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neglect to (do something)

1. To leave some action or obligation undone or uncompleted. Tom, you neglected to fill in these sections in the application. Please don't neglect to cash that check today.
2. To omit to complete some expected or required duty. We were wondering why you neglected to inform the board of your decision. A: "Didn't she tell you she was leaving?" B: "No, she neglected to share that information with me."
See also: neglect, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

neglect to do something

to fail to do something. I hope you do not neglect to lock the door. He neglected to water the plants.
See also: neglect, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Deborah Adcock of LJ |Beauty & Hair, in Seaham, who neglected to pay PS463 to a worker.
She said the destitute and neglected children of other provinces in the custody of the Punjab are being returned to their native areas so that they could be reunited with their parents.
The neglected child; how to recognize, respond, and prevent.
state and local child protective services received 3.3 million reports of children being abused or neglected. Maltreated children/youth were about five times more likely to have a first emergency department presentation for suicide-related behavior compared to their peers, in both boys and girls.
BOSTON -- The annual number of new drug approvals worldwide to treat neglected diseases has nearly doubled in recent years, with HIV/AIDS and malaria medications accounting for 60% of the most recent approvals, according to a newly completed analysis from the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD).
M2 EQUITYBITES-April 9, 2013-Anacor Pharmaceuticals awarded USD22.7m in investment to support research on neglected diseases(C)2013 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
M2 PHARMA-April 9, 2013-Anacor Pharmaceuticals awarded USD22.7m in investment to support research on neglected diseases(C)2013 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
From what I have observed, England, Sweden and the United States are the front-runners in taking action to provide care for and aid to neglected and abused children.
Dubowitz (Ed.) Neglected Children: Research, Practice and Policy (pp.
A survey has revealed that more than half of people in Yorkshire are worried about a neglected child in their area, but feel powerless to intervene.
Figures released by Action for Children this week show that 28% of parents with a child under the age of 18 in Wales think that children are more likely to be neglected in the summer holidays than term time.
And the children who had been neglected did just as poorly as children with a history of physical or sexual abuse.
Currently, the classification methodology most broadly accepted by the scientific community is bidimensionality, considering social preference and the impact of social variables from which derive five sociometric types: liked, rejected, neglected, controversial, and average.
They work with neglected children every day to give them practical help, love and understanding for as long as it takes to transform their lives.