NEGLNational Electronic Gaming League
NEGLNot Even Gonna Lie
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References in periodicals archive ?
At the same time, remanence plays an essential role in the pyrrhotite-bearing rocks of the amphibolite facies terrain (NEGL) (Puura et al.
It crosscuts the PPZ and extends into the NEGL, the amphibolite facies terrain.
In 551 cases, they found that only 1.9% lied outright about being victimized (Child Abuse Negl. 24[1]:149-57, 2000).
Psychopathology in a large cohort of sexually abused children followed up to 43 years.Child Abuse Negl. 2010; 34:813-22.
Emotional Support and Adult Depression in Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.Child Abuse Negl. 2014; 38: 1331-40.
aegypti population, compared with an adjacent control area (PLoS Negl Trop Dis.
``It is vital that we act now to prevent any further negl ect .''
They found that this type of abuse doesn't leave the signs that are typical of asphyxia, but is nevertheless recognizable by other markers (Child Abuse Negl. 24[11]: 150307, 2000).
Global distribution of outbreaks of water-associated infectious diseases..PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2012; 6: e1483.
Climate variability, animal reservoir and transmission of scrub typhus in southern China (version 2) PLoS Negl Trop Dis.