alloy"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 100, Name = "Plastids" },
			{ ItemCount = 500, Name = "Salvage" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Travoride" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A compound formed from Travoride.\r\nBlueprint sold by Smokefinger in Fortuna, Venus.",
		Image = "TravocyteAlloy.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonOreAAlloyItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 30,
		Link = "Travocyte Alloy",
		Name = "Travocyte Alloy",
		Parents = { "Sunpoint Plasma Drill" },
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	Travoride = {
		Amount = { 5, 10 },
		Description = "A mineral hardened by the crushing pressure of the Venusian atmosphere.\r\nFound in Orb Vallis, Venus from Red Veins.",
		Image = "Travoride.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonOreAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Travoride",
		Name = "Travoride",
		Parents = { "Adramal Alloy", "Travocyte Alloy" },
		Rarity = "Common",
		Type = "Ore" 
	["Tree Green Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Tree Green pigments drop from the following enemies:\nArid Lancer",
		Image = "PigmentTreeGreen.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "15.6",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Tree Green Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Trembera Essence"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A highly purified mineral compound prized for its strength, resiliency, and resistance to heat. Widely used in the construction of Tenno relays.",
		Image = "TremberaEssence.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RelayRebuild/PhaseThreeEarthEssence",
		Introduced = "23.6",
		ItemCount = 15,
		Link = "Trembera Essence",
		Name = "Trembera Essence",
		Parents = { "Relay Strut Component" },
		Type = "Event" 
	["Tromyzon Entroplasma"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A solvent that reconstitutes waste product from the Weeping Towers into degenerated matter.\r\n\r\nAcquired by disassembling Tromyzon Servofish.",
		Image = "TromyzonEntroplasma.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/OrokinFishEntroplasmaItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		Link = "Tromyzon Entroplasma",
		Name = "Tromyzon Entroplasma",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Tubercular Gill System"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Adaptive membranes allow many Deimos fish to move freely between fluid and gaseous environments.\r\nGuaranteed to drop from these sources:\r\nOSTIMYR\r\nAQUAPULMO\r\nVITREOSPINA\r\nMYXOSTOMATA\r\nDUROID",
		Image = "TubercularGillSystem.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosGenericOrokinFishPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Tubercular Gill System",
		Name = "Tubercular Gill System",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Vainthorn"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "The rare thorn of an extinct rose, and a vital component in Orokin Defixios and other technology. Last seen near the Abyssal Zone",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 40,
		Image = "Vainthorn.png",
		Introduced = "34",
		Link = "Vainthorn",
		Name = "Vainthorn",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Resource",
	["Vega Toroid"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A device of undetermined function and origin. Prized by Vox Solaris and the Quills.\r\n\r\nEarn Vega Toroids from enemies located at the Spaceport in the Orb Vallis and from Mite Raknoids. They can also be found as pick-ups in caves located around the Orb Vallis.",
		Image = "VegaToroid.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/ArachnoidMicroidItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 5,
		Link = "Vega Toroid",
		Name = "Vega Toroid",
		Parents = {
			"Haztech Pauldrons",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Pauldrons",
			"Outrider Pauldrons",
			"Smelter Pauldrons",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Pauldrons",
			"Vent Rat Pauldrons" 
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Veldt Yellow Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Veldt Yellow pigments drop from the following enemies:\nThrax Legatus",
		Image = "PigmentVeldtYellow.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Veldt Yellow Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	["Venerdo Alloy"] = {
		BuildPrice = 1000,
		BuildQuantity = 20,
		BuildTime = 60,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 2, Name = "Gallium" },
