Neglect of Duty

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Neglect of Duty


in Soviet criminal law, a type of official crime. Neglect of duty consists in nonfulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties by an official that results in substantial harm to state or social interests or to a citizen’s rights and interests that are protected by law; it is caused by a careless or unconscientious attitude. The categorization of an act as one of neglect presupposes that it was possible for the accused to carry out his official duties. The crime is punishable by deprivation of freedom for a term not exceeding three years, by corrective labor without deprivation of freedom for a term not exceeding one year, or by dismissal from office (art. 172 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR).

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Another complaint for grave neglect of duty will be filed against PCMS Vladmir Dizon, chief investigator of Rodriguez Municipal Police Station, for allowing his four patrolmen investigator for handling the operation without the supervision of a senior police investigator.
In the case that led to his dismissal, the SC found that Manabat was guilty of gross neglect of duty ?
Two suspects in the Solai dam case have now filed a petition at the High court seeking a review of the manslaughter and neglect of duty charges that they are facing at the Naivasha law courts.
THE OFFICE of the Ombudsman has dismissed three officials of the National Irrigation Authority (NIA) in its Bukidnon Provincial Irrigation Office for their alleged involvement in multiple irregularities in the procurement of fertilizers worth P9,447,200 in 2009.Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales ordered the dismissal from the service of NIA Division Manager Editha Abdon, Administrative and Finance Head Adelina Calonge, and Principal Engineer Leonila Tenestrante after they were found guilty of gross neglect of duty.
The letter asked the DG to submit a report and his explanation for the neglect of duty, for the information of the Prime Minister.
The most common complaints related to incivility, other assault (low-level assault) and neglect of duty.
A total of 575 cases ended with misconduct proceedings or advice to officers, including 102 relating to neglect of duty and six about corrupt practice.
Sergeant Michael Hetherington of the 1st Battalion, The Rifles, denies neglect of duty.
Admiral John Byng was court martialled and shot on the quarterdeck of his own ship after being found guilty of neglect of duty.
The Very Rev John Methuen was to face 21 charges of conduct unbecoming the office and work of a clerk in Holy Orders and one offence of serious, persistent or continuous neglect of duty.
AN independent inquiry into the way police treated Stephen Lawrence's best friend has criticised several officers for "neglect of duty".