
List of input boxes for editors to quickly create new articles based on predefined templates. No need to copy/paste content from other related articles and replace unnecessary stuff.

What topics are valid for new articles?[]

The scope of pages that is currently allowed on the wiki's Main namespace. Mostly this pertains to general article content, but can be extended to individual sentences on articles that may otherwise be relevant to WARFRAME as a whole.

Allowed Topics[]


  • High-level or non-WARFRAME topics that are already covered by Wikipedia. Provide a link to the appropriate Wikipedia article instead of making its own page on the wiki.
  • Warframe content creators and real-world individuals. Includes those on the Development Team, voice actors, and contracted artists for TennoGen or other content. For example, there should not be a page called "[DE]Rebecca" or "Rebecca Ford".
  • Community controveries or community-driven events
  • Fanfiction or community-derived media
  • Content that has been planned/announced by the developers but has never formally implemented in-game and has a very small likelihood to be in the game in a future update
    • Stalker Mode is an exception since on multiple devstreams, developers were able to invade other players. Though this could be classified as a "hidden feature" or "easter egg" since it has close to 0% chance of being formally implemented in-game.
    • Derf Anyo is grandfathered in before a formal article scope guideline/policy was written out.
  • Meta wiki content. Those should be in the WARFRAME Wiki namespace
  • Anything that is described as a player-made term and does not have a direct equivalent with in-game terms (e.g. "Loot Cave")
  • Content solely based on speculations or theories
  • Other games or media made by Digital Extremes (including Dark Sector)
  • Leaked (potentially) playable content exposed through datamines, engine logs, or official APIs. See our WARFRAME Wiki:Data Mining Policy.
    • Drop chances or hidden mechanics are allowed however as those are relevant in actual playable content.
  • Topics in languages other than English. Those should be in on the appropriate WARFRAME sister wiki as listed here: WARFRAME_Wiki:Localization_Guide#Other_Localization_Efforts
    • Providing information on localized names in other languages are allowed on articles.
  • Individual Clans or Alliances. These should be in the User namespace. See Category:Clan List.
  • Charity events hosted/participated by the developers (e.g. "Quest to Conquer Cancer", "Movember", "Tennobaum")
    • Though if there are in-game tie-ins like cosmetics then it could justify their own article. Though in most cases there is not enough game-relevant info to put on articles so these tend to exist as one-liner entries on more general articles like Warframe Cosmetics or Syandana.
  • Anything that is not related to WARFRAME. In other words, anything that is not connected to WARFRAME within one degree of separation. Cross-overs, references, or inspirations are not topics for valid articles. For example, there should not be a page on this wiki called "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate" even though the Lotus is a spirit in the game. Nor should there be an article for "Soulframe" or "Dark Sector (video game)".
  • Build guides are not allowed to be their own articles. Make them into user blogs instead.
    • Subjective content under Tips section are allowed as long as they are mostly based on objective reasoning.
  • Unreleased content or content that was accidentally leaked by the developers and then reverted

Create Blank Article[]

Create New Warframe Article[]

Main article: Template:WarframeArticle

Create New Ability Article[]

Main article: Template:AbilityArticle

Create New Weapon Article[]

Main article: Template:WeaponArticle

Create New Mod Article[]

Main article: Template:ModArticle

Create New Aura Mod Article[]

Main article: Template:AuraArticle

Aura mod articles aren't really that much different from other mod articles so you can just use the above to also create a new aura mod article. The associated styling template was holdover from when Auras were implemented as Artifacts which is a depreciated game mechanic.

Create New Resource Article[]

Main article: Template:ResourceArticle

Create New Component Article[]

Main article: Template:ComponentArticle

Components are a special subset of items that are usually crafted from other resources and/or are used to craft items. Over the course of WARFRAME's lifetime, the term has evolved to describe all kinds of resources and items so in most cases, "resources" and "components" are interchangeable terms. Thus, you can use the above to also create component articles.

It used to be the case where there was a clearer divide between what was considered as a "resource" or as a "component" of something. "Resources" are reserved for "raw" item drops from enemies and Storage Containers while "components" are reserved for more "tangible" or "processed" items that is not necessarily usable by the player but is a prerequisite to some item (e.g. Ferrite vs. a gun barrel). Nowadays, what was considered as "crafting components" may be purchased from some Syndicate vendors, traded, or dropped as Mission Rewards (e.g. Archgun barrels and stocks or more "advanced" material like Gyromag Systems).

In modern WARFRAME, the term "component" has multiple definition and usages, especially with the introduction of Railjack/Components which describe a different type of item exclusive to Railjack ships.

Create New Void Relic Article[]

Main article: Template:VoidRelicArticle

Create New Enemy Article[]

Main article: Template:EnemyArticle

Create New Boss Article[]

Main article: Template:BossArticle

Boss articles aren't really that much different from other enemy articles so you can just use the above to also create a new boss article.

Create New Character/NPC Article[]

Main article: Template:CharacterArticle

Create New Arcane Enhancement Article[]

Main article: Template:ArcaneArticle

Create New Cosmetic Article[]

Main article: Template:CosmeticArticle

Create New Syndicate Article[]

Main article: Template:SyndicateArticle

Create New Planet/Star Chart Region Article[]

Main article: Template:PlanetArticle

Create New Conservation Animal Article[]

Main article: Template:ConservationArticle

Create New Sentinel Article[]

Main article: Template:SentinelArticle