			{ ItemCount = 300, Name = "Rubedo" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Venerol" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = false,
		Description = "A compound formed from Venerol.\r\nBlueprint sold by Smokefinger in Fortuna, Venus.",
		Image = "VenerdoAlloy.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisUncommonOreAAlloyItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 40,
		Link = "Venerdo Alloy",
		Name = "Venerdo Alloy",
		Parents = {
			"Haztech Apparel",
			"Haztech Cuirass",
			"Haztech Pauldrons",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Apparel",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Cuirass",
			"Kubrodon Ventkid Pauldrons",
			"Outrider Cuirass",
			"Outrider Pauldrons",
			"Smelter Apparel",
			"Smelter Cuirass",
			"Smelter Pauldrons",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Apparel",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Cuirass",
			"Vent Pobber Ventkid Pauldrons",
			"Vent Rat Cuirass",
			"Vent Rat Pauldrons",
			"Voidrig Casing" 
		Rush = 5,
		Type = "Ore" 
	Venerol = {
		Amount = { 4, 8 },
		Description = "A precious metal forged from coolant byproducts.\r\nFound in Orb Vallis, Venus from Red Veins.",
		Image = "Venerol.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisUncommonOreItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 20,
		Link = "Venerol",
		Name = "Venerol",
		Parents = { "Thaumic Distillate", "Venerdo Alloy" },
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Ore" 
	Veridos = {
		Amount = { 2, 4 },
		Description = "A highly reflective, green gem.\r\nFound in Plains of Eidolon, Earth from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Veridos.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/UncommonGemAItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		ItemCount = 10,
		Link = "Veridos",
		Name = "Veridos",
		Parents = { "Marquise Veridos" },
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Vessel Capillaries"] = {
		Amount = { 2, 7 },
		Description = "A crucial sub-component in the construction of Albrecht Entrati's vessels.\r\nAcquired by completing Entrati Disruption missions on Deimos.",
		Image = "VesselCapillaries.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/EntratiLab/Resources/VesselCapillaries",
		Introduced = "35.5",
		Link = "Vessel Capillaries",
		Name = "Vessel Capillaries",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Vestan Moss"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "One of the few known plant species able to thrive on asteroids in deep space.",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 8,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "VestanMoss.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Plants/MiscItems/MossGroundCoverAPlantItem",
		Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove",
		ItemCount = 12,
		Link = "Vestan Moss",
		Name = "Vestan Moss",
		Parents = { "Sunrise Apothic" },
		Type = "Plant" 
	["Vestigial Motes"] = {
		--Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Remnants of Jade's light. Echoes of her power.\r\n\r\nObtained from Ascension missions on Brutus, Uranus.",
		Image = "VestigialMotes.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/JadeShadows/Resources/AscensionResourceItem",
		Introduced = "36",
		Link = "Vestigial Motes",
		Name = "Vestigial Motes",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Vitus Essence"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Awarded by the Arbiters of Hexis to few Tenno capable of surviving Arbitration.",
		Image = "VitusEssence.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Elitium",
		Introduced = "23.10",
		Link = "Vitus Essence",
		Name = "Vitus Essence",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Voidgel Orb"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A sample of ambient Void energy distilled into a neutral state.",
		HelminthCategory = "Bile",
		HelminthCost = 10,
		HelminthGain = 0.3,
		Image = "VoidgelOrb.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Zariman/Resources/ZarimanMiscItemA",
		Introduced = "31.5",
		Link = "Voidgel Orb",
		Name = "Voidgel Orb",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource",
	["Void Traces"] = {
		Description = "A substance used to increase the power within Relics.\r\n\r\nCan be acquired from Void Fissures.",
		Image = "VoidTraces.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/VoidTearDrop",
		Introduced = "Specters of the Rail 0.0",
		Link = "Void Traces",
		Name = "Void Traces",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Voidplume Crest"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "The fine plumes from a Void Angel's crown.",
		Image = "VoidplumeCrest.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Zariman/Resources/ZarimanDogTagRare",
		Introduced = "31.5",
		Link = "Voidplume Crest",
		Name = "Voidplume Crest",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Resource"
	["Voidplume Down"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Barbed and half-real, shed by a Void Angel.",
		Image = "VoidplumeDown.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Zariman/Resources/ZarimanDogTagCommon",
		Introduced = "31.5",
		Link = "Voidplume Down",
		Name = "Voidplume Down",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Resource"
	["Voidplume Pinion"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A Void Angel's living feather, ripped out in combat.",
		Image = "VoidplumePinion.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Zariman/Resources/VoidAngelItem",
		Introduced = "31.5",
		Link = "Voidplume Pinion",
		Name = "Voidplume Pinion",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Resource"
	["Voidplume Quill"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A symbol of genius, fallen from Void Angels long ago.",
		Image = "VoidplumeQuill.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Zariman/Resources/ZarimanDogTagBounty",
		Introduced = "31.5",
		Link = "Voidplume Quill",
		Name = "Voidplume Quill",
		Rarity = "Common",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Resource"
	["Voidplume Vane"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A metallic plume from a Void Angel's wing.",
		Image = "VoidplumeVane.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Zariman/Resources/ZarimanDogTagUncommon",
		Introduced = "31.5",
		Link = "Voidplume Vane",
		Name = "Voidplume Vane",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Tradable = false,
		Type = "Resource"
	["Voidrig Capsule"] = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Pod" },
			{ ItemCount = 20, Name = "Marquise Veridos" },
			{ ItemCount = 2, Name = "Scintillant" },
			{ ItemCount = 30, Name = "Spinal Core Section" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "Capsule component for the VOIDRIG Necramech.",
		Image = "VoidrigCapsule.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/NecromechPartSystemsItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Voidrig Capsule",
		Name = "Voidrig Capsule",
		Rush = 25,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Voidrig Casing"] = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 120, Name = "Adramal Alloy" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Casing" },
			{ ItemCount = 16, Name = "Stellated Necrathene" },
			{ ItemCount = 40, Name = "Venerdo Alloy" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "Casing component for the VOIDRIG Necramech.",
		Image = "VoidrigCasing.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/NecromechPartChassisItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Voidrig Casing",
		Name = "Voidrig Casing",
		Rush = 25,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Voidrig Engine"] = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 2, Name = "Biotic Filter" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Engine" },
			{ ItemCount = 75, Name = "Isos" },
			{ ItemCount = 100, Name = "Tempered Bapholite" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "Engine component for the VOIDRIG Necramech.",
		Image = "VoidrigEngine.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/NecromechPartEngineItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Voidrig Engine",
		Name = "Voidrig Engine",
		Rush = 25,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Voidrig Weapon Pod"] = {
		BuildPrice = 15000,
		BuildQuantity = 1,
		BuildTime = 43200,
		Components = {
			{ ItemCount = 6, Name = "Biotic Filter" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Blueprint" },
			{ ItemCount = 45, Name = "Charc Electroplax" },
			{ ItemCount = 1, Name = "Damaged Necramech Weapon Pod" },
			{ ItemCount = 80, Name = "Thaumic Distillate" } 
		ConsumeOnBuild = true,
		Description = "Weapon Pod component for the VOIDRIG Necramech.",
		Image = "VoidrigWeaponPod.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/InfestedMicroplanet/Resources/Mechs/NecromechPartWeaponPodItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Voidrig Weapon Pod",
		Name = "Voidrig Weapon Pod",
		Rush = 25,
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Volatile Motes"] = {
