neglected disease

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neglected disease

A popular term for any of the major tropical infections other than “the big three”—HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis—which are endemic in developing regions of Central and South America, Asia and Africa, and, despite the large number of people infected, have much lower levels of international funding for prevention and treatment than the big three.

Neglected diseases, in decreasing frequency
Roundworm (ascariasis), whipworm (trichuriasis), hookworm (necatoriasis, ancylostomiasis), schistosomiasis, filariasis, trachoma, kala-azar/leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, leprosy, African trypanosomiasis, Guinea worm/dracunculiasis, Buruli ulcer.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Neglected disease and hopeless poverty were as certain to be his portion as death itself, if he persevered in the same course; yet he did persevere, and the result may be guessed.
The list of essential diagnostics also focuses on additional infectious diseases prevalent in low- and middle-income countries such as cholera, and neglected diseases like leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, dengue, and zika.
'Our partner in this campaign, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) and the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) will ensure that all Malaysians have the opportunity to be tested and treated for this disease for free.
The FDA's neglected tropical disease PRV program is designed to encourage the development of drugs and treatments for rare and neglected diseases. Upon approval of a new treatment for a listed neglected disease, the developer receives a voucher to receive a priority review for another product from the FDA.
But under-researched or 'neglected diseases' continue to pose a disease burden and the constant presence of global health threats from disease outbreaks that transcend borders (such as Ebola, swine flu and avian influenza) remain.
According to him, it is the only way the world can appreciate that neglected diseases such as head lice and others still exist in the 21st Century and must, therefore, be given attention in these less privileged communities.
He stressed the importance of applying the World Health Organization's (WHO) Convention to the International Health Regulations related to environmental determinants, climate change and neglected diseases. "We must continuously strengthen the capacity of the health system to prevent, monitor, diagnose and treat them under the umbrella of comprehensive health coverage," Al-Khashti added.
Healthcare operating ways in the concrete lives of individuals and populations are investigated from the concept of neglected diseases, which are agreed upon in global health agendas, such as those that historically affect vulnerable populations and attract scarce resources from countries and businesses (6).
The new treatment, developed by a non-profit group called the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, cured 97% of patients in its latest stage of trials.
Head of neglected diseases in Kenya Dr Sultani Matendechero last year said Kenya had not approved any vaccine for dengue.
Launched in April 2013, the organization utilizes Japanese research and development (R&D) to fight neglected diseases. GHIT Fund invests and manages a portfolio of development partnerships aimed at neglected diseases that afflict the world's poorest people.