
Augment Mods (commonly called Augments) provide augmentation to a specific Warframe, Archwing, or weapon. On Warframes and Archwings, they alter abilities or passives. On weapons, they provide straight up bonuses, sometimes superior to standard mods (e.g. Mod TT 20px Scattered Justice). Most can be obtained as Syndicate Offerings, but a significant number is obtained elsewhere (for example, some are Executioner Mods). They are untransmutable. Augments granting Syndicate effects are overlaid with their Syndicate logo.

  • Different Augments affecting the same ability or passive cannot be equipped together (e.g. Mod TT 20px Aviator with Mod TT 20px Ironclad Flight on TitaniaIcon272 Titania).
  • Single-weapon Amalgam mods (e.g. Amalgam Ripkas True Steel) should not be confused with Augments. Augments stack with standard mods (therefore augmenting that which is standardly available), while Amalgam mods do not, as they are the standard mods themselves, in that particular variant.

Weapon Augments & Weapon-Exclusive Mods Edit Tab
Syndicate Augments
Mod TT 20px Eroding Blight ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Gleaming Blight ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Toxic Blight ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Stockpiled Blight
Mod TT 20px Entropy Burst ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Entropy Flight ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Entropy Spike ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Entropy Detonation
Mod TT 20px Justice Blades ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Scattered Justice ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Shattering Justice ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Neutralizing Justice
Mod TT 20px Bright Purity ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Lasting Purity ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Winds of Purity ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Disarming Purity
Mod TT 20px Deadly Sequence ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Sequence Burn ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Toxic Sequence ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Voltage Sequence
Mod TT 20px Blade of Truth ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Gilded Truth ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Stinging Truth ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Avenging Truth
Arena Augments
Mod TT 20px Tether Grenades ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Flux Overdrive ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Thermagnetic Shells ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Static Discharge ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Kinetic Ricochet
Mod TT 20px Electromagnetic Shielding ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Vulcan Blitz ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Acid Shells ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Rift Strike ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Nightwatch Napalm ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Fomorian Accelerant ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Hunter's Bonesaw ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Harkonar Scope ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Medi-Ray
Nightwave Augments
Mod TT 20px Bursting Mass ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Napalm Grenades ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Wild Frenzy
Mod TT 20px Efficient Beams ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Exposing Harpoon ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Meticulous Aim
Mod TT 20px Deadly Maneuvers ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Dizzying Rounds ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Precision Strike
Mod TT 20px Combat Reload ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Range Advantage
Mod TT 20px Critical Precision ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Vile Discharge
Mod TT 20px Eximus Advantage ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Metamorphic Magazine
Mod TT 20px Sentient Barrage ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Sentient Surge
Mod TT 20px Critical Mutation ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Volatile Variant
Mod TT 20px Clip Delegation ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Photon Overcharge
Nightwave Offerings and Conclave Augments
Mod TT 20px Ambush Optics ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Brain Storm ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Directed Convergence ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Double Tap ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Focused Acceleration ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Shrapnel Rounds ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Skull Shots ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Spring-Loaded Broadhead
Amalgam Augments
Mod TT 20px Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Amalgam Furax Body Count ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Amalgam Ripkas True Steel
Entrati Augments
Mod TT 20px Damzav-Vati ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Zazvat-Kar ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Bhisaj-Bal ā€¢ Mod TT 20px Hata-Satya

All items (238)