		--Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Highly charged particles of pure energy. The source of the Jade Light, and Jade's power. Highly coveted by Parvos Granum for his Jade Eximus program.\r\n\r\nObtained from Operation Ascension missions (Brutus on Uranus) and special Operation Alerts during Operation: Belly of the Beast.",
		Image = "VolatileMotes.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/JadeShadows/Resources/AscensionEventResourceItem",
		Introduced = "36",
		Link = "Operation: Belly of the Beast",
		Name = "Volatile Motes",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Vome Residue"] = {
		Description = "A gobbet of raw flesh, fallen from the wyrm Vome in her death spasm. Used to attract Chondricord and Duroid.",
		Image = "VomeResidue.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/FishBait/Infested/OrokinFishBaitA",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Vome Residue",
		Name = "Vome Residue",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Vosfor = {
		Description = "Loid uses devices in Albrecht's Laboratory to reduce Arcanes to Vosfor, a potent powder for alchemical processes. Speak to Loid to trade Vosfor for Arcanes he has stored in the laboratory.",
		Image = "Vosfor.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/DistillPoints",
		Introduced = "35",
		Link = "Vosfor",
		Name = "Vosfor",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Waxen Sebum Deposit"] = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "Remnants of creatures' original bodily fluids persist post-Infestation, often crystalized or congealed into entirely new compounds.\r\n\r\nSource:\r\nAMNIOPHYSI",
		Image = "WaxenSebumDeposit.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Deimos/FishParts/DeimosInfestedFishDPartItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Waxen Sebum Deposit",
		Name = "Waxen Sebum Deposit",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Wisp Grey Pigment"] = {
		Description = "Wisp Grey pigments drop from the following enemies:\nDargyn Pilot",
		Image = "PigmentWispGrey.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "22.20",
		Link = "Pigment",
		Name = "Wisp Grey Pigment",
		Type = "Pigment" 
	Xenorhast = {
		Amount = { 1, 1 },
		Description = "A nodule of primordial matter, encysted within Infested flesh.\r\nFound in Cambion Drift, Deimos from Blue Lesions.",
		Image = "Xenorhast.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosEidolonGemAItem",
		Introduced = "29",
		ItemCount = 3,
		Link = "Xenorhast",
		Name = "Xenorhast",
		Parents = { "Trapezium Xenorhast" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Gem" 
	["Yao Shrub"] = {
		Description = "The warm light of the Yao Shrub glows even within cold dark places.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri",
		HelminthCategory = "Biotics",
		HelminthCost = 35,
		Image = "YaoShrub.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriPlantItemD",
		Introduced = "33",
		Link = "Yao Shrub",
		Name = "Yao Shrub",
		Rarity = "Uncommon",
		Type = "Resource" 
	["Yogwun Stomach"] = {
		Description = "Once cleaned and tanned this organ can be turned into a durable leather.\r\n\r\nLocation: Fisher Hai-Luk in Cetus",
		Image = "YogwunStomach.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Eidolon/FishParts/DayCommonFishCPartItem",
		Introduced = "22",
		Link = "Yogwun Stomach",
		Name = "Yogwun Stomach",
		Type = "Fish Part" 
	["Zealot Derelict Code"] = {
		Description = "Allows access to Infested Derelicts that have been rerouted to populated areas by Zealots.",
		Image = "ZealotDerelictCode.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/AntiSerumInjector",
		Introduced = "",
		Link = "Zealot Derelict Code",
		Name = "Zealot Derelict Code",
		Type = "Event" 
	["Zenith Granum Crown"] = {
		Description = "An ancient token of highest esteem from the Corpus Founder himself. The rarest of all.",
		Image = "ZenithGranumCrown.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Tokens/GreedTokens/GreedTokenBlack",
		Introduced = "28",
		Link = "Zenith Granum Crown",
		Name = "Zenith Granum Crown",
		Type = "Resource" 
	Zodian = {
		Description = "A blue gem that radiates astral energy.\r\nFound in Orb Vallis, Venus from Blue Veins.",
		Image = "Zodian.png",
		InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisEidolonGemAItem",
		Introduced = "24",
		ItemCount = 3,
		Link = "Zodian",
		Name = "Zodian",
		Parents = { "Radiant Zodian" },
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Gem" 

for k, v in pairs(GenericComponentData) do
	v['Description'] = 'A '..k..' component'
	v['Link'] = 'Blueprints'

return { GenericComponents = GenericComponentData, Resources = ResourceData